Apparently R-Wers don't need a clean environment....

The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.

Yeah! Let's deregulate environmental laws and rules so companies can dump anywhere they like and whole towns can get cancer! Cancer rocks! Let's give 0 shits about climate change and pollute it up. We don't need an Ozone anyway. Rising ocean levels will be awesome so we can go swimmming all year around. Those bastards at the EPA have taken away fun.
Why would companies do that?

Large companies have done it in the past. Where they have dumped their waste in small towns or cities and the people have gotten sick.
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.

Yeah! Let's deregulate environmental laws and rules so companies can dump anywhere they like and whole towns can get cancer! Cancer rocks! Let's give 0 shits about climate change and pollute it up. We don't need an Ozone anyway. Rising ocean levels will be awesome so we can go swimmming all year around. Those bastards at the EPA have taken away fun.
Why would companies do that?

Large companies have done it in the past. Where they have dumped their waste in small towns or cities and the people have gotten sick.
Really? When?
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.

Yeah! Let's deregulate environmental laws and rules so companies can dump anywhere they like and whole towns can get cancer! Cancer rocks! Let's give 0 shits about climate change and pollute it up. We don't need an Ozone anyway. Rising ocean levels will be awesome so we can go swimmming all year around. Those bastards at the EPA have taken away fun.
Why would companies do that?

Large companies have done it in the past. Where they have dumped their waste in small towns or cities and the people have gotten sick.
Really? When?

I'm not going to sit and list all the companies that dump toxic waste. Just google it and you'll find tons of companies who have done it.
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.

Yeah! Let's deregulate environmental laws and rules so companies can dump anywhere they like and whole towns can get cancer! Cancer rocks! Let's give 0 shits about climate change and pollute it up. We don't need an Ozone anyway. Rising ocean levels will be awesome so we can go swimmming all year around. Those bastards at the EPA have taken away fun.
Why would companies do that?

Large companies have done it in the past. Where they have dumped their waste in small towns or cities and the people have gotten sick.
Really? When?

I'm not going to sit and list all the companies that dump toxic waste. Just google it and you'll find tons of companies who have done it.
Yes, yes....of course you can't.....
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.

Yeah! Let's deregulate environmental laws and rules so companies can dump anywhere they like and whole towns can get cancer! Cancer rocks! Let's give 0 shits about climate change and pollute it up. We don't need an Ozone anyway. Rising ocean levels will be awesome so we can go swimmming all year around. Those bastards at the EPA have taken away fun.
Why would companies do that?

Large companies have done it in the past. Where they have dumped their waste in small towns or cities and the people have gotten sick.
Really? When?

I'm not going to sit and list all the companies that dump toxic waste. Just google it and you'll find tons of companies who have done it.
Like Durango Colorado? :lol:
Believe it or not, the planet has been here for 4.6 billion years. It has suffered (sans humanitary involvement), planetary collisions, asteroid impacts, mass extinctions, runaway climate change, all cataclysms beyond human comprehension. It will be here long after the human race has gone extinct.

And you think right wingers are going to destroy the planet? That's funny.

What a "brilliant" retort......And believe it or not, Chernobyl STILL exists....too bad that no living being can live there for the next 5 thousand years....

What idiots like you do not realize is that we are NOT talking about the planet's existence, we are talking about morons like you being able to live in such a planet.

Hardly. The area around Chernobyl is overrun with wildlife. It's not very healthy for humans, but it will be habitable a lot sooner than 5000 years from now.
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.

Yeah! Let's deregulate environmental laws and rules so companies can dump anywhere they like and whole towns can get cancer! Cancer rocks! Let's give 0 shits about climate change and pollute it up. We don't need an Ozone anyway. Rising ocean levels will be awesome so we can go swimmming all year around. Those bastards at the EPA have taken away fun.
Why would companies do that?

Large companies have done it in the past. Where they have dumped their waste in small towns or cities and the people have gotten sick.
For example?
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.

You know as well as anyone that we're discussing the EPA's recent regulations on CO2 emissions. CO2 isn't even a pollutant, and the regulations issued by Obama's EPA are shutting down hundreds of coal fired power plants.

The power of the EPA needs to be cut. Only douche bags dispute that. Trump picked the right guy for the job.
The coal industry has been in decline for decades. President George H. Bush got that ball rolling when he restricted the use of high sulfur coal to mitigate acid rain. Cheaper natural gas, which burns cleaner, and the decline of heavy industry like the steel makers contributed to coal's decline.

Only douche bags don't look at the whole picture and blame Obama.
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.
This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.
This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!
Laws still exist, dufus.
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.
This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!
What the fuck business is it of yours?
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.
This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!
What the fuck business is it of yours?
I must drink water. I must breathe air. I must eat foods grown in and in the soil. And so must you.
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.

You know as well as anyone that we're discussing the EPA's recent regulations on CO2 emissions. CO2 isn't even a pollutant, and the regulations issued by Obama's EPA are shutting down hundreds of coal fired power plants.

The power of the EPA needs to be cut. Only douche bags dispute that. Trump picked the right guy for the job.
The coal industry has been in decline for decades. President George H. Bush got that ball rolling when he restricted the use of high sulfur coal to mitigate acid rain. Cheaper natural gas, which burns cleaner, and the decline of heavy industry like the steel makers contributed to coal's decline.

Only douche bags don't look at the whole picture and blame Obama.

You're just admitting that EPA regulations are killing the coal industry. High sulfur coal isn't a problem in a coal plant equipped with scrubbers. 'W' was the classic example of an establishment RINO. He had no problem with the environmental wackos running over consumers. If pure economics was the cause, then why did the EPA generate the latest extreme regulations on coal plants?

You're obviously just another leftwing douche bag repeating the lies fed to you by the party. Power is more important than truth to scum like you.
In their moronic frenzy over Trump's win last month, right wingers have no interest in clean water, clean air, and sane restrictions on wanton polluters. I guess a clean environment is a partisan issue and for most right wingers they welcome getting screwed as long as the "screwing" has a conservative agenda.

Pruitt is a prick, and Trump picking him is a preamble to his handing over the reins of government to whomever has been bribed by the wealthy class. Eventually right wingers too will realize how truly fucked up this administration will be......lets hope that its not too late for both our country and the enture planet.

Yes, they want to drink nuclear waste and breathe polluted air. Moron
What are you saying - that they don't want those things but are just too stupid to realize that's what they're going to get?
This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!
What the fuck business is it of yours?
I must drink water. I must breathe air. I must eat foods grown in and in the soil. And so must you.
Good for you....point?
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.

You know as well as anyone that we're discussing the EPA's recent regulations on CO2 emissions. CO2 isn't even a pollutant, and the regulations issued by Obama's EPA are shutting down hundreds of coal fired power plants.

The power of the EPA needs to be cut. Only douche bags dispute that. Trump picked the right guy for the job.
The coal industry has been in decline for decades. President George H. Bush got that ball rolling when he restricted the use of high sulfur coal to mitigate acid rain. Cheaper natural gas, which burns cleaner, and the decline of heavy industry like the steel makers contributed to coal's decline.

Only douche bags don't look at the whole picture and blame Obama.

You're just admitting that EPA regulations are killing the coal industry. High sulfur coal isn't a problem in a coal plant equipped with scrubbers. 'W' was the classic example of an establishment RINO. He had no problem with the environmental wackos running over consumers. If pure economics was the cause, then why did the EPA generate the latest extreme regulations on coal plants?

You're obviously just another leftwing douche bag repeating the lies fed to you by the party. Power is more important than truth to scum like you.
He's succumbed to liberal,fake news....
The EPA is too ahead of themselves. Its time to curb their bullshit.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.
This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!

What you fail to understand is that EPA regulations long passed the point of diminishing returns. All new regulations passed only serve to harm economic output. They produce no detectable improvement in the environment. Any improvement produced certainly is no longer worth the cost. As it now exists, the EPA's only function is to destroy capitalism. The employees don't give a damn whether their actions harm Americans or help them. They are all a bunch of Stalinist douche bags, just like you.

Time to clean house.
Please cite examples. Are the NESHAP standards too restrictive? What about CERCLA? Should they roll back CFR 14-281 or CFR 14 320?

Anecdotes are fine for bumper stickers, talk radio and the scientifically illiterate, but real cuts to the EPA require thoughtfulness and a respected for scientific fact.
This couple bought some property build a retirement home. EPA said they could not build their home, it was wetlands. There is no water on their property.

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuit in E.P.A. Wetlands Case
Perhaps they did not know the definition notion of "wetlands". Could you explain, or do you need me to cite the regulations and specifications?
Perhaps the EPA needs to be shut down so it will no longer be able to confiscate private property.
Right. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Think about this use of private property; a family saves for years to buy their dream property. 70 acres with a reliable water source, wooded hillsides and a great spot with views to build their home. Only to have a hillbilly move in next door and open a junk yard. 350 rusting cars leaking oil, battery acid and other fluids into the soil ruining the water.

And no recourse to stop that pollution. Viva private property!

What you fail to understand is that EPA regulations long passed the point of diminishing returns. All new regulations passed only serve to harm economic output. They produce no detectable improvement in the environment. Any improvement produced certainly is no longer worth the cost. As it now exists, the EPA's only function is to destroy capitalism. The employees don't give a damn whether their actions harm Americans or help them. They are all a bunch of Stalinist douche bags, just like you.

Time to clean house.
Yep. EPA has gone from protecting bears to protecting skin mold on bears.

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