AOC squawking about the evil Republican's after Ginsburg kicks the bucket

Just another bogus story the looney liberal's can go into a crazed frenzy over. .. :cuckoo:
(one minute video)

Is there any verification of this final wish thing?----Hon. Ginsburg was NOT stupid and she has harbored a
deadly sickness for a LONG TIME. If she wished to
leave such a wish for "posterity" she would have,
ABSOLUTELY, documented it
Just another bogus story the looney liberal's can go into a crazed frenzy over. .. :cuckoo:
(one minute video)

Is there any verification of this final wish thing?----Hon. Ginsburg was NOT stupid and she has harbored a
deadly sickness for a LONG TIME. If she wished to
leave such a wish for "posterity" she would have,
ABSOLUTELY, documented it

It's a Dimm deep-state contrivance.
Just another bogus story the looney liberal's can go into a crazed frenzy over. .. :cuckoo:
(one minute video)

Is there any verification of this final wish thing?----Hon. Ginsburg was NOT stupid and she has harbored a
deadly sickness for a LONG TIME. If she wished to
leave such a wish for "posterity" she would have,
ABSOLUTELY, documented it

Not to mention her heath problems predate Trump being president. She could of retired while Obama was president. Of course RGB probably thought HRC would be president now.
Here's a nasty thought------The allegation that RBG
made a dying request that her successor not be named until after the coming election seems a VERY HOT claim at this time. AOC is a congresswoman, not a barmaid.
If she can not provide REAL evidence that her claim is
true, I believe that she should be censured for libel
Here's a nasty thought------The allegation that RBG
made a dying request that her successor not be named until after the coming election seems a VERY HOT claim at this time. AOC is a congresswoman, not a barmaid.
If she can not provide REAL evidence that her claim is
true, I believe that she should be censured for libel

What did the DNC promise the granddaughter?
AOC, please learn the procedures of the Senate confirming a Presidential nominee. I know AOC would never become a Senator but at least she should have a little knowledge on Senate procedures.
The Senate is just one of the three branches of Congress, er, or something. When Biden becomes Senator after November, er
Just another bogus story the looney liberal's can go into a crazed frenzy over. .. :cuckoo:
(one minute video)

OH GOOD. The WHINING and BITCHING have already begun!!!!

Supreme_Court_Ruth Cap.jpg

Sit on it and twist, AOC.
For now, it's all hearsay, until it isn't.

Hearsay doesn't stand up in a Court of Law, but it does in the Dimm propagandist media.

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