AOC Hasn't DONE Anything, But She's Pushing For A Raise


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
You can put lipstick on a pig - even a brand new, younger pig - and it's still a pig.

The Democrats - especially Freshman AOC - have done nothing they were elected to do / have done nothing to help Americans...but the biggest legislation / issue they want to push for is a pay raise for themselves....

Some things never change...

Dems halt effort to secure pay increase for lawmakers, as contempt votes, funding drama loom


...but they are smart enough to know pushing for a pay raise and a phony contempt charge at the same time is a bad idea.
It’s been quite a while since Congress got a pay raise

It is probably due
I see you still have a hard on for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Lame, dipshit.....pointing out what an empty-headed commie that auditioned for the support of the demcrat socialists serves a definite purpose. Crying about those that point these very salient points out gets under that very thin skin of yours. I suggest that you develop a tougher hide because she is the gift that keeps on giving.
A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences
What kind of raise would you give them?

$200,000 with $25,000 bonus for chairmen
$250,000 for speaker and Senate Majority Leader
I see you still have a hard on for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Lame, dipshit.....pointing out what an empty-headed commie that auditioned for the support of the demcrat socialists serves a definite purpose. Crying about those that point these very salient points out gets under that very thin skin of yours. I suggest that you develop a tougher hide because she is the gift that keeps on giving.
Any suggestion from you will never be taken.
A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences
What kind of raise would you give them?

$200,000 with $25,000 bonus for chairmen
$250,000 for speaker and Senate Majority Leader
$50 to get you to stop sucking the Democrat Donkey Dick.
It's actually time to cut their pay by 50%.

In the real world, these cheats, liars and thieves would all be fired.
A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences
They should only get Social Security for Retirement and have to go to The VA for Health Care.

The VA is swamped with patients now, we do not need to add more

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A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
When they are all getting rich, they should get a 50% cut to their pay.

What's on Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer's Daily To Do List for the Last Three Years:

Talk Bad about Trump
Count The Money from Bribes
Talk bad about Trump
Tell the media Trump is an orange menace
4 hour lunch
Have my nails done.
Have my Pubes Waxed
Have My Dentures Polished
Tell The Media Robert Mueller is The Messiah
Talk Bad about Trump.
Cocktails in the office
Sexually Assault a Volunteer or Page
Call for the Limousine to take me home.
Set Up Appointments to take Bribes
Talk Bad about Trump.
Sacrifice a Goat to Satan
Wax my upper lip.
Shave My Legs
Take a Shit
Bed Time Prayers to Satan to ask him if I can be President Some Day.
Have Nightmares about Trump and talk bad about him in my sleep.
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A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences
You forgot to mention the lobbyists. He'll that's tens of thousands a year. Free "fact finding" tours. Book deals. Television. You don't think you get to be millionaires on a representative's salary do you?
I think we should hold Congress' paychecks until they actually do something. Like fix the asylum law for starters.
A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences
They should only get Social Security for Retirement and have to go to The VA for Health Care.

The VA is swamped with patients now, we do not need to add more

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They would ruin The VA.

Put them on Medicare then, you big Pussy.

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