Appeasing God(s)


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Did you see the news?!? :disbelief:

How can I appease an angry God?


:eusa_eh: Since we now know that earthquakes, disease, wild-fires, floods, lightning, falling trees, etc are not caused by an angry God, do we still need to spend resources appeasing God(s)?

:eusa_eh: Since we now know that earthquakes, disease, wild-fires, floods, lightning, falling trees, etc are not caused by an angry God, do we still need to spend resources appeasing God(s)?

...could you be more specific about "spending resources?"
The Hebrew God is not a man nor form thus not an idol nor eglomania figure needing appeasement.
Being that Essence to become complete and whole means when we progress to over come destructive behavior whether man made destruction or natural. This means building to withstand nature's wrath, creating flood channels, drainage, levies, cars that float & double as boats *L*, tornado shelters, storm warning systems, weather radar technology, emergency prep systems, etc. All are in line with that Essence to progress to all we could and should be and maintain life protected against that which destroys it.
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:eusa_eh: Since we now know that earthquakes, disease, wild-fires, floods, lightning, falling trees, etc are not caused by an angry God, do we still need to spend resources appeasing God(s)?
...could you be more specific about "spending resources?"

How about we start with the huge tax breaks enjoyed by the worship industry?

The Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage makes it clearer than ever that the government shouldn't be subsidizing religion and non-profits

Now's the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions
How about we start with the huge tax breaks enjoyed by the worship industry?
We could look at the issue from a different angle also. How about not working on "sticking it to everybody" but "unsticking it for everybody?" I agree on your assessment that churches in general comprise a huge business though.
why is it all about gods? and never goddesses?
..for the same reason as female performers are being called "actors" lately and not "actresses." Now, either you get with the fucking gender neutral program or not... quit bitching.
Let's go here:

"Lord Of This World"

You're searching for your mind don't know where to start
Can't find the key to fit the lock on your heart
You think you know but you are never quite sure
Your soul is ill but you will not find a cure.

Your world was made for you by someone above
But you choose evil ways instead of love.
You made me master of the world where you exist
The soul I took from you was not even missed, yeah.

Lord of this world
Evil possessor
Lord of this world
He's your confessor now!

You think you're innocent you've nothing to fear
You don't know me, you say, but isn't it clear?
You turn to me in all your worldly greed and pride
But will you turn to me when it's your turn to die, yeah?
:eusa_eh: Since we now know that earthquakes, disease, wild-fires, floods, lightning, falling trees, etc are not caused by an angry God, do we still need to spend resources appeasing God(s)?

Of course gods are not responsible for all those things... but considering that humanity is capable of producing everything you mentioned, it seems fairly obvious to me that any race of highly advanced beings from another world who have traveled across the cosmos to reach earth ("gods", "angels", etc) would likely find no difficulty in manifesting their anger through storms, natural disasters, disease, etc... even extinction level events​
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:eusa_eh: Come again?

"Of course the gods are not responsible....." "gods, angles, etc, would likely find no difficulty in manifesting their anger through storms, natural disasters, disease, etc..."​

So The Gods CAN fuck with us via natural disasters but... what? They choose not to?

Why don't some of the gods choose to intervene for the sake of peace? :dunno:

If God is, She seems little concerned with the raw evolution of Sentient Life on Earth.

Events, both good and bad, described by The Insurance Industry, The IRS, and every church that I've ever worshiped in as 'acts of God' happen with genuine randomness through the population.

And from a 'big-picture' perspective, our history is much better confirmation of the most fit animals, surviving and doing well in a dog-eat-dog environment that's rich in resources, than it is of a species where even a small percentage are being coached through life by a Deity.

Multiple Deities using Monkeys as pawns in a war might explain it, but if that's the truth, my response to all Gods is a resounding 'Fuck You!'

If They're out there, They don't appear to give a shit.​
:eusa_eh: Come again?

"Of course the gods are not responsible....." "gods, angles, etc, would likely find no difficulty in manifesting their anger through storms, natural disasters, disease, etc..."​

So The Gods CAN fuck with us via natural disasters but... what? They choose not to?

"Gods" are not responsible for every storm, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, disease, extinction level event, etc...

I never said that "gods" have never been responsible for any of those things​
Why don't some of the gods choose to intervene for the sake of peace? :dunno:

What makes you believe they haven't? Perhaps, because you have not been granted an audience? Honestly, is there anything about you and your thoughts and your life that would be even remotely interesting to a "god" or "goddess"?​
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Multiple Deities using Monkeys as pawns in a war might explain it, but if that's the truth, my response to all Gods is a resounding 'Fuck You!'

If They're out there, They don't appear to give a shit...
...about you, perhaps. I don't see why they would. What have you ever done for them?​
What makes you believe they haven't? Perhaps, because you have not been granted an audience? Honestly, is there anything about you and your thoughts and your life that would be even remotely interesting to a "god" or "goddess"?​

Honestly? I'm kind of pretty and I'm very funny in person.

If God is, and if She likes Monkeys, He likes me. :thup:

I can tell because I'm also very lucky! ;)
the idea is you are on your own, sink or swim ...

if it were 72 and sunny everyday, as it may have been did you appreciate that then ?


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