AOC not A-OK with Boston's Straight Pride Parade

For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

Gotta love AOC

She nailed them on this one
Hopefully, much of Straight America (96-97% of the population) will remember such disparaging remarks, and vote accordingly in 2020.
For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

Gotta love AOC

She nailed them on this one
Hopefully, much of Straight America (96-97% of the population) will remember such disparaging remarks, and vote accordingly in 2020.
What, who is "Straight America"?
When straight people are fire for being straight. Not hired because they are straight. Banned from the military because you are straight. Denied hospital visdit to your loved one because you ase straight,

THEN you assholes can march.

Until then STFU.
Sounds like you have had a shitty life, faggot
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.

I'm a heterosexual. What was the point of this parade? It seems that it had some connections with our military and with partisan politics, neither of which has to do with with being heterosexual. BTW: being of a particular sexual orientation is not adversarial. People who try and frame that there is some sort of war on between heterosexuals and LGBTQs are full of shit. Go home, be what you are, and enjoy it.

The left are constantly in your face about what they support. So why not a parade for normal people?

They pushed the issue of marriage right up to the Supreme Court who ruled badly on it, and now states are forced to accept gay marriages. They run around to vendors they know have religious values, and when refused service, are suing them; sometimes right out of business. They adopt children normal couples should have. The sissies in dresses are able to go into your daughters showers and changing rooms in school, and your wife's changing room at the spa.

How long do you punch somebody before they punch back? But to politics, this brain dead Cortez has the gall to criticize these people for having what they intended as a peaceful parade; to challenge their masculinity?
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.

The parade was designed to annoy Leftists. It worked.
We didn’t start this thread

But you are participating, ain't cha?
Anyone who has to march in a Straight Pride parade........probably isn’t

Or it's likely the left irritated them to the point of shoving it back in your face. It's acceptable for any weirdo to parade but not normal people. This is what the left is doing to this country.

Like AOC said......they seem very insecure in their masculinity

When you start taking opinions from that brain dead seriously, it probably means you count out loud with Big Bird on television.

who the fuck cares what she thinks? good lord stop giving dumbasses so much airtime.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.
When's the "Not Irish" parade?

That was earlier this year. Sorry you missed it.
Gay parades are about gays. Straight parade is about poking at gays.

It's pathetic, go get your own life.

So when gays have their parades, it's because they are gay, but if straights do the exact same thing, it's because they don't have a life?

Then you wonder why we want to keep your people out of power as much as possible.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.

Media paid more attention to this than anyone else. It was a small group, a short 'parade,' and the very few incidents were the result of hysterical counter-protesters unable to control their emotions. BPD officers benefited most of all from all the overtime put in over this extremely non-threatening event carefully coordinated with local authorities.

True, but you know how leftists are. These are very violent and dangerous people, so even what's seemingly a harmless event can end up in a riot. It's not a very gun friendly state either so it's difficult to protect yourself.
Anyone who has to march in a Straight Pride parade........probably isn’t

Or it's likely the left irritated them to the point of shoving it back in your face. It's acceptable for any weirdo to parade but not normal people. This is what the left is doing to this country.
Sounds like turds with too much time on their hands cause they don't have girlfriends.

As a leftist, you probably don't know much about working people, but most of us have Saturday's off of work.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.

The parade was designed to annoy Leftists. It worked.
You mean it gave them more to joke about.

Leftists don’t have a sense of humor. Don’t tell me what I mean, loser.
Name a conservative comedian
Anyone who has to march in a Straight Pride parade........probably isn’t

Or it's likely the left irritated them to the point of shoving it back in your face. It's acceptable for any weirdo to parade but not normal people. This is what the left is doing to this country.

Like AOC said......they seem very insecure in their masculinity

When you start taking opinions from that brain dead seriously, it probably means you count out loud with Big Bird on television.
Damn Boi

AOC owns you guys. She turned your straight pride parade into a laughing stock
Straight pride is so cliche.
What does the Torah say about homosexuality? Well, let us know what you learned at Hebrew school and whether or not you support or denounce Judaism.

Since you are a democrat, we know that you are an enemy to Israel and a curse to the land of Canaan.

Let's see what you say about Judaism. What does it teach about homosexuality? Is this where you play the Jewish victim while pretending to be Jewish while not supporting Judaism nor Israel?

You fucking disgraceful wolf in sheep's clothing.
Straight pride is so cliche.
What does the Torah say about homosexuality? Well, let us know what you learned at Hebrew school and whether or not you support or denounce Judaism.

Since you are a democrat, we know that you are an enemy to Israel and a curse to the land of Canaan.

Let's see what you say about Judaism. What does it teach about homosexuality? Is this where you play the Jewish victim while pretending to be Jewish while not supporting Judaism nor Israel?

You fucking disgraceful wolf in sheep's clothing.
Who cares???
Straight pride is so cliche.
What does the Torah say about homosexuality? Well, let us know what you learned at Hebrew school and whether or not you support or denounce Judaism.

Since you are a democrat, we know that you are an enemy to Israel and a curse to the land of Canaan.

Let's see what you say about Judaism. What does it teach about homosexuality? Is this where you play the Jewish victim while pretending to be Jewish while not supporting Judaism nor Israel?

You fucking disgraceful wolf in sheep's clothing.
I never said I supported homosexuality. But straight pride is indeed cliche.

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