Apartments and the law


Jul 20, 2014
"That's a personal problem. All landlords aren't bad. The law leans heavily in favor of tenants. If you are having a problem, look in the mirror first."

This is a very bad assumption, and heavily dependent on what state you are renting in.

A law that says that the landlord doesn't have to renew your lease, and can charge you more when the lease is up, for your next lease is in favor of the landlord, and is the most common form of abuse, and insecurity handed down to tenants, effectively reducing tenants to living an insecure nomadic lifestyle.

This is my experience with individual landlords.

A landlord who is from Massachusetts got the idea that he should charge me more rent, because I had cable television.

The rights that you have pertaining to a residential house that you have in your name, that is not zoned as a for profit apartment, are just fucking incredible, and absolute.

The landlord, without having his house zoned as a for profit apartment and doesn't have a property manager's license is free to set whatever rules he wants, charge as much as he wants regardless of why... CAN discriminate, etc etc etc..

When you sign a contract to live in somebody elses private residential house registered in their name, you are selling your soul.

Sure, the landlord must take legal action against you, but all of those legal options are there for him to turn your life there into a nightmare.
And being as that is his residential private house, YOU tenant loses.

You might as well have bought a used car from somebody out in the street... ok ??!!!

I know the law.

Whereas if he were LEGALLY in the business of renting out property zoned as an apartment, he has laws to follow, and he would view you as a customer.

What part of this are you not getting ?

In Law, minor details, make for entirely DIFFERENT cases.
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When the lease is up...yep. They can raise the rent.

Not because I have cable television he cant, IF he were a licensed business, I have the right to entertainment and not pay him for it.
He doesn't need a reason. Lease is up? You didn't renew it prior to it expiring? Oh well.
When the lease is up...yep. They can raise the rent.

Not because I have cable television he cant

Yes, he can. I own two rental properties and I can charge what ever the fuck I want for them if there is someone willing to pay the price. I just got rid of a tenant of mine back in February so I could remodel the unit and rent it out for more.
Being in property management for the past 40 years (now retired), I still have some ideas of what is legal and what is not.

Anyone on a lease that will expire soon..I highly recommend you talk to your landlord before it expires and discuss you staying there and what changes may take place.

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