Appears the Markets believe Donald Trump won the Debate

OK...That ignorant statement is completely contrary to every widely held intelligent analysis about how the markets would react based on the two candidates.

Yet you can't show us any such analysis. That's because you just made it up. Why yes, it is that obvious.

As is always the case, I can back up what I say. After all, I'm a liberal.

A staggering 77% of business leaders polled by Yale say they plan to vote for Joe Biden over Trump in the November election.


My article references Financial Markets, not business leaders. Financial Markets rise and fall on the actions of investors....Not who "Business Leaders" endorse for President. Your "back up" is totally and immeasurably irrelevant to this article. Just like a Liberal to try and deflect and avoid the topic at hand rather than address or accept the premise. Try again.
OK...That ignorant statement is completely contrary to every widely held intelligent analysis about how the markets would react based on the two candidates.

Yet you can't show us any such analysis. That's because you just made it up. Why yes, it is that obvious.

As is always the case, I can back up what I say. After all, I'm a liberal.

A staggering 77% of business leaders polled by Yale say they plan to vote for Joe Biden over Trump in the November election.

EPIC FAIL View attachment 395272

My article references Financial Markets, not business leaders. Financial Markets rise and fall on the actions of investors....Not who "Business Leaders" endorse for President. Your "back up" is totally and immeasurably irrelevant to this article. Just like a Liberal to try and deflect and avoid the topic at hand rather than address or accept the premise. Try again.

-- mamooth
Business leaders want Biden. Reason is Obama's market his last year was mostly stagnant. Trump was elected and the DOW surged over 2K before his inauguration. From there, well, you know..........TWICE.

Plus Biden has dementia, which offers the market a lot of confidence.
That's ok. We're poised to throw all that away when Biden gets elected. Even as we speak, I'm looking up the prices of corrugated tin and tar paper so I can change my house to a tar paper shack with a tin roof. Might even do away with the two bathrooms and put an outhouse out back.

If' we're gonna be under Democrat rule, I might as well live like a Democrat.

My IRA company knows what they're doing. They did pretty good with this and the Obama recession. But if Biden does look like he has a chance at winning, I'm thinking of puling some money out. I see the market really taking a hit that may last a long time.

If Biden wins the economy and the country will be rolling down the drain. Man has some seriously stupid ideas. A financier he ain't.
View attachment 395222
A day after the 1st Presidential debate, the Market indices all appear to agree that President Donald J Trump won the debate. While political pundants all have a political bias, the financial markets have only one loyalty, and that is growth and profit. It is widely accepted that should Joe Biden and the Democrats win in November, markets will suffer a major decline as there will be uncertainty about the economy, and markets do not like uncertainty. On the contrary, should Donald J Trump and the Republicans win, it will be steady as she goes, there will be certainty in the economy and the markets will continue their meteoric, historical rise. With ALL 4 major indices having risen today substantially, those outside of politic and not blinded by bias seem to have declared Donald J Trump the winner hands down.

Yeah...they're rising because they know that Joe won and is now widely expected to win in a MASSIVE landslide.

That's ok. We're poised to throw all that away when Biden gets elected. Even as we speak, I'm looking up the prices of corrugated tin and tar paper so I can change my house to a tar paper shack with a tin roof. Might even do away with the two bathrooms and put an outhouse out back.

If' we're gonna be under Democrat rule, I might as well live like a Democrat.

My IRA company knows what they're doing. They did pretty good with this and the Obama recession. But if Biden does look like he has a chance at winning, I'm thinking of puling some money out. I see the market really taking a hit that may last a long time.

If Biden wins the economy and the country will be rolling down the drain. Man has some seriously stupid ideas. A financier he ain't.

The real question is how many months or years during our downfall will they still be blaming Trump? It happened with Obama the first three years. Every bad thing that happened was because of Bush.
That's ok. We're poised to throw all that away when Biden gets elected. Even as we speak, I'm looking up the prices of corrugated tin and tar paper so I can change my house to a tar paper shack with a tin roof. Might even do away with the two bathrooms and put an outhouse out back.

If' we're gonna be under Democrat rule, I might as well live like a Democrat.

My IRA company knows what they're doing. They did pretty good with this and the Obama recession. But if Biden does look like he has a chance at winning, I'm thinking of puling some money out. I see the market really taking a hit that may last a long time.

If Biden wins the economy and the country will be rolling down the drain. Man has some seriously stupid ideas. A financier he ain't.

The real question is how many months or years during our downfall will they still be blaming Trump? It happened with Obama the first three years. Every bad thing that happened was because of Bush.

Yup. Nothing bad happening was Barry's fault. Everything was Bush's fault. You can bet when Biden's doings start taking the country down he will blame Trump.
It was brutish, but needed to be, with a leftist tool like Wallace pretending to be a moderator.

TRUMP got joe to call America systemically racist, and that's a huge problem for most of this country.

He got slow Joe to state that Antifa was essentially not real, when all know the sad and terrorizing reality.

He got him to piss on his master's GND, and agreements with Bernie.

He highlighted joe's clear refusal to give his list of names and refused to answer packing the court.

He showed that joe was impotent and unmotivated to shut down the Portland violence.

He showed that Joe has no interest in boosting the economy for months.

He also showed the family corruption in foreign lands.

And joe himself showed that he not just some nice old guy. He's an angry prick with the debate skills of a.. like.. you know.. c'mon man.. shut up, clown!" as well as times where he went into a shell with head hanging down. All the while, with his teammate Chris Weasel Wallace fighting much of the battle for him.

Yeah. We know who won back America for the people.
So if joe wins, Democrats will stop rioting?

Probably because there would be nothing in it for them. The Democrats allowed and even promoted the rioting to make the country seem in shambles under President Trump. It's the only reason they had it go on for so long. They want to destroy the country as much as possible before the election.
This is obvious to anyone who isn't a Democrat.
For a business outlook, I go out to business publications.


I remain amazed at how many people try to attribute daily or hourly movements in markets to simplistic, individual, partisan-based opinions on news items.

Not surprised, given the arrogant ignorance that is out there, but amazed at the sheer volume of it.

It's hurtful, seeing my country in decay like this. Worse, since it's such a self-inflicted wound that's killing us.
View attachment 395222
A day after the 1st Presidential debate, the Market indices all appear to agree that President Donald J Trump won the debate. While political pundants all have a political bias, the financial markets have only one loyalty, and that is growth and profit. It is widely accepted that should Joe Biden and the Democrats win in November, markets will suffer a major decline as there will be uncertainty about the economy, and markets do not like uncertainty. On the contrary, should Donald J Trump and the Republicans win, it will be steady as she goes, there will be certainty in the economy and the markets will continue their meteoric, historical rise. With ALL 4 major indices having risen today substantially, those outside of politic and not blinded by bias seem to have declared Donald J Trump the winner hands down.

Yeah...they're rising because they know that Joe won and is now widely expected to win in a MASSIVE landslide.

So correct. Noting makes the economy and markets better than taxing our job producers, and increasing capital gains taxes. Burdening businesses once again with Commie Care would be icing on the cake. I bet they all have Biden's picture on their walls.

Biden and Dems are delusional.
View attachment 395222
A day after the 1st Presidential debate, the Market indices all appear to agree that President Donald J Trump won the debate. While political pundants all have a political bias, the financial markets have only one loyalty, and that is growth and profit. It is widely accepted that should Joe Biden and the Democrats win in November, markets will suffer a major decline as there will be uncertainty about the economy, and markets do not like uncertainty. On the contrary, should Donald J Trump and the Republicans win, it will be steady as she goes, there will be certainty in the economy and the markets will continue their meteoric, historical rise. With ALL 4 major indices having risen today substantially, those outside of politic and not blinded by bias seem to have declared Donald J Trump the winner hands down.

Ya,,speaking of markets..Joe Biden's odds improve on betting markets after first U.S. debate
That's ok. We're poised to throw all that away when Biden gets elected. Even as we speak, I'm looking up the prices of corrugated tin and tar paper so I can change my house to a tar paper shack with a tin roof. Might even do away with the two bathrooms and put an outhouse out back.

If' we're gonna be under Democrat rule, I might as well live like a Democrat.

My IRA company knows what they're doing. They did pretty good with this and the Obama recession. But if Biden does look like he has a chance at winning, I'm thinking of puling some money out. I see the market really taking a hit that may last a long time.

If Biden wins the economy and the country will be rolling down the drain. Man has some seriously stupid ideas. A financier he ain't.

The real question is how many months or years during our downfall will they still be blaming Trump? It happened with Obama the first three years. Every bad thing that happened was because of Bush.
Rule of thumb: When the economy's good, the last Democrat President gets credit. When the economy's bad, the last Republican President gets the blame.

Democrats are morons.
It is widely accepted that should Joe Biden and the Democrats win in November, markets will suffer a major decline

No, it's not. The opposite is true. Business leaders want Biden, because they see him as bringing growth and stability.
Growth and stability? His taxation and spending plans are going to do anything except cause growth and stability. The only place growth will occur will be in the growth of government bureaucratic positions. When taxes go up, the economy goes down, and Biden's proposing billions in additional taxes every year.

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