Approval of eugenics in China, and in the future for the US...

And BTW - your signature is annoying as hell with it's size and colors.
A little bigger and you will most certainly be put on the ignore list of a lot of unless you want half the forum to not see your posts - you might consider reducing the neon shouts.
Or something "right" or "correct".

I don't think so...anytime I have heard it used it usually refers to something that is legitimized or free of corruption.

As an example...

"That statistic proves that poverty is worse in Northern KY than Southern KY"

Would someone say - 'yeah that is kosher". :eusa_eh:


I have checked out the reputation of the new organization of XYZ.

Would someone then say - "So you think they are kosher?" - bingo
well then, if they had no population control your bleeding hearts would take the poor and starving into your own houses and take care of them all?

Better to kill them off, you're so right.

Moonbat appears to be operating from the point of view that if I, personally, do not adopt Chinese children, human rights violations against women and children in China should pass without comment.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Plasma's attitude is that China has too many people, and they have chosen to inflict human rights violations upon themselves to right the egregious wrong they have done the earth by being born. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Del has no opinion, he's just here for cookies. :lol::lol::lol:
And BTW - your signature is annoying as hell with it's size and colors.
A little bigger and you will most certainly be put on the ignore list of a lot of unless you want half the forum to not see your posts - you might consider reducing the neon shouts.

Good. It annoyed the hell out of Plasma douche, I know.
Kosher - being proper, acceptable, or satisfactory

It's the same as being right. Works for me.
The pro-abortion, anti-female team wasn't complete until you showed up, JS.
Plasmaballs said it, not me. For those who "like" the idea of eugenics, here is some interesting info:

"Perhaps the clearest example of the power of the eugenics movement today is in China, with its one-child-only family policy. This policy is an assault on prenatal life and on women's privacy, both. The program was described and praised in 16 articles in a remarkable issue of IPPF's quarterly journal, People, in 1989, on the eve of the massacre in Tiananmen Square. But this anti-life, anti-choice policy is not unique to China; most of the nations of Asia have some coercive elements in their population policies.
"The coercive Chinese policy has a great deal of acceptance and support in the United States, including from feminist leaders like Eleanor Smeal and Molly Yard. When the Reagan administration cut off funds for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its support for the Chinese population program, two American organizations sued to restore funds: Rockefeller's Population Council and the Population Institute in Washington. A 1978 survey of members of the Population Association of America found that 34 percent of members agreed that "coercive birth control programs should be initiated in at least some countries immediately."​

Their one child per family in china works policy for me.

The down side is they all come here and breed like roaches.
The downside is that they drag pregnant women out into the street, beat them, shoot them up with drugs, abort them, then sterilize them.
well then, if they had no population control your bleeding hearts would take the poor and starving into your own houses and take care of them all?

Better to kill them off, you're so right.

Moonbat appears to be operating from the point of view that if I, personally, do not adopt Chinese children, human rights violations against women and children in China should pass without comment.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Plasma's attitude is that China has too many people, and they have chosen to inflict human rights violations upon themselves to right the egregious wrong they have done the earth by being born. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Del has no opinion, he's just here for cookies. :lol::lol::lol:

So..............are you saying we have outsourced our abortions to China?
Just because it's above your pay grade doesn't mean it's above mine.
Plasmaballs said it, not me. For those who "like" the idea of eugenics, here is some interesting info:

"Perhaps the clearest example of the power of the eugenics movement today is in China, with its one-child-only family policy. This policy is an assault on prenatal life and on women's privacy, both. The program was described and praised in 16 articles in a remarkable issue of IPPF's quarterly journal, People, in 1989, on the eve of the massacre in Tiananmen Square. But this anti-life, anti-choice policy is not unique to China; most of the nations of Asia have some coercive elements in their population policies.
"The coercive Chinese policy has a great deal of acceptance and support in the United States, including from feminist leaders like Eleanor Smeal and Molly Yard. When the Reagan administration cut off funds for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its support for the Chinese population program, two American organizations sued to restore funds: Rockefeller's Population Council and the Population Institute in Washington. A 1978 survey of members of the Population Association of America found that 34 percent of members agreed that "coercive birth control programs should be initiated in at least some countries immediately."​

Their one child per family in china works policy for me.

The down side is they all come here and breed like roaches.

That was a pretty fucking stupid thing to say.
Syrenn's pretty upfront about her stance on population policies, lol. At least she doesn't lie about it and pretend what she believes is really something else...

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