AOC in Miami Beach for 'taste of freedom' as New York sees record number of COVID cases

Okay, so how many of our current agents working more than 8 hours a day? How many are working Saturdays like a lot of working people in our country? The answer is 0.

All businesses understand that it's cheaper to have employees work overtime than hire anew. They hire new employees when their current crop can't reasonably work anymore hours. I worked for employers all my life so I know how things are done with business expansion.

So one of two things here, either the Democrats are so financially stupid they don't realize they'd be better off with paying OT to their current employees, or the Democrats know that the more government dependents there are, the more likely new Democrat votes they will get.
During tax season, all IRS employees work overtime

But given they bring in$4000 for every hour they work it makes sense to hire thousands more
During tax season, all IRS employees work overtime

But given they bring in$4000 for every hour they work it makes sense to hire thousands more

Now your are just making up bullshit numbers off the top of your head. Tax prepares work OT because all their clients come in during a few month period, not IRS agents. What you don't understand about wealthy people and business owners is they file their taxes quarterly. They don't have payroll deductions like we do so the IRS is not about to wait all year for them to pay a dime. Nearly every single one owes a lot of money. $4,000 for every hour they work? Where did you get that number from. I've known people who got audited (my father for one) and they ended up getting even more money back from the government.
Now your are just making up bullshit numbers off the top of your head. Tax prepares work OT because all their clients come in during a few month period, not IRS agents. What you don't understand about wealthy people and business owners is they file their taxes quarterly. They don't have payroll deductions like we do so the IRS is not about to wait all year for them to pay a dime. Nearly every single one owes a lot of money. $4,000 for every hour they work? Where did you get that number from. I've known people who got audited (my father for one) and they ended up getting even more money back from the government.
Already provided my link on how profitable each IRS agent is. Money from making the wealthy pay their legal share.

n 2013, when the IRS agents conducted more than 6,000 audits on taxpayers who made more than $5 million, these audits resulted in $880 million of recommended additional taxes. This worked out to be $4,545 for every hour each agent
spent on these cases.

It is you who is making shit up
Money from making the wealthy pay their legal share.

That's bullshit. Like everything else DemoKKKrats do, the burden falls most heavily on the poor.

Poor taxpayers, or those earning less than $25,000 annually, have an audit rate of 0.69% — more than 50% higher than the overall audit rate.
Already provided my link on how profitable each IRS agent is. Money from making the wealthy pay their legal share.

n 2013, when the IRS agents conducted more than 6,000 audits on taxpayers who made more than $5 million, these audits resulted in $880 million of recommended additional taxes. This worked out to be $4,545 for every hour each agent
spent on these cases.

It is you who is making shit up

"recommended additional taxes"..........................what was the actual figure?
Already provided my link on how profitable each IRS agent is. Money from making the wealthy pay their legal share.

n 2013, when the IRS agents conducted more than 6,000 audits on taxpayers who made more than $5 million, these audits resulted in $880 million of recommended additional taxes. This worked out to be $4,545 for every hour each agent
spent on these cases.

It is you who is making shit up

It's bullshit because those few agents who land a big mistake make up for all those who get nickels and dimes back or nothing at all. So now that would diminish because that total will be spread out by 83,000 more agents, many who won't bring back very much since they'll be spending most of their time messing around looking at transaction of $600.00 or more and do nothing but waste our time and tax dollars.
AOC in Miami Beach for 'taste of freedom' as New York sees record number of COVID cases: report

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to get an early start on New Year’s weekend Thursday, according to a report.

The New York Democrat was seen, maskless and drink in hand, as she dined outside in Miami Beach, Florida, the National Review reported.
She was eating and drinking outside WITHOUT a mask on?? That's just crazy.

In other news: Florida just broke all of it's daily infection records.

"recommended additional taxes"..........................what was the actual figure?

If you looked at what he posted it's more left leaning than a piece by Mother Fn Jones. I call bullshit because Democrats are against a smaller government. Government can't be big enough for them and his article states exactly that.
It's bullshit because those few agents who land a big mistake make up for all those who get nickels and dimes back or nothing at all. So now that would diminish because that total will be spread out by 83,000 more agents, many who won't bring back very much since they'll be spending most of their time messing around looking at transaction of $600.00 or more and do nothing but waste our time and tax dollars.
You are making shit up again
It was Republicans who slashed staffing at the IRS and impacted revenue. Allowed wealthy Americans to get away with more questionable deductions. Agents don’t give a shit about low level taxpayers, they go where the money is

Our President just wants to correct that and hire more agents
She was eating and drinking outside WITHOUT a mask on?? That's just crazy.

In other news: Florida just broke all of it's daily infection records.
After telling the little people they needed to mask up "everywhere".

She was also hugging on drag queens with no mask while in Miami.
She was eating and drinking outside WITHOUT a mask on?? That's just crazy.

In other news: Florida just broke all of it's daily infection records.

AOC lied about her vaccination status, that's why she got Covid. Joe Biden said vaccinated people can't get Covid.
You are making shit up again
It was Republicans who slashed staffing at the IRS and impacted revenue. Allowed wealthy Americans to get away with more questionable deductions. Agents don’t give a shit about low level taxpayers, they go where the money is

Our President just wants to correct that and hire more agents

If agents don't give a shit about low level tax filers, why do we need 83,000 new IRS agents to examine our bank transactions of $600.00 or more? My father made a good living as a blue collar worker but far from high level earner, but he was audited twice, and there is nobody I know more honest than that man. In the end they actually owed him money.

The CPA that does my taxes told me about having to go to the IRS audits with some of his customers. He has no wealthy clientele. A local guy who retired from the Post office that made a little office in his basement and ran his own tax company.

We currently have 75,000 IRS agents already. How many more do we need? According to Dementia, more than double. Why doesn't he double federal employees where we need them like the border? And since we have 75,000 agents and according to you they mostly go after the wealthy and leave the little guy alone, there are a hell of a lot more wealthy people than we know about.

Nice link…

From a year ago

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