AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

Most of my posts (and my initial posts) were regarding DC and the "revenuers" crap.

The only thing I said about hate speech was this:


Which, being from a similar area, I can assure is true.
Yup, exactly what you wrote, however is:

Ah, "hate speech" drove a backwoods Appalachian ridgerunner to hate the feds.

Ban "hate speech", eh?

And who decides what that 'hate speech' is? And, when the GOP is in power, are you going to be cool when they define what that 'hate speech' is? Or when some corporation lobbies legislators to define new 'hate speech', you'll be cool with that?

Kneejerk Konspiratorial reaction. YOU have been no less illogical than any of them.
They ARE paranoid about the "gubmint" and do believe the crap spewed from TV and talk radio. ....
Well, that's selective of you. They have hated the government for generations, irrespective of who is in office.

If that is what you mean - without any partisan angle to it - then I agee. But, what do you do? You only bring up recent rhetoric.

They have hated the government for generations, irrespective of who is in office.

Presenting the entire truth of the situation would be rational.
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Thank you so much for posting this.

So that all can remember your inanity - LMAO - you said, "Without further information, we have no way of knowing" in the context of your claim that this murder was motivated by the protests (nothing to support that claim, but you - like a trained seal - reactecd to it as TROOTH) even though the death occured before 9/12, the day of the protests. LMAO.

Your kneejerk reactions are no different than the irrational ramblings of troothers or any Konspiracy freak. That's a club secret handshake I will never know.

Man, I love this. Right-wing pundits make up giant conspiracies about Obama with nary a shred of motivation much less proof, and we're supposed to listen to them and not think they're crazy-assed conspiracy theorists.

But here we have a murder against a category of government worker that right-wing people have specifically railed against, especially Michelle Bachman, with "Fed" carved into his chest.

A Murder where the FBI is specifically investigating anti-government sentiment as a motive...

And WE'RE the "conspiracy theorists"?


OK, let's humor your theory. When is the last timem a Census worker was killed in this region with 'Fed' or something similar carved in their body?

If it's a "common occurence" among those people, it must have happened rather recently, right? So prove it.
I don't give a damn what your small minded world assumes my theory is.

My posts, however, are in context of providing an entire picture for those kneejerkers. I have no theory, I just hate stupidity and kneejerk reactions.

Indeed you are a kneejerk rectionary. You and so many others have such a tiny temporal world that revolves around your view alone.

The people of these areas have hated the government for generations.

See how easy it is to be thorough?

Konspiracy freaks rarely are. Kudos.
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Yup, exactly what you wrote, however is:

Kneejerk Konspiratorial reaction. YOU have been no less illogical than any of them.
They ARE paranoid about the "gubmint" and do believe the crap spewed from TV and talk radio. ....
Well, that's selective of you. They have hated the government for generations, irrespective of who is in office.

If that is what you mean - without any partisan angle to it - then I agee. But, what do you do? You only bring up recent rhetoric.
Only because it's, ya know, recent.
Most of my posts (and my initial posts) were regarding DC and the "revenuers" crap.

The only thing I said about hate speech was this:


Which, being from a similar area, I can assure is true.
Yup, exactly what you wrote, however is:

Ah, "hate speech" drove a backwoods Appalachian ridgerunner to hate the feds.

Ban "hate speech", eh?

And who decides what that 'hate speech' is? And, when the GOP is in power, are you going to be cool when they define what that 'hate speech' is? Or when some corporation lobbies legislators to define new 'hate speech', you'll be cool with that?

Kneejerk Konspiratorial reaction. YOU have been no less illogical than any of them.
They ARE paranoid about the "gubmint" and do believe the crap spewed from TV and talk radio. Those people who were polled and said they weren't sure Obama is a citizen and Hawaii is a state? Those numbnuts are my freakin' relatives :lol:

Honestly, the only people in my family who didn't turn out whacked like the majority of those in this area were the ones who moved away (my Mom and one of her brothers). The rest are ... *special*.

Take heart, at least you got your mom. MY mom forwarded a birther e-mail to me yesterday. NOW I've got to worry about her out there in some violent crowd, burning her social security card and flipping off the gubmint with the wrong damned finger. I knew it was a bad idea, her marrying that asshole and moving to Florida, but I never thought it would come to this. :eek:
What 'hate speech" are you talking about?

And, your perception of 'hate speech' is subjective, yet all should have the same perceptions as you? Yeah, this backwooks Appalachian moutain dweller killed a fed because of Tea Party protests. Get over yourself. Irrational and kneejerk.

Michele Bachman's insane rants about the Census, which have appeared on just about every right-wing radio or television show.

Have you seriously not heard this woman's insanity? I'm sure I can find MANY examples if you need them.
Yup, exactly what you wrote, however is:

Kneejerk Konspiratorial reaction. YOU have been no less illogical than any of them.
They ARE paranoid about the "gubmint" and do believe the crap spewed from TV and talk radio. Those people who were polled and said they weren't sure Obama is a citizen and Hawaii is a state? Those numbnuts are my freakin' relatives :lol:

Honestly, the only people in my family who didn't turn out whacked like the majority of those in this area were the ones who moved away (my Mom and one of her brothers). The rest are ... *special*.

Take heart, at least you got your mom. MY mom forwarded a birther e-mail to me yesterday. NOW I've got to worry about her out there in some violent crowd, burning her social security card and flipping off the gubmint with the wrong damned finger. I knew it was a bad idea, her marrying that asshole and moving to Florida, but I never thought it would come to this. :eek:

Mom died in '96, but Dad moved back to that area and has become kinda crazy about this stuff. He doesn't believe the birthers, thank God, but he's not completely immune to the paranoia otherwise.
The people of these areas have hated the government for generations.

And hate speech from people like Michele Bachmann only inflame that hatred more.

If you already have a group that hates the government, hate-radio and hate-television is like throwing gasoline on a fire.

What part of that is 'Conspiracy Theorist", or "knee-jerk reactionary"???

If you can prove that things like this happen "all the time" (like maybe once every couple of years) then you have a point, but if not, there's a massive coincidence going on here. One that the FBI is looking into as we speak, I'm sure.
They ARE paranoid about the "gubmint" and do believe the crap spewed from TV and talk radio. Those people who were polled and said they weren't sure Obama is a citizen and Hawaii is a state? Those numbnuts are my freakin' relatives :lol:

Honestly, the only people in my family who didn't turn out whacked like the majority of those in this area were the ones who moved away (my Mom and one of her brothers). The rest are ... *special*.

Take heart, at least you got your mom. MY mom forwarded a birther e-mail to me yesterday. NOW I've got to worry about her out there in some violent crowd, burning her social security card and flipping off the gubmint with the wrong damned finger. I knew it was a bad idea, her marrying that asshole and moving to Florida, but I never thought it would come to this. :eek:

Mom died in '96, but Dad moved back to that area and has become kinda crazy about this stuff. He doesn't believe the birthers, thank God, but he's not completely immune to the paranoia otherwise.

I'm sorry about your mom. Keep an eye on dad.
What 'hate speech" are you talking about?

And, your perception of 'hate speech' is subjective, yet all should have the same perceptions as you? Yeah, this backwooks Appalachian moutain dweller killed a fed because of Tea Party protests. Get over yourself. Irrational and kneejerk.

Michele Bachman's insane rants about the Census, which have appeared on just about every right-wing radio or television show.

Have you seriously not heard this woman's insanity? I'm sure I can find MANY examples if you need them.
And, of course, you KNOW the perp used this as just the spark to caudse him/her to murder a fed in backwoods Kentucky.

Hell, I live in DC and I have no idea what she said. I don't care what she said.

Konspriacy mindedness.

Irrespective of which party is in power, this area has hated the government for generations.
The people of these areas have hated the government for generations.

And hate speech from people like Michele Bachmann only inflame that hatred more.

If you already have a group that hates the government, hate-radio and hate-television is like throwing gasoline on a fire.

What part of that is 'Conspiracy Theorist", or "knee-jerk reactionary"???

If you can prove that things like this happen "all the time" (like maybe once every couple of years) then you have a point, but if not, there's a massive coincidence going on here. One that the FBI is looking into as we speak, I'm sure.
What part is kneejerk and reactionary and Konspiracy minded is your lack of thoroughness. That's one thing Konspiracy freaks depend on.

Congrats, you just keep that up. :clap2:
They ARE paranoid about the "gubmint" and do believe the crap spewed from TV and talk radio. ....
Well, that's selective of you. They have hated the government for generations, irrespective of who is in office.

If that is what you mean - without any partisan angle to it - then I agee. But, what do you do? You only bring up recent rhetoric.
Only because it's, ya know, recent.
And, ya know, I wonder if this perp like hated the last administration. Like, ya know?

You and others are entering partisan politics in as a dependent variable into this analysis of hatred when it is a constant. The lack of logic is astounding.
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What 'hate speech" are you talking about?

And, your perception of 'hate speech' is subjective, yet all should have the same perceptions as you? Yeah, this backwooks Appalachian moutain dweller killed a fed because of Tea Party protests. Get over yourself. Irrational and kneejerk.

Michele Bachman's insane rants about the Census, which have appeared on just about every right-wing radio or television show.

Have you seriously not heard this woman's insanity? I'm sure I can find MANY examples if you need them.
And we all know how much backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers and pot farmers hang on every word a Yankee congresswoman has to say!

Oh, Harriet!! :lol:
They ARE paranoid about the "gubmint" and do believe the crap spewed from TV and talk radio. Those people who were polled and said they weren't sure Obama is a citizen and Hawaii is a state? Those numbnuts are my freakin' relatives :lol:

Honestly, the only people in my family who didn't turn out whacked like the majority of those in this area were the ones who moved away (my Mom and one of her brothers). The rest are ... *special*.

Take heart, at least you got your mom. MY mom forwarded a birther e-mail to me yesterday. NOW I've got to worry about her out there in some violent crowd, burning her social security card and flipping off the gubmint with the wrong damned finger. I knew it was a bad idea, her marrying that asshole and moving to Florida, but I never thought it would come to this. :eek:

Mom died in '96, but Dad moved back to that area and has become kinda crazy about this stuff. He doesn't believe the birthers, thank God, but he's not completely immune to the paranoia otherwise.

My parents have been gone since the late 80's. Both were Reaganites. I remember thinking how my parents would be rolling over in their graves if they knew I voted for Clinton. But then after his first term I wised up and voted for that super old dube. Wasted my vote no matter who I voted for.

My wife grandparents watch that idiot Beck. I am about as conservative as they come but Beck is a fucking nut. I think he does more harm to the republican party than good. Same goes for that candy ass PC prick Hannity.
And, of course, you KNOW the perp used this as just the spark to caudse him/her to murder a fed in backwoods Kentucky.

Hell, I live in DC and I have no idea what she said. I don't care what she said.

Konspriacy mindedness.

Irrespective of which party is in power, this area has hated the government for generations.

No, I don't "know". I never claimed to "know".

But it's one hell of a coicidence that soon after people like Michelle Bachman fueled the normal hatred these people have for the government with insane rants about the census, this person was killed obviously because he was a census worker.

Now, anyone who knows the first thing about criminal investigation knows that when investigating a crime, one must assume that there ARE no coincidences.

This is not some crazy "conspriracy theory", this is simply stating the obvious.
And, of course, you KNOW the perp used this as just the spark to caudse him/her to murder a fed in backwoods Kentucky.

Hell, I live in DC and I have no idea what she said. I don't care what she said.

Konspriacy mindedness.

Irrespective of which party is in power, this area has hated the government for generations.

No, I don't "know". I never claimed to "know".

But it's one hell of a coicidence ...

This is not some crazy "conspriracy theory"....
:lol: You've completely jumped the shark with that; you've gone beyond correlation is causation to coincidence is causation.

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Hell, I live in DC and I have no idea what she said. I don't care what she said.

So you don't even know what was said that may have sparked this, but you're immediately coming to the defense of the people involved???

And you don't care??

Wow, I think we all can see where you're coming from now, and who's having a "knee jerk" reaction.
What 'hate speech" are you talking about?

And, your perception of 'hate speech' is subjective, yet all should have the same perceptions as you? Yeah, this backwooks Appalachian moutain dweller killed a fed because of Tea Party protests. Get over yourself. Irrational and kneejerk.

Michele Bachman's insane rants about the Census, which have appeared on just about every right-wing radio or television show.

Have you seriously not heard this woman's insanity? I'm sure I can find MANY examples if you need them.
And we all know how much backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers and pot farmers hang on every word a Yankee congresswoman has to say!

Oh, Harriet!! :lol:
I used to laugh, now it's fucking scarey.

Anyone who did not participate in the tea Party protest should be even more motivated to do so. With this sort of inane vilification of us, we should all be really pissed off.
And we all know how much backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers and pot farmers hang on every word a Yankee congresswoman has to say!

Oh, Harriet!! :lol:

Bachman's from the midwest. Farm country.

Backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers, when they vote, vote republican.

And if they listen to radio, you can be sure as hell that they'd gravitate to crazy anti-government conspiracy theorists like Michele Bachmann.
And we all know how much backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers and pot farmers hang on every word a Yankee congresswoman has to say!

Oh, Harriet!! :lol:

Bachman's from the midwest. Farm country.

Backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers, when they vote, vote republican.

And if they listen to radio, you can be sure as hell that they'd gravitate to crazy anti-government conspiracy theorists like Michele Bachmann.
So, without anything to go on but a hunch, you are convinced that this is all Bachmann's doing.

LMAO. You haven't even an idea of the concepts of constants and dependent variables. How sad our education system has become.
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its Kentucky, they likely were moonshiners

He had been doing this job in this area for six years, He was Kentucky people. They Knew Him and He Knew Them. Whoever did this, it was either very personal, or one of the righty RWW NUTJOB CREEPO LOONIES got stupid and really ridiculous. It wa'n't random and Census folks from there don't care about moonshiners!

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