AOC Loves Texans

WinterBorn thinks motive for why a person does something shouldn’t factor into how their viewed for doing it. A strange position to take.

He’s also blaming political parties for his frustration with AOC not getting credit for her obvious political stunt.

Not nearly as strange as you purporting to read her mind, now is it.

Gotta love the messageboard-fascist rhetoric of "don't tell me what you think, *I* will tell *YOU* what you think".

So let’s give Donald Trump for donating his salary to the treasury in that case, because you’re not allowed to form an opinion on anyone’s thought process. Your logic, now thank Trump.

I have no reliable source that that ever happened. NOR do I purport to dick-tate what he had in mind in either saying it or doing it.

First of all you’re always asking for links on what is common knowledge to everyone else. Why is that? Do you live in a cave?

Because you've made an assertion here, which comes with the Burden of Proof as standard equipment. This isn't "common knowledge" in any way shape or form. Far as I know the only source is Rump himself, who is the known author of some thirty thousand lies during the four years of his term alone, so chances are this is one of them. This is your opportunity to put a foundation on that claim.

Doesn't matter what cave I live in ---- I DIDN'T MAKE THE CLAIM. It ain't my job to do other people's homework who DID make the claim.

Secondly a White House salary is insignificant to Trump and it’s a meaningless gesture clearly intended to ingratiate himself with voters. The guy didn’t do it because he’s all about love of country.

If it's "insignificant" then why did you just a post ago bring it up??

Another assertion I’ll make is you don’t know what your talking about hardly ever. It’s okay to read people’s minds and say they motivated by blind partisanship because they’re questioning AOC’s motives, but it’s not okay to read into AOC’s motives. Cognitive dissonance for ya.

As far as Trump I’m not even going to bother, because you know your full of it.

Apparently you're not going to bother because you can't, because there's no link, and you were running on the fumes of Rump's mendacity exactly as I suspected.

And no, it's never valid to claim to know what somebody else's motivations are with no evidence.

Uhm actually you did. You consigned Winerborn’s post blaming partisanship for the backlash AOC received. Nice try
WinterBorn thinks motive for why a person does something shouldn’t factor into how their viewed for doing it. A strange position to take.

He’s also blaming political parties for his frustration with AOC not getting credit for her obvious political stunt.

Not nearly as strange as you purporting to read her mind, now is it.

Gotta love the messageboard-fascist rhetoric of "don't tell me what you think, *I* will tell *YOU* what you think".

So let’s give Donald Trump for donating his salary to the treasury in that case, because you’re not allowed to form an opinion on anyone’s thought process. Your logic, now thank Trump.

I have no reliable source that that ever happened. NOR do I purport to dick-tate what he had in mind in either saying it or doing it.

First of all you’re always asking for links on what is common knowledge to everyone else. Why is that? Do you live in a cave?

Because you've made an assertion here, which comes with the Burden of Proof as standard equipment. This isn't "common knowledge" in any way shape or form. Far as I know the only source is Rump himself, who is the known author of some thirty thousand lies during the four years of his term alone, so chances are this is one of them. This is your opportunity to put a foundation on that claim.

Doesn't matter what cave I live in ---- I DIDN'T MAKE THE CLAIM. It ain't my job to do other people's homework who DID make the claim.

Secondly a White House salary is insignificant to Trump and it’s a meaningless gesture clearly intended to ingratiate himself with voters. The guy didn’t do it because he’s all about love of country.

If it's "insignificant" then why did you just a post ago bring it up??

Another assertion I’ll make is you don’t know what your talking about hardly ever. It’s okay to read people’s minds and say they motivated by blind partisanship because they’re questioning AOC’s motives, but it’s not okay to read into AOC’s motives. Cognitive dissonance for ya.

As far as Trump I’m not even going to bother, because you know your full of it.

Apparently you're not going to bother because you can't, because there's no link, and you were running on the fumes of Rump's mendacity exactly as I suspected.

And no, it's never valid to claim to know what somebody else's motivations are with no evidence.

Uhm actually you did. You consigned Winerborn’s post blaming partisanship for the backlash AOC received. Nice try


What are we, a thrift store now? I haven't "consigned" jack friggety. I deal directly.
WinterBorn thinks motive for why a person does something shouldn’t factor into how their viewed for doing it. A strange position to take.

He’s also blaming political parties for his frustration with AOC not getting credit for her obvious political stunt.

Not nearly as strange as you purporting to read her mind, now is it.

Gotta love the messageboard-fascist rhetoric of "don't tell me what you think, *I* will tell *YOU* what you think".

So let’s give Donald Trump for donating his salary to the treasury in that case, because you’re not allowed to form an opinion on anyone’s thought process. Your logic, now thank Trump.

I have no reliable source that that ever happened. NOR do I purport to dick-tate what he had in mind in either saying it or doing it.

First of all you’re always asking for links on what is common knowledge to everyone else. Why is that? Do you live in a cave?

Because you've made an assertion here, which comes with the Burden of Proof as standard equipment. This isn't "common knowledge" in any way shape or form. Far as I know the only source is Rump himself, who is the known author of some thirty thousand lies during the four years of his term alone, so chances are this is one of them. This is your opportunity to put a foundation on that claim.

Doesn't matter what cave I live in ---- I DIDN'T MAKE THE CLAIM. It ain't my job to do other people's homework who DID make the claim.

Secondly a White House salary is insignificant to Trump and it’s a meaningless gesture clearly intended to ingratiate himself with voters. The guy didn’t do it because he’s all about love of country.

If it's "insignificant" then why did you just a post ago bring it up??

Another assertion I’ll make is you don’t know what your talking about hardly ever. It’s okay to read people’s minds and say they motivated by blind partisanship because they’re questioning AOC’s motives, but it’s not okay to read into AOC’s motives. Cognitive dissonance for ya.

As far as Trump I’m not even going to bother, because you know your full of it.

Apparently you're not going to bother because you can't, because there's no link, and you were running on the fumes of Rump's mendacity exactly as I suspected.

And no, it's never valid to claim to know what somebody else's motivations are with no evidence.

Uhm actually you did. You consigned Winerborn’s post blaming partisanship for the backlash AOC received. Nice try


What are we, a thrift store now? I haven't "consigned" jack friggety. I deal directly.

Yeah typically when people thank posts they do so because they agree with them, if that’s not the reason what is?
WinterBorn thinks motive for why a person does something shouldn’t factor into how their viewed for doing it. A strange position to take.

He’s also blaming political parties for his frustration with AOC not getting credit for her obvious political stunt.

Not nearly as strange as you purporting to read her mind, now is it.

Gotta love the messageboard-fascist rhetoric of "don't tell me what you think, *I* will tell *YOU* what you think".

So let’s give Donald Trump for donating his salary to the treasury in that case, because you’re not allowed to form an opinion on anyone’s thought process. Your logic, now thank Trump.

I have no reliable source that that ever happened. NOR do I purport to dick-tate what he had in mind in either saying it or doing it.

First of all you’re always asking for links on what is common knowledge to everyone else. Why is that? Do you live in a cave?

Because you've made an assertion here, which comes with the Burden of Proof as standard equipment. This isn't "common knowledge" in any way shape or form. Far as I know the only source is Rump himself, who is the known author of some thirty thousand lies during the four years of his term alone, so chances are this is one of them. This is your opportunity to put a foundation on that claim.

Doesn't matter what cave I live in ---- I DIDN'T MAKE THE CLAIM. It ain't my job to do other people's homework who DID make the claim.

Secondly a White House salary is insignificant to Trump and it’s a meaningless gesture clearly intended to ingratiate himself with voters. The guy didn’t do it because he’s all about love of country.

If it's "insignificant" then why did you just a post ago bring it up??

Another assertion I’ll make is you don’t know what your talking about hardly ever. It’s okay to read people’s minds and say they motivated by blind partisanship because they’re questioning AOC’s motives, but it’s not okay to read into AOC’s motives. Cognitive dissonance for ya.

As far as Trump I’m not even going to bother, because you know your full of it.

Apparently you're not going to bother because you can't, because there's no link, and you were running on the fumes of Rump's mendacity exactly as I suspected.

And no, it's never valid to claim to know what somebody else's motivations are with no evidence.

Uhm actually you did. You consigned Winerborn’s post blaming partisanship for the backlash AOC received. Nice try


What are we, a thrift store now? I haven't "consigned" jack friggety. I deal directly.

Yeah typically when people thank posts they do so because they agree with them, if that’s not the reason what is?

You think that's what "consign" means?

I don't know, show me the post and I'll remark on what I clicked on.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

She really is awesome. So awesome that Republicans fear her, and now she does this. Beautiful.

$3.5 million move on Texans.
Beyoncé signed up 130,000 people to help them with up to $1,000, all the while Rick Perry is telling the press that Texans like being put through hell to satiate the greed of the capitalist.
not impressed with the RICH helping people with $$$.....

You'd rather have the poor do it, huh.
hahhahahahahahahahah-you can't comprehend basic English----there is NOTHING in my post that is anywhere near that.........I said I'm not impressed with the rich giving out $$$$'s like someone making 50,000$ a year giving a it nice/good/etc? sure--but they are no St Teresa--or that other saint, Saint Floyd
Do you think Texans should except Federal funds? I don't. Why should taxpayers bail them out on their cheapness.
Do I sound like a Texan sounds?
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.

Unfortunately these are the times man....Nothing goes unquestioned.
We hate each other and we like hating each other....that's todays dynamic.
That is you more than anyone around and you flaunt it. Pissing moaning and whining.
Wow AOC is a compassionate and great person.

Actually no AOC is a charlatan.

Has she ever raised money for any other state going through a difficult situation? If no why this one at this time?
How many times does Texas and the South require this? You know, help from disaster. The fact is she raised $3.5M to help. Seems to make you mad.
Beyoncé signed up 130,000 people to help them with up to $1,000, all the while Rick Perry is telling the press that Texans like being put through hell to satiate the greed of the capitalist.
not impressed with the RICH helping people with $$$.....

You'd rather have the poor do it, huh.
hahhahahahahahahahah-you can't comprehend basic English----there is NOTHING in my post that is anywhere near that.........I said I'm not impressed with the rich giving out $$$$'s like someone making 50,000$ a year giving a it nice/good/etc? sure--but they are no St Teresa--or that other saint, Saint Floyd
Do you think Texans should except Federal funds? I don't. Why should taxpayers bail them out on their cheapness.
Do I sound like a Texan sounds?
?????what???? what's that got to do with rich people giving to charity?

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