AP Reports Over 1 Million Democrats Have Switched To GOP In THE Last Year

Maybe the voting for shitty candidates thing isn't such a great idea.

We can stop our drug problem today by people not taking recreational narcotics. We could stop murders today if everybody agreed to not kill other people. We could stop child molestation today if everybody agreed to leave the children alone.

Trying to get everybody to think your way is impossible, especially when the imprint has been the standard for generations. Most people are not going to vote for some no-name candidate that others will not vote for thus allowing the worst candidate to take office. But if you can tell me a way to get most people to think like you, let me know what that process is. Then we can use it for all the other problems we have in this country.
Dem politicians abandoned the poor and working class. Screwed them over big time jacking up the price of gas and everything else with their climate BS. Encouraged millions of illegals to jump across our borders. Let the criminals run amok.

Hell why would any sane person vote for a Dem??

Yep. Democrats are definitely DEFINITELY no longer the party of the working class.

They fucking loot, vandalize, and even murder the working class.

And then if that wasn't bad enough, they get the $7 gas to make their lives a little easier. :eek:

This economy is fucking DEAD, do you realize that? My next door neighbor has over 100 items listed for sale on eBay and Craig's List at very good prices, and ordinarily that would result in at least ten inquiries a day but he hasn't had a single phone call or email in three weeks. Not a single one! No one has disposable income. Thanks Joe. Thanks Democraps.
We can stop our drug problem today by people not taking recreational narcotics. We could stop murders today if everybody agreed to not kill other people. We could stop child molestation today if everybody agreed to leave the children alone.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em? No thanks.
Trying to get everybody to think your way is impossible, especially when the imprint has been the standard for generations. Most people are not going to vote for some no-name candidate that others will not vote for thus allowing the worst candidate to take office. But if you can tell me a way to get most people to think like you, let me know what that process is. Then we can use it for all the other problems we have in this country.
You're completely missing the point. I don't care what you think everyone else will do. I don't care what the media thinks everyone else will do. I don't base my vote on what everyone else will do. Period. That's a fool's game. It just gets everyone voting dishonestly, trying to counter what they think someone else will do. It turns our elections into a fucking joke and produces worse and worse leaders every iteration.

Please stop.
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You're completely missing the point. I don't care what you think everyone else will do. I don't care what the media thinks everyone else will do. I don't base my vote on what everyone else will do. Period. That's a fool's game. It just gets everyone voting dishonestly, trying to counter what they think someone else will do. It turns our election into a fucking joke and produces worse and worse leaders every iteration.

As long as the MSM has free reign, you're never going to get any good candidates either. It has nothing to do with third or fourth party. If they ever did get any traction, the MSM will do to them what they already do to the major parties which is make up lies or not tell people what they need to know about the other candidate to favor their candidate.

If you're going to vote for a person most others would never consider, then you threw your vote away because it will make no difference in the end. So you have to care about how others are voting if you want your vote to actually accomplish something.
As long as the MSM has free reign, you're never going to get any good candidates either. It has nothing to do with third or fourth party. If they ever did get any traction, the MSM will do to them what they already do to the major parties which is make up lies or not tell people what they need to know about the other candidate to favor their candidate.
Yeah. The press having "free reign" cannot be tolerated. Who wrote the First Amendment anyway? What were they thinking?
So you have to care about how others are voting if you want your vote to actually accomplish something.
I don't want to "accomplish" electing a shitty leader. If I were a partisan drone, I might want to "accomplish" the goal of getting my party in power, even if it meant saddling the country with a shitty leader.

I'm not a partisan drone.
Voting for Democrats means you approve of child drag shows and child trans surgery. You also approve of abortion up till and even after birth.

If you support the child abusers you will burn in hell along side them.
Yeah. The press having "free reign" cannot be tolerated. Who wrote the First Amendment anyway? What were they thinking?

So where did you get the idea that I don't want a free press? I'm just pointing out as long as people are going to buy their shit, it's never going to stop. It's up to the people to quit subscribing to their propaganda and quit going to or using their websites.

I don't want to "accomplish" electing a shitty leader. If I were a partisan drone, I might want to "accomplish" the goal of getting my party in power, even if it meant saddling the country with a shitty leader.

I'm not a partisan drone.

No, you are not a partisan drone. That's why your vote doesn't count for shit.
Democrats are losing Latino voters also

Democratic strategists respond to conservative Latino swing to GOP: 'They don't like socialists'

They don't like illegals being allowed in this country either, especially our new arrivals that went through painful years of doing things the right and legal way.
From the article moron;

“some of the newly registered Republicans are actually Democrats who crossed over to vote against Trump-backed candidates in GOP primaries. Such voters are likely to vote Democratic again this November.”
Exactly! I don't want my vote to count for "shit". I think you understand now.

Good. Then enjoy paying what you are for gasoline and heat this winter. Don't be shocked when you get your grocery bill. Your vote didn't count for shit and that's the way you want it, but you have no right to complain the state of the country either because you decided to do nothing about it.
Good. Then enjoy paying what you are for gasoline and heat this winter. Don't be shocked when you get your grocery bill. Your vote didn't count for shit and that's the way you want it, but you have no right to complain the state of the country either because you decided to do nothing about it.
And now the fear mongering. :rolleyes:

I gave at the office

Enjoy your shit.
Maybe the voting for shitty candidates thing isn't such a great idea.

I have been trying to tell people that for decades...but they all fall for the "lesser of two evils" brainwashing time and time again

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