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AP: Half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

So, you're in the upper income class, and you're complaining that people in the lower income class don't pay enough taxes...

...that would, by definition, be engaging in

It's a shame people around here can't be trusted to be honest, because it would be very enlightening I think to hear from everyone willing to offer the information on what percent exactly of their gross income did they pay in federal taxes.

I pay, every year, consistently just under 10%, and that's actually without counting the dollar value of my benefit package that I get but is not included as part of my annual salary.

I don't find that unreasonable.
Complaining that the victims of class warfare are classists is rather like saying that the person who is being continuously punched in the mouth is attacking the perps fists with his victim's face.

The rich pay too much of the FEDERAL taxes?

They also make too much money from the FEDERAL government, too.

Hey! give me a cozy multibillion dollars contract with the FED and I'll pay too much taxes and like it.
So, you're in the upper income class, and you're complaining that people in the lower income class don't pay enough taxes...

...that would, by definition, be engaging in


As opposed to taking money from the rich by government decree under threat of law. It works both ways NYcarbineer.
i don't work and matt only works part time at a thoughtless job, primarily for the health insurance group rate discount.

we only made $20k in taxable income, for the two of us and live off of that, without going in debt....(hubby is a disabled vet, so he does draw a VA disability check, which is tax free)healthcare benefit costs and 401k and IRA's are monies in addition, but tax sheltered;

we were going to have to pay $114 dollars! hahahahaha! i laugh because at one time we were paying about 23% in income taxes, (before we owned a home and got the mortgage deduction which reduced the tax burden) but that was when we both worked, and made a lot of money...

some income tax credit called make working pay or maybe it was some credit that was for the gvt matching your retirement savings that we ended up getting, but our balance was zero, when all said and done. :clap2:

i feel no guilt at all, for not paying any income tax on our first 20k once standard deductions were taken....the rich couples DO NOT PAY ANY TAXES on that first 20k they earned either with their standard deductions...
people seem to FORGET THAT!

(we did pay a couple of thousand in SS/Medicare taxes and we did pay $2200 in local/property taxes out of that 20k plus of course sales taxes too, and gas taxes for state and federal) out of what we make, we paid MORE THAN ENOUGH in our total tax percentage of income total)

we own home, no credit card debt, own cars, no student loan debt....no debt of any kind....only reason we can live on so little....but even with us not having a mortgage or debt, it would be impossible for us to pay any more in taxes than we already do on our net income, and survive....

so someone making 20k who does have to pay rent/mortgage and car payment and any credit debt would be in much more dire straights, and CERTAINLY can not afford to pay any additional taxes, like income tax....imho.
So, you're in the upper income class, and you're complaining that people in the lower income class don't pay enough taxes...

...that would, by definition, be engaging in


As opposed to taking money from the rich by government decree under threat of law. It works both ways NYcarbineer.

What's all this 'government decree' bullshit?
Here's where you are trying to blur the line between the Democrat child tax credit and the EXEMPTION given to head of households and marriages that have children in them.

Now tell me why you are against the Child Tax Credit as it was signed into law in 1997, amended in 2001, 2003 and 2008 increasing the credit each time. The Democrats LOWERED the threshold income in 2008 thus expanding the eligibility pool....why do you hate that fact?

It's irrelevant to me who did or didn't support it I'm just trying to explain to people a significant reason why so many Americans pay no federal income tax.

I understand. Are you for or against the Child Tax Credit?

Personally, I think it's excessive and discriminatory. I confess to a conflict of interest, since I have no kids, but then again I don't object to having to pay school taxes despite not having kids.
No Us Conservatives believe that everyone in this country should share in the financial burden of the Federal Government. Then maybe when the "poor" people start paying taxes, then maybe their eyes will be opened as well to the wasteful and un-needed spending that goes on in Washington. So its not as easy as you put it with reducing for the rich and increasing for the poor, its called lets put everyone on a level playing field!!

Level playing field means the guy making what I'm making who has 4 kids pays the same federal taxes I do, with no kids.

Are you on THAT 'level playing field'?

Who else wants that 'level playing field'?

If what you say here came to pass I'm sure the birth rate would go down. While paying the upcoming massive tax hikes AND trying to raise kids....it would just be too damn expensive to have kids.....without kids there are no future taxpayers as mentioned in another post....without future taxpayers the entitlement programs all die on the vine...

I would say the refutation to that is that there are millions of foreigners who would like very much to emigrate to the United States and they could easily fill any birthrate gap we might have. Of course you have to be amenable to the idea of increased immigration.

Plus most of your immigrants come all grown up, educated, and marketable to the workforce.
Funny how nycarbineer is bitching and complaining about Democrat sponsored laws that allowed the generous exemptions for kids. What's wrong? Impotent...sterile...chicken shit around women...40 year old virgin...closet gay?
See the first quote in my sig!

The child tax exemption was introduced in 1997 sponsored in the house by John Kasich REPUBLICAN and in the senate by Frank Murkowski REPUBLICAN.

Lie .... er .... er .... try again.

Who signed it into law you dumb motherfucker!!!!
The person who signed the bill is not of the Party of the SPONSORS, you worthless pathological lying piece of scum-sucking America-hating shit. :rofl:

and in case you're too fucking stupid to remember...the President signs Bills into law...NOT CONGRESS you junior high school dropout.

We all smell your shit breath...please STFU.
And since you ARE too fucking stupid to remember...YOU said it was a DEMOCRATIC SPONSORED bill that Clinton signed, and you were LYING as usual. You only brought up "signing" AFTER your premeditated LIE was exposed. The bill was a GOP sponsored bill from a GOP congress signed by a CON$ervative Democrat.

You deliberately made the SPONSORSHIP Democratic because you wanted it to fit the template of the GOP lie that the Dems are trying to build a voting bloc of non-payers. The reality is it has been GOP tax policies that created the bulk of the non-payers. CON$ are just following their programming as stated in the first quote in my sig.
Obama has more of the tax base being paid by less of the people.. more than any time in history

Still care to deal with your made up numbers, or are you in need of a few more bong hits before you start admitting to the complete fabrications??

And now you try the inertia argument right after you lay immediate blame in Bush for his first year... epic super mega uber fail.... crawl back under your rock you ultra partisan hack
It seem I'm not the only one who equates the 47% non-payers with Bush tax policies. Friday, America's Hemorrhoid Stuttering LimpTard not only affirmed that Obama didn't cut taxes in the stimulus bill, but also it was Bush's tax cuts that brought us all the way to 47% non-payers.

April 16, 2010
RUSH:** He [Obama] hasn't cut anybody's taxes.* The Recovery Act, stimulus bill, it's more like loaves and fishes.* There are no tax cuts in that.

April 16, 2010

RUSH: What is wrong with this sentence? Obama tax policy will keep the Bush tax cuts for the middle class. What's wrong with that sentence? Yeah, there weren't any tax cuts for the middle class with Bush, his tax cuts were for the rich. Remember that? All those years it was "Bush's tax cuts were for the rich." But now all of a sudden they discovered Bush tax cuts for the middle class along with Bush's tax cuts for the rich. Because the Bush tax cuts for the middle class, the regime is going to keep them. So they've been lying to us for all these years. There were Bush tax cuts for the middle class. There had to be! I mean, how the hell do you get to the point where 47% of 'em aren't paying any income tax? We knew that.


Now wait a second traitor...

Limbaugh is right you anti-American freeloading piece of whale shit!!!! You poor retarded motherfuckers said nothing else besides Bush's tax cuts were for the rich...now it seems you and the rest of the traitors at C.A.P. LIED to the American people. Guess who SPONSORED THE RAISING OF THE INCOME CAP FOR THE CTC...that's right you dishonest dog turd...Pelosi's/Reid's Congress. That's what got us to 47% of people not paying income taxes for 2009.

and in case you're too fucking stupid to remember...the President signs Bills into law...NOT CONGRESS you junior high school dropout.

We all smell your shit breath...please STFU.
Just because the left said THE BULK of Bush's tax cuts went to the rich, which they did in fact, doesn't make LimpTard's Straw Man that "there WEREN'T ANY tax cuts for the middle class with Bush" true!!! The GOP always throw a few crumbs to the middle class and then mostly hype those few crumbs when they push their bills.

And I love how you now suddenly hold the congress who sponsor bills rather than the president who signs them as responsible for the bills, the exact opposite of what you argued regarding the child tax deduction only moments earlier in this very thread! :rofl:

What a STUPID hypocrite! :rofl:
Level playing field means the guy making what I'm making who has 4 kids pays the same federal taxes I do, with no kids.

Are you on THAT 'level playing field'?

Who else wants that 'level playing field'?

If what you say here came to pass I'm sure the birth rate would go down. While paying the upcoming massive tax hikes AND trying to raise kids....it would just be too damn expensive to have kids.....without kids there are no future taxpayers as mentioned in another post....without future taxpayers the entitlement programs all die on the vine...

I would say the refutation to that is that there are millions of foreigners who would like very much to emigrate to the United States and they could easily fill any birthrate gap we might have. Of course you have to be amenable to the idea of increased immigration.

Plus most of your immigrants come all grown up, educated, and marketable to the workforce.

Somehow I think the glow of the Statue of Liberty's torch is diminished by saying...
"give me your tired, your poor and 50% of your paycheck when you find a job..."

I don't think very many people would want to come to the USA and pay for current U.S. citizens to collect Social Security and pay for government run healthcare.
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If what you say here came to pass I'm sure the birth rate would go down. While paying the upcoming massive tax hikes AND trying to raise kids....it would just be too damn expensive to have kids.....without kids there are no future taxpayers as mentioned in another post....without future taxpayers the entitlement programs all die on the vine...

I would say the refutation to that is that there are millions of foreigners who would like very much to emigrate to the United States and they could easily fill any birthrate gap we might have. Of course you have to be amenable to the idea of increased immigration.

Plus most of your immigrants come all grown up, educated, and marketable to the workforce.

Somehow I think the glow of the Statue of Liberty's torch is diminished by saying...
"give me your tired, your poor and 50% of your paycheck when you find a job..."

I don't think very many people would want to come to the USA and pay for current U.S. citizens to collect Social Security and pay for government run healthcare.

You're talking nonsense.
I would say the refutation to that is that there are millions of foreigners who would like very much to emigrate to the United States and they could easily fill any birthrate gap we might have. Of course you have to be amenable to the idea of increased immigration.

Plus most of your immigrants come all grown up, educated, and marketable to the workforce.

Somehow I think the glow of the Statue of Liberty's torch is diminished by saying...
"give me your tired, your poor and 50% of your paycheck when you find a job..."

I don't think very many people would want to come to the USA and pay for current U.S. citizens to collect Social Security and pay for government run healthcare.

You're talking nonsense.

Back it up.
CaféAuLait;2187032 said:
Half of U.S. pays no federal income tax
Credits for low- and middle-income families exempt many

The result is a tax system that exempts almost half the country from paying for programs that benefit everyone, including national defense, public safety, infrastructure and education. It is a system in which the top 10 percent of earners — households making an average of $366,400 in 2006 — paid about 73 percent of the income taxes collected by the federal government.

Half of Americans pay no federal income tax - Tax Tactics - msnbc.com

So let me get this straight; the top ten percent hold 93% of the wealth in America, but they are only paying 73% of the taxes? Thank you for justifying the need for a massive tax increase on the wealthiest ten percent of Americans.

Top 1 Percent Control 42 Percent of Financial Wealth in the U.S. - How Average Americans are Lured into Debt Servitude by Promises of Mega Wealth. | Before It's News
Earth to Auditor:

We don't tax wealth - we tax income. People have Already Paid Taxes on the income to accumulate savings and investments. If you want to start a property tax on wealth, then get ready to see the savings of the middle class completely decimated. Taxes aimed at The Rich (like AMT) always end up hurting the mass of taxpayers.
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"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over lousy fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years.
These nations have progressed in this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to Complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage."

- Alexander Fraser Tytler*
(*quotation most often attributed to Tytler, although there is some doubt as to the authorship)

It seems to me that the lack of taxation on the bottom 50% really has become a threat to the future of our country. We have an existential threat to our nation created by DEBT. :eek:
And unless we have Americans getting some skin into the game... I don't see any way we're going to permanently reign in government spending.

We're at the tipping point, where the bottom 50% have no incentive to require responsible budgeting from the federal government. And the votes reflected as much in the last election cycle, which installed a president and a Congress who doubled down on the spending, creating yet another entitlement on top of the ones which were ALREADY crushing us.

I'm not one of those top 5%, but by God I'm not a mugger either. I have to have faith in my fellow citizens who are just as likely to make the honorable choice, particularly once the danger has been pointed out to them. As we enter this next election cycle, I'm sure the lure of "free" money will by strong in many of our citizens. But not all of that bottom 50% will be willing to trade Liberty for CA$H. I think there were a whole lot of voters who just weren't paying attention and didn't recognize the danger. Our job as conservatives is to wake them up.

It's time to scrap this "progressive" tax system. And while I think it's unlikely that we can repeal the 16th, a flat tax would be the next best step. That way, if Congress wants to spend money and needs to raise taxes in order to do it... they'll have to justify it to ALL of their constituents and not just a few. It's time to END the Robin Hood economics that kills our wages and destroys our productivity, innovation, and will.

Time to bump this timeless post
Earth to boedicca,

The wealth of the top ten percent has been increasing steadily over the last thirty years. You really need to think about the results of such a huge gap in the distribution of wealth. It is destroying the middle class. We are going to end up like Mexico with two classes of citizens, a few wealthy and the rest poor. We are lagging behind many other countries when it comes to educating our young, and we are making it more and more difficult for the average American to get ahead.

Unless we change our thinking drastically, we are going to find ourselves lagging behind Europe and more importantly, Asia before too long. But keep believing that continuing to increase the wealth of the few is the answer to our problems. Once the middle class is gone, there won't be anyone left to actually buy any goods that we may still produce, so even the wealthy will lose most of their net worth.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over lousy fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years.
These nations have progressed in this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to Complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage."

- Alexander Fraser Tytler*
(*quotation most often attributed to Tytler, although there is some doubt as to the authorship)

It seems to me that the lack of taxation on the bottom 50% really has become a threat to the future of our country. We have an existential threat to our nation created by DEBT. :eek:
And unless we have Americans getting some skin into the game... I don't see any way we're going to permanently reign in government spending.

We're at the tipping point, where the bottom 50% have no incentive to require responsible budgeting from the federal government. And the votes reflected as much in the last election cycle, which installed a president and a Congress who doubled down on the spending, creating yet another entitlement on top of the ones which were ALREADY crushing us.

I'm not one of those top 5%, but by God I'm not a mugger either. I have to have faith in my fellow citizens who are just as likely to make the honorable choice, particularly once the danger has been pointed out to them. As we enter this next election cycle, I'm sure the lure of "free" money will by strong in many of our citizens. But not all of that bottom 50% will be willing to trade Liberty for CA$H. I think there were a whole lot of voters who just weren't paying attention and didn't recognize the danger. Our job as conservatives is to wake them up.

It's time to scrap this "progressive" tax system. And while I think it's unlikely that we can repeal the 16th, a flat tax would be the next best step. That way, if Congress wants to spend money and needs to raise taxes in order to do it... they'll have to justify it to ALL of their constituents and not just a few. It's time to END the Robin Hood economics that kills our wages and destroys our productivity, innovation, and will.

Time to bump this timeless post

The idea of a flat tax is a very good one. But it will still be a progressive tax, which it should be. Get rid of all deductions except for a standard deduciton that everyone receives. After that, tax everyone the same rate across the board on all forms of income, including capital gains.
This is classic redistribution of wealth.
Take from those who have, give to those who have not. In the end, the only people who have anything are corrupt government officials.

Corrupt government officials and those determined to keep them corrupt and therefore accommodating.

It is is dangerous situation for freedom loving people.
Earth to boedicca,

The wealth of the top ten percent has been increasing steadily over the last thirty years. You really need to think about the results of such a huge gap in the distribution of wealth. It is destroying the middle class. We are going to end up like Mexico with two classes of citizens, a few wealthy and the rest poor. We are lagging behind many other countries when it comes to educating our young, and we are making it more and more difficult for the average American to get ahead.

Unless we change our thinking drastically, we are going to find ourselves lagging behind Europe and more importantly, Asia before too long. But keep believing that continuing to increase the wealth of the few is the answer to our problems. Once the middle class is gone, there won't be anyone left to actually buy any goods that we may still produce, so even the wealthy will lose most of their net worth.

How? How does some becoming very wealthy destroy the middle class?

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