Apparently R-Wers don't need a clean environment....

This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!
What the fuck business is it of yours?
I must drink water. I must breathe air. I must eat foods grown in and in the soil. And so must you.

Who knew?
In their moronic frenzy over Trump's win last month, right wingers have no interest in clean water, clean air, and sane restrictions on wanton polluters. I guess a clean environment is a partisan issue and for most right wingers they welcome getting screwed as long as the "screwing" has a conservative agenda.

Pruitt is a prick, and Trump picking him is a preamble to his handing over the reins of government to whomever has been bribed by the wealthy class. Eventually right wingers too will realize how truly fucked up this administration will be......lets hope that its not too late for both our country and the enture planet.

Nuts at EPa do not correspond to clear air or water
Any improvement produced certainly is no longer worth the cost

The above reminds me of the conservatives' bullshit about "death panels"....
A-la, "any improvement in the life expectancy of a human, is no longer worth the cost."

What a fucking moron, MiddleFingerBoy truly is.........
I wonder if many people know how many silly-ass, needless, intrusive, non-needed regulations have been passed / imposed by the Obama administration EPA and Czars that do nothing to provide clean air and water that can be done away with, save money, reduce Beaurocracy without resulting in dirtier air and water?!

Any improvement produced certainly is no longer worth the cost

The above reminds me of the conservatives' bullshit about "death panels"....
A-la, "any improvement in the life expectancy of a human, is no longer worth the cost."

What a fucking moron, MiddleFingerBoy truly is.........

Well, thanks Obama:

U.S. life expectancy drops for first time in 20 years
Unaffordable medical care tends to do that. In some sense, it was Obama's fault by not pushing the Medicare for all mandate that the voters gave him in 2008.
I wonder if many people know how many silly-ass, needless, intrusive, non-needed regulations have been passed / imposed by the Obama administration EPA and Czars that do nothing to provide clean air and water that can be done away with, save money, reduce Beaurocracy without resulting in dirtier air and water?!

Why don't you tell us.
In their moronic frenzy over Trump's win last month, right wingers have no interest in clean water, clean air, and sane restrictions on wanton polluters. I guess a clean environment is a partisan issue and for most right wingers they welcome getting screwed as long as the "screwing" has a conservative agenda.

Pruitt is a prick, and Trump picking him is a preamble to his handing over the reins of government to whomever has been bribed by the wealthy class. Eventually right wingers too will realize how truly fucked up this administration will be......lets hope that its not too late for both our country and the enture planet.

Youre right we all want to.die.

Or it could be you leftwingers are full of shit and you guys want to be pesants with the govt controlling you, because freedom is too hard and unfair.
Unaffordable medical care tends to do that. In some sense, it was Obama's fault by not pushing the Medicare for all mandate that the voters gave him in 2008.

Perhaps Obama's worst mistake in giving in to the wishes of conservatives who were bribed by the AMA, hospital associations and big pharma companies.
Or it could be you leftwingers are full of shit and you guys want to be pesants with the govt controlling you, because freedom is too hard and unfair.

No, no.......I am sure that coal mine owners, pipeline builders, and auto manufacturers will forgo profits for the sake of your sorry ass....; after all, those companies and conglomerates are run by "sweethearts" who care about your health.
This is just more butt hurt whining from lefty snow flakes. CO2 is not a pollutant, and the EPA has no business doing some of the things they have been doing. Harassing landowners, trying to steal property from them, and trying to declare the very breath libtards exhale as a pollutant. It is time for the EPA to do only what they were designed to do, and that is to ensure we have clean air and water, not chase some fairy tale half baked theory jihad of Al Gore's.
You're the one making unsubstantiated claims dumbass. I'm not going to scour rightwing sites looking for crap to back you up.
Oh the claims are substantiated - I am just not spoon-feeding your lazy ass, and you're un-happy about the idea of having to put forth a little effort.

Just to shut your pie-hole, I will show you about how 20 seconds worth of digging on Google could educate you:

EPA Regulations Strangling America | Human Events

Supreme Court Strikes Down EPA Rule For Doing ‘More Harm Than Good’
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I have just now come to the conclusion that ALL Liberals suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder. On this topic, and others, it's either tyrannical control by the EPA, or "Oh My Gawd!" we are doomed! There is no rational middle ground for them.

They're each and every one related to Chicken Little's to the core.

It' sad, really. It must be a terrible place to live.

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