Apportionment Of Congressional Seats From Census Contingent On Number Of Citizens

Until the constitution is amended, I will follow the constitution as currently written.
Which means those 35,000 non citizens, count as much as the 35,000 citizens.
The constitution is poorly written but it does not validate a pretense that apportionment based upon populations of illegal migrants relative with us citizens must be equal .
Article 1 made them count illegals along with legal residents but on a 3/5ths ratio.

The 14th amendment changed that to a 1:1 ratio.

Until the constitution is amended again, I am bound by oath to support equal representation.
There is NOTHING in article 1 section 2 that explains the meaning of " actual Enumeration ... in such Manner as they shall by Law direct . " .

In other words , congress has given the secretary of commerce " wide discretion " on how the " actual Enumeration " will occur and the trump administration has decided for purposes of congressional apportionment , that us citizens and not illegal migrants will be considered .
The constitution as amended by the 14th means they have to count all people for their enumeration. Independent of their status in this country. Slaves illegally imported into the country were afterwards counted in full.
" Feigning Justice For Following The Law While Undermining It "

* Insurrection Facilitating And Invasion Of Sovereignty *

Article 1 made them count illegals along with legal residents but on a 3/5ths ratio.
The 14th amendment changed that to a 1:1 ratio. Until the constitution is amended again, I am bound by oath to support equal representation.
The constitution as amended by the 14th means they have to count all people for their enumeration. Independent of their status in this country. Slaves illegally imported into the country were afterwards counted in full.
So now we see why the democrats are fighting anyone wishing to stop illegal immigration that is purely treasonous .

The endeavour is precisely to undermine the republic whereby representatives of a few citizens are able to overide the votes of a majority of us citizens .

Individuals on temporary travel visa are excluded from census , so how is that distinction different from an illegal migrant , whom if caught is eligible for deportation ?

* Indiscriminate Method Of Equal Proportions No Longer Applicable To Equal Representation Of Citizens *

Monday’s case differs from last term’s case because the focus is not on how the census is conducted but on how the actual count is used by the secretary of commerce and the president.
But the Trump memo directs the secretary to submit to the president two tabulations in the secretary’s census report. One is the actual enumeration and the other consists of “information permitting the president, to the extent practicable,” to carry out the policy of excluding illegal aliens from the apportionment “to the maximum extent of the president’s discretion under the law.”
Is the memorandum a permissible exercise of the President’s discretion under laws governing congressional apportionment?

The government’s top lawyer, Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall,
argues that the Census Act and the Reapportionment Act give the president discretion to direct the commerce secretary to include two sets of numbers in the report to the president and does not require undocumented immigrants to be included in the apportionment base.

" Perspectives On Illegal Activities Targeted Against Equal Representation Of US Citizens "

* Acts Of Revolution *

There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution to commit any treason to. Only the right wing, never gets it.
As subjects of us jurisdiction , permanent legal migrants are entitled to social welfare .

Illegal migrants are not allowed to receive social welfare , because they are not subjects of us jurisdiction .

Supporting the removal of equal representation from us citizens by harboring fugitives is treason against us constitution .

Whether it’s by crossing the U.S. border with a "coyote" or buying a fake U.S. passport, a foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally can be both convicted of a crime and held responsible for a civil violation under the U.S. immigration laws.
For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both.
For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)

Section 1071 makes it an offense to harbor or conceal any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued, so as to prevent the fugitive's discovery and arrest, after having notice or knowledge that a warrant or process has been issued for the fugitive's apprehension. An offender is subject to imprisonment for not more than one year, unless the warrant or process was issued on a felony charge, or after conviction of the fugitive of any offense, in which case the offender faces a maximum term of imprisonment of five years. In addition, the fine provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3623 are applicable for harboring offenses committed before November 1, 1987, and the fine provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3571 are applicable for offenses committed on or after November 1, 1987.

A fugitive (or runaway) is a person who is fleeing from custody, whether it be from jail, a government arrest, government or non-government questioning, vigilante violence, or outraged private individuals. A fugitive from justice, also known as a wanted person, can be a person who is either convicted or accused of a crime and hiding from law enforcement in the state or taking refuge in a different country in order to avoid arrest.[1]
14th Amendment:
Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

1. This Amendment replaced the 3/5 provision in the original Constitution with "the whole number."
2. It did not change the term "persons" as a new basis for congressional apportionment.
3. This term was used because there were no "citizens" at the time of its adoption.
4. The "right to vote" is explicitly recognized by this and other Amendments.
" You Want Them You Take Care Of Them Out Of Your Representative Citizen Share "

* Temporary Travel Visas Not Included In Count And Neither Are Illegal Migrant Transients *

14th Amendment:
Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

1. This Amendment replaced the 3/5 provision in the original Constitution with "the whole number."
2. It did not change the term "persons" as a new basis for congressional apportionment.
3. This term was used because there were no "citizens" at the time of its adoption.
4. The "right to vote" is explicitly recognized by this and other Amendments.
Are you ready to cry like a little bitch about foreign influence in us elections ?

If 700,000 citizens want to harbor 11,000,000 illegal migrants , then they should own up to them while receiving the same apportionment of federal funds as would 700,000 us citizens , whose representation they are not entitled to outweigh .

In fact 13 congressional seats held by 1 us citizens backed by 11 million illegal migrants is unequally represented against 13 congressional seats representing 11 million us citizens , and only some demented , traitorous , psychopath would see different .
" Transients Are Not Permanent Residents And Antiquated Articles When Citizenship Was Not An Issue Are No Longer Applicable "

* Hell Bent For A No Way In Hell *

Done deal.
Is it your opinion that article 1 section 2 should continue to state persons rather than citizens ?

In fact , individuals on temporary work visas should not be counted , only citizens should ever be considered for apportionment , and any apportionment of citizens which seek to surrogate non citizens should do so out of their own share .
" Transients Are Not Permanent Residents And Antiquated Articles When Citizenship Was Not An Issue Are No Longer Applicable "

* Hell Bent For A No Way In Hell *

Done deal.
Is it your opinion that article 1 section 2 should continue to state persons rather than citizens ?

In fact , individuals on temporary work visas should not be counted , only citizens should ever be considered for apportionment , and any apportionment of citizens which seek to surrogate non citizens should do so out of their own share .
The South did not believe that in the past.
Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in the US government. Only in the USA can this be a subject of debate.Illegal aliens are unlawfully and illegally in the USA.
Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in the US government. Only in the USA can this be a subject of debate.Illegal aliens are unlawfully and illegally in the USA.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.
Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in the US government. Only in the USA can this be a subject of debate.Illegal aliens are unlawfully and illegally in the USA.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.
So you believe in open borders. These illegal aliens should all be deported. We have immigration laws. You are an idiot
I think we need to change the Constitution, then, because birthright citizenship is being used unfairly and needs to go. A child should only be made an automatic citizen if one parent is either a citizen or has permanent resident status. Birth certificates should reflect citizen status of the child. Documentation should be required of the parents.

Now, I know that's all a big pain in the ass, but it should be done. So, when parents go to the hospital to have their baby, take their bc or green card. If they haven't got one on them, they get 30 days to present it, or the child defaults to noncitizen.

If I were pregnant and traveled to Paris for business and unexpectedly delivered my baby there, I sure as hell wouldn't expect my child to be a French citizen.
Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in the US government. Only in the USA can this be a subject of debate.Illegal aliens are unlawfully and illegally in the USA.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.
So you believe in open borders. These illegal aliens should all be deported. We have immigration laws. You are an idiot
You simply appeal to ignorance and still want to be taken seriously. Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Don't be hypocrites, right wingers, be legal to our own laws.

We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass. Any fine, free market capital solution will do.
I think we need to change the Constitution, then, because birthright citizenship is being used unfairly and needs to go. A child should only be made an automatic citizen if one parent is either a citizen or has permanent resident status. Birth certificates should reflect citizen status of the child. Documentation should be required of the parents.

Now, I know that's all a big pain in the ass, but it should be done. So, when parents go to the hospital to have their baby, take their bc or green card. If they haven't got one on them, they get 30 days to present it, or the child defaults to noncitizen.

If I were pregnant and traveled to Paris for business and unexpectedly delivered my baby there, I sure as hell wouldn't expect my child to be a French citizen.
Our Constitution is fine; we merely need to be moral enough to bear true witness to it.
" Transients Are Not Permanent Residents And Antiquated Articles When Citizenship Was Not An Issue Are No Longer Applicable "

* Hell Bent For A No Way In Hell *

Done deal.
Is it your opinion that article 1 section 2 should continue to state persons rather than citizens ?

In fact , individuals on temporary work visas should not be counted , only citizens should ever be considered for apportionment , and any apportionment of citizens which seek to surrogate non citizens should do so out of their own share .
Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in the US government. Only in the USA can this be a subject of debate.Illegal aliens are unlawfully and illegally in the USA.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.
Times change. The Constitution was designed to change wth it.
Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in the US government. Only in the USA can this be a subject of debate.Illegal aliens are unlawfully and illegally in the USA.

Do you favor screening and inoculations for refugees or illegal aliens pending their deportation or gaining residency status?
" Transients Are Not Permanent Residents And Antiquated Articles When Citizenship Was Not An Issue Are No Longer Applicable "

* Hell Bent For A No Way In Hell *

Done deal.
Is it your opinion that article 1 section 2 should continue to state persons rather than citizens ?

In fact , individuals on temporary work visas should not be counted , only citizens should ever be considered for apportionment , and any apportionment of citizens which seek to surrogate non citizens should do so out of their own share .
Illegal aliens are not entitled to representation in the US government. Only in the USA can this be a subject of debate.Illegal aliens are unlawfully and illegally in the USA.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass.
Times change. The Constitution was designed to change wth it.
All you need is an amendment. I vote against your right wing bigotry.

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