Approval of eugenics in China, and in the future for the US...

And you are in the small minority nutcase group for thinking it's okay to force women to abort.
You lied about jake's post. He didnt say anything about force, dickhead.
Now, moonbat, answer my question....if I don't take Chinese children into my home, does that make it okay for the government to beat women in the streets for hiding pregnancies or refusing to get an abortion? Does it make it alright for them to forcibly drug, abort and sterilize them if I don't have a half dozen slaves in my basement?

I imagine you think it does.
Did you know that the one child law has resulted in a slavetrade boom? Is that okay?
Eugenics has been an ongoing "policy" for sometime.
It is inevitable that a more serious and widespread approach will someday occur. It has to.
You take the movie "Idiocracy" - obviously the movie takes it to an extreme since it IS a comedy...however...there is an element of accuracy in the film. Stupid people and amoral gutter queens multiply like rabbits meanwhile educated and productive people are having less children.
Obviously there is an outcome to that, that is not so desirable.
And you are in the small minority nutcase group for thinking it's okay to force women to abort.
We know that you will lie about not replying to my post, but you are, because I am not suggesting any such thing. On the other hand, you will force women to have children from rape and incest. I am very happy that only a small % think as you do in the country. I also know you will never get your way on this issue.
As I've said before, your complaint isn't with me, it's with God, or Nature, for making women the bearers of children. Take up your whining with him. Biology dictates that women are "forced" to bear children. Not me. My only concern is that ghouls like you don't slaughter them when they're unable to defend themselves, and butcher women in doing it.
As I've said before, your complaint isn't with me, it's with God, or Nature, for making women the bearers of children. Take up your whining with him. Biology dictates that women are "forced" to bear children. Not me. My only concern is that ghouls like you don't slaughter them when they're unable to defend themselves, and butcher women in doing it.

God calls me by name and I call him Lord.

You will not force your twisted ways on American women.

You are the ghoul, Allie. You simply wish that you could force women to have babies even in the mothers' lives were at stake. Very Nazi-like are you.
Naw, I just want to prevent baby killers like you and Plasma from victimizing any more young girls than you already have, and killing infants.
I was just wondering...why does a person with a Judaic username have an avatar with a New Testament line in it?
koshergrl is a Judaic name?

Have you known someone with that name?
Koshergrl is obviously a reference to "Kosher girl".
Kosher is an old Judaic term naming the process of selecting/salting meats to make pure.
Of course now it is referred to an accepted Jewish meal, outside of Judaism it is a not-so-common term to describe something free of blame or something pure.

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