AOC not A-OK with Boston's Straight Pride Parade

People who find the need to participate in a straight pride parade are living in denial of their true sexual feelings.
People who find the need to participate in a straight pride parade are living in denial of their true sexual feelings.

And those that say others are living in denial are trying to come out of the closet.
Cortez is just as inolerant as the gays/lesbians that she supports. The irony is beautiful.

She said "I hope they grow over the next year." This from a woman who uses the word "like" in almost every sentence. She highlights the gay/ cross dresser community by attacking the masculinity of these parade goers.
what freakin MORONS--they vilify Trump/Republicans/etc
they went apeshit when Trump was elected
they say WE hate/are bigots/are not tolerant/etc
then THEY PROTEST a civil/polite/PEACEFUL/American parade!!!!
Just like they did/do with many other parades/marches
..and they THINK they are righteous !!!!!
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.
Are military parades too masculine too-take an anti-sensitivity pill. AOC
Rep Cortez keeping herself relevant!

News at 11....
When straight people are fire for being straight. Not hired because they are straight. Banned from the military because you are straight. Denied hospital visdit to your loved one because you ase straight,

THEN you assholes can march.

Until then STFU.

You forgot one...”Have no friends because they fuck their Labrador.”
Straight pride is so cliche.

Look at me!
I’m straight

You are?

Good for you and if someone want to parade their pride for being gay, bi or straight who cares?

Cortez should be more worry about if Nancy Pelosi will allow a vote on the trade agreement between Mexico, Canada and the U.S.A. and less about if Straight men are grunting down a street professing they are straight while some are tapping their toes...
When straight people are fire for being straight. Not hired because they are straight. Banned from the military because you are straight. Denied hospital visdit to your loved one because you ase straight,

THEN you assholes can march.

Until then STFU.

You really have an issue with people freely expressing their opinion about their sexuality don't ya?

Hate to tell you but the Constitution applies to straights as much as to everyone else and I know whites and straight people make you sick...
AOC nailed the social misfits who march in Straight Pride parades

Can’t find a date
People who find the need to participate in a straight pride parade are living in denial of their true sexual feelings.
People who find the need to participate
in a gay pride parade are living in denial
that homosexuality is love and love is normal
And, since love is normal, so is homosexuality

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