AOC Wasn’t Even in Capitol During Protest

I have no idea what you’re saying. For clarity, you’re saying no one had any idea how far away she was from the riots? I’m not lying about anything. Tell me how far she was from the rioters.
Are you really that stupid?

Let me go slow for you since seem to be a little slow...

When the MAGA riot started...when the doors were being smashed in...when MAGA scum were beating cops and breaking down doors IN THE CAPITOL...AOC and all the rest of Congress and VP Pence were IN THE CAPITOL.

With me so far? Good.

Before the MAGA traitors reached the House and Senate Chambers ( they did eventually reach them) the Legislators and the VP were evacuated...most to the Canon Office building through tunnels connecting those two buildings.

AOC hid in the Canon bldg in her office. The bitch Mace from South Carolina was then hiding in HER office as well.

While they were hiding they had NO IDEA as to whether the MAGA traitors had found the tunnels and breached the CANON building as well.

What AOC heard was loud pounding on doors and voices yelling "WHERE IS SHE". Those unidentified voices turned out to be Capitol Police but AOC had no way of knowing that since they did NOT identify themselves.

Got it now? Good. Don't lie abut it any more
Liar. AOC was not in the Capitol when the protesters were ALLOWED INSIDE BY NANCYS CAPITOL POLICE.
Lesh PolitiFact - Ask PolitiFact: Where was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during the Capitol riot?

Politifact says she wasn’t in the capital. I guess you’ll man or woman up just like you did last time during the Kapernick debate we had, right?
They refer to this timeline.

Rioters are inside the Capitol prior to 2:00PM. Ashlii Babitt is shot around 2:30 PM. Congress not fully evacuated until 4:00 PM.

I have read reports that as many as 100 legislators were still in the Chamber when Babbitt is shot...right outside the Chamber
I see you’re triggered. I’ll look into your claims that she was indeed in the capital building when the rioting started. That seems to be contrary to everything I’ve read and heard on the matter look into it.

Shouldn't be hard. Since STOPPING THE ELECTORAL COUNT which requires the presence of the entire Congress (to include AOC) was the whole point of that murderous rampage
Almost as good as armed rioters breaking into and ransacking city halls, court buildings and police stations!
I see you’re triggered. I’ll look into your claims that she was indeed in the capital building when the rioting started. That seems to be contrary to everything I’ve read and heard on the matter look into it.

Shouldn't be hard. Since STOPPING THE ELECTORAL COUNT which requires the presence of the entire Congress (to include AOC) was the whole point of that murderous rampage
Almost as good as armed rioters breaking into and ransacking city halls, court buildings and police stations!
That's a weak and dishonest excuse for the murderous rampage your buddies engaged in. were probably In that Mob
I see you’re triggered. I’ll look into your claims that she was indeed in the capital building when the rioting started. That seems to be contrary to everything I’ve read and heard on the matter look into it.

Shouldn't be hard. Since STOPPING THE ELECTORAL COUNT which requires the presence of the entire Congress (to include AOC) was the whole point of that murderous rampage
Almost as good as armed rioters breaking into and ransacking city halls, court buildings and police stations!
That's a weak and dishonest excuse for the murderous rampage your buddies engaged in. were probably In that Mob
Cruz should be tried and convicted for the felony of making false accusations.
Lesh PolitiFact - Ask PolitiFact: Where was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during the Capitol riot?

Politifact says she wasn’t in the capital. I guess you’ll man or woman up just like you did last time during the Kapernick debate we had, right?
They refer to this timeline.

Rioters are inside the Capitol prior to 2:00PM. Ashlii Babitt is shot around 2:30 PM. Congress not fully evacuated until 4:00 PM.

I have read reports that as many as 100 legislators were still in the Chamber when Babbitt is shot...right outside the Chamber

Politifact, which you support claims this:

It’s true that Ocasio-Cortez was not in the main Capitol building where the House and Senate chambers are located as rioters broke in. She was in the Cannon building.

Now I read your USA Today article and no mention of her whereabouts. If you’re not going to concede go away and don’t waste my time.
Lesh PolitiFact - Ask PolitiFact: Where was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during the Capitol riot?

Politifact says she wasn’t in the capital. I guess you’ll man or woman up just like you did last time during the Kapernick debate we had, right?
They refer to this timeline.

Rioters are inside the Capitol prior to 2:00PM. Ashlii Babitt is shot around 2:30 PM. Congress not fully evacuated until 4:00 PM.

I have read reports that as many as 100 legislators were still in the Chamber when Babbitt is shot...right outside the Chamber
We could have had six months of banana republic style funerals in the same Capitol building rotunda. Rolling the caskets in an out with the soviet flags draping on them. You stole the election. It doesn't matter anymore.
Lesh PolitiFact - Ask PolitiFact: Where was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during the Capitol riot?

Politifact says she wasn’t in the capital. I guess you’ll man or woman up just like you did last time during the Kapernick debate we had, right?
They refer to this timeline.

Rioters are inside the Capitol prior to 2:00PM. Ashlii Babitt is shot around 2:30 PM. Congress not fully evacuated until 4:00 PM.

I have read reports that as many as 100 legislators were still in the Chamber when Babbitt is shot...right outside the Chamber
We could have had six months of banana republic style funerals in the same Capitol building rotunda. Rolling the caskets in an out with the soviet flags draping on them. You stole the election. It doesn't matter anymore.
What funerals are you referring to?
Lesh PolitiFact - Ask PolitiFact: Where was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during the Capitol riot?

Politifact says she wasn’t in the capital. I guess you’ll man or woman up just like you did last time during the Kapernick debate we had, right?
They refer to this timeline.

Rioters are inside the Capitol prior to 2:00PM. Ashlii Babitt is shot around 2:30 PM. Congress not fully evacuated until 4:00 PM.

I have read reports that as many as 100 legislators were still in the Chamber when Babbitt is shot...right outside the Chamber
Rocco...they referred to THIS timeline.

There is no doubt that every member of Congress was in the Capitol. That was the POINT of the whole day and the reason for the ATTACK>They were counting and certifying the electoral vote count. That requires the entire Congress to be in session.

The only "question" MIGHT be ...were the House members evacuated before the asshole MAGA scum breached the Capitol

That timeline shows the House Leaders not being evacuated until 4:00. Well after even Ashli Babbitt was shot trying to breach the chamber

You know you're wrong. Just stop
Ocasio-Cortez said that rioters actually entered her office, forcing her to take refuge inside her bathroom after her legislative director Geraldo Bonilla-Chavez told her to “hide, hide, run and hide.”

“And so I run back into my office,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I slam my door. There’s another kind of like back area to my office, and I open it, and there’s a closet and a bathroom. And I jump into my bathroom.”

Ocasio-Cortez said [she] was hiding behind the door “and then I just start to hear these yells of, ‘Where is she?'”

As members of the mob banged against the door, Ocasio-Cortez believed “this was the moment where I thought everything was over.”

“And the weird thing about moments like these is that you lose all sense of time,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “In retrospect, maybe it was 4 seconds. Maybe it was 5 seconds, maybe it was 10 seconds. Maybe it was one second, I don’t know. It felt like my brain was able to have so many thoughts.”

“In between the screams and the yells,” Ocasio-Cortez added, “I mean, I thought I was going to die.”
Yes in fact OAC is a bit of a drama queen. don't pay much attention to her. Of course like All OF OUR elected officials if I started a list of crazy,- not true,- outright lies- evasions of truth, we would pretty much have to put them all on the drama list.
She absolutely WAS in the Capitol when the attack began. She was in the House Chambers as were all the other members of the House.

She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
She was in another completely different building that is a 10 minute walk from the Capital building. Are you suggesting she went outside and walked through the mob? :laugh:
Around that time, rioters were already gathering outside the Capitol, but they had not broken in, according to timelines from USA Today, the Washington Post and the New York Times.

Ocasio-Cortez said she ran over to her legislative director, Geraldo "G" Bonilla-Chavez, who told her to "hide, hide, run and hide."

As she hid in her office bathroom behind the door, Ocasio-Cortez said she heard a man’s voice yelling from inside her office. "I just hear, ‘Where is she? Where is she?’" Ocasio-Cortez told her Instagram Live viewers. "And this is the moment where I thought everything was over."

"I mean, I thought I was going to die," she said.

Ocasio-Cortez said the person calling for her was actually a Capitol Police officer who did not identify himself — a fact she did not know as she hid.

Ocasio-Cortez said the Capitol Police officer told her to go to another building. She said she could hear "all of these rioters behind the glass of the door" as she and Bonilla-Chavez sought a place to take shelter. She ended up hunkering down in the office of Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., who also detailed the experience on Feb. 1 during an interview with MSNBC.

"I fully expected that by this point, the building had been breached and there were people walking the hallways," she said.

The attacks
Some websites attacking Ocasio-Cortez cited comments from Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C. Mace tweeted Feb. 2 that the rioters never made it to the hallway she shares with Ocasio-Cortez.

Mace was addressing a story from
Newsweek, which erroneously reported that Ocasio-Cortez said rioters had entered her office. In her Instagram Live video, Ocasio-Cortez said that she was scared by the banging on her door because she did not know it was an officer.

"None of us knew in the moment what areas were compromised," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Feb. 4, after Mace shared a Fox News headline that used her comments to discredit Ocasio-Cortez.

The Cannon building was one of two buildings evacuated by Capitol Police as pro-Trump rioters outside moved toward to Capitol, which they broke into just after 2 p.m. It is a part of the larger Capitol complex, which is connected by underground tunnels accessible to lawmakers.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?

The rioters were a third of a mile away from her
1. Nobody has to take her words out of context to imply she was closer to the crowd of disruptive protesters that were causing damage and threatening harm.
She said she was in her office when she heard someone knocking and searching which frightened her; this turned out to be capitol police, so this part of her story checks out.

2. It is as exaggerated and misleading to "make the leap" between
A. her being in her office scared by the police knocking and searching vs. giving the impression she was referring to the crowd encroaching on federal property
B. officials and protesters contesting the election and calling for a political fight and march vs. Instigators conspiring to incite riots or insurrection including death threats against officials
C. Cortez exaggerating "Cruz almost got her killed" vs. accusing him of "attempted murder"
D. Cortez dramatizing the feelings of distrust and fear vs "lying" and "intentionally" trying to deceive the public into thinking she was hearing the crowd. She didn't know who was who, so she was afraid for that reason also. She and many others were already afraid of extremists backing Trump and refusing the election, whether or not any came near her or not.

That is all her words are describing, similar to Trump and Cruz only calling for legal actions in contesting the election as unconstitutional and fighting politically within the democratic process.

Nothing else needs to be read into what these people actually said.

To accuse Cortez of "lying" means proving intent. Not blaming her if other people read more into her words than they actually referred to.

Similarly to accuse Cruz or Trump as calling for insurrection is also blaming them for what others decided to do. There is no intent, so no way to prove something they did not intend.

I wish both sides would stop trying to "criminalize" and assume the worst "intent." If it's wrongful to assume malicious intent with Trump and Cruz, the same applies to Cortez.

If you just read their actual words, there is no reason to read more into what they said.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?
Not really, since we have people on video at the Capitol saying they wanted to murder her. And at least one rioter is charged with threatening to assassinate her. The rioters didn't get bored and leave. They were FORCED to stop.
AOC just referred to herself as one of the survivors of the capital attacks. Really? Can anyone of you that are supporting her at least call that a small embellishment?

The rioters were a third of a mile away from her
1. Nobody has to take her words out of context to imply she was closer to the crowd of disruptive protesters that were causing damage and threatening harm.
She said she was in her office when she heard someone knocking and searching which frightened her; this turned out to be capitol police, so this part of her story checks out.

2. It is as exaggerated and misleading to "make the leap" between
A. her being in her office scared by the police knocking and searching vs. giving the impression she was referring to the crowd encroaching on federal property
B. officials and protesters contesting the election and calling for a political fight and march vs. Instigators conspiring to incite riots or insurrection including death threats against officials
C. Cortez exaggerating "Cruz almost got her killed" vs. accusing him of "attempted murder"
D. Cortez dramatizing the feelings of distrust and fear vs "lying" and "intentionally" trying to deceive the public into thinking she was hearing the crowd. She didn't know who was who, so she was afraid for that reason also. She and many others were already afraid of extremists backing Trump and refusing the election, whether or not any came near her or not.

That is all her words are describing, similar to Trump and Cruz only calling for legal actions in contesting the election as unconstitutional and fighting politically within the democratic process.

Nothing else needs to be read into what these people actually said.

To accuse Cortez of "lying" means proving intent. Not blaming her if other people read more into her words than they actually referred to.

Similarly to accuse Cruz or Trump as calling for insurrection is also blaming them for what others decided to do. There is no intent, so no way to prove something they did not intend.

I wish both sides would stop trying to "criminalize" and assume the worst "intent." If it's wrongful to assume malicious intent with Trump and Cruz, the same applies to Cortez.

If you just read their actual words, there is no reason to read more into what they said.

Disagree with most of what you said. She may have been frightened for two seconds when the cop knocked on her door, maybe not. In either case I don’t think that was a tremendous ordeal and she’s probably lying about that if I had to tell what I think is the truth about that. No one is saying she lied about being in the capital building, but the fact that she wasn’t in the capital building kind of makes it much less likely that the riots were a traumatic event for her. Again, she’s given me no reason to trust her based on her character and she is overly dramatic about everything. Everything is all an act with her. I mean her intent is pretty oblivious. If you want to be kind she’s intentionally exaggerating her experience in order to receive attention and a engage in a partisan attack like she’s been well known for in the past. That is a dishonest act. She’s not exaggerating by accident. She knows what she’s doing and is looking to manipulate emotions. She’s not a survivor of mob attack. She’s just a con artist doing what she does.
Last edited:
I see you’re triggered. I’ll look into your claims that she was indeed in the capital building when the rioting started. That seems to be contrary to everything I’ve read and heard on the matter look into it.

Shouldn't be hard. Since STOPPING THE ELECTORAL COUNT which requires the presence of the entire Congress (to include AOC) was the whole point of that murderous rampage
Almost as good as armed rioters breaking into and ransacking city halls, court buildings and police stations!
That's a weak and dishonest excuse for the murderous rampage your buddies engaged in. were probably In that Mob

Who did they murder you lying shit face?
She absolutely WAS in the Capitol when the attack began. She was in the House Chambers as were all the other members of the House.

She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
Prove it, or stop lying.
Prove it?

You DO understand what was happening that day right?

The electoral votes were being the full membership of both Houses of Congress.

They were ALL there when the Capitol was attacked you stupid fuck
Not as stupid as you retarded libscum. But keep believing everything you hear on msm. Idiot.
From your link. Thanks.

“In the wake of George Floyd’s death, violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc and destruction on innocent victims,” Barr wrote.

“To state what should be obvious, peaceful protesters do not throw explosives into federal courthouses, tear down plywood with crowbars, or launch fecal matter at federal officers. Such acts are in fact federal crimes under statutes enacted by this Congress,” he added.

Barr also pledged to take legal action against those causing this destruction.
You can spin and deflect all you like. Your comrades rioted, looted, and murdered all summer and a lot of it was broadcast live on TV. We need no commentary to fill us in on what happened, we watched it live.

View attachment 453038

And the talking heads on the left defended it so, no I don't need help figuring out where the problem is. Your welcome.

View attachment 453039

That was Trumpybear's hand picked Attorney General who wrote that.
Joe Biden will NOT take a back seat to AOC and Hillary....

Joe Biden Revives Old, Dubious Claim He was “Shot At” Overseas


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