AOC Loves Texans

While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?
It's all over the media. Would you prefer CBS:

How about FOX:

or Newsweek:

I’ll take them over any of the websites the are extreme like brietbart or raw story. How the hell can anyone believe what either post? They are garbage sites.
Green energy failed Texas.

Green Energy is 25% of Texas power. That's predominantly Wind (23%) and Solar (2%).

The wind froze up and the sun doesn't shine in a snow storm.

AOC Loves Texans
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
The bitch can go use a barbed wire wrapped Louisville Slugger as a tampon packer.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

Raw Story is a bad site to get info and a lot of misinformation is spewed, so I won’t waste my time reading the crap. Find a better site.

Now, if AOC did do as claimed, the good for her. I Ike AOC, I disagree with a lot of her positions, however she is true to her beliefs, unklike 99% of the politicians in DC.

There is no "If". The tweet from AOC is sitting right there on the RawStory page. And it's linked.
Just because you want to go "booga booga" on the basis of who the URL is, doesn't make it any less real.
Green energy failed Texas.

Green Energy is 25% of Texas power. That's predominantly Wind (23%) and Solar (2%).

The wind froze up and the sun doesn't shine in a snow storm.


Drama Queen. The turbines on the coast didn't freeze and made up for most of the frozen turbines. Not so for the Coal and gas fired plants that couldn't start because of lack of winterization requirements in the state.
She cares more about polar bears and ice than she does humans fuck off hippies

Environmentalists can go neck themselves
Evidently by raising a million dollars for the frozen citizens of Texass versus zero dollars raised by Ted I think she deserves a round of applause while we boo at the Canuke Cruz.

If you made her dictator she'd give Texans rolling black outs to save the fucking polar bears
Like Gregg Abbott and the legislature of Texas did?

He did a great job creating sound bites blaming Renewables. They will raise the price, and come up with what will be described as an ineffective solution the next time this happens. It's Texas. We elected Ted. Buy a generator.

It's not some talking point

That's what they want

If you prioritize the polar bears over cheap energy you're attacking the poor, period

it's like raising the price of bread. Except bread logistic lines aren't extremely complicated. Other than nuclear renewable energy will be like this. To prevent it you would need enough battery storage to last weeks, which will never happen. It would drive the cost of energy up to obscene levels. Which is why Texas had no energy storage for even their 10% fo the grid that was renewable.

Green energy requires storage so even if you're producing energy, you have to be able to store it. A huge advantage to fossil fuels is you can just flick on production whenever you want and don't have to store the energy. You store the fuel.

Abbott had to recant what was implied on Hannity, of course......

GREG ABBOTT: Every source of power that the state of Texas has has been compromised.

OMAR VILLAFRANCA: Texas Governor Greg Abbott is leaving no one out when it comes to the state's energy failures.

GREG ABBOTT: Whether it be renewable power, such as wind or solar, but also as I mentioned today, access to coal generated power, access to gas generated power, also have been compromised.

OMAR VILLAFRANCA: For context, in 2020, wind and solar energy were responsible for roughly 25% of the state's electricity generation throughout the year. That, compared to natural gas, coal, and nuclear power, which combined for roughly 69%.

ED HIRS: The natural gas generators are the ones that we were all counting on to provide the electricity. Some coal plants were supposed to fire up also, and they didn't answer the bell either.

OMAR VILLAFRANCA: Even if wind was a major source, the reason behind that failure is much of the equipment has not been winterized, which can include using heaters and insulated pipes. That's something places like Minnesota do, and their wind turbines don't shut down in the cold.

After a 2011 winter storm in Texas crippled power, a report recommended winterizing power sources. According to Hirs, the recommendations were not followed.

ED HIRS: The warnings have been there for years, and Governor Abbott has done nothing. Before that, Governor Perry did nothing. This was a train wreck on the way to happening 10 years ago.

I know this is complicated for you

But Abbott being incompetent and not forcing winterization of the grid is not a point in your favor

AOC is still a vapid **** whether or not Abbott is competent is irrelevant.

I am not making the point there should be no regulation. We get very cheap power in illinois with much more stringent regulation than texas

Why the fuck would you quote hannity at me? I told you i'm an independent. Dunking on him means nothing to me. He and every major texas politician but Rick Perry of all people should be hung for not winterizing their grid because it's not profitable.

Should hang AOC for caring more about polar bears than americans

I don't care about her position on polar bears. I care that my Governor only mentioned green energy as the source of the problem on Hannity, giving the echo chamber the right to lie aka one of their standard talking point techniques, All sectors had failure because the State GOP didn't require winterization in law. But taxes and energy are cheap and it has been like this for a long time. If your a home owner in Texas, get a generator, It's the only way to be sure.

So you want to trade the man who let's enron run your state and turn it over to hippies who don't think you have a right to emit pollution to stay warm/ lol

I understand the impulse to get rid of Abbott and anyone else tainted by this.

I do not understand your desire to lionize hippies who would do this to you not for profit. But for polar bears

The end result would no doubt be worse form the hippies because their goals are totally irrational. At least you can understand why Texas capitalists didn't winterize their grid. It's not profitable.

Why hippies care more about animals than children is beyond me.

What hippies do you think I want Texas handed over too, and why do you think I lionized them.

Why do you hate polar bears? Do you think lions are better than polar bears?

Would you like to feed the Hippies to the polar bears, lions or both? Would you have a preference?
Many of the hippies came to power.
She cares more about polar bears and ice than she does humans fuck off hippies

Environmentalists can go neck themselves
Evidently by raising a million dollars for the frozen citizens of Texass versus zero dollars raised by Ted I think she deserves a round of applause while we boo at the Canuke Cruz.

If you made her dictator she'd give Texans rolling black outs to save the fucking polar bears
Like Gregg Abbott and the legislature of Texas did?

He did a great job creating sound bites blaming Renewables. They will raise the price, and come up with what will be described as an ineffective solution the next time this happens. It's Texas. We elected Ted. Buy a generator.

It's not some talking point

That's what they want

If you prioritize the polar bears over cheap energy you're attacking the poor, period

it's like raising the price of bread. Except bread logistic lines aren't extremely complicated. Other than nuclear renewable energy will be like this. To prevent it you would need enough battery storage to last weeks, which will never happen. It would drive the cost of energy up to obscene levels. Which is why Texas had no energy storage for even their 10% fo the grid that was renewable.

Green energy requires storage so even if you're producing energy, you have to be able to store it. A huge advantage to fossil fuels is you can just flick on production whenever you want and don't have to store the energy. You store the fuel.

Abbott had to recant what was implied on Hannity, of course......

GREG ABBOTT: Every source of power that the state of Texas has has been compromised.

OMAR VILLAFRANCA: Texas Governor Greg Abbott is leaving no one out when it comes to the state's energy failures.

GREG ABBOTT: Whether it be renewable power, such as wind or solar, but also as I mentioned today, access to coal generated power, access to gas generated power, also have been compromised.

OMAR VILLAFRANCA: For context, in 2020, wind and solar energy were responsible for roughly 25% of the state's electricity generation throughout the year. That, compared to natural gas, coal, and nuclear power, which combined for roughly 69%.

ED HIRS: The natural gas generators are the ones that we were all counting on to provide the electricity. Some coal plants were supposed to fire up also, and they didn't answer the bell either.

OMAR VILLAFRANCA: Even if wind was a major source, the reason behind that failure is much of the equipment has not been winterized, which can include using heaters and insulated pipes. That's something places like Minnesota do, and their wind turbines don't shut down in the cold.

After a 2011 winter storm in Texas crippled power, a report recommended winterizing power sources. According to Hirs, the recommendations were not followed.

ED HIRS: The warnings have been there for years, and Governor Abbott has done nothing. Before that, Governor Perry did nothing. This was a train wreck on the way to happening 10 years ago.

I know this is complicated for you

But Abbott being incompetent and not forcing winterization of the grid is not a point in your favor

AOC is still a vapid **** whether or not Abbott is competent is irrelevant.

I am not making the point there should be no regulation. We get very cheap power in illinois [sic]
with much more stringent regulation than texas [sic]

Why the fuck would you quote hannity [sic] at me? I told you i'm an independent. Dunking on him means nothing to me. He and every major texas [sic] politician but Rick Perry of all people should be hung for not winterizing their grid because it's not profitable.

Should hang AOC for caring more about polar bears than americans [sic]

Sooooooooooooooooo Texans are not "americans [sic]" ?

You think her raising a million to solve a problem she'd force on them is a sign she cares about them?

You think that strawman is gonna stand up?


Strawman? What

Do you know what "environmentalists" want? lol

You don't have a right to emit to stay warm you pleb

Nice try tho. "you're straw manning these openly professed beliefs"

What teh fuck do you think teh green new deal is/ Raising energy costs for animals is what it is

Should I have cited you for Red Herring instead?

THERE AIN'T NO polar bears in raising a million bucks to help Texas. There ain't no "green new deal" in raising a million bucks for Texas. There ain't no "raising energy costs" in raising a million bucks for Texas.

Just chaps your ass that a Congresswoman from 1500 miles away was able to do that so easily, doesn't it.

A million dollars it's 2021 that won't save a single person lol

She should have just went down there and saved one person would have done more good.

What the fuck is even a billion dollars going to do here? Nothing

Retarded hippy bullshit

You just illustrated exactly what I said in post 54.

Some of these wankers are so Bitter Old Man, you could hand them a million dollars and they'd just whine and complain about the color of the money.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?
It's all over the media. Would you prefer CBS:

How about FOX:

or Newsweek:

I’ll take them over any of the websites the are extreme like brietbart or raw story. How the hell can anyone believe what either post? They are garbage sites.

Because they LINK TO THEIR SOURCE, Dumbass.
Again, the fact that some story they choose to post gives you the freaking vapors, is irrelevant.
Green energy failed Texas.

Green Energy is 25% of Texas power. That's predominantly Wind (23%) and Solar (2%).

The wind froze up and the sun doesn't shine in a snow storm.


The wind turbines up the street from me are still functioning. Mind you it's 28 F today, but the wind turbines never stopped working even when it was below 0 earlier this week. Also, the wind turbines throughout Scandanavia didn't stop working either.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?
It's all over the media. Would you prefer CBS:

How about FOX:

or Newsweek:

I’ll take them over any of the websites the are extreme like brietbart or raw story. How the hell can anyone believe what either post? They are garbage sites.
Brain like a snail there dummy.
You can’t defend you position so you call people names. Thanks for the info.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?
It's all over the media. Would you prefer CBS:

How about FOX:

or Newsweek:

I’ll take them over any of the websites the are extreme like brietbart or raw story. How the hell can anyone believe what either post? They are garbage sites.

Because they LINK TO THEIR SOURCE, Dumbass.
Again, the fact that some story they choose to post gives you the freaking vapors, is irrelevant.

I don’t waste my time to go to raw story or Breitbart not worth my time. Thanks for the insult, nice to know you are still an asshole, thanks for the reminder.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Isn't it interesting that AOC is raising the money through ActBlue, which refuses to list where the money actually goes?????

ActBlue: The Left’s Favorite “Dark Money” Machine - Capital Research Center

ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics file Form 990 reports with the IRS, meaning that their top-line finances are publicly disclosed. (ActBlue PAC is governed by the Federal Election Commission and so files different reports.) In 2018 (the latest year available), ActBlue Charities reported almost $24 million in revenues and ActBlue Civics took in an impressive $49 million.

But nearly all the money ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics paid out is reported generically in one lump, as “passed-through contributions”—meaning those ActBlue nonprofits don’t have to disclose which groups they passed money to or how much each group received in total.

Considering the Left’s loathing for untraceable “dark money,” that’s shocking hypocrisy.

Other nonprofits largely function as pass-throughs, but they normally report the end-recipient of the money flows. I’m not aware of any other nonprofits that hide that lumping everything into the generic expense of “passed-through contributions” the way ActBlue does. In fact, I wonder if any reporter has ever asked ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics if the IRS has explicitly okayed their highly convenient non-reporting?
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Raw Story? FFS! WTF is wrong with you?
It's all over the media. Would you prefer CBS:

How about FOX:

or Newsweek:

I’ll take them over any of the websites the are extreme like brietbart or raw story. How the hell can anyone believe what either post? They are garbage sites.

Because they LINK TO THEIR SOURCE, Dumbass.
Again, the fact that some story they choose to post gives you the freaking vapors, is irrelevant.

I don’t waste my time to go to raw story or Breitbart not worth my time. Thanks for the insult, nice to know you are still an asshole, thanks for the reminder.

Plus you got several other sources for the SAME TWEET that you even QUOTED.

While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Isn't it interesting that AOC is raising the money through ActBlue, which refuses to list where the money actually goes?????

ActBlue: The Left’s Favorite “Dark Money” Machine - Capital Research Center

ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics file Form 990 reports with the IRS, meaning that their top-line finances are publicly disclosed. (ActBlue PAC is governed by the Federal Election Commission and so files different reports.) In 2018 (the latest year available), ActBlue Charities reported almost $24 million in revenues and ActBlue Civics took in an impressive $49 million.

But nearly all the money ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics paid out is reported generically in one lump, as “passed-through contributions”—meaning those ActBlue nonprofits don’t have to disclose which groups they passed money to or how much each group received in total.

Considering the Left’s loathing for untraceable “dark money,” that’s shocking hypocrisy.

Other nonprofits largely function as pass-throughs, but they normally report the end-recipient of the money flows. I’m not aware of any other nonprofits that hide that lumping everything into the generic expense of “passed-through contributions” the way ActBlue does. In fact, I wonder if any reporter has ever asked ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics if the IRS has explicitly okayed their highly convenient non-reporting?


Diga me this Tonto....
---- where's the money Rump has been begging for throughout the duration of his fake "waaah I won" hissyfit going?
She cares more about polar bears and ice than she does humans fuck off hippies

Environmentalists can go neck themselves
Evidently by raising a million dollars for the frozen citizens of Texass versus zero dollars raised by Ted I think she deserves a round of applause while we boo at the Canuke Cruz.
See how the KOOK's act? Soiling in pity.

I'm an independent in illinois

I'll pass on AOC energy policy you stupid fucks

We pay nothing for energy here because we're not retarded hippies who think that regressive policy that makes energy cost more is good for anyone but teh rich

Newsflash "progressive" men of reddit. THe matriarchal party you're following is full of retarded ideas it's not 2008.

"women will save us"

No lol
You pay nothing for energy in Illinois, even the gasoline for car energy is free? I think you are full of it.

Illinois doesn't control gas prices...Do you think that comment is clever? You fucking retard

The rest yea I'm paying under half what many of you pay

6.5c a kwh here. And that's with all the winterization you can imagine

Anything else is an attack on the poor.

Which AOC champions. Fuck her. Fuck you.

And fuck any retarded hippy who thinks increasing energy prices is good.

Why so angry? Stormed any capital buildings lately?
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Isn't it interesting that AOC is raising the money through ActBlue, which refuses to list where the money actually goes?????

ActBlue: The Left’s Favorite “Dark Money” Machine - Capital Research Center

ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics file Form 990 reports with the IRS, meaning that their top-line finances are publicly disclosed. (ActBlue PAC is governed by the Federal Election Commission and so files different reports.) In 2018 (the latest year available), ActBlue Charities reported almost $24 million in revenues and ActBlue Civics took in an impressive $49 million.

But nearly all the money ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics paid out is reported generically in one lump, as “passed-through contributions”—meaning those ActBlue nonprofits don’t have to disclose which groups they passed money to or how much each group received in total.

Considering the Left’s loathing for untraceable “dark money,” that’s shocking hypocrisy.

Other nonprofits largely function as pass-throughs, but they normally report the end-recipient of the money flows. I’m not aware of any other nonprofits that hide that lumping everything into the generic expense of “passed-through contributions” the way ActBlue does. In fact, I wonder if any reporter has ever asked ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics if the IRS has explicitly okayed their highly convenient non-reporting?


Diga me this Tonto....
---- where's the money Rump has been begging for throughout the duration of his fake "waaah I won" hissyfit going?
How about addressing my point???

I have shown where ActBlue's reporting practices are sketchy (meaning that they could collect the money for the people in Texas, give it all to Antifa to pay for riots, and there wouldn't be any way to detect the scam due to the way they report their disbursements)...

Why wouldn't any halfway intelligent person question if AOC and ActBlue are ripping them and the people in Texas off???
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

Raw Story is a bad site to get info and a lot of misinformation is spewed, so I won’t waste my time reading the crap. Find a better site.

Now, if AOC did do as claimed, the good for her. I Ike AOC, I disagree with a lot of her positions, however she is true to her beliefs, unklike 99% of the politicians in DC.

It's very easy to find out the truth if you don't like the source in the OP.

I do it all the time. I look it up on a search. It just takes a minute.

Raw Story got it half right. AOC didn't raise 1 million dollars for Texas.

She raised 2 million dollars.

If you don't like the Houston Chronicle as a source, look it up yourself. I found many reports on a different news outlets so I'm sure if you did that search you will find a source you like.

Or maybe not.

I'm not a big AOC fan and I don't like to have to defend her but in this situation she did the right thing while cruz ran to Mexico to leave the people of Texas to fend for themselves.

She didn't have to do anything to help. She did it because it was the right thing to do. I have gained some respect for her because of this.

While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Isn't it interesting that AOC is raising the money through ActBlue, which refuses to list where the money actually goes?????

ActBlue: The Left’s Favorite “Dark Money” Machine - Capital Research Center

ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics file Form 990 reports with the IRS, meaning that their top-line finances are publicly disclosed. (ActBlue PAC is governed by the Federal Election Commission and so files different reports.) In 2018 (the latest year available), ActBlue Charities reported almost $24 million in revenues and ActBlue Civics took in an impressive $49 million.

But nearly all the money ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics paid out is reported generically in one lump, as “passed-through contributions”—meaning those ActBlue nonprofits don’t have to disclose which groups they passed money to or how much each group received in total.

Considering the Left’s loathing for untraceable “dark money,” that’s shocking hypocrisy.

Other nonprofits largely function as pass-throughs, but they normally report the end-recipient of the money flows. I’m not aware of any other nonprofits that hide that lumping everything into the generic expense of “passed-through contributions” the way ActBlue does. In fact, I wonder if any reporter has ever asked ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics if the IRS has explicitly okayed their highly convenient non-reporting?


Diga me this Tonto....
---- where's the money Rump has been begging for throughout the duration of his fake "waaah I won" hissyfit going?
How about addressing my point???

I have shown where ActBlue's reporting practices are sketchy (meaning that they could collect the money for the people in Texas, give it all to Antifa to pay for riots, and there wouldn't be any way to detect the scam due to the way they report their disbursements)...

Why wouldn't any halfway intelligent person question if AOC and ActBlue are ripping them and the people in Texas off???

ooh! ooh! :desk:

---- Because there's no evidence to that effect?

What'd I win?

So weird how y'all Contrarians think your own paranoid Imaginarium is somehow reason to go investigate some shit that ain't there.
She cares more about polar bears and ice than she does humans fuck off hippies

Environmentalists can go neck themselves
Evidently by raising a million dollars for the frozen citizens of Texass versus zero dollars raised by Ted I think she deserves a round of applause while we boo at the Canuke Cruz.
See how the KOOK's act? Soiling in pity.

I'm an independent in illinois

I'll pass on AOC energy policy you stupid fucks

We pay nothing for energy here because we're not retarded hippies who think that regressive policy that makes energy cost more is good for anyone but teh rich

Newsflash "progressive" men of reddit. THe matriarchal party you're following is full of retarded ideas it's not 2008.

"women will save us"

No lol
You pay nothing for energy in Illinois, even the gasoline for car energy is free? I think you are full of it.

Illinois doesn't control gas prices...Do you think that comment is clever? You fucking retard

The rest yea I'm paying under half what many of you pay

6.5c a kwh here. And that's with all the winterization you can imagine

Anything else is an attack on the poor.

Which AOC champions. Fuck her. Fuck you.

And fuck any retarded hippy who thinks increasing energy prices is good.

Why so angry? Stormed any capital buildings lately?

yes i stormed the capital as an independent to lynch pence for his betrayal lol

fucking whiney liberals. They literally chant hang Pence and still you try to smear them with it

Hey retard they were going to kill their own VP that's not an insurrection that's a lynching.

Just because AOC pretended she was at risk doesn't make it true. Just makes you look like the petty retard who is just as bad as the other side.
While "Lyin' Ted" was off in Mexico, the Rep from New York raised $1 Million for Texas charities.
We all know how much the Republicans despise AOC, but c'mon now. She did good.

"While the Texas Senator was doing all this, a Congresswoman from New York City went to work for his constituents, because someone had to."

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $1 million for the people of Texas. All of it will be distributed to five Texas charities."

While Ted Cruz was rushing back to America, AOC raised $1 million for the people of Texas - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
Isn't it interesting that AOC is raising the money through ActBlue, which refuses to list where the money actually goes?????

ActBlue: The Left’s Favorite “Dark Money” Machine - Capital Research Center

ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics file Form 990 reports with the IRS, meaning that their top-line finances are publicly disclosed. (ActBlue PAC is governed by the Federal Election Commission and so files different reports.) In 2018 (the latest year available), ActBlue Charities reported almost $24 million in revenues and ActBlue Civics took in an impressive $49 million.

But nearly all the money ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics paid out is reported generically in one lump, as “passed-through contributions”—meaning those ActBlue nonprofits don’t have to disclose which groups they passed money to or how much each group received in total.

Considering the Left’s loathing for untraceable “dark money,” that’s shocking hypocrisy.

Other nonprofits largely function as pass-throughs, but they normally report the end-recipient of the money flows. I’m not aware of any other nonprofits that hide that lumping everything into the generic expense of “passed-through contributions” the way ActBlue does. In fact, I wonder if any reporter has ever asked ActBlue Charities and ActBlue Civics if the IRS has explicitly okayed their highly convenient non-reporting?


Diga me this Tonto....
---- where's the money Rump has been begging for throughout the duration of his fake "waaah I won" hissyfit going?
How about addressing my point???

I have shown where ActBlue's reporting practices are sketchy (meaning that they could collect the money for the people in Texas, give it all to Antifa to pay for riots, and there wouldn't be any way to detect the scam due to the way they report their disbursements)...

Why wouldn't any halfway intelligent person question if AOC and ActBlue are ripping them and the people in Texas off???

You have shown nothing of the kind.

To start with, Capital Research - the source of your information on ActBlue, is a pretty sketchy outfit, with a failed fact check record.

  • Overall, we rate Capital Research Right-Center Biased based on editorial bias that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to rejecting the consensus of science on climate change as well as the use of Questionable sources for support of claims.

This is what the right does. They use sketchy reports of purported left wing wrong doing. Notice that they haven't found instances of them raising money for one thing, and then giving it to something else - just that they COULD be doing something like that based on their reporting methods.

Then they demand investigations of what they THINK they've found.

Why don't you wait to see if AOC delivers $2 million to Houston when she goes there, before demanding an immediate investigation questioning her intentions and what she did with the money on the day after she voluntarily raised the money?

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