AOC Wasn’t Even in Capitol During Protest

AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

You are indeed a POOR reader, AOC says she was in HER OFFICE!, hiding in the bathroom.

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram audience that on the day of the Capitol riots, she was hiding in the bathroom of her office where she heard people systematically working their way down the hall, banging on doors and shouting: “Where is she? Where is she?” “This was the moment where I thought everything was over,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the emotional 90-minute video. “I thought I was going to die.”

She was NOT in the Capital building at the time, soon afterwards she was taken by the police to the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)

Here is the MAP showing the two building are separated by TWO Roads and a lawn area. She wasn't even close to the Capital building at the time.

She lied, that is a fact!

Where did she say she was at the Capitol BUILDING as YOU claim?

I have never heard the Capitol, being described as the Capitol Complex vs the Capitol Building.... I didn't know our representative offices were not at the Capitol in DC, which you are trying to claim is the wrong terminology and I would be lying, because I should have said our representative offices were at the Capitol Complex in DC.... or something of the sort... sheesh!

They, the news, called them the Capitol Riots, or the Insurrection attempt at the Capitol.....

Why are you dickheads trying to split hairs? God, you all are truly so full of hatred towards her.... drown in this pettiness, if you wish.... sad to watch.....

Ha ha, you didn't bother to look at the map or read HER INSTAGRAM message where she says she is in HER OFFICE which is in the Cannon House building, across two roads from the Capital building.

The riot was at the CAPITAL building.....

Your are very confused.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Oh, cut the crap, Lushy. AOC likes to call attention to herself by lying her ass off, and then her sycophants come around with even more vapidity in their desperate defenses. :laughing0301:
YOU cut the crap you ugly bitch (anyone who names themselves "beautress" HAS to be compensating for some serious ugly). There is no doubt that had that Mob caught AOC in the Capitol (yes she was there with the rest of Congress when the murderous mob breached the Capitol) that they would have torn her to shreds.

We can all see the hatred she generates and that Mob had already killed several and intended to Kill Pence and Pelosi
The “mob” didn’t kill anybody you lying Karen. Your defense of AOC is getting more and more pathetic. Keep burying yourself.
You referring to Pelosi’s goon murdering a peaceful unarmed woman?
So you're defending the woman who was leading an attack on Congress and you expect anyone to consider your opinion on ANYTHING you POS?
YOU are a lying sack of shit LUSH. The innocent woman was not “leading an attack on Congress”. You’re cowardly officer won’t even make him himself known. If he’s a hero, tell him to step up and let him accept your licking of his balls. Nope, the cowardly murderer is hiding.
What a surprise....trump cultists supporting a break in....trump cultists denigrating the police...trump cultists supporting domestic terrorism. As I said, what a surprise.
Hey fuckwad, the police removed barriers (on video). There goes your break in story. Domestic terrorism? We don’t support BLM and Antifa. Denigrating cops? Nope, that’s you idiots. We’re calling out a murderer. You are exposed as a fat lying bitch. No surprise there.
The point is the asinine and absurd things AO Smollette consistently claims. She is a constant clown show.
She's a national joke and the list of her enormous gaffes is already long and getting longer.

Not my point. My point is that they want to deflect using the pre programmed AOC (or whateverissuefloatsyerboat) outrage they've instilled into their flock. Thank you.
More projection.

Hahahaha. Ambivalent.

Go ahead test it out. Sub in your (whateverissuefloatyerboat) like 'Ukraine', 'You didn't build that', 'Pussygrabber', "Russsia', 'Obamacaare'.........
The point is the asinine and absurd things AO Smollette consistently claims. She is a constant clown show.
She's a national joke and the list of her enormous gaffes is already long and getting longer.

Not my point. My point is that they want to deflect using the pre programmed AOC (or whateverissuefloatsyerboat) outrage they've instilled into their flock. Thank you.
More projection.

Hahahaha. Ambivalent.

Go ahead test it out. Sub in your (whateverissuefloatyerboat) like 'Ukraine', 'You didn't build that', 'Pussygrabber', "Russsia', 'Obamacaare'.........
You were projecting. If you think that makes something ambivalent knock yourself out.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
The point is the asinine and absurd things AO Smollette consistently claims. She is a constant clown show.
She's a national joke and the list of her enormous gaffes is already long and getting longer.

Not my point. My point is that they want to deflect using the pre programmed AOC (or whateverissuefloatsyerboat) outrage they've instilled into their flock. Thank you.
More projection.

Hahahaha. Ambivalent.

Go ahead test it out. Sub in your (whateverissuefloatyerboat) like 'Ukraine', 'You didn't build that', 'Pussygrabber', "Russsia', 'Obamacaare'.........
You were projecting. If you think that makes something ambivalent knock yourself out.

AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

You are indeed a POOR reader, AOC says she was in HER OFFICE!, hiding in the bathroom.

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram audience that on the day of the Capitol riots, she was hiding in the bathroom of her office where she heard people systematically working their way down the hall, banging on doors and shouting: “Where is she? Where is she?” “This was the moment where I thought everything was over,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the emotional 90-minute video. “I thought I was going to die.”

She was NOT in the Capital building at the time, soon afterwards she was taken by the police to the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)

Here is the MAP showing the two building are separated by TWO Roads and a lawn area. She wasn't even close to the Capital building at the time.

She lied, that is a fact!

Where did she say she was at the Capitol BUILDING as YOU claim?

I have never heard the Capitol, being described as the Capitol Complex vs the Capitol Building.... I didn't know our representative offices were not at the Capitol in DC, which you are trying to claim is the wrong terminology and I would be lying, because I should have said our representative offices were at the Capitol Complex in DC.... or something of the sort... sheesh!

They, the news, called them the Capitol Riots, or the Insurrection attempt at the Capitol.....

Why are you dickheads trying to split hairs? God, you all are truly so full of hatred towards her.... drown in this pettiness, if you wish.... sad to watch.....

Ha ha, you didn't bother to look at the map or read HER INSTAGRAM message where she says she is in HER OFFICE which is in the Cannon House building, across two roads from the Capital building.

The riot was at the CAPITAL building.....

Your are very confused.
So, all of our representatives are not in the Capitol or Capitol Complex, in DC? US peons are suppose to know the name of some building, and not ever say our Representative works in the Capitol?

The gazillion buildings are all connected in the capitol complex, are they not?

What is your point Sunset? Do you think she was not frightened, that none of our reps were scared? That none of them thought the rioters would make it to them?
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?

The rioters were a third of a mile away from her
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

You are indeed a POOR reader, AOC says she was in HER OFFICE!, hiding in the bathroom.

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram audience that on the day of the Capitol riots, she was hiding in the bathroom of her office where she heard people systematically working their way down the hall, banging on doors and shouting: “Where is she? Where is she?” “This was the moment where I thought everything was over,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the emotional 90-minute video. “I thought I was going to die.”

She was NOT in the Capital building at the time, soon afterwards she was taken by the police to the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)

Here is the MAP showing the two building are separated by TWO Roads and a lawn area. She wasn't even close to the Capital building at the time.

She lied, that is a fact!

Where did she say she was at the Capitol BUILDING as YOU claim?

I have never heard the Capitol, being described as the Capitol Complex vs the Capitol Building.... I didn't know our representative offices were not at the Capitol in DC, which you are trying to claim is the wrong terminology and I would be lying, because I should have said our representative offices were at the Capitol Complex in DC.... or something of the sort... sheesh!

They, the news, called them the Capitol Riots, or the Insurrection attempt at the Capitol.....

Why are you dickheads trying to split hairs? God, you all are truly so full of hatred towards her.... drown in this pettiness, if you wish.... sad to watch.....

Ha ha, you didn't bother to look at the map or read HER INSTAGRAM message where she says she is in HER OFFICE which is in the Cannon House building, across two roads from the Capital building.

The riot was at the CAPITAL building.....

Your are very confused.
So, all of our representatives are not in the Capitol or Capitol Complex, in DC? US peons are suppose to know the name of some building, and not ever say our Representative works in the Capitol?

The gazillion buildings are all connected in the capitol complex, are they not?

What is your point Sunset? Do you think she was not frightened, that none of our reps were scared? That none of them thought the rioters would make it to them?

Her past history precedes her. She’s making ridiculous claims of calling herself a survivor of the capital attacks. She wasn’t near the mob. She’s trying to milk this for attention like she does with everything.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

You are indeed a POOR reader, AOC says she was in HER OFFICE!, hiding in the bathroom.

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram audience that on the day of the Capitol riots, she was hiding in the bathroom of her office where she heard people systematically working their way down the hall, banging on doors and shouting: “Where is she? Where is she?” “This was the moment where I thought everything was over,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the emotional 90-minute video. “I thought I was going to die.”

She was NOT in the Capital building at the time, soon afterwards she was taken by the police to the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)

Here is the MAP showing the two building are separated by TWO Roads and a lawn area. She wasn't even close to the Capital building at the time.

She lied, that is a fact!

Where did she say she was at the Capitol BUILDING as YOU claim?

I have never heard the Capitol, being described as the Capitol Complex vs the Capitol Building.... I didn't know our representative offices were not at the Capitol in DC, which you are trying to claim is the wrong terminology and I would be lying, because I should have said our representative offices were at the Capitol Complex in DC.... or something of the sort... sheesh!

They, the news, called them the Capitol Riots, or the Insurrection attempt at the Capitol.....

Why are you dickheads trying to split hairs? God, you all are truly so full of hatred towards her.... drown in this pettiness, if you wish.... sad to watch.....

Ha ha, you didn't bother to look at the map or read HER INSTAGRAM message where she says she is in HER OFFICE which is in the Cannon House building, across two roads from the Capital building.

The riot was at the CAPITAL building.....

Your are very confused.
So, all of our representatives are not in the Capitol or Capitol Complex, in DC? US peons are suppose to know the name of some building, and not ever say our Representative works in the Capitol?

The gazillion buildings are all connected in the capitol complex, are they not?

What is your point Sunset? Do you think she was not frightened, that none of our reps were scared? That none of them thought the rioters would make it to them?

Her past history precedes her. She’s making ridiculous claims of calling herself a survivor of the capital attacks. She wasn’t near the mob. She’s trying to milk this for attention like she does with everything.
Being a communist ,it is typical. AOC survives on Commie LIES.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm

That "whooshing" noise is the entire point of the conversation sailing right over your head.

We know the Capitol police evacuated people. One way we know this is that, in its retraction of Alexandria Occasional Cortex's overblown lie, Newsweek SAID that the person - ONE person - who came to her office was a Capitol officer, rather than the screaming horde of rioters she SAID came.

That in no way presents a "reasonable explanation" for Occasional Cortex telling wild, hyperbolic lies about crowds of people breaking into her office, yelling, "Where is she?!!" The only reasonable explanation for THAT is that she's a bald-faced liar trying to cash in on victim chic.
Yes Cecilie1200
1. So she was in the Capitol when the Capitol Police were looking to evacuate the reps from her office. She was there.
2. And this explains the knocking and frantic searching was police doing their jobs.
Both sides are right.
But conversely, if you claim she wasn't even there, this negates the confrontation where she feared the police was part of the threat.
She had to be there, and has two witnesses that she cites, the police and the other rep who changed clothes to get out.

No she was in HER OFFICE, She says she was in her OFFICE which is IN the Cannon House building next door to the Capital, the Cannon building was never breached at all, the hall ways were empty.

'Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett'? Where Was AOC During the Capitol Riot?


Remember Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)? Her office is two doors away and in the CANNON HOUSE building.

AOC is a lying sack of shit!
The building does not have to be breached for police to go there and get people out. If the other CA rep was there, Katie in the article, what offices are those two referring to when they changed into other clothes from a staffer? Where were they when they talked? This can still be in the Capitol, just not the same area where crowds had breached.

You are indeed a POOR reader, AOC says she was in HER OFFICE!, hiding in the bathroom.

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram audience that on the day of the Capitol riots, she was hiding in the bathroom of her office where she heard people systematically working their way down the hall, banging on doors and shouting: “Where is she? Where is she?” “This was the moment where I thought everything was over,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the emotional 90-minute video. “I thought I was going to die.”

She was NOT in the Capital building at the time, soon afterwards she was taken by the police to the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)

Here is the MAP showing the two building are separated by TWO Roads and a lawn area. She wasn't even close to the Capital building at the time.

She lied, that is a fact!

Where did she say she was at the Capitol BUILDING as YOU claim?

I have never heard the Capitol, being described as the Capitol Complex vs the Capitol Building.... I didn't know our representative offices were not at the Capitol in DC, which you are trying to claim is the wrong terminology and I would be lying, because I should have said our representative offices were at the Capitol Complex in DC.... or something of the sort... sheesh!

They, the news, called them the Capitol Riots, or the Insurrection attempt at the Capitol.....

Why are you dickheads trying to split hairs? God, you all are truly so full of hatred towards her.... drown in this pettiness, if you wish.... sad to watch.....

Ha ha, you didn't bother to look at the map or read HER INSTAGRAM message where she says she is in HER OFFICE which is in the Cannon House building, across two roads from the Capital building.

The riot was at the CAPITAL building.....

Your are very confused.
So, all of our representatives are not in the Capitol or Capitol Complex, in DC? US peons are suppose to know the name of some building, and not ever say our Representative works in the Capitol?

The gazillion buildings are all connected in the capitol complex, are they not?

What is your point Sunset? Do you think she was not frightened, that none of our reps were scared? That none of them thought the rioters would make it to them?

Her past history precedes her. She’s making ridiculous claims of calling herself a survivor of the capital attacks. She wasn’t near the mob. She’s trying to milk this for attention like she does with everything.
Being a communist ,it is typical. AOC survives on Commie LIES.

I think she’s just a bullshit artist. Politics just happens to be the platform for her bullshit.
The rioters were a third of a mile away from her
False. When they first stormed the Capitol, she was in the House chamber. She was then sent to her office building via tunnel, which was then also evacuated.
The rioters were a third of a mile away from her
False. When they first stormed the Capitol, she was in the House chamber. She was then sent to her office building via tunnel, which was then also evacuated.
Oh look, you googled for an opinion that aligns with yours. Neat.

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