AOC Loves Texans

Why didn't Obiden show up?

Damn, the Crypt Keeper could have atleast sent Obamala huh?
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

Link to "disregarding the problems of her own constituency"?

What'd she do, run off to Cancun?
Did she raise a million for her constituents that are in need? Ask another moronic question.

I thought they said $2 M was raised for Texas! She's a better person than me! Those jerks in the South use her as a penata to score political points at her expense every day of the week! You'll never see reciprical accomodations being made! When something bad happens in the North, it's Gawd's will and probably justified punishment from those fk'n hillbillies! I can list the occasions, but won't! As a party, Republicans are hateful SOB's who are going down all the time following Trump into the sewers of the country! As a senior, I say destroy it all! I can't waste more time and energy dealing with a-holes that are so hateful they won't even come together in these times of a pandemic and economic en oiu! I have no words for those types on the "right!" THEY plain and simply can't be redeemed it seems to me! Fk 'em all! :stir:
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Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.

Unfortunately these are the times man....Nothing goes unquestioned.
We hate each other and we like hating each other....that's todays dynamic.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I'm not a fan of hers either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger?" That is just fucked up.

Well you're speaking of Conservatives/Repukelicans who just can't help being "D!CKS!" :stir:
Last edited:
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I'm not a fan of hers either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger?" That is just fucked up.

Well you're speaking of Conservatives/Repukelicans who just can't help being "D!CKS!" :stir:

lol who did you help? Did you shovel snow, or just shovel Party bullshit like you're doing now. The only people your Party hacks ever help is themselves. The 'crisis' here was almost all over by yesterday afternoon; all your hacks are going to do is come down for a few minutes, stand under a shade tree, and babble for a couple of minutes.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
The Texans I know are saying get the government out of my life. They are a hearty bunch--if anyone is whining it is CA transplants that couldn't blow their own noses.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

How can you say that?

Look at the great job she did getting Amazon to build in her district.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

The truth is she is American helping other Americans. Yes, she is a NY rep. But that does not mean she should ignore anyone not in NY.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

How can you say that?

Look at the great job she did getting Amazon to build in her district.
Great point, had forgotten about that one.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

The truth is she is American helping other Americans. Yes, she is a NY rep. But that does not mean she should ignore anyone not in NY.
I believe you are naive--she is trying to make points with the new illegals that China Joe is allowing free access to.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

The truth is she is American helping other Americans. Yes, she is a NY rep. But that does not mean she should ignore anyone not in NY.
I believe you are naive--she is trying to make points with the new illegals that China Joe is allowing free access to.

I believe the charity is the one distributing money and assistance.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

The truth is she is American helping other Americans. Yes, she is a NY rep. But that does not mean she should ignore anyone not in NY.
I believe you are naive--she is trying to make points with the new illegals that China Joe is allowing free access to.

I believe the charity is the one distributing money and assistance.
Probably...but do those charities specialize in helping illegals fuck Americans over?
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
So what are you saying? That soros gave her $1 million to try to buy some support and votes for communism?
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
So let me get this straight--you've got an unemployed rich politician with nothing to do who wanders around the state saying "I feel your pain" and a carpet bagging New Yorker who is disregarding the problems of her own constituency to go down and be a busy body in someone else's state. Sounds productive to me. NOT.

The "busy body", as you call her, was busy raising funds for the people in Texas. Imagine that. Putting forth the effort to raise money to help people who do not vote for her, and many of whom are very vocal about disliking her. And yet, she puts forth the effort to raise funds to help them when they need it. And you bitch about it? Sad.

And as for the "unemployed rich politician", I didn't read anything about him just wandering around saying "I feel your pain". I read about him checking on senior citizens and helping them get to warming centers if they needed it. The last I saw there were 34 deaths from the weather in Texas. He wasn't feeling their pain. He was helping them to not die. And you bitch about it? Again, just sad.

Have you dug down on the story and uncovered the facts?
Are you sure of her motivation? Are you sure there is no caveat?
Are you sure she’s not trying to funnel American cash to her illegal pet humans in El Paso, Del Rio and Laredo?
We all know she hates America and core Americans...shit ain't adding up.

I know that Texans are in dire need of help, and she is helping. If there is a political benefit, I don't really care.

This is a perfect example of why I think political parties and partisan politics are destroying our nation. I get not liking AOC. I am not a fan of her either. But when someone steps up to answer a need, puts in the effort to help, she is slammed as a "busy body" or "carpet bagger"? That is just fucked up.
Truth is truth, sorry if you can't handle it. She is a NY rep and she isn't representing her populace.

The truth is she is American helping other Americans. Yes, she is a NY rep. But that does not mean she should ignore anyone not in NY.
I believe you are naive--she is trying to make points with the new illegals that China Joe is allowing free access to.

I believe the charity is the one distributing money and assistance.
Probably...but do those charities specialize in helping illegals fuck Americans over?

If I had to guess, I would guess those charities specialize in getting food, water, generators and other needed stuff to people who need it.

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