Appellate Ruling Upholds Texas Abortion Law

Right wing progressive statism in its finest: progressivism as a reform impulse through political means to change or enforce societal codes.

Notice that I neither agree nor disagree with the ruling, only that is big government statism from the right wing.
So on this one issue, I guess Democrats are against Education? I mean that is all this is. making sure they make an Informed Decision. Just from my own Experience alone with 2 kids, I wager more than a handful of Women thinking about Abortion, Choose Adoption or keeping the kid after actually seeing it in the womb. Especially the further along ones.

Once you see what is with out a Doubt, a little person, with hands and feet and a thumb to suck, it's harder to terminate it.

What is so wrong, with some women changing their minds and choosing not to abort?

And why are so many on the left so unwilling to compromise? This Law does nothing at all to stop a woman right to Abortion. It's simply a compromise, an attempt to at least make sure they are fully aware of what they are doing.
the left hates it when we know what we are doing... it means we won't support them.

Not only do you NOT know what you're doing, you're trying to tell other people how to do it.

On one hand you say you oppose government involvement in our private lives/decision. Then you turn around and say it's OK if it's the state gubmint. That makes you a hypocrite. And that you consider yourself a "conservative" makes you a phony hypocrite. There's nothing conservative about supporting big gubmint intrusion in our private lives.

I say I don't want you or ANY gubmint involving yourselves in my private life/decisions. And I'm not just talking about abortion. It could be any one of several issues. But since we're on the subject let's talk about abortion.

Unless you're God Almighty, the woman or her doctor you need to keep your fat nose out of it. You're not so fucking perfect that you can judge others or tell them how to run their lives.

You have no right nor any invitation to force your moral beliefs on anyone. Understand?
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Right wing progressive statism in its finest: progressivism as a reform impulse through political means to change or enforce societal codes.

Notice that I neither agree nor disagree with the ruling, only that is big government statism from the right wing.

but but but... It's at the state level and therefore it cannot possibly be big government statism. Wait wut? :confused:
Right wing progressive statism in its finest: progressivism as a reform impulse through political means to change or enforce societal codes.

Notice that I neither agree nor disagree with the ruling, only that is big government statism from the right wing.

but but but... It's at the state level and therefore it cannot possibly be big government statism. Wait wut? :confused:

Exactly. That had to qualify as the most retarded post of the day.

Oh well, consider the source. :doubt:
So on this one issue, I guess Democrats are against Education? I mean that is all this is. making sure they make an Informed Decision. Just from my own Experience alone with 2 kids, I wager more than a handful of Women thinking about Abortion, Choose Adoption or keeping the kid after actually seeing it in the womb. Especially the further along ones.

Once you see what is with out a Doubt, a little person, with hands and feet and a thumb to suck, it's harder to terminate it.

What is so wrong, with some women changing their minds and choosing not to abort?

And why are so many on the left so unwilling to compromise? This Law does nothing at all to stop a woman right to Abortion. It's simply a compromise, an attempt to at least make sure they are fully aware of what they are doing.
the left hates it when we know what we are doing... it means we won't support them.

Not only do you NOT know what you're doing, you're trying to tell other people how to do it.

On one hand you say you oppose government involvement in our private lives/decision. Then you turn around and say it's OK if it's the state gubmint. That makes you a hypocrite. And that you consider yourself a "conservative" makes you a phony hypocrite. There's nothing conservative about supporting big gubmint intrusion in our private lives.

I say I don't want you or ANY gubmint involving yourselves in my private life/decisions. And I'm not just talking about abortion. It could be any one of several issues. But since we're on the subject let's talk about abortion.

Unless you're God Almighty, the woman or her doctor you need to keep your fat nose out of it. You're not so fucking perfect that you can judge others or tell them how to run their lives.

You have no right nor any invitation to force your moral beliefs on anyone. Understand?

do you support Obamacare?
the left hates it when we know what we are doing... it means we won't support them.

Not only do you NOT know what you're doing, you're trying to tell other people how to do it.

On one hand you say you oppose government involvement in our private lives/decision. Then you turn around and say it's OK if it's the state gubmint. That makes you a hypocrite. And that you consider yourself a "conservative" makes you a phony hypocrite. There's nothing conservative about supporting big gubmint intrusion in our private lives.

I say I don't want you or ANY gubmint involving yourselves in my private life/decisions. And I'm not just talking about abortion. It could be any one of several issues. But since we're on the subject let's talk about abortion.

Unless you're God Almighty, the woman or her doctor you need to keep your fat nose out of it. You're not so fucking perfect that you can judge others or tell them how to run their lives.

You have no right nor any invitation to force your moral beliefs on anyone. Understand?

do you support Obamacare?

Are you changing the subject.......again? :confused:

Sorry, you're not dancing your way out of this one. :mm:
Anybody that supports this law cannot possibly be in favor of small government. In fact, they actually have to be in favor of a big, activist government that forces involvement in the personal lives of its citizens.

So Jroc, why do you support government intervention in our private lives? I never took you for the "big gubmint" type.

It's the classic example of conservatives only believing in small government when it's in an issue in their favor.
1 branch of the government does not make THE ENTIRE government.

This is nothing about 'Big Government.

The court did exactly what it is supposed to do... decided a case brought before it. A case about a STATE, not FEDERAL law.


State and local governments can still engage in "big government" policies. Just because a power is reserved to them doesn't mean they have to do it.
Not only do you NOT know what you're doing, you're trying to tell other people how to do it.

On one hand you say you oppose government involvement in our private lives/decision. Then you turn around and say it's OK if it's the state gubmint. That makes you a hypocrite. And that you consider yourself a "conservative" makes you a phony hypocrite. There's nothing conservative about supporting big gubmint intrusion in our private lives.

I say I don't want you or ANY gubmint involving yourselves in my private life/decisions. And I'm not just talking about abortion. It could be any one of several issues. But since we're on the subject let's talk about abortion.

Unless you're God Almighty, the woman or her doctor you need to keep your fat nose out of it. You're not so fucking perfect that you can judge others or tell them how to run their lives.

You have no right nor any invitation to force your moral beliefs on anyone. Understand?

do you support Obamacare?

Are you changing the subject.......again? :confused:

Sorry, you're not dancing your way out of this one. :mm:

work with me for a moment...

Do you support Obamacare?
:clap: This is a good law let the women see the baby before they decide to kill it.

Actually, it's sort of retarded...

Do you really think laying a guilt trip on women is doing them any good?

I don't care if it is doing the woman any good. She is attempting to kill a child. Personally I hope that she is emotionally fucked up for a good long time.

Anybody that supports this law cannot possibly be in favor of small government. In fact, they actually have to be in favor of a big, activist government that forces involvement in the personal lives of its citizens.

So Jroc, why do you support government intervention in our private lives? I never took you for the "big gubmint" type.

It's the classic example of conservatives only believing in small government when it's in an issue in their favor.

True dat. And I have been accused of being a bit of right leaning.
:clap: This is a good law let the women see the baby before they decide to kill it.

Actually, it's sort of retarded...

Do you really think laying a guilt trip on women is doing them any good?

I don't care if it is doing the woman any good. She is attempting to kill a child. Personally I hope that she is emotionally fucked up for a good long time.

Besides the rather silly notion that a fetus the size of a kidney bean is a "child", I think this really shows more your misogyny than any real concern for children.

How about this. If you want there to be less abortions (something we all can agree one), why not support...

Paid Family Leave
Full medical coverage for pre- and post natal care.
Sex education without religious moralism
Allowing payments to women who put heir babies up for adoption.

France not only has legal abortion, but the government pays for it. But they have only about half the number of abortions we do per capita. Why? They have all those other things I listed.

Meanwhile, countries like the Philippines have more abortions than we do, because even though they are illegal, women have no problems finding someone to perform them.
do you support Obamacare?

Are you changing the subject.......again? :confused:

Sorry, you're not dancing your way out of this one. :mm:

work with me for a moment...

Do you support Obamacare?

Ok, I'll just explain the question, since you seem to fear answering it.

You claim you do not want ANY governmental interference in personal, private decisions.

So, if that is true, you must oppose Obamacare, as it intrudes on a personal, private decision... that of whether or not to purchase health insurance.

If you support Obamacare, then you become a hypocrite for being ok with governmental interference in personal, private decisions, while whining about governmental interference in personal, private decisions.
:clap: This is a good law let the women see the baby before they decide to kill it.

Actually, it's sort of retarded...

Do you really think laying a guilt trip on women is doing them any good?

To simply inform the women let her see what will happen how is that wrong? Doctosr do this before medical procedures all the time, it seems the libs have no problem with planned parenthood pushing abortion first, Why not adaption first? What are the libs afraid of? it's only a mass of cells right?
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:clap: This is a good law let the women see the baby before they decide to kill it.

Actually, it's sort of retarded...

Do you really think laying a guilt trip on women is doing them any good?

To simply inform the women let her see what will happen how is that wrong? Doctor do this before medical procedures all the time it seems the libs have no problem with planned parenthood pushing abortion first, Why not adaption first? What are the libs afraid of it's only a mass of cells right?

First, at the point most abortions happen, a ultrasound isn't going to show anything.

Also, I find it funny that the same people who oppose forcing people to buy health insurance they don't want will insist women get a test they didn't ask for or want.

Fact is, nobody but the crazy anti-abortionists consider fetuses to be babies. Not the law, not medical science and not the bible.
Right wing progressive statism in its finest: progressivism as a reform impulse through political means to change or enforce societal codes.

Notice that I neither agree nor disagree with the ruling, only that is big government statism from the right wing.

Hmmmp, When I think Big government, I think new huge Bureaucracies. I don't see how a law requiring a procedure before an abortion is Big Government.
Actually, it's sort of retarded...

Do you really think laying a guilt trip on women is doing them any good?

To simply inform the women let her see what will happen how is that wrong? Doctor do this before medical procedures all the time it seems the libs have no problem with planned parenthood pushing abortion first, Why not adaption first? What are the libs afraid of it's only a mass of cells right?

First, at the point most abortions happen, a ultrasound isn't going to show anything.

Also, I find it funny that the same people who oppose forcing people to buy health insurance they don't want will insist women get a test they didn't ask for or want.

Fact is, nobody but the crazy anti-abortionists consider fetuses to be babies. Not the law, not medical science and not the bible.

Well there shouldn't be any problem then right? And nobody is forcing anyone to get an abortion or not to get an abortion, so your analogy doesn't hold up
Actually, it's sort of retarded...

Do you really think laying a guilt trip on women is doing them any good?

To simply inform the women let her see what will happen how is that wrong? Doctor do this before medical procedures all the time it seems the libs have no problem with planned parenthood pushing abortion first, Why not adaption first? What are the libs afraid of it's only a mass of cells right?

First, at the point most abortions happen, a ultrasound isn't going to show anything.

That is a completely false statement. At the Point of the Average Abortion in America an Ultrasound shows what sort of resembles a baby Gerbil. Features such as arms, Hand, Feet, and Face are visible but not fully formed yet. However as you are well aware the laws differ on how late you can have an abortion as well. There are plenty of Abortions performed at a more advanced stage, and those to me are the most horrible of all.
To simply inform the women let her see what will happen how is that wrong? Doctor do this before medical procedures all the time it seems the libs have no problem with planned parenthood pushing abortion first, Why not adaption first? What are the libs afraid of it's only a mass of cells right?

First, at the point most abortions happen, a ultrasound isn't going to show anything.

Also, I find it funny that the same people who oppose forcing people to buy health insurance they don't want will insist women get a test they didn't ask for or want.

Fact is, nobody but the crazy anti-abortionists consider fetuses to be babies. Not the law, not medical science and not the bible.

Well there shouldn't be any problem then right? And nobody is forcing anyone to get an abortion or not to get an abortion, so your analogy doesn't hold up

These Libs are such Hypocrites. They fully support the FDA, and Obama Care, Then attack this as intrusive.
Actually, it's sort of retarded...

Do you really think laying a guilt trip on women is doing them any good?

To simply inform the women let her see what will happen how is that wrong? Doctosr do this before medical procedures all the time, it seems the libs have no problem with planned parenthood pushing abortion first, Why not adaption first? What are the libs afraid of? it's only a mass of cells right?

why do you feel the need to tell Doctors how to do their jobs?
I thought seeing a doctor was a private matter? So why have a law like this? will just look the other way? Figures, and this is why people like you and charles are full of shit.

so you're OK with no rules for doctors? good to know.

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