AP Reports Over 1 Million Democrats Have Switched To GOP In THE Last Year

We're both right. If you wanted to stop Trump, you vote for Biden (or Hillary the time before) and if you want to stop Biden, you vote for Trump.
I want to stop them both. And my vote, for someone else, supports neither.
When you vote for virtually nobody then whoever gets in gets in because you didn't vote to stop who you thought would be worse for the country.
No. I'm not dicking around trying to second guess what the idiots will do and then casting a fraudulent vote to thwart them.

When your vote doesn't count for anything, then yes, you threw your vote away.
No, voting for someone I don't actually believe in is throwing my vote away. Worse, actually.
it's no different than writing in Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse had the same chance at being President as your third party candidate did. Or do you also consider writing in Mickey Mouse as not throwing your vote away?
Of all the stupid ideas you're defending here, this is the dumbest. Where did you get the idea that your vote is wasted simply because your guy doesn't win?

Anyway, I'm not voting for your scumbags. If the Ds or Rs want my vote, they'll need to drop the Lo2e shit and nominate some better candidates.
Of all the stupid ideas you're defending here, this is the dumbest. Where did you get the idea that your vote is wasted simply because your guy doesn't win?

I never said that. What I said is that you are throwing your vote away by voting for somebody that doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning. Why bother voting at all? It's like playing a video game you know you can't win, or constantly betting on the horse with 50 to 1 odds at the track. So my Micky Mouse analogy is spot on, you just don't like the very accurate comparison.
Jojo won because the liberal media told lies about Donald Trump and the voters swallowed them. An employee with CNN admitted to a researcher that they waged a propaganda campaign against Trump.

They were since he entered the White House. That never changed. The reason Dementia is our President today is because of mail-in voting, that's it. When you have mail-in voting, you draw in the stupidest and most politically ignorant of our society who would otherwise not vote in person and just stay home. Give them a ballot delivered to their front door, sure they'll vote. The only work they have to do is put the filled out ballot in their mailbox and the mailman will pick it back up.

The Democrats know the welfare crowd will always vote for them. That's why they were talking about making mail-in voting the standard in our country. The welfare people will destroy our election system.

That's why I said the best way to get back at them is to have Republican Governors unite and vow to restrict mail-in voting only for people in their states that can't vote in person because of age, medical conditions, or not in their home town like our military. Other than that, no mail-in ballot for you.
This will be mine and my wife's 1st time ever voting as a Republican. We've been voting Red for awhile now thinking the Democrats would come back around. They are totally against everything they were for not too long ago. They've lost their minds.
Indeed. One of my financial guys is an ex marine drill sergeant, life long staunch union Democrat, and he told me straight up, "the only thing worse than a Republican is a communist", so he's going to hold his nose and vote Republican.
I never said that. What I said is that you are throwing your vote away by voting for somebody that doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning. Why bother voting at all? It's like playing a video game you know you can't win, or constantly betting on the horse with 50 to 1 odds at the track.
You have a very thick head. Too thick, apparently, to absorb what I'm telling you, over and over again - electing a shitty candidate is NOT a win. Ever.
So my Micky Mouse analogy is spot on, you just don't like the very accurate comparison.
I don't vote for Mickey Mouse, jackass. I vote for candidates who represent my values. Or I don't vote. But I don't vote for shit stains because the duopoly tells me it's the only option.

You do, and that's a large part of why our country is so fucked up. Stop fucking things up.
You have a very thick head. Too thick, apparently, to absorb what I'm telling you, over and over again - electing a shitty candidate is NOT a win. Ever.

I don't vote for Mickey Mouse, jackass. I vote for candidates who represent my values. Or I don't vote. But I don't vote for shit stains because the duopoly tells me it's the only option.

You do, and that's a large part of why our country is so fucked up. Stop fucking things up.

I'm not fucking up anything. My last vote went to try and stop the disaster taking place in our country today. Had more people done that we'd all be in better shape right now. The hundreds of billions would not be going to green and hiring 87,000 more IRS workers nobody wanted. We would not be going further in the hole by buying votes and making government bigger.

I did my part trying to avoid this. You and millions like you didn't. That's why we are at where we are today.
I'm not fucking up anything. My last vote went to try and stop the disaster taking place in our country today. Had more people done that we'd all be in better shape right now. The hundreds of billions would not be going to green and hiring 87,000 more IRS workers nobody wanted. We would not be going further in the hole by buying votes and making government bigger.

I did my part trying to avoid this. You and millions like you didn't. That's why we are at where we are today.

What's sad is we warned them
What's sad is we warned them

And we really didn't need to warn them. Dementia in the primaries stated what he was all about. On his website he stated what he is for and what he was against.

But let's take the scenario of a third party President winning an election. Who would work with him or her? The Democrats certainly won't and probably a lot of Republicans either unless this third party President supported their ideas and goals. A President can have all kinds of ideas on how to run the country, but without congressional support, they are useless.

When I cast my vote I want to take the chance that my vote could change something, or keep a good thing going. When you cast a vote for somebody that stands 0 chance at winning, what was the point? Well......you made a statement, but that's for personal satisfaction, not for the benefit of the country. I don't vote to make myself feel good, I vote to put the country in the best direction that I can, even if the candidate doesn't support some of the things I do. It's a hell of a lot better than allowing a candidate that supports none of your ideas to win the election.
And we really didn't need to warn them. Dementia in the primaries stated what he was all about. On his website he stated what he is for and what he was against.

But let's take the scenario of a third party President winning an election. Who would work with him or her? The Democrats certainly won't and probably a lot of Republicans either unless this third party President supported their ideas and goals. A President can have all kinds of ideas on how to run the country, but without congressional support, they are useless.

When I cast my vote I want to take the chance that my vote could change something, or keep a good thing going. When you cast a vote for somebody that stands 0 chance at winning, what was the point? Well......you made a statement, but that's for personal satisfaction, not for the benefit of the country. I don't vote to make myself feel good, I vote to put the country in the best direction that I can, even if the candidate doesn't support some of the things I do. It's a hell of a lot better than allowing a candidate that supports none of your ideas to win the election.

I stated the summer before the election he had dementia. I've seen it, lived through a loved one's battle.

Absolutely no doubt in my mind he's Stage 6
I'm not fucking up anything. My last vote went to try and stop the disaster taking place in our country today.
Yes. You're attempting to manipulate the outcome by voting "strategically", dishonestly, fraudulently. And the fact that so many idiots are out there playing the same game is driving us into a hole. Whatever short terms gains you might imagine are far overshadowed by the downward spiral your scam creates.
Yes. You're attempting to manipulate the outcome by voting "strategically", dishonestly, fraudulently. And the fact that so many idiots are out there playing the same game is driving us into a hole. Whatever short terms gains you might imagine are far overshadowed by the downward spiral your scam creates.

There is nothing dishonest about voting for the best candidate available that stands a chance at winning.
I stated the summer before the election he had dementia. I've seen it, lived through a loved one's battle.

Absolutely no doubt in my mind he's Stage 6

These leftists don't seem to care. Look at the PA senatorial race. It shouldn't even be close. Feterman can't even understand discussion. He needs to see everything said in written words in order to understand it. Not making fun of him or anything, but he clearly does not have the mental capabilities to have such an important job as a US Senator. I don't care much for Oz either, but how is this race neck and neck?
There is nothing dishonest about voting for the best candidate available that stands a chance at winning.
When someone tells me "yeah, I know the candidate I'm voting for sucks, but really for I'm voting against this other candidate who is EVEN worse!", that's a dishonest vote. You're deliberately trying to elect a shitty candidate to block what you think someone else might do. Gaming the system like that IS dishonest. It undermines the entire process.

Don't you see that this game traps us in a cycle of constantly electing shittier leaders? It creates no incentive for the parties to nominate better candidates. Instead, all they have to do is keep you scared, bombard you with fear mongering, until you'll vote for their candidate no matter how much they suck.

Out of curiosity, what do you think of Ranked Choice Voting?
Warm red wave, y'all!

24 days
Dem politicians abandoned the poor and working class. Screwed them over big time jacking up the price of gas and everything else with their climate BS. Encouraged millions of illegals to jump across our borders. Let the criminals run amok.

Hell why would any sane person vote for a Dem??

They are also doing their best to attack children......pushing transgender surgeries and drugs, pushing child porn in our public and school libraries.......they are a party of weird, sick people......
When someone tells me "yeah, I know the candidate I'm voting for sucks, but really for I'm voting against this other candidate who is EVEN worse!", that's a dishonest vote. You're deliberately trying to elect a shitty candidate to block what you think someone else might do. Gaming the system like that IS dishonest. It undermines the entire process.

Don't you see that this game traps us in a cycle of constantly electing shittier leaders? It creates no incentive for the parties to nominate better candidates. Instead, all they have to do is keep you scared, bombard you with fear mongering, until you'll vote for their candidate no matter how much they suck.

Out of curiosity, what do you think of Ranked Choice Voting?

Nope....when you have a binary choice, voting for the least evil is voting against the greater evil. Not voting for the lesser choice is allowing the greater evil to have more of a chance of winning.

The time to get the better candidate is in the primaries.....once that is done and you have one choice, you vote for the best, but if both suck, you vote for the one who will do less damage, or do damage in a way that is slower than the other one, and wait for the next election.
These leftists don't seem to care. Look at the PA senatorial race. It shouldn't even be close. Feterman can't even understand discussion. He needs to see everything said in written words in order to understand it. Not making fun of him or anything, but he clearly does not have the mental capabilities to have such an important job as a US Senator. I don't care much for Oz either, but how is this race neck and neck?

Both the PA and Georgia races have horrible candidates on both sides
Nope....when you have a binary choice, voting for the least evil is voting against the greater evil. Not voting for the lesser choice is allowing the greater evil to have more of a chance of winning.
Nope. That's a con to get stupid people to vote for shitty candidates. And they fall for it.

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