AOC Wasn’t Even in Capitol During Protest

The only lie propagated here is that one had to be inside the Capitol building to be afraid of Trumps enraged mob of deplorables.
So you tried to claim before. Alexandria Ocasio Smollett's claims have been politicized and hyperbolic.
Like when she accused Ted Cruz of trying to kill her. You need to give your rationalizing a rest.

Oh Jesus h Chryst. Cruz is tougher than that. Hell he weathered the "Your dad helped kill JFK and your wife is ugly" onslaught from his buddy Trumpybear. I'm sure he's not going to lose any sleep over what a House Member says about him
The only lie propagated here is that one had to be inside the Capitol building to be afraid of Trumps enraged mob of deplorables.
So you tried to claim before. Alexandria Ocasio Smollett's claims have been politicized and hyperbolic.
Like when she accused Ted Cruz of trying to kill her. You need to give your rationalizing a rest.

Oh Jesus h Chryst. Cruz is tougher than that. Hell he weathered the "Your dad helped kill JFK and your wife is ugly" onslaught from his buddy Trumpybear. I'm sure he's not going to lose any sleep over what a House Member says about him

He won't, but that doesn't change the fact that a violent actor like Ocasio-Cortez needs to be removed.
Let me remind our resident white wing cackling dorks that what she described was actually happening to people that day. And every one of you mopes is more outraged by AOC than the fact it actually happened. Very telling.

The little girl cried wolf. She was in no danger at all.

“My office is 2 doors down,” Mace underscored. “Insurrectionists never stormed our hallway. Egregious doesn’t even begin to cover it. Is there nothing MSM (mainstream media) won’t politicize?”
Let me remind our resident white wing cackling dorks that what she described was actually happening to people that day. And every one of you mopes is more outraged by AOC than the fact it actually happened. Very telling.

We should be upset b/c a bunch of people walked into a building they legally own...?
Oh Jesus h Chryst. Cruz is tougher than that. Hell he weathered the "Your dad helped kill JFK and your wife is ugly" onslaught from his buddy Trumpybear. I'm sure he's not going to lose any sleep over what a House Member says about him
Way to fixate on the exact wrong things in order to ignore the issue.

Whether Ted Cruz can ignore the ridiculous insults he has to endure or not isn't the point.

The point is the asinine and absurd things AO Smollette consistently claims. She is a constant clown show.
She's a national joke and the list of her enormous gaffes is already long and getting longer.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.
This makes both sides right: Yes she was there, and Yes the knocks and noise and voices were police doing their job so everyone could remain safe. She was afraid, but was able to finish the session and process the confrontations afterwards. No one needs to attack anyone's credibility here, but just put it in proper perspective and it makes perfect sense.
Last edited:
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
Let me remind our resident white wing cackling dorks that what she described was actually happening to people that day. And every one of you mopes is more outraged by AOC than the fact it actually happened. Very telling.

Let me remind our resident wrong-wing, excuse-making leftist fools that, "It happened to SOMEBODY, I'm just sure of it!" does not make it okay for her to say it happened to HER when it didn't. That is called a "lie", as opposed to when YOU call something a lie on the basis that you don't like it.

And no, unlike you, we can do more than one thing at a time, so we're perfectly capable of thinking what happened at the Capitol is wrong while also thinking that your stalker crush, Alexandria HorseTeeth, is a lying attention whore.

Face it, Fart: you remain, and always will remain, the bad guy in every situation.
And Rep Mace was the idiot bitch who gave the basis for this stupid thread

AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.
This makes both sides right: Yes she was there, and Yes the knocks and noise and voices were police doing their job so everyone could remain safe. She was afraid, but was able to finish the session and process the confrontations afterwards. No one needs to attack anyone's credibility here, but just put it in proper perspective and it makes perfect sense.

No, Emily.

1. So SHE HERSELF said she was in her office, which is NOT in the Capitol. (Maybe you should write this shit down, so that I won't have to tell you a third time because your tiny brain can't retain it.)
2. No one needed to explain the knocking, dumbass. No one is disputing that she heard knocking. What's in question is HER explanation of the knocking, which was that it was a group of rioters baying for her blood AND THAT SHE HEARD THEM SAYING SO AND THAT SHE SAID A GROUP OF THEM ENTERED HER OFFICE. Telling me, "Oh, well, the Capitol police WERE looking for people and knocking" as if that somehow verifies her story is asinine.

I don't know if she was in the Capitol itself earlier that day or not. As much as you keep trying to pretend I've insisted she wasn't, and that that is somehow the point I made and you are "brilliantly refuting", it isn't and you aren't. The issue here is that IN HER OWN STORY, she was in her office. Her office is not in the Capitol building. This is irrefutable. The building her office IS in was never invaded by rioters. That is also irrefutable. So her entire tale about being hunted by rioters in her office is bullshit.

There's a lot of reason to attack your credibility, since you keep insisting on "settling" points not in dispute, on the basis of horseshit that's either irrelevant or flat-out untrue. Take your lazy, AOC-worshipping ass out and read her fucking story before you presume to lecture me on how it "could be completely true" because of things that weren't in it but you just made up from your own imagination.

No other posts of yours will be honored with my attention until such time as you prove you've earned it by learning what the fuck you're talking about. That is all. Go forth and redeem your idiocy.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

Wrong. Dead fucking wrong, and based on things that you made up out of your own head, in answer to points no one has made.

I didn't even read the post. I didn't have to. All I had to do was see your name on it to know you're spewing bullshit.

Stop talking and go learn something to talk about. Move it, you poster child for misogyny.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

You are indeed a POOR reader, AOC says she was in HER OFFICE!, hiding in the bathroom.

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram audience that on the day of the Capitol riots, she was hiding in the bathroom of her office where she heard people systematically working their way down the hall, banging on doors and shouting: “Where is she? Where is she?” “This was the moment where I thought everything was over,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the emotional 90-minute video. “I thought I was going to die.”

She was NOT in the Capital building at the time, soon afterwards she was taken by the police to the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)

Here is the MAP showing the two building are separated by TWO Roads and a lawn area. She wasn't even close to the Capital building at the time.

She lied, that is a fact!
The point is the asinine and absurd things AO Smollette consistently claims. She is a constant clown show.
She's a national joke and the list of her enormous gaffes is already long and getting longer.

Not my point. My point is that they want to deflect using the pre programmed AOC (or whateverissuefloatsyerboat) outrage they've instilled into their flock. Thank you.
The point is the asinine and absurd things AO Smollette consistently claims. She is a constant clown show.
She's a national joke and the list of her enormous gaffes is already long and getting longer.

Not my point. My point is that they want to deflect using the pre programmed AOC (or whateverissuefloatsyerboat) outrage they've instilled into their flock. Thank you.
More projection.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

You are indeed a POOR reader, AOC says she was in HER OFFICE!, hiding in the bathroom.

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram audience that on the day of the Capitol riots, she was hiding in the bathroom of her office where she heard people systematically working their way down the hall, banging on doors and shouting: “Where is she? Where is she?” “This was the moment where I thought everything was over,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the emotional 90-minute video. “I thought I was going to die.”

She was NOT in the Capital building at the time, soon afterwards she was taken by the police to the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)

Here is the MAP showing the two building are separated by TWO Roads and a lawn area. She wasn't even close to the Capital building at the time.

She lied, that is a fact!

Where did she say she was at the Capitol BUILDING as YOU claim?

I have never heard the Capitol, being described as the Capitol Complex vs the Capitol Building.... I didn't know our representative offices were not at the Capitol in DC, which you are trying to claim is the wrong terminology and I would be lying, because I should have said our representative offices were at the Capitol Complex in DC.... or something of the sort... sheesh!

They, the news, called them the Capitol Riots, or the Insurrection attempt at the Capitol.....

Why are you dickheads trying to split hairs? God, you all are truly so full of hatred towards her.... drown in this pettiness, if you wish.... sad to watch.....
Let me remind our resident white wing cackling dorks that what she described was actually happening to people that day. And every one of you mopes is more outraged by AOC than the fact it actually happened. Very telling.

We should be upset b/c a bunch of people walked into a building they legally own...?
You definitely win for dumbest post of the thread. Kudos!
Let me remind our resident white wing cackling dorks that what she described was actually happening to people that day. And every one of you mopes is more outraged by AOC than the fact it actually happened. Very telling.

We should be upset b/c a bunch of people walked into a building they legally own...?
You definitely win for dumbest post of the thread. Kudos!
Wait, aren't you here?

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