Apparently, collusion is ok if you're a leftist...

You made a claim that you can`t back up so I`ll have to wait for "history" to know what you`re babbling about? Sorry Deno but my ass isn`t for sale. This isn`t a message board for finding gay prostitutes but I`m sure you can find one.

Then you should stop whoring for the Clintons and Obama.
No one needs to whore for the Clintons or Obama. Unlike your Orange Jesus, they`re not running from the law and they`re doing just fine.
Democrats run the justice system so of course the Clintons and Obama are kicking back. Remember how snarky Hillary was when asked about wiping her server? That was a person knowing she was untouchable.
Ok...........watched the video.........saying it wasn't defined.........

Sooo..........that excuses the AUDITS.............raids by the FBI..........ATF..........OSHA..........

No doesn't...............Diversion only.
Tea party groups should have never gotten 501 C4 status. That is the bottom line. The Tea party corrupted their own scam, then they got caught seeking 501C4 status. Then they got pissed when the IRS called them out on it, then made an unwarranted scandal where they themselves were doing illegal tax maneuvers.

They got caught, then tried to blame the IRS on their own tax scam. That is what happened.

FBI raids, audits, whatever, all warranted, because practicing the 1959 law, is what they were always supposed to be doing anyway.
Well just none of that is true.
That makes you a big fat anti-American liar.
If it wasn't, the scandal would have never stopped, and someone would have gone to jail like Boehner wanted, but it turned out, no one did anything wrong from the IRS. The results speak for itself, and the truth won. The only scandal was the law being changed back in 1959. And that is why the rest of the Republican talking points/lies, never went any where. It takes a real American to uncover the truth. And that truth was revealed.
And having affairs was ok unless you were Bill Clinton.

So now are you admitting after months of denials?

Nobody gave a shit that Clinton had affairs.
Sexual assault is another thing altogether...something else the animals on the left don't understand.
You have the pussy to say that after electing trump? Wow!

One again Sanders and Obama are not the same as what Trump did.
Why? A crime is a crime. Plus, we don’t know at this point if Trump did anything illegal, as it hasn’t been proven yet.
Obama's was a technical error, not a crime. Damn you folks are so misinformed.
I "technical error"? Please.
But I have it on very good authority that collusion isn't a crime. I got that from the very top even.

Someone should tell the Mueller team, then.
tRump didn't "collude", he conspired. That is a crime.

How strange there's no evidence of anybody but leftists and their moles engaging in it, then.
But I have it on very good authority that collusion isn't a crime. I got that from the very top even.

Someone should tell the Mueller team, then.
tRump didn't "collude", he conspired. That is a crime.

How strange there's no evidence of anybody but leftists and their moles engaging in it, then.
Really? Have you been under a rock for the last 18 months?
But I have it on very good authority that collusion isn't a crime. I got that from the very top even.

Someone should tell the Mueller team, then.
tRump didn't "collude", he conspired. That is a crime.

How strange there's no evidence of anybody but leftists and their moles engaging in it, then.
There is plenty of evidence. It's been explained to the Sheep many, many times on this forum.

The Trump Tower meeting is clear evidence of a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. with a foreign adversary. 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

This is the evidence. Let's see if you are a coward or not? Do you have counter evidence and or information proving this evidence is inaccurate? If you do not come back with a logical/intelligent/comprehensive rebuttal, then we will know that you proved me right.

Also, the Cambridge Analytica scheme is also evidence of a conspiracy with foreign nationals to influence the 2016 election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots
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But I have it on very good authority that collusion isn't a crime. I got that from the very top even.

Someone should tell the Mueller team, then.
tRump didn't "collude", he conspired. That is a crime.

How strange there's no evidence of anybody but leftists and their moles engaging in it, then.
There is plenty of evidence. It's been explained to the Sheep many, many times on this forum.

The Trump Tower meeting is clear evidence of a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. with a foreign adversary. 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

This is the evidence. Let's see if you are a coward or not? Do you have counter evidence and or information proving this evidence is inaccurate? If you do not come back with a logical/intelligent/comprehensive rebuttal, then we will know that you proved me right.

Also, the Cambridge Analytica scheme is also evidence of a conspiracy with foreign nationals to influence the 2016 election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

That isn't evidence, you're just citing the law and plugging for an idiot.
/----/ And speaking of collusion: Did McCain Collude with Russia?
Washington Post January 25th, 2008 — this is the year McCain is running for president the second time — the headline: “Aide Helped Controversial Russian Meet McCain — A top political adviser in Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign helped arrange an introduction in 2006 between McCain and a Russian billionaire –” this is two years prior to McCain running. “– whose suspected links to anti-democratic and organized-crime figures are so controversial that the U.S. government revoked his visa.”
John McCain’s 2008 Meetings with a Russian Oligarch
But I have it on very good authority that collusion isn't a crime. I got that from the very top even.

Someone should tell the Mueller team, then.
tRump didn't "collude", he conspired. That is a crime.

How strange there's no evidence of anybody but leftists and their moles engaging in it, then.
There is plenty of evidence. It's been explained to the Sheep many, many times on this forum.

The Trump Tower meeting is clear evidence of a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. with a foreign adversary. 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

This is the evidence. Let's see if you are a coward or not? Do you have counter evidence and or information proving this evidence is inaccurate? If you do not come back with a logical/intelligent/comprehensive rebuttal, then we will know that you proved me right.

Also, the Cambridge Analytica scheme is also evidence of a conspiracy with foreign nationals to influence the 2016 election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

That isn't evidence, you're just citing the law and plugging for an idiot.
As we expected. You are a coward. Telling me it is not evidence, tells us nothing. You must be able to explain how that Trump Tower meeting is not evidence of a conspiracy. I didn't just cite the law. The chain of events leading up to the meeting, how it was set up, the language behind the meeting, the purpose behind the meeting, and the lies that were exposed about that purpose, and the fact that it was held in secret with foreign nationals against a presidential candidate, all prove conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election. I'm not just citing the law, I provided you with evidence, and you failed to rebut that evidence. You lose.
But I have it on very good authority that collusion isn't a crime. I got that from the very top even.

Someone should tell the Mueller team, then.
tRump didn't "collude", he conspired. That is a crime.

How strange there's no evidence of anybody but leftists and their moles engaging in it, then.
There is plenty of evidence. It's been explained to the Sheep many, many times on this forum.

The Trump Tower meeting is clear evidence of a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. with a foreign adversary. 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

This is the evidence. Let's see if you are a coward or not? Do you have counter evidence and or information proving this evidence is inaccurate? If you do not come back with a logical/intelligent/comprehensive rebuttal, then we will know that you proved me right.

Also, the Cambridge Analytica scheme is also evidence of a conspiracy with foreign nationals to influence the 2016 election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

That isn't evidence, you're just citing the law and plugging for an idiot.
If that isn't evidence then no criminal should have even been convicted even in the history of the US bevbeca it really doesn't get any clearer than caught red-handed.

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