AOC says there's a "very real risk" the United States will not still be a democracy in a decade

What the hell difference does it make to her, really? Didn't she promise that the world would be kaput in less than 10 if we didn't implement her patented "New Green Deal" scam?

If the world is finished in a decade, what difference does "democracy" make?
as long as animal house nancy is humiliated in the next impeachment...

Before the weather apocolypse,
I'll die a happy man.
in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


She's correct. The democrats are pushing us ever closer to a fascist dictatorship.
in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


if Mike Pence had made a different split-second decision that fateful day and done what Trump was asking of him, we would be in a very different place right now.
in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


If her policies go into effect, then I agree with her…… there will be no Democracy.
best part of the interview:

Q: I’ve never seen anybody so quickly become a lightning rod for right-wing criticism and obsession. Why do you think there’s such a fixation on you personally?

I think there’s just some surface-level stuff. And, to be honest, it’s not just the right wing. I was laughing because a couple of months ago someone showed me some of the news footage and coverage from the night that I was elected. And, obviously, I didn’t see any of it because I was, like, losing my mind.

But there was this footage, I think it was Brian Williams. And it was, like, breaking news: the third-most-powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives seems to have been unseated by this radical socialist. All the buzzwords that the right wing uses now were also completely legitimized by mainstream media on the night of the election. I never had a chance. People act as though there was something I could have done. There really wasn’t. It was kind of baked in from the beginning, and my choice was how to respond to that.

And I think because I respond to it differently, that increases a certain level of novelty, which then increases interest. But then there’s also just the basic stuff. I’m young, I’m a woman, I’m a woman of color. I’m not liberal in a traditional sense. I’m willing to buck against my own party, and in a real way. And I’m everything that they need. I’m the red meat for their base.

Q: Last month, an ex-staffer of New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s told the New York Post that you could mount “a very, very credible challenge and quite likely beat her.” How do you feel about that? How do you view your political future?

I’m not trying to be, like, “I’m not like the other girls.” I’m not trying to position myself in that way. But I don’t think that I make these kinds of decisions as if I’m operating with some sort of ten-to-fifteen-year plan, like a lot of people do. Half this town, if not more, has been to a fancy Ivy League school. And so, as a consequence, everyone is, like, what chess pieces are being put down for what specific aspiration? I make decisions based on where I think people are and what we’re ready for, particularly as a movement. I think a lot of people sometimes make these decisions based on what they want, right? What I want is a lot more decentralized. I think it’s a lot more rooted in mass movements.

Q: Could you see yourself walking away from public office entirely and going to a life of mass movements?

I think about it all the time. When I entertain possibilities for my future, it’s like anybody else. I could be doing what I’m doing in a little bit of a different form, but I could also not be in elected office as well. It could come in so many different forms. I wake up, and I’m, like, what would be the most effective thing to do to advance the power and build the power of working people?

Q: Well, do you wake up sometimes in your Capitol Hill apartment and say, What the hell am I doing here? I’m one representative out of hundreds. I’m in a gridlocked situation. I’m not effecting the change I want to, and I’d rather join, or lead, or help lead a movement outside of government?

I’ve had those thoughts, absolutely. We all have different options in front of us. And the choice of what option we take at any given point is a reflection of all of those conditions, our motivations, all of those things. And there are times when I’m cynical and I sometimes fall into that. I’m just, like, “Man, maybe I should just, like, learn to grow my own food and teach other people how to do that!”

But I also reject the total cynicism that what’s happening here is fruitless. I’ve been in this cycle before in my life, before I even ran for office, before it was even a thought.
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in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


Yep, at some point in time we have to find a way to elect our officials based on something other than 30 second spots. Till then we can't really expect much out of the government. Not sure how effective things are currently. Still the best bad system on earth though.
if Mike Pence had made a different split-second decision that fateful day and done what Trump was asking of him, we would be in a very different place right now.
The reasoning is that we know Harris would do it if pushed to by the elites.
if Mike Pence had made a different split-second decision that fateful day and done what Trump was asking of him, we would be in a very different place right now.

You mean no historically high inflation, no impending war with Russia, and no civil rights violations by the federal government? If only...
in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


If her and all those assholes who have attacked our Democracy and elections in the last 5 years get their way, she will be right!

AOC says there's a "very real risk" the United States will not still be a democracy in a decade​

It's not a democracy now, it's a representative republic that uses elements of democracy to elect reps.

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