Appeal to waive min. 15 post for permission to post URLs rule.

No more crocodile tears to shed, wonder what the mods will think when they see all this nonsense... one demerit point each?
Demerits? Where do you think we are, back in fucking grade school?

Yeah, 1 more chance to post, according to 'Scooter': "USMB Rules & Regulations">announcements-and-feedback>47455-usmb-rules-and-regulations.html
Disciplinary Action:
If any of the above is violated a warning or infraction will be issued to the offending member. If enough infraction points add up the offending member will be banned for 10 days. If the behavior continues after the 10 day ban the user will be permanently removed from Circumstances such as spammers will skip the infraction system and be banned immediately. Multiple accounts are not permitted so do not reregister.
Sorry, still cannot post links/ picts

Infraction =/= demerit

True story. :thup:
Just cry about it for 10 more posts and you'll be there.
No more crocodile tears to shed, wonder what the mods will think when they see all this nonsense... one demerit point each?
That's a pretty harsh tone to take with your own thread.

No, dun think so.
Just doing as the Romans do... since many other users have made 'bright' suggestions, I've tried to reply as brightly as I possibly can and should be allowed to achieve the necessary post count discussing this substitute thread I've started (I have no other decent choice).

I reckon that if i were to be considered deserving of a yellow card, then all the others, especially those whose posts are punctuated with vulgarities ought to be given yellow cards too.

In any case, this discussion should prompt the mods to explain the '15 post for URLs rule' and if the alternative I've suggested- might be considered.

The helpfulness of the mods in regard to the difficulties that I'm facing would I suppose, also reflect upon the quality of the moderators and their willingness to accept feedback wrt the difficulties faced by new members seeking to participate in these forums without the need to first make 15 'gossipy posts' before proper discussion can start and "'where voices [really] count.

Administrative Actions and Comments about them should be dealt with through PM format, rather than the open boards.
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I can already tell that your links won't be that good
So discouraging...
We are anxiously awaiting to see what was so spectacular about your links that you needed a waiver of the 15 post rule
Better be good
No nothing spectacular.
Just feel that links and picts help make for better posts that can be further researched and discussed.
Otherwise, just not making full use of the internet I guess...
No more crocodile tears to shed, wonder what the mods will think when they see all this nonsense... one demerit point each?
That's a pretty harsh tone to take with your own thread.

No, dun think so.
Just doing as the Romans do... since many other users have made 'bright' suggestions, I've tried to reply as brightly as I possibly can and should be allowed to achieve the necessary post count discussing this substitute thread I've started (I have no other decent choice).

I reckon that if i were to be considered deserving of a yellow card, then all the others, especially those whose posts are punctuated with vulgarities ought to be given yellow cards too.

In any case, this discussion should prompt the mods to explain the '15 post for URLs rule' and if the alternative I've suggested- might be considered.

The helpfulness of the mods in regard to the difficulties that I'm facing would I suppose, also reflect upon the quality of the moderators and their willingness to accept feedback wrt the difficulties faced by new members seeking to participate in these forums without the need to first make 15 'gossipy posts' before proper discussion can start and "'where voices [really] count.

The thing is, nobody ever makes a stink about it. They just make 15 posts and move on with their lives.

Try it out.
That's a pretty harsh tone to take with your own thread.
No, dun think so.
Just doing as the Romans do... since many other users have made 'bright' suggestions, I've tried to reply as brightly as I possibly can and should be allowed to achieve the necessary post count discussing this substitute thread I've started (I have no other decent choice).
I reckon that if i were to be considered deserving of a yellow card, then all the others, especially those whose posts are punctuated with vulgarities ought to be given yellow cards too.
In any case, this discussion should prompt the mods to explain the '15 post for URLs rule' and if the alternative I've suggested- might be considered.
The helpfulness of the mods in regard to the difficulties that I'm facing would I suppose, also reflect upon the quality of the moderators and their willingness to accept feedback wrt the difficulties faced by new members seeking to participate in these forums without the need to first make 15 'gossipy posts' before proper discussion can start and "'where voices [really] count.
The thing is, nobody ever makes a stink about it. They just make 15 posts and move on with their lives.
Try it out.
Thats why Obama won? bc America needs change? *jokin*

Actually I just wanted to post a post about the USA electoral college system cos I just watched a video and read a forum letter in my local newspapers and kinds think that the US system is quite outdated and perhaps requires urgent review.

The said message can be found at XXXXXX .
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Sorry, been following US elections and they all say change, change, change, change....
thus my suggestion hoping to receive a helpful response...
(like U could share your post count rather than advise to spam/ comment without sufficient discretion)

oh stop whining.... go say hello 15 times to 1 different people in the into section...... or aren't you that smart?
U are funny too, thanks for the suggestion though I don't see the point of newbies saying hello to newbies/ gossiping.

Still waiting for white-knight with a' moderator' title to respond to my suggestion (or i achieve 15 posts, whichever soonest I guess).

Happy not to have fallen for the suggestion of Skull Pilot:

This wouldn't have been tolerated at the other forum sites I frequent.

It wouldn't have been tolerated on this one either.
Appeal to waive min. 15 post for permission to post URLs rule:
"You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more."

As experienced, I'm unable to conduct any logical discussion about a topic I wish to post due to the a/m problem (no picts/ URLs allowed). I however do know of another local (Singapore) forum that seems to have better rules that prevent newbies from posting spam etc by restricting the initial rate of posts to </= 5 posts/hr.

Perhaps this forum's mods could consider (/ discuss this issue here so that perhaps I might achieve my 15 posts threshold- to post my message which includes URLs?)

(PS: U can find the relevant forum message at 'MyCarForum' by searching google for the words below in bold)

-Restriction on posting by Newbies - MyCarForum
"With the growing number of members in MCF, we have seen an increased number of newbies who come in to spam the forum.
Therefore, we have imposed a maximum post number for newbies. All members with less than 10 posts will be allowed to post only a maximum of 5 posts per hour.
Any feedback is appreciated. "

I think they should increase it to 1000 posts, it will keep the nuts out.

too late, we've already taken over. :D
Okay, you're there.
You can thank me later.
There, thank you now. :D
No, dun think so.
Just doing as the Romans do... since many other users have made 'bright' suggestions, I've tried to reply as brightly as I possibly can and should be allowed to achieve the necessary post count discussing this substitute thread I've started (I have no other decent choice).
I reckon that if i were to be considered deserving of a yellow card, then all the others, especially those whose posts are punctuated with vulgarities ought to be given yellow cards too.
In any case, this discussion should prompt the mods to explain the '15 post for URLs rule' and if the alternative I've suggested- might be considered.
The helpfulness of the mods in regard to the difficulties that I'm facing would I suppose, also reflect upon the quality of the moderators and their willingness to accept feedback wrt the difficulties faced by new members seeking to participate in these forums without the need to first make 15 'gossipy posts' before proper discussion can start and "'where voices [really] count.
The thing is, nobody ever makes a stink about it. They just make 15 posts and move on with their lives.
Try it out.
Thats why Obama won? bc America needs change? *jokin*
Actually I just wanted to post a post about the USA electoral college system cos I just watched a video and read a forum letter in my local newspapers and kinds think that the US system is quite outdated and perhaps requires urgent review.
The said message can be found at XXXXXX ST: No true democracy with US Electoral College system.
Wonder who creates all these XXXXXX- is it automatic/ are all links still not allowed?

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Why not just use the part of your article you want and use a hard link to back up your contention?
Why not just use what part of your article you want and use a hard link to back up your contention?

Article is at: XXXXXX

Will post as new thread later or in existing thread as I deem appropriate (but not yet for now).
What's a hard link anyhow? don't just post another forum. Links are for backing up a contention that you post. You use part of an article and back it up with your source to cover any copywrite infringement. You just don't post a link to a forum.
Appeal to waive min. 15 post for permission to post URLs rule:
"You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more."

As experienced, I'm unable to conduct any logical discussion about a topic I wish to post due to the a/m problem (no picts/ URLs allowed). I however do know of another local (Singapore) forum that seems to have better rules that prevent newbies from posting spam etc by restricting the initial rate of posts to </= 5 posts/hr.

Perhaps this forum's mods could consider (/ discuss this issue here so that perhaps I might achieve my 15 posts threshold- to post my message which includes URLs?)

(PS: U can find the relevant forum message at 'MyCarForum' by searching google for the words below in bold)

-Restriction on posting by Newbies - MyCarForum
"With the growing number of members in MCF, we have seen an increased number of newbies who come in to spam the forum.
Therefore, we have imposed a maximum post number for newbies. All members with less than 10 posts will be allowed to post only a maximum of 5 posts per hour.
Any feedback is appreciated. "

I think they should increase it to 1000 posts, it will keep the nuts out.
Hey, that woulda kept me out!

Uh, what's the saying... "I resemble that remark...." But I'm not selling anything, and if I were, I would use the USMB advertising route, which I probably couldn't afford since only about .02% of the population ever sews anymore unless they're super skinny ... :lol::lol::lol:

Probably the reason that is, is because it's a tough trade. By the time you're finished with the bride's dress, she's gained 7 pounds and if you charge her for letting it out, your chances of her not liking it at her new weight are about 1000%, and they ask for refunds because THEY GAINED THE DAMN WEIGHT. :cuckoo:

I never made wedding dresses, because that's the kind of stories local seamstresses brought to my shop, and I shuddered to think what hell it must be to be a seamstress dealing with the 20% of the public that is seamy to the point of workers feeling like telling them five little words they don't want to hear: "Wally World for your wedding". :muahaha:

Maybe 20 is a reasonable number, maybe a few more.
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