AOC Loves Texans

While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Isn't it interesting that AOC is raising the money through ActBlue, which refuses to list where the money actually goes?????

ActBlue: The Left’s Favorite “Dark Money” Machine - Capital Research Center

ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics file Form 990 reports with the IRS, meaning that their top-line finances are publicly disclosed. (ActBlue PAC is governed by the Federal Election Commission and so files different reports.) In 2018 (the latest year available), ActBlue Charities reported almost $24 million in revenues and ActBlue Civics took in an impressive $49 million.

But nearly all the money ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics paid out is reported generically in one lump, as “passed-through contributions”—meaning those ActBlue nonprofits don’t have to disclose which groups they passed money to or how much each group received in total.

Considering the Left’s loathing for untraceable “dark money,” that’s shocking hypocrisy.

Other nonprofits largely function as pass-throughs, but they normally report the end-recipient of the money flows. I’m not aware of any other nonprofits that hide that lumping everything into the generic expense of “passed-through contributions” the way ActBlue does. In fact, I wonder if any reporter has ever asked ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics if the IRS has explicitly okayed their highly convenient non-reporting?


Diga me this Tonto....
---- where's the money Rump has been begging for throughout the duration of his fake "waaah I won" hissyfit going?
How about addressing my point???

I have shown where ActBlue's reporting practices are sketchy (meaning that they could collect the money for the people in Texas, give it all to Antifa to pay for riots, and there wouldn't be any way to detect the scam due to the way they report their disbursements)...

Why wouldn't any halfway intelligent person question if AOC and ActBlue are ripping them and the people in Texas off???
You should ask that same thing to Bannon and especially those that fell for that "wall" scam.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?

Well Raw Story got it half right.

AOC didn't raise 1 million dollars for Texas while cruz was in Mexico.

She raised TWO MILLION dollars.

2milion2million2milion can I get a leftists 3million.

Buy the end of the week it will be 30 million says.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?

You really are a meat head:

Ya think now she'll drop that global warming shit?

Nope, global warming is here to stay. Too much pollution and even more ignorance. Your grandchildren - if you have any - will benefit from the green new deal.
She cares more about polar bears and ice than she does humans fuck off hippies

Environmentalists can go neck themselves
Evidently by raising a million dollars for the frozen citizens of Texass versus zero dollars raised by Ted I think she deserves a round of applause while we boo at the Canuke Cruz.
See how the KOOK's act? Soiling in pity.

I'm an independent in illinois

I'll pass on AOC energy policy you stupid fucks

We pay nothing for energy here because we're not retarded hippies who think that regressive policy that makes energy cost more is good for anyone but teh rich

Newsflash "progressive" men of reddit. THe matriarchal party you're following is full of retarded ideas it's not 2008.

"women will save us"

No lol
You pay nothing for energy in Illinois, even the gasoline for car energy is free? I think you are full of it.

Illinois doesn't control gas prices...Do you think that comment is clever? You fucking retard

The rest yea I'm paying under half what many of you pay

6.5c a kwh here. And that's with all the winterization you can imagine

Anything else is an attack on the poor.

Which AOC champions. Fuck her. Fuck you.

And fuck any retarded hippy who thinks increasing energy prices is good.

Why so angry? Stormed any capital buildings lately?

yes i stormed the capital as an independent to lynch pence for his betrayal lol

fucking whiney liberals. They literally chant hang Pence and still you try to smear them with it

Hey retard they were going to kill their own VP that's not an insurrection that's a lynching.

Just because AOC pretended she was at risk doesn't make it true. Just makes you look like the petty retard who is just as bad as the other side.

Someone is definitely off their meds.
She cares more about polar bears and ice than she does humans fuck off hippies

Environmentalists can go neck themselves
Evidently by raising a million dollars for the frozen citizens of Texass versus zero dollars raised by Ted I think she deserves a round of applause while we boo at the Canuke Cruz.
See how the KOOK's act? Soiling in pity.

I'm an independent in illinois

I'll pass on AOC energy policy you stupid fucks

We pay nothing for energy here because we're not retarded hippies who think that regressive policy that makes energy cost more is good for anyone but teh rich

Newsflash "progressive" men of reddit. THe matriarchal party you're following is full of retarded ideas it's not 2008.

"women will save us"

No lol
You pay nothing for energy in Illinois, even the gasoline for car energy is free? I think you are full of it.

Illinois doesn't control gas prices...Do you think that comment is clever? You fucking retard

The rest yea I'm paying under half what many of you pay

6.5c a kwh here. And that's with all the winterization you can imagine

Anything else is an attack on the poor.

Which AOC champions. Fuck her. Fuck you.

And fuck any retarded hippy who thinks increasing energy prices is good.

Why so angry? Stormed any capital buildings lately?

yes i stormed the capital as an independent to lynch pence for his betrayal lol

fucking whiney liberals. They literally chant hang Pence and still you try to smear them with it

Hey retard they were going to kill their own VP that's not an insurrection that's a lynching.

Just because AOC pretended she was at risk doesn't make it true. Just makes you look like the petty retard who is just as bad as the other side.

Someone is definitely off their meds.

try not to project kiddo

go see your therapist to talk about it hahaha

where do you effete little things get off talking like that? more delusion
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

She really is awesome. So awesome that Republicans fear her, and now she does this. Beautiful.

While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Isn't it interesting that AOC is raising the money through ActBlue, which refuses to list where the money actually goes?????

ActBlue: The Left’s Favorite “Dark Money” Machine - Capital Research Center

ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics file Form 990 reports with the IRS, meaning that their top-line finances are publicly disclosed. (ActBlue PAC is governed by the Federal Election Commission and so files different reports.) In 2018 (the latest year available), ActBlue Charities reported almost $24 million in revenues and ActBlue Civics took in an impressive $49 million.

But nearly all the money ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics paid out is reported generically in one lump, as “passed-through contributions”—meaning those ActBlue nonprofits don’t have to disclose which groups they passed money to or how much each group received in total.

Considering the Left’s loathing for untraceable “dark money,” that’s shocking hypocrisy.

Other nonprofits largely function as pass-throughs, but they normally report the end-recipient of the money flows. I’m not aware of any other nonprofits that hide that lumping everything into the generic expense of “passed-through contributions” the way ActBlue does. In fact, I wonder if any reporter has ever asked ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics if the IRS has explicitly okayed their highly convenient non-reporting?


Diga me this Tonto....
---- where's the money Rump has been begging for throughout the duration of his fake "waaah I won" hissyfit going?
How about addressing my point???

I have shown where ActBlue's reporting practices are sketchy (meaning that they could collect the money for the people in Texas, give it all to Antifa to pay for riots, and there wouldn't be any way to detect the scam due to the way they report their disbursements)...

Why wouldn't any halfway intelligent person question if AOC and ActBlue are ripping them and the people in Texas off???
You should ask that same thing to Bannon and especially those that fell for that "wall" scam.

The wall scam...
The fake university scam...
The fake election fraud scam....
"I'll release my taxes" scam, health care replacement scam, fake veteran's fund scam....

But no, they want to look past all that and go "HEY what if something happens over there" --- "because AOC".

Cults. Where two plus two equals five.
Beto called people, and told them he felt their pain, or something to that effect?

AOS got her name back in the headlines to hide all the 'republicans are trying to kill me' memes?


never been overly fond of him anyway.
(remember green eggs and ham? I do)
Beyoncé signed up 130,000 people to help them with up to $1,000, all the while Rick Perry is telling the press that Texans like being put through hell to satiate the greed of the capitalist.
Beyoncé signed up 130,000 people to help them with up to $1,000, all the while Rick Perry is telling the press that Texans like being put through hell to satiate the greed of the capitalist.
not impressed with the RICH helping people with $$$.....
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?
It's all over the media. Would you prefer CBS:

How about FOX:

or Newsweek:

I’ll take them over any of the websites the are extreme like brietbart or raw story. How the hell can anyone believe what either post? They are garbage sites.

Because they LINK TO THEIR SOURCE, Dumbass.
Again, the fact that some story they choose to post gives you the freaking vapors, is irrelevant.

I don’t waste my time to go to raw story or Breitbart not worth my time. Thanks for the insult, nice to know you are still an asshole, thanks for the reminder.

Plus you got several other sources for the SAME TWEET that you even QUOTED.


I don’t care, I read the post and that was it. If you don’t like it I’m good with that.
lol what are they going to do? Same thing they did during the crisis; Nothing. It' just a Media Moment to get all the tards excited and they wait for the 60 degree weather to get here and then run down here for some photo ops and bribe some La Raza thugs. China Joe will grope some brown and black kids for the cameras and go back home.
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Beyoncé signed up 130,000 people to help them with up to $1,000, all the while Rick Perry is telling the press that Texans like being put through hell to satiate the greed of the capitalist.
not impressed with the RICH helping people with $$$.....

My experience with them is that about half of them will never honor their pledges, and about 85% o what is left will go to 'overhead n stuff', and 15% will go to some radical group or other who will embezzle two thirds of it.
Beyoncé signed up 130,000 people to help them with up to $1,000, all the while Rick Perry is telling the press that Texans like being put through hell to satiate the greed of the capitalist.
not impressed with the RICH helping people with $$$.....

You'd rather have the poor do it, huh.

But hey, if you're not impressed with the rich helping out, this must have rocked your world....

"Welfare calls". I bet that made Texans happy.
I guess sympathy toward and working for the welfare of senior citizens isn't a Texas thing. I guess I shouldn't say that. Beto's a Texan and stands head and shoulders above the Republican political class of the state.

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