AOC tests positive for Covid after her Miami “getaway”

So, you never take notice of a fine ass simply because women defecate?
I am old school....I look at eyes over ass...

Have you ever heard an ER that takes appointments? I am sorry, but your story does not pass the smell test, and let me tell you from the voice of experience here, I spend a lot of time in our local hospital, and the University of Kentucky hospital. Like I said, my daughter is an EMT and transports to 3 different emergency rooms, depending on the patient needs. I think she would know, even if I did not.

Your relatives either lied, were confused, or they have the most messed up hospital in this nation.
ER’s schedule appointments. Especially now dealing with COVID.
Just because you have never heard of it means nothing.
Okay, let me try to set you straight on where i stand with Progressives.

At first, it was "try to communicate with the Progressives because it is beneath me to lower myself to their standards". The Progressives were nasty back at me, because niceness is considered weakness to a Progressive.
Then i started getting angry with Progressives, then those creatures started name calling or using religion to try to get me to shut up about the truth.
Now i just "war" with the progressives, because they wont listen to shit, while they rant and rave, while burning down cities and murdering each other.

I am old school, "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" i gave up turning the other cheek decades ago. You can thank a progressive slave for that.

Well isn't that a lovely rewriting of your posting history. You've never been anything but an asshole to everyone in this forum who wasn't a racist misogynist pig like yourself. You told me you'd put any woman who talked back to you in the ground. And you have openly posted that you favour an authoritarian dictatorship over democracy.

Threats to shoot people, and claims that you're a righteous Christian. What a buffoon you are. Rude, crude, and utterly devoid of any value to humanity, other than yourself. You wouldn't know the "truth" if it jumped up and bit you, you're so full of anger, hate, and selfishness.
Once again, one our resident idiots promotes lies and propaganda about the virus, in general and omnicron in particular. Why are you people so determined to lie? Why are you trying to keep the virus circulating? Don't you want this to be over?

This is what you get when you go to Florida which has no rules, and where mask mandates don't exist. A few weeks ago you were howling because AOC wasn't wearing a mask on vacation. She thinks the rules don't apply to the elites like her. Well this is what happens when you don't wear a mask.

This only mistake here is YOURS. No one said you can't get covid if you're vaccinated. Dr. Faucci said the vaccines are 95% effective, which means that 5% of the people who are vaccinated will get covid. That's also what Biden, and the MSM have said since the beginning.

They've also said to get boosted and wear a mask in public, because the vaccines only have a 70% efficacy against the omnicron variant, so there is a greater likelihood of getting omnicron if you don't wear a mask.

OAC's infection is proof positive that going without a mask, even outdoors, is just asking for it.
'They' say a lot of things and a lot of ignorant people believe it. Even the CDC doesn't know...
Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant.

Omicron (correct spelling) will overtake covid19 but symptoms are much milder as it does not infect the deep lungs.
"If you put them into direct competition, omicron is going to win, so in the population that is what is going to happen," said Dr. Shiv Pillai, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who studies the immune system. "People will more likely get infected by omicron than delta, so delta will slowly fade away, and omicron will take over."

Omicron is generally less severe than delta, thanks to a mix of pre-existing immunity in the population and omicron's preference for multiplying in the bronchi, or air passages, rather than the lungs.

covid19 vaccinations are no protection against Omicron but, Omicron is more like a common cold. BTW I am fully vaxxed and not an anti-vaxxer. I'm just against mandatory vaccinations. I would recommend that the elderly or anyone with a comorbid condition get vaccinated but younger normally healthy folks have a 99% rate of survival if they contract covid19. Omicron is more infectious but much less severe and is seen to infect those that are vaccinated against covid19. AOC likely got Omicron, an upper respiratory cold, and get over it quickly.
How many times has the one about Biden been posted IN THIS THREAD.

That's how stupid Dragonlady is. She thinks she can lie when proof she is a liar is posted upthread about 3 posts. :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You cannot back up your posts with anything other than false allegations that other people are liars, and no you did not prove anything. That won't stop you from claiming you did.
You cannot back up your posts with anything other than false allegations that other people are liars, and no you did not prove anything. That won't stop you from claiming you did.

Watch the whole town hall right here, and you'll see Biden tell the Big Lie in front of all eight people who still watch CNN.

'They' say a lot of things and a lot of ignorant people believe it. Even the CDC doesn't know...
Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant.

Omicron (correct spelling) will overtake covid19 but symptoms are much milder as it does not infect the deep lungs.
"If you put them into direct competition, omicron is going to win, so in the population that is what is going to happen," said Dr. Shiv Pillai, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who studies the immune system. "People will more likely get infected by omicron than delta, so delta will slowly fade away, and omicron will take over."

Omicron is generally less severe than delta, thanks to a mix of pre-existing immunity in the population and omicron's preference for multiplying in the bronchi, or air passages, rather than the lungs.

covid19 vaccinations are no protection against Omicron but, Omicron is more like a common cold. BTW I am fully vaxxed and not an anti-vaxxer. I'm just against mandatory vaccinations. I would recommend that the elderly or anyone with a comorbid condition get vaccinated but younger normally healthy folks have a 99% rate of survival if they contract covid19. Omicron is more infectious but much less severe and is seen to infect those that are vaccinated against covid19. AOC will likely get an upper respiratory cold and get over it quickly.

One of my friends was exposed over Christmas but she didn't get it. Her grandchildren tested positive after Christmas. She's vaxxed, and boosted. They're vaxxed but not boosted. Their mother didn't get it either, just the kids.

I was exposed last week, but no symptoms so far. Tomorrow is the 5th day since I was exposed. My contact was vaxxed and boosted, and has mild symptoms. I'm vaxxed and boosted, but I have an appointment a week from tomorrow that I booked in September. I'm going to be really pissed if I have to reschedule, and wait another 4 months for the next open date.
Okay, let me try to set you straight on where i stand with Progressives.

At first, it was "try to communicate with the Progressives because it is beneath me to lower myself to their standards". The Progressives were nasty back at me, because niceness is considered weakness to a Progressive.
Then i started getting angry with Progressives, then those creatures started name calling or using religion to try to get me to shut up about the truth.
Now i just "war" with the progressives, because they wont listen to shit, while they rant and rave, while burning down cities and murdering each other.

I am old school, "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" i gave up turning the other cheek decades ago. You can thank a progressive slave for that.
That’s silly. Message board posting is a sport (or hobby really) it isn’t war. You’re not changing anything on here just vetting the weak parts of your beliefs. Progressives are good at debating with facts and challenging those weak parts of conservative ideology. If you had better facts you wouldn’t get so mad probably. I mean theres a whole thread debunking your claim on murder which you should know is a higher rate in red states than blue.

I agree on name calling.
Watch the whole town hall right here, and you'll see Biden tell the Big Lie in front of all eight people who still watch CNN.

View attachment 586258

In July of 2021 that was true. You were down to 11,000 cases per day, as the vaccinations took hold. Then Delta hit. And the breakthrough cases started.

Check the graphs.
Nostra you are one of the most prepared and best posters here. But there is zero chance you can calculate how stupid Dragonlady is. That would take like Will Hunting type math skills.

Says a guy who claims to be a small business owner but posts here more than 60 times a day. He claims to be a "business consultants", but doesn't understand how the American economy functions. And he's always posting for free during billable hours time. Let's see, I can make money, or I can give away my time for free. What to do, what to do.
Says a guy who claims to be a small business owner but posts here more than 60 times a day. He claims to be a "business consultants", but doesn't understand how the American economy functions. And he's always posting for free during billable hours time. Let's see, I can make money, or I can give away my time for free. What to do, what to do.
I am on a call right now and I am posting! When you own the Company you just have to review the work more often than anything else. Thanks for playing. I don't work via billable hours, its 100% project work. LOL
One of my friends was exposed over Christmas but she didn't get it. Her grandchildren tested positive after Christmas. She's vaxxed, and boosted. They're vaxxed but not boosted. Their mother didn't get it either, just the kids.

I was exposed last week, but no symptoms so far. Tomorrow is the 5th day since I was exposed. My contact was vaxxed and boosted, and has mild symptoms. I'm vaxxed and boosted, but I have an appointment a week from tomorrow that I booked in September. I'm going to be really pissed if I have to reschedule, and wait another 4 months for the next open date.
Hope you're OK. My point is that it looks like Omicron is a less virulent version of covid19. Scientists and doctors I have read say this is typical of a virus. It morphs from severe to less severe but becomes more infectious. The theory is that since viruses need a host, they always morph into a less severe version so they can infect more people and not die out for lack of hosts so quickly. As folks get and get over a virus (no matter how severe) they develop a strong immunity so, eventually that particular virus will subside however, it will always be replaced. This is the reason for the yearly flu shots.

We can discuss whether or not the REACTION to covid19 was appropriate, i.e. shutting down economies, countries, mandatory mask wearing, etc. But I'm sure we would differ because politics has taken over at this point which is also because information from WHO and the CDC is not based on hard scientific data but recommendations based on sometimes faulty data such as death counts, 'cases' that may or may not have resulted in full blown sickness, etc.

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