AP Source: Census Worker hanged with 'fed' on body

Read the thread and get better informed. One often looks foolish if they don't.[Emphasis added]

And you fuss at us for being conspiratorial :lol:
Absolutely. Your ignorance in your (as you said "us") kneejerk reactions is ugly. As ugly as the backwoods ridgerunner who kills a fed. I would wonder how that feels, but I have no interest in knowing.
You should know, as you stated the knee-jerk conspiracy theory that these backwoods types hate all gubmint peoples.
And you fuss at us for being conspiratorial :lol:
Absolutely. Your ignorance in your (as you said "us") kneejerk reactions is ugly. As ugly as the backwoods ridgerunner who kills a fed. I would wonder how that feels, but I have no interest in knowing.
You should know, as you stated the knee-jerk conspiracy theory that these backwoods types hate all gubmint peoples.
Interesting. You're arguing that the region does not have a distrust of the government in general.

Read up, then; and get informed.

But late in the 19th century, mining, logging and railroad companies moved into the area, often uprooting families and devastating the land.

"They took the people off the land and transferred ownership to owners outside the region who raped the land," says Curtis Wood, a professor of history at Western Carolina and co-author of "From Ulster to Carolina: The Migration of the Scotch-Irish to Southwestern North Carolina." "Rivers were damaged, land wouldn't hold water and forest fires were incredible -- epic forest fires. All this is well-documented."

When the commercial interests had extracted what they could from the area, says Wood, "they pulled out, and the people they left behind were jobless."

In 1911, Congress passed the Weeks Act authorizing the U.S. government to purchase land and create national forests. Millions of acres were acquired and eventually entrusted to the U.S. Forest and Park services and, Wood notes, putting the land out of the reach of local people.

In the 1930s, the Tennessee Valley Authority was created to control floods, improve navigation and provide electrical power in the Southeast. While credited with improving conditions in the area -- including the elimination of malaria -- Wood points out that the TVA also forced many people off their land and flooded entire towns.

"There are very few regions where white people have been forcibly removed from their lands as they have been in southern Appalachia," he says. "The attitudes of Southern mountain people toward the government have been shaped by their experiences.... They've seen their land taken out of their control and put into big programs, leaving them with diminished resources and not much in return."

Government initiatives aimed at dealing with the poverty in the region have often been at "at cross-purposes," he says, and were managed by Washington bureaucracies. "They were never guided by people in the region, and the attitudes of Southern mountain people have been shaped by this, seeing their land taken out of their control and given to big programs."

Another touchy subject, he says, is taxes. Although the federal government is by far the biggest landowner in many western North Carolina counties, it pays no county taxes. It does pay the counties a fee, but it is well below what the land would bring on the open market.

A culture of distrust for government

One of the region's best known industries was the fruit of Appalachian ingenuity and an expression of the contempt some felt for the government.

Today, the streets of downtown Andrews are quiet, and many storefronts lie vacant as merchants move to a stretch of strip malls near the main highway.

"Do you remember what they used to do in these mountains in the '20s and '30s?" area resident David Luther told USA Today. "Moonshine. Who do you think it was that used to lock up our grandfathers for making moonshine?"

The result, says Brown, is a culture thoroughly prepared to distrust the government. "One of the worst things you could hear around here," she says, "was a knock on the door and someone saying, 'I'm from Raleigh, and I'm here to help you.' "


CNN.com - Hard times in the mountains - March 5, 2001

That's just an intro. There is plenty of information available about the general distrust of government in the region and the history associated with that. It's pretty close-mined; just as your general distrust of the opposition is. Great growth medium for the conspiracists, though.
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Or, on th off chance...

As it is a given that there is hatered of governement in this reagions, that is a constant - a given. However, when the kneejerk reactionaries say that coincidence is causation, they treat a constant as dependent on the current administration (the variable being the party in control). What you did.

Or, you and others could become rational in this - don't go spouting about ACORN or Tea Party protests causing this. Look at all reasonable possibilities, but concluding or even implying such, is irrational. Your choice on which group with whom you want to associate.

I did not mention that it is dependent on the administration. In fact I don't believe I mentioned anything about specific hatred of this administration.

I was talking specifically, about certain people in the media that were drilling up hatred against a specific sector of government workers, Census workers.

Further, I was saying that these people, specifically, were likely to be listened to by this particular group of people. And thus it was likely that the radio programs in question had an incendiary effect on an already touchy situation.

Since neither murders of census workers or Michelle Bachmann's anti-census rants are common occurences, and since they happened at roughly the same time, it seem likely that the two are related.

And trying to prove your point using some made up set of logical variables and equations looks impressive and all, but I have seen people logically disprove the existence of the universe.

Your assertion, put in layman's terms, is that Michelle Bachmann's hate-speech and this muder are simply a coincidence, and the murder would have happened anyway. Mine is that there is a very good chance that the two are indeed related. It seems we will have to agree to disagree.
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Or, on th off chance...

As it is a given that there is hatered of governement in this reagions, that is a constant - a given. However, when the kneejerk reactionaries say that coincidence is causation, they treat a constant as dependent on the current administration (the variable being the party in control). What you did.

Or, you and others could become rational in this - don't go spouting about ACORN or Tea Party protests causing this. Look at all reasonable possibilities, but concluding or even implying such, is irrational. Your choice on which group with whom you want to associate.

I did not mention that it is dependent on the administration. In fact I don't believe I mentioned anything about specific hatred of this administration.

I was talking specifically, about certain people in the media that were drilling up hatred against a specific sector of government workers, Census workers.

Further, I was saying that these people, specifically, were likely to be listened to by this particular group of people. And thus it was likely that the radio programs in question had an incendiary effect on an already touchy situation.

Since neither murders of census workers or Michelle Bachmann's anti-census rants are common occurences, and since they happened at roughly the same time, it seem likely that the two are related. ....
And there you go with your equating coincidence with causation. Anything is possible, really.

.... And trying to prove your point using some made up set of logical variables and equations looks impressive and all, but I have seen people logically disprove the existence of the universe. ...
If you want to be convinced that I made up the concepts of constants and dependent variables and the fallacy of correlation (let alone coincidence) equating to causation, I will be pleased to take that credit.

... Your assertion, put in layman's terms, is that Michelle Bachmann's hate-speech and this muder are simply a coincidence, and the murder would have happened anyway. ....
My 'assertions' are that it is a reasonable possibility based on generations of history with the area and as such, should be included in any thorough analysis of the situation. Some would rather hold their hands over their ears and sing 'la la la' and go after anyone who dares mess with their small world view.
.... Mine is that there is a very good chance that the two are indeed related. It seems we will have to agree to disagree.
As I said, that is also a possibility, and clearly presenting it as such is much wiser than stating it as a fact.
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New York Magazine shares some thoughts:

Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized?

  • 9/24/09 at 10:35 AM

"...This even extends specifically to the census, the constitutionally mandated survey that occurs every ten years. You may recall recently hearing something about the evils of the census from some wide-eyed, hysterical woman — in the subway, perhaps? Nope, that was actually just Minnesota congresswoman Michelle Bachman. Here's Bachman, who had earlier claimed she would refuse to fill out her census form, on Fox News about three months ago:
If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the census bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations, at the request of President Roosevelt, and that’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps. I’m not saying that’s what the administration is planning to do.
But I am saying that private, personal information that was given to the census bureau in the 1940s was used against Americans to round them up."
Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized? -- Daily Intel

More nutter crap. You guys really crack me up.
As I said, that is also a possibility, and clearly presenting it as such is much wiser than stating it as a fact.

Looking back, perhaps my statements at points did lead to the hyperbolic, stating a belief that there was a definite connection.

My apologies. My belief is that a connection is strongly likely.
Bachman's from the midwest. Farm country.

Backwoods hillbilly hooch brewers, when they vote, vote republican.

And if they listen to radio, you can be sure as hell that they'd gravitate to crazy anti-government conspiracy theorists like Michele Bachmann.
Wow....Didn't know you were that into keeping up on the voting patterns of hillbillies.

Checked a map lately??...How far is it from the Mason-Dixon line to Bachman's district, and on which side of the line is that district?
Kentucky's a border state :)
how close is it to Michelle Bachmans district :rolleyes:
As I said, that is also a possibility, and clearly presenting it as such is much wiser than stating it as a fact.

Looking back, perhaps my statements at points did lead to the hyperbolic, stating a belief that there was a definite connection.

My apologies. My belief is that a connection is strongly likely.

Clearly Obama had an ACORN employee kill this poor man to shut-up the right-wingers. Clearly.
And you fuss at us for being conspiratorial :lol:
Absolutely. Your ignorance in your (as you said "us") kneejerk reactions is ugly. As ugly as the backwoods ridgerunner who kills a fed. I would wonder how that feels, but I have no interest in knowing.
You should know, as you stated the knee-jerk conspiracy theory that these backwoods types hate all gubmint peoples.
yeah, its a right wing conspiracy, isnt it

god damned you people are as fucking NUTS as the troofers and birfers
New York Magazine shares some thoughts:

Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized?

  • 9/24/09 at 10:35 AM

"...This even extends specifically to the census, the constitutionally mandated survey that occurs every ten years. You may recall recently hearing something about the evils of the census from some wide-eyed, hysterical woman — in the subway, perhaps? Nope, that was actually just Minnesota congresswoman Michelle Bachman. Here's Bachman, who had earlier claimed she would refuse to fill out her census form, on Fox News about three months ago:
If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the census bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations, at the request of President Roosevelt, and that’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps. I’m not saying that’s what the administration is planning to do.
But I am saying that private, personal information that was given to the census bureau in the 1940s was used against Americans to round them up."
Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized? -- Daily Intel

More nutter crap. You guys really crack me up.
Yop. New York Magazine is one whacked out periodical.
As I said, that is also a possibility, and clearly presenting it as such is much wiser than stating it as a fact.

Looking back, perhaps my statements at points did lead to the hyperbolic, stating a belief that there was a definite connection.

My apologies. My belief is that a connection is strongly likely.
Excellent. Isn't it funny how it seems that 95 times out of 100 we just don't really take the time to understand each other?

Thanks for your patience. And, I will try better myself to keep patient.
New York Magazine shares some thoughts:

Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized?

  • 9/24/09 at 10:35 AM

"...This even extends specifically to the census, the constitutionally mandated survey that occurs every ten years. You may recall recently hearing something about the evils of the census from some wide-eyed, hysterical woman — in the subway, perhaps? Nope, that was actually just Minnesota congresswoman Michelle Bachman. Here's Bachman, who had earlier claimed she would refuse to fill out her census form, on Fox News about three months ago:
If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the census bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations, at the request of President Roosevelt, and that’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps. I’m not saying that’s what the administration is planning to do.
But I am saying that private, personal information that was given to the census bureau in the 1940s was used against Americans to round them up."
Has Nancy Pelosi’s Fear of Political Violence Been Realized? -- Daily Intel

More nutter crap. You guys really crack me up.
Yop. New York Magazine is one whacked out periodical.
not sure, but i think he was talking about Bachman
Absolutely. Your ignorance in your (as you said "us") kneejerk reactions is ugly. As ugly as the backwoods ridgerunner who kills a fed. I would wonder how that feels, but I have no interest in knowing.
You should know, as you stated the knee-jerk conspiracy theory that these backwoods types hate all gubmint peoples.
yeah, its a right wing conspiracy, isnt it

god damned you people are as fucking NUTS as the troofers and birfers
... and the backwoods ridgerunning anti-fed types. They're all the same - troothers, birfers, ridgerunners, and the 'hate speech' nutters. There is little that is as ugly as a closed mind, and often little that is as dangerous. Unfortunately, Sparkman found out about that, too.
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Wow....Didn't know you were that into keeping up on the voting patterns of hillbillies.

Checked a map lately??...How far is it from the Mason-Dixon line to Bachman's district, and on which side of the line is that district?
Kentucky's a border state :)
how close is it to Michelle Bachmans district :rolleyes:
I haven't said a word about Bachman.

Do you know what I'm referring to when I say 'border state'?
Absolutely. Your ignorance in your (as you said "us") kneejerk reactions is ugly. As ugly as the backwoods ridgerunner who kills a fed. I would wonder how that feels, but I have no interest in knowing.
You should know, as you stated the knee-jerk conspiracy theory that these backwoods types hate all gubmint peoples.
yeah, its a right wing conspiracy, isnt it

god damned you people are as fucking NUTS as the troofers and birfers


All I've said is that these types get riled with all the anti-government rhetoric. And that's a fact.
You should know, as you stated the knee-jerk conspiracy theory that these backwoods types hate all gubmint peoples.
yeah, its a right wing conspiracy, isnt it

god damned you people are as fucking NUTS as the troofers and birfers


All I've said is that these types get riled with all the anti-government rhetoric. And that's a fact.
it wasnt a knee jerk anything
the area has a history

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