Apologies for Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Wall Street Journal

Everyone knew it was real.

The media that censored news the laptop are just cult propaganda.

They accused Don Trump jr of selling access to his father, but not Hunter?

Come on.
The cult knew it was real, they lied so that Biden would become President.
The whole damn DC swamp knew it was real and that Biden would lose the election so they lied and denied. Now we all know just how corrupt government is and the lengths it will go to RIG elections.
The American people are now learning that it's government sells them out to foreign countries to line their own pockets and buy mansions. The word CORRUPT comes to mind.
"Now we all know just how corrupt government is and the lengths it will go to RIG elections."

And now, good poster Blues Legend, you just hafta prove it.
What have you done to prove it was rigged?
Have you done more than just whine and hissyfit using a fake name on an internet gossip-board?

If that is all you have done, BL, then I'm here to tell you it is a bad look for you.
Your avatar is coming across as weak, indecisive, and ineffective.

You should be able to be better.
Take you proofs of the 'rigging' to your local FBI office, your State's chief Election official; hell, take it to your county sheriff.

Don't just play on a keyboard and whine about it. Do something, for God's sake!

Good luck.

You too, Angus.
Don't just whine about it under a fake name.
Do something about the 'rigging'.
What have you done? Have you done anything?
Please share that you've done more than churlishly hissyfit on an anonymous gossipboard.

Batter up, mon ami.
And now, good poster Blues Legend, you just hafta prove it.
What have you done to prove it was rigged?
Have you done more than just whine and hissyfit using a fake name on an internet gossip-board?

If that is all you have done, BL, then I'm here to tell you it is a bad look for you.
Your avatar is coming across as weak, indecisive, and ineffective.

You should be able to be better.
Take you proofs of the 'rigging' to your local FBI office, your State's chief Election official; hell, take it to your county sheriff.

Don't just play on a keyboard and whine about it. Do something, for God's sake!

Good luck.
Get a brain fool, even the NYT has admitted it. :itsok:
You too, Angus.
Don't just whine about it under a fake name.
Do something about the 'rigging'.
What have you done? Have you done anything?
Please share that you've done more than churlishly hissyfit on an anonymous gossipboard.

Batter up, mon ami.

This is the court of public opinion, not a court of law. Here, you only need a preponderance of the evidence. Just the fact of CNN admitting on tape they wanted Trump out of there, and would work towards him getting defeated on tape, then did not air the laptop story is more than enough, wouldn't you say-) As they say, "actions speak louder than words," and then when they are dumb enough to add words, that just adds fuel to the fire.

It is no longer our job to prove that media colluded with the Left, the media did it for us, or it sure looks that way. Public opinion has shifted dramatically towards this. So now it is up to the media and you Leftists to prove they didn't, lol. We no longer have to say much, because the vast majority of Americans see it our way. Last I seen, it was starting to push close to 64%.

So if I was you, I would start worrying what YOUR side is going to say, not us!
So the WSJ is saying the Republican-led Senate report from 2020, which states there was nothing illegal found, is accurate?


I do not believe the Johnson-Grassley report states that nothing illegal was found, show me where it says that. I believe what it did do was point out incidents that could be a conflict of interest and influence peddling that Joe Biden may have known about, prior to the 2020 election. Requests for an investigation were made and ignored, and the media buried the story. One might make the case for collusion in the 2020 election, not by the Russians but by the democrats and the propaganda wing of their party.
I do not believe the Johnson-Grassley report states that nothing illegal was found, show me where it says that. I believe what it did do was point out incidents that could be a conflict of interest and influence peddling that Joe Biden may have known about, prior to the 2020 election. Requests for an investigation were made and ignored, and the media buried the story. One might make the case for collusion in the 2020 election, not by the Russians but by the democrats and the propaganda wing of their party.

So, all those words and you agree they did not report any illegal findings.

So, all those words and you agree they did not report any illegal findings.


They did not report any illegal findings, which is not the same thing as saying there were none or that there was no wrong-doing. That's why they wanted an investigation, to see if anything illegal did happen. Let's be clear: you said the report stated that nothing illegal was found. That is not true, unless you can show that statement in the report. And BTW the democrats impeached Trump twice despite not finding anything illegal. It appears the shoe is now on the other foot.
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Now that the media is 'fessing up that they lied about Hunter's laptop, let's see Jack Maxey dump the 450 gigabytes of deleted material from the laptop, including 80,000 images and videos and more than 1,20,000 archived emails.

This is gonna be epic.
Epic doesn't garner attention anymore,
Just like the truth...

Speak power to truth, journalism will follow eventually...
You lefties need only consider what you would say if the lapto belonged to Donald Trump jr or Eric Trump?



As courageous (and accurate) as the New York Post’s October 2020 reporting on the Hunter laptop was, it came after the Johnson-Grassley bombshell. Only now—18 months late—are mainstream media outlets grudgingly confirming the truth of that Senate report. “Inside Hunter Biden’s multi-million-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company,” read last week’s Washington Post story. Reporters acknowledge that many aspects of their account of Hunter’s business dealings with CEFC China Energy were “included in a Republican-led Senate report from 2020,” even if the Post only recently bothered to confirm “key details.”

The cult knew it was real, they lied so that Biden would become President. The cult put a compromised man who is corrupt and on the take from Russia, China, and Ukraine into the White House.


Why? They tell you every day. They hate America and they want it to fall so they can rebuild it into their FANTASY SOCIALIST BULLSHIT UTOPIA.
And so this is why the MSM kept this under wraps!
Their 96% donation to Hillary was lost, they spent the next 4 years putting the most negative news about Trump (including hiding Hunter's laptop!) and then donated 90% to Biden.

As courageous (and accurate) as the New York Post’s October 2020 reporting on the Hunter laptop was, it came after the Johnson-Grassley bombshell. Only now—18 months late—are mainstream media outlets grudgingly confirming the truth of that Senate report. “Inside Hunter Biden’s multi-million-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company,” read last week’s Washington Post story. Reporters acknowledge that many aspects of their account of Hunter’s business dealings with CEFC China Energy were “included in a Republican-led Senate report from 2020,” even if the Post only recently bothered to confirm “key details.”

Uh, the WSJ is owned by Murdoch. Yet they didn't think that a laptop someone just found was serious evidence. The same with Fox News. They didn't report the story, either.

Because it had no credibility.

It still doesn't.
Uh, the WSJ is owned by Murdoch. Yet they didn't think that a laptop someone just found was serious evidence. The same with Fox News. They didn't report the story, either.

Because it had no credibility.

It still doesn't.

Because you thoroughly investigated the laptop yourself, right? You went to night school and got a degree in computer technology, counted every bit and byte on the hard drive, and didn't find anything but emails about Chelsea's wedding and yoga classes, right?

:laughing0301: :21::lmao::auiqs.jpg:
WLS apologized because it failed to confirm details of Hunter's lap top? How refreshing. When is the rest of the media going to apologize for not confirming allegations that led to the Trump impeachment?

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