AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period

Funny chit whrn you Trumpettes claim to know about science.

higher concentration of CO2 => heightened greenhouse effect => warner temperatiyes'

CO2 is not the only factor So yes, the CO2 can be lower & the Earth warmer because some some other fasctor.

The idea you made that statement proves you know nothing about science.
Model OUTPUT is not reality you idiot... It is proof of NOTHING!

Sorry, but it is proven fact.

When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?

No, they want want to spout the fabricated data that the scammers admitted was contrived.

As this solar minimum increases the credibility of the scammers, which is already very low, will be flushed down the toilet.
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist.
What diseases?

If humans weren't around, who did they affect?
Other diseases.They were fighting it out to see which diseases would win to be dominant..
does this mean that all female women should not get pregnant anymore?
I only worry about them getting pregnant from me..

Do you know how that works, Moonie?
Yes, but I live in denial.
Model OUTPUT is not reality you idiot... It is proof of NOTHING!

Sorry, but it is proven fact.

When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.
It doesn't seem like it is harder to breathe with the increase of Co2..
Sorry, but it is proven fact.

Epic fail...

I've done the research... Please enlighten me.. Show me your empirical evidence..
The greenhouse effect is proven science.

I seriously doubt your research extended beyond right wing denier sites.
I'm sure my doctoral work in Atmospheric Physics is subservient to your idiocy...


I see you went from providing a cognoscente and backed up with empirical evidence 'point of view' to attacking the person.. Thank you for admitting you have none and your blowing smoke out of your ass.
Well my 10 PhD & 16 Master degrees and blah blah blah.

You are no scientist. Otherwise you would know about the geenhouse effect.
Say's the idiot who cant even articulate what the GH theroy is.... Priceless..

Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?
/——/ What does the dumb bunny, AOC, have to say about this? California braces for feet of snow from storms; 'significant severe weather event' to impact Plains

So, you are so fucking stupid that you think climate change is just being warmer. What a fool you are.

Funny how you Chicken Little's had to change "global warming' to "climate change" when the warming didn't happen like you promised it would!
Model OUTPUT is not reality you idiot... It is proof of NOTHING!

Sorry, but it is proven fact.

When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?

No, they want want to spout the fabricated data that the scammers admitted was contrived.

As this solar minimum increases the credibility of the scammers, which is already very low, will be flushed down the toilet.

The current spectral shift has not been documented before. This is worrisome, as we do not know if this is a long lasting event or a short one. It could take thousands of years for the matter clouding the reaction to clear on the sun. In that case, its about to get very cold for a very long time.
Sorry, but it is proven fact.

When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.
It doesn't seem like it is harder to breathe with the increase of Co2..
Should it be?
so - you listen to this guy -


please. just go.

That's it. Just keep trolling, child.

you caught on faster than normal.

but you still listen to a guy that promotes "sex junk" and bobs around like he's dirk digglers best friend in the studio.

Watch the video I posted. He's talking to you, dope.

You must be proud of education you're getting from the "science guy".

He was laughing at you, dope. We all are.

No surprise there, idiots laugh even when you show them a finger.
When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.
It doesn't seem like it is harder to breathe with the increase of Co2..
Should it be?
If oxygen content is reduced..yes
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.
It doesn't seem like it is harder to breathe with the increase of Co2..
Should it be?
If oxygen content is reduced..yes
Ask any Sub driver what they live with on a regular basis. CO2 averages about 4000-6000ppm and that is well within human toleration for long periods of time. As long as O2 stays at 22-25% of atmosphere you can sustain human life without ill effect. The US navy has been doing it for over 150 years.
Model OUTPUT is not reality you idiot... It is proof of NOTHING!

Sorry, but it is proven fact.

When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...
None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

You pulled that right out of your ass.

HERE you can learn much more than from acting "science guy".

Pulled what?

What does O2 have to do with any of this?
your stupidity has become legendary and infamous.

and no, this is not something to be proud of. mostly means you'll need instructions on breathing when you get out of your pre-teen years.
Sorry, but it is proven fact.

When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...

Not only that but at one time the earth looked the ice planet Hoth from Star Wars and was almost entirely covered in ice and the CO2 levels were like 6,000 PPM.

These stupid Moon Bats don't like to think about things like that. Just like they don't like to think about the global warming during the Roman empire when CO2 levels were much lower than today or the Medieval Warming Period with lower CO2 levels. Facts like that doesn't fit into their AGW narrative so that is why they have to make up data today and make predictions that never come true.

The only thing accurate about the the AGW theory is that it is a scam.
When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...

Not only that but at one time the earth looked the ice planet Hoth from Star Wars and was almost entirely covered in ice and the CO2 levels were like 6,000 PPM.

These stupid Moon Bats don't like to think about things like that. Just like they don't like to think about the global warming during the Roman empire when CO2 levels were much lower than today or the Medieval Warming Period with lower CO2 levels. Facts like that doesn't fit into their AGW narrative so that is why they have to make up data today and make predictions that never come true.

The only thing accurate about the the AGW theory is that it is a scam.

So, your claim is because the Earth was nearly covered in ice means AGW is a hoax,. I get it. You are soooooooooooooooooo smart.

You think CO2 is the only factor driving our climate.

You are sooooooo smart that you think the Medieval Warming Period was global.
Sorry, but it is proven fact.

When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...
Exactly who was "we" when CO2 was at 7,000 ppm?
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?
/——/ What does the dumb bunny, AOC, have to say about this? California braces for feet of snow from storms; 'significant severe weather event' to impact Plains

So, you are so fucking stupid that you think climate change is just being warmer. What a fool you are.

Funny how you Chicken Little's had to change "global warming' to "climate change" when the warming didn't happen like you promised it would!
Global Warming is a type of climate change.

Probably got tired of you assfucks posting it was cold outside so global warming is fake,

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