AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

So, without anything to go on but a hunch, you are convinced that this is all Bachmann's doing.

LMAO. You haven't even an idea of the concepts of constants and dependent variables. How sad our education system has become.

Still waiting for some numbers to prove your argument. Surely you can find at least one story of an anti-government killing in the area in the recent past to back up your claims.

Since it's such a common occurence and all...
its Kentucky, they likely were moonshiners

He had been doing this job in this area for six years, He was Kentucky people. They Knew Him and He Knew Them. Whoever did this, it was either very personal, or one of the righty RWW NUTJOB CREEPO LOONIES got stupid and really ridiculous. It wa'n't random and Census folks from there don't care about moonshiners!
Read the thread and get better informed. One often looks foolish if they don't.
From the above link:

"...Gilbert Acciardo, a retired Kentucky state trooper who directs an after-school program at the elementary school where Sparkman was a frequent substitute teacher, said he had warned Sparkman to be careful when he did his Census work."I told him on more than one occasion, based on my years in the state police, 'Mr. Sparkman, when you go into those counties, be careful because people are going to perceive you different than they do elsewhere,'" Acciardo said.
"Even though he was with the Census Bureau, sometimes people can view someone with any government agency as 'the government.' I just was afraid that he might meet the wrong character along the way up there," Acciardo said.

Acciardo said he became suspicious when Sparkman didn't show up for work at the after-school program for two days and went to police. Authorities immediately initiated an investigation, he said.
"He was such an innocent person," Acciardo said. "I hate to say that he was naive, but he saw the world as all good, and there's a lot of bad in the world."
Lucindia Scurry-Johnson, assistant director of the Census Bureau's southern office in Charlotte, N.C., said law enforcement officers have told the agency the matter is "an apparent homicide" but nothing else.
[Emphasis added]
So, without anything to go on but a hunch, you are convinced that this is all Bachmann's doing.

LMAO. You haven't even an idea of the concepts of constants and dependent variables. How sad our education system has become.

Still waiting for some numbers to prove your argument. Surely you can find at least one story of an anti-government killing in the area in the recent past to back up your claims.

Since it's such a common occurence and all...
What numbers? I've already posted information on this - link and article - yesterday.

Read the thread.

You have yet to address the obvious lack of logic that has been pointed out to you: Since when is a constant the same as a dependent variable? Since when is coincidence the same as causation?

Don't dodge, now.
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its Kentucky, they likely were moonshiners

He had been doing this job in this area for six years, He was Kentucky people. They Knew Him and He Knew Them. Whoever did this, it was either very personal, or one of the righty RWW NUTJOB CREEPO LOONIES got stupid and really ridiculous. It wa'n't random and Census folks from there don't care about moonshiners!

The Moonshine and Marijuana argument makes no sense in this setting. They found the guy in the area he was known to be working. Killing him and hanging him from a tree with "Fed" on this chest means the FBI is coming in full force. If you want to hide your stills, or your crops, why take an action that you have to know will invite in the FBI en masse.

I still expect this to end with at least on Ruby Ridge style incident. Anyone willing to kill a Census Worker because he was a Fed is probably nuts enough to take a shot at the FBI Agent that shows up asking questions. Once that happens, its all over.
Take heart, at least you got your mom. MY mom forwarded a birther e-mail to me yesterday. NOW I've got to worry about her out there in some violent crowd, burning her social security card and flipping off the gubmint with the wrong damned finger. I knew it was a bad idea, her marrying that asshole and moving to Florida, but I never thought it would come to this. :eek:

Mom died in '96, but Dad moved back to that area and has become kinda crazy about this stuff. He doesn't believe the birthers, thank God, but he's not completely immune to the paranoia otherwise.

I'm sorry about your mom. Keep an eye on dad.


Thanks and I do ;)
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And we all know how much backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers and pot farmers hang on every word a Yankee congresswoman has to say!

Oh, Harriet!! :lol:

Bachman's from the midwest. Farm country.

Backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers, when they vote, vote republican.

And if they listen to radio, you can be sure as hell that they'd gravitate to crazy anti-government conspiracy theorists like Michele Bachmann.
Wow....Didn't know you were that into keeping up on the voting patterns of hillbillies.

Checked a map lately??...How far is it from the Mason-Dixon line to Bachman's district, and on which side of the line is that district?
its Kentucky, they likely were moonshiners

He had been doing this job in this area for six years, He was Kentucky people. They Knew Him and He Knew Them. Whoever did this, it was either very personal, or one of the righty RWW NUTJOB CREEPO LOONIES got stupid and really ridiculous. It wa'n't random and Census folks from there don't care about moonshiners!
Read the thread and get better informed. One often looks foolish if they don't.
From the above link:

"...Gilbert Acciardo, a retired Kentucky state trooper who directs an after-school program at the elementary school where Sparkman was a frequent substitute teacher, said he had warned Sparkman to be careful when he did his Census work."I told him on more than one occasion, based on my years in the state police, 'Mr. Sparkman, when you go into those counties, be careful because people are going to perceive you different than they do elsewhere,'" Acciardo said.
"Even though he was with the Census Bureau, sometimes people can view someone with any government agency as 'the government.' I just was afraid that he might meet the wrong character along the way up there," Acciardo said.

Acciardo said he became suspicious when Sparkman didn't show up for work at the after-school program for two days and went to police. Authorities immediately initiated an investigation, he said.
"He was such an innocent person," Acciardo said. "I hate to say that he was naive, but he saw the world as all good, and there's a lot of bad in the world."
Lucindia Scurry-Johnson, assistant director of the Census Bureau's southern office in Charlotte, N.C., said law enforcement officers have told the agency the matter is "an apparent homicide" but nothing else.
[Emphasis added]

And you fuss at us for being conspiratorial :lol:
And we all know how much backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers and pot farmers hang on every word a Yankee congresswoman has to say!

Oh, Harriet!! :lol:

Bachman's from the midwest. Farm country.

Backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers, when they vote, vote republican.

And if they listen to radio, you can be sure as hell that they'd gravitate to crazy anti-government conspiracy theorists like Michele Bachmann.
Wow....Didn't know you were that into keeping up on the voting patterns of hillbillies.

Checked a map lately??...How far is it from the Mason-Dixon line to Bachman's district, and on which side of the line is that district?
Kentucky's a border state :)
What numbers? I've already posted information on this - link and article - yesterday.

Read the thread.

You have yet to address the obvious lack of logic that has been pointed out to you: Since when is a constant the same as a dependent variable? Since when is coincidence the same as causation?

Don't dodge, now.

The only thing you've posted is evidence that there is already a strong anti-government tendency in the area.

You have not posted any numbers of recent incidents where this has escalated to murder that I can see. Perhaps I'm wrong, do you have a page number?
New York Magazine shares some thoughts:

Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized?

  • 9/24/09 at 10:35 AM

"...This even extends specifically to the census, the constitutionally mandated survey that occurs every ten years. You may recall recently hearing something about the evils of the census from some wide-eyed, hysterical woman &#8212; in the subway, perhaps? Nope, that was actually just Minnesota congresswoman Michelle Bachman. Here's Bachman, who had earlier claimed she would refuse to fill out her census form, on Fox News about three months ago:
If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the census bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations, at the request of President Roosevelt, and that&#8217;s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps. I&#8217;m not saying that&#8217;s what the administration is planning to do.
But I am saying that private, personal information that was given to the census bureau in the 1940s was used against Americans to round them up."
Has Nancy Pelosi&#8217;s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized? -- Daily Intel
Bachman's from the midwest. Farm country.

Backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers, when they vote, vote republican.

And if they listen to radio, you can be sure as hell that they'd gravitate to crazy anti-government conspiracy theorists like Michele Bachmann.
Wow....Didn't know you were that into keeping up on the voting patterns of hillbillies.

Checked a map lately??...How far is it from the Mason-Dixon line to Bachman's district, and on which side of the line is that district?
Kentucky's a border state :)
I've lived in Dixie, I know rednecks, rednecks are friends of mine.....The political affiliation of someone to rural dwellers in Dixie is far less important, than whether they're a dreaded Yankee or not.

Being a Yankee woman is even worse.
What numbers? I've already posted information on this - link and article - yesterday.

Read the thread.

You have yet to address the obvious lack of logic that has been pointed out to you: Since when is a constant the same as a dependent variable? Since when is coincidence the same as causation?

Don't dodge, now.

The only thing you've posted is evidence that there is already a strong anti-government tendency in the area. ....
Right. The constant.

.... You have not posted any numbers of recent incidents where this has escalated to murder that I can see. Perhaps I'm wrong, do you have a page number?
As I said, what numbers? They would not be relevant at all. If you have stipulated that there has been anti-government culture in the region for generations, then what the fuck are you going to do with numbers? Your strawman.

Now, how is it you equate a constant to a dependent variable? How is it that coincidence is causation.

Don't dodge a third time. That might be embarassing.
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So, without anything to go on but a hunch, you are convinced that this is all Bachmann's doing.

LMAO. You haven't even an idea of the concepts of constants and dependent variables. How sad our education system has become.

And I never said it was "all Bachmann's doing" stop trying to put words in my mouth.

I said that there was a good probability that these people, who already had a strong anti-government sentiment, were influenced by the highly inflammatory and very public remarks specifically concerning the US Census by Michelle Bachman and the hosts of the conservative talk shows she was a guest on.

I personally don't think this is my any means a stretch of the imagination, yet you seem to think that stating such an obvious thing is tantamount to some sort of "knee-jerk, conspiracy-theorist reaction" when you haven't even heard the comments involved.

In my view, it is you who are over-reacting, by immediately jumping to defend right-wing media, without even considering that we may have a point.
New York Magazine shares some thoughts:

Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized?

That's what I thought of when I read about this incident this morning. Folks have been warning the dialogue is getting out of hand. Now someone is dead.
He had been doing this job in this area for six years, He was Kentucky people. They Knew Him and He Knew Them. Whoever did this, it was either very personal, or one of the righty RWW NUTJOB CREEPO LOONIES got stupid and really ridiculous. It wa'n't random and Census folks from there don't care about moonshiners!
Read the thread and get better informed. One often looks foolish if they don't.
From the above link:

"...Gilbert Acciardo, a retired Kentucky state trooper who directs an after-school program at the elementary school where Sparkman was a frequent substitute teacher, said he had warned Sparkman to be careful when he did his Census work."I told him on more than one occasion, based on my years in the state police, 'Mr. Sparkman, when you go into those counties, be careful because people are going to perceive you different than they do elsewhere,'" Acciardo said.
"Even though he was with the Census Bureau, sometimes people can view someone with any government agency as 'the government.' I just was afraid that he might meet the wrong character along the way up there," Acciardo said.

Acciardo said he became suspicious when Sparkman didn't show up for work at the after-school program for two days and went to police. Authorities immediately initiated an investigation, he said.
"He was such an innocent person," Acciardo said. "I hate to say that he was naive, but he saw the world as all good, and there's a lot of bad in the world."
Lucindia Scurry-Johnson, assistant director of the Census Bureau's southern office in Charlotte, N.C., said law enforcement officers have told the agency the matter is "an apparent homicide" but nothing else.
[Emphasis added]

And you fuss at us for being conspiratorial :lol:
Absolutely. Your ignorance in your (as you said "us") kneejerk reactions is ugly. As ugly as the backwoods ridgerunner who kills a fed. I would wonder how that feels, but I have no interest in knowing.
New York Magazine shares some thoughts:

Has Nancy Pelosi&#8217;s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized?

That's what I thought of when I read about this incident this morning. Folks have been warning the dialogue is getting out of hand. Now someone is dead.
So is an anti-abortion protester. All that 'hate speech' from the left on abortion drove the nutter to do it. *rolling eyes*


Shit happens when there are nutjobs in the world.
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So, without anything to go on but a hunch, you are convinced that this is all Bachmann's doing.

LMAO. You haven't even an idea of the concepts of constants and dependent variables. How sad our education system has become.

And I never said it was "all Bachmann's doing" stop trying to put words in my mouth.

I said that there was a good probability that these people, who already had a strong anti-government sentiment, were influenced by the highly inflammatory and very public remarks specifically concerning the US Census by Michelle Bachman and the hosts of the conservative talk shows she was a guest on.

I personally don't think this is my any means a stretch of the imagination, yet you seem to think that stating such an obvious thing is tantamount to some sort of "knee-jerk, conspiracy-theorist reaction" when you haven't even heard the comments involved.

In my view, it is you who are over-reacting, by immediately jumping to defend right-wing media, without even considering that we may have a point.
I defend free speech. I don't care what your politics are, you have the freedom to assemble, to speak, and to oppose the administration.

Keep your idiotic assumptions about my views to yourself. You will look like a fool if you keep those up.
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As I said, what numbers? They would not be relevant at all. If you have stipulated that there has been anti-government culture in the region for generations, then what the fuck are you going to do with numbers? Your strawman.

Right, because it's every day that people who have an anti-government sentiment in the United States KILL FEDERAL WORKERS.

In fact, everyone I know that distrusts the government has of course committed murder of a government employee. I mean, who hasn't killed somebody, right?

Your 'Constant' of anti-government sentiment does NOT equate to murder. If it did, there would be a bevy of murders happening continuously in the region.

Usually an escalation of this type has some sort of underlying cause.

Now, how is it you equate a constant to a dependent variable? How is it that coincidence is causation.

Don't dodge a third time. That might be embarassing.

And we are not talking about a dependent to a constant. Murder like this could in fact happen without the underlying constant, if there was another variable that caused the Murder to happen.

In this case, we are talking about an extreme escalation of what is usually a dull murmur.

What caused this particular escalation to occur? That is the question.
In my view, it is you who are over-reacting, by immediately jumping to defend right-wing media, without even considering that we may have a point.
I defend free speech. I don't care what your politics are, you have the freedom to assemble, to speak, and to oppose the administration.

Keep your idiotic assumptions about my views to yourself. You will look like a fool if you keep those up.

What idiotic assumptions would those be?

Did I call you right-wing? No. I said you were "defending the Right-wing media".

Stop trying to anticipate talking point tactics that are not even being used. You are "assuming", not I.
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As I said, what numbers? They would not be relevant at all. If you have stipulated that there has been anti-government culture in the region for generations, then what the fuck are you going to do with numbers? Your strawman.

Right, because it's every day that people who have an anti-government sentiment in the United States KILL FEDERAL WORKERS.

In fact, everyone I know that distrusts the government has of course committed murder of a government employee. I mean, who hasn't killed somebody, right?

Your 'Constant' of anti-government sentiment does NOT equate to murder. If it did, there would be a bevy of murders happening continuously in the region.

Usually an escalation of this type has some sort of underlying cause.

Now, how is it you equate a constant to a dependent variable? How is it that coincidence is causation.

Don't dodge a third time. That might be embarassing.

And we are not talking about a dependent to a constant. Murder like this could in fact happen without the underlying constant, if there was another variable that caused the Murder to happen. ....
Ah. You don't even grasp the concepts. (ummmm....that's dependent variable, not dependent). *shaking my head*

Or, on th off chance...

As it is a given that there is hatered of governement in this reagions, that is a constant - a given. However, when the kneejerk reactionaries say that coincidence is causation, they treat a constant as dependent on the current administration (the variable being the party in control). What you did.

Or, you and others could become rational in this - don't go spouting about ACORN or Tea Party protests causing this. Look at all reasonable possibilities, but concluding or even implying such, is irrational. Your choice on which group with whom you want to associate.

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