AP Reports Over 1 Million Democrats Have Switched To GOP In THE Last Year

You want to know why this line of "reasoning" is such an obvious fraud to me? It's because I got exactly the same horseshit from Democrats when Trump was elected. And this time around they insisted that if I didn't vote Biden, it was the same as voting for Trump. But you're telling me that if I didn't vote for Trump, it was the same as a voting for Biden. Why is your claim any more valid than theirs? Are both sides right? Or are they both just spinning horseshit to convince to waste my vote on their moron.

We're both right. If you wanted to stop Trump, you vote for Biden (or Hillary the time before) and if you want to stop Biden, you vote for Trump.

When you vote for virtually nobody, then whoever gets in gets in because you didn't vote to stop who you thought would be worse for the country. When your vote doesn't count for anything, then yes, you threw your vote away. it's no different than writing in Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse had the same chance at being President as your third party candidate did. Or do you also consider writing in Mickey Mouse as not throwing your vote away?

AP Reports Over 1 Million Democrats Have Switched To GOP In THE Last Year​

That only leaves 59 million with their heads up their asses.
It's strange, Potato got millions of votes...but nobody owns up to voting for him....lol
I have yet to see anyone admit that they are proud they voted for Biden and this Dem disaster. Or that they like the sky high 'climate change' gas prices or the sky high climate change price of everything else due to the sky high price of fuel. Or that they like the Dem's war on fossil fuels. Or millions of illegals jumping the border. Or the Biden/Dem sky high crime sprees.
I have yet to see anyone admit that they are proud they voted for Biden and this Dem disaster. Or that they like the sky high 'climate change' gas prices or the sky high climate change price of everything else due to the sky high price of fuel. Or that they like the Dem's war on fossil fuels. Or millions of illegals jumping the border. Or the Biden/Dem sky high crime sprees.

The sad part is we are going to blow hundreds of billions of dollars on a flawed theory. 31 trillion in debt and we're going to spend money on something we have no ability to change. The real kick in the ass is after we blow all these hundreds of billions to keep kooks happy, they'll be asking for more because that won't be enough to save the planet. It's never ending.
Dem politicians abandoned the poor and working class. Screwed them over big time jacking up the price of gas and everything else with their climate BS. Encouraged millions of illegals to jump across our borders. Let the criminals run amok.

Hell why would any sane person vote for a Dem??
They didn't abandon them, they assassinated them.

When the Collusion Delusion didn't work, they rode the Covid Con to power on the burning backs of the poor, working class and POC.

(Most) Democrats: Dangerously deranged Nazis
It's strange, Potato got millions of votes...but nobody owns up to voting for him....lol
Jojo won because the liberal media told lies about Donald Trump and the voters swallowed them. An employee with CNN admitted to a researcher that they waged a propaganda campaign against Trump.

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