AOC says there's a "very real risk" the United States will not still be a democracy in a decade

in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


What the hell difference does it make to her, really? Didn't she promise that the world would be kaput in less than 10 if we didn't implement her patented "New Green Deal" scam?

If the world is finished in a decade, what difference does "democracy" make?
AOC is right but not for the reasons she is stating.

The filthy Left in this country is working hard to turn this country into a Socialist shithole and if they win then we will lose our Liberty.

Of course AOC was giddy with joy when her Democrat Party tole the 2020 Presidential election so that makes her part of the problem she is talking about.
in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


This is the chick who doesn't know what a garbage disposal is, right?


What makes anyone think that we have a democracy, or republic, anymore?


in the same New Yorker interview with David Remnick, AOC hits on why it matters to elect young people: "We have no nostalgia for the way Washington worked -- because in our lifetime, Washington has never worked & the GOP has never been truly on the level"


considering we've never been a democracy I dont understand her concerns,,
If it's gone it will be because her party took it away. All you have to do is look at last year and see everything they did to see it. Everything that went to shit they and Americans complain about happened under their watch when they were in charge.

You can't go somewhere and smear shit allover the walls, tear everything up and start a fire then run outside and say "that guy over there did it" while everyone is standing there watching you.
Someone needs to remind that dilettante that working and passing legislation is her primary job, not vomiting soundbites for media attention…
Self proclaimed shit eater..

The Democrats best to offer...

she adam schifty, hillary are the best they have, that alone keeps me in the game.

she's a lightning rod... so am i.
She makes 175k a year to do nothing. Yeah, it's really bad for her.
expense account..
Black suburbans...

Obamacare for everyone.

Inside trading...
Book deals..

Someone needs to remind that dilettante that working and passing legislation is her primary job, not vomiting soundbites for media attention…
Self proclaimed shit eater..

The Democrats best to offer...

she adam schifty

If it's gone it will be because her party took it away. All you have to do is look at last year and see everything they did to see it. Everything that went to shit they and Americans complain about happened under their watch when they were in charge.

You can't go somewhere and smear shit allover the walls, tear everything up and start a fire then run outside and say "that guy over there did it" while everyone is standing there watching you.
So cnn gave durham 2 and a half minutes the rest aren't going 2 touch it...

This is a slow motion trainwreck 2 cannibal town,
When the democrats, journalism,
and the truth all come full circle.

Right ?
Nothing new here...."If those damn Americans who don't think like we do would just shut up and go away, then everything would be great and we could all have utopia"...
As the Democrat party moves ever more authoritarian and does everything in their power to establish one-party rule, the stupid little Stalinist is simply indulging in a familiar agit-prop tactic by claiming it is actually those opposing this agenda who are doing so.
People have been taught if you do not get your way all day and all night then it must be tyranny that is stopping you from having your cake and eating!

I swear she make a better stripper or porn star than a politician!

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