Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

I think marriage is a great institution … if two people are taking on the huge responsibility of raising children together, or if they are older and want company and care and partnership later in life. I didn’t get married till very late in life but almost always was in a steady relationship. For me that worked fine. God had nothing to do with it, but I was always faithful to my partners.

Well, in one case my lover went back to Spain every summer and when she left she always said: “Enjoy yourself. You are free. So am I!” That was a bit novel, but I grew to enjoy it. Everything seemed natural, and neither of us felt we were doing anything at all wrong.

I had an immense number of lovers over time and had many good longer-term (4 or 5 years) relationships. I didn’t want children when young — though my brothers all had them. About 60 I changed and started to look for a wife. Found a great one with a child of her own and now enjoy our family and our grandchild too. Everyone is different I guess.

Some people really aren’t good at being a parent, but I found that most of the women I dated appreciated me, as did their kids. The grown-up kids especially appreciated my bringing some love and comfort to their mother, while the young ones, who often had problems, eventually did as well.

Younger children need decent adult figures in their lives — even if just as teachers or mentors or friends who listen. This is why marriage is important, especially if you plan to raise children and give them a stable home. But marriage doesn’t always work. Even kids know this today.

“God” is irrelevant here.
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I cannot control , nor do I want to , what other countries do. Look at the cost of what the white man ( Europeans ) an ho Christian religion has cost the world already. Entire races of people and their cultures destroyed. Called ironically " the white man's burden ". This world would have been so much peaceful, beautiful and diverse if the Pope never pursued the conquest of the rest of the world.
Converting people to the one true faith is not conquest in the least. The RCC has done more good in the world than everything else combined. I am SO grateful for my Church because it is the perfect teaching of God.
It's up to the person ( s ) involved. I have no right to interfere with what decisions people have to make in their personal lives. The state and courts have no right to interfere with these very personal and private decisions.
So you're saying the secular position is abortion is just fine. That's also the atheist position. They are one and the same, as I said.
So you're saying the secular position is abortion is just fine. That's also the atheist position. They are one and the same, as I said.

Actually the choice to abort a baby is not in the slightest an atheist one. It is a deeply personal decision, and in our society, like most, it is mediated by laws. Marriage is the same. The state sets up rules — no polygamy, tax rules, divorce rules, and recognizes only certain marriage and divorce contracts. We are free or not to marry or divorce, have sex (not rape), etc — all within the framework of the law. Or we can break the law …

Of course to the theologically obsessed, virtually every decision is either a “Godly” one or “atheistic.” How stupid!
So you're saying the secular position is abortion is just fine. That's also the atheist position. They are one and the same, as I said.
Even atheist China has rescinded their one child plan. That was an economic plan not an abortion plan. And as we see in our own country now political movement towards controlling people's lives . That's where your beliefs conflict with what you are saying. It's just as bad , if you hand over procreation rights to the government at some time in the future they will have the right to go in the opposite direction and require abortions like China once did.
Converting people to the one true faith is not conquest in the least. The RCC has done more good in the world than everything else combined. I am SO grateful for my Church because it is the perfect teaching of God.
Tell that to what remains of the native cultures they destroyed. All in the name of their god ; slavery , genocide and just plain ignorance. Judging the peoples and the cultures they met by their standards ( ethnocentrism ). Believing they knew what was best for everyone. You're saying the same hateful thing.
That makes no sense. You believe in miracles, atheists do not.

Whether long or short, it is a lie. Either yours or the person who told you.

It would be difficult to "look at the failure of governments which have atheism in their Constitution" considering that there are none.
Wrong mate: China, North Korea, North Vietnam, and Cambodia. Cuba was officially atheist until 2019,
You don't know what you are talking about.
then changed its designation to 'secular' (which is largely the same as atheist).
Now you are talking out of your ass.
There is no proof of creation. In fact, science proves that creation is a fantasy.

Now you're making up stories. Scientists don't say that at all. In fact, science proves the opposite.

You are being led by a science fiction story.
Mans use of science and math are flawed to the core. They are in awe of how precise Gods creation works.
You're not reading correctly. I never doubted the existence of GOD. I'm rejecting your sad religious interpretation of that great entity. Most scientists reject any religious interpretation of that great force / being people call GOD. You are very foolish indeed. Akasha Field is one of the scientific names for the entity / force you refer to simply as GOD.
Jehovah is God. He is about to show the world, there is still time for you to get on his ark.
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Won't you be surprised, no wonder God says there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Listen to what you're saying , it sounds exactly what some primitive early man would say to his people to get them ( out of FEAR ) to follow his teachings about the god he made up. GOD has no need of threats , GOD is beyond human emotions..
Listen to what you're saying , it sounds exactly what some primitive early man would say to his people to get them ( out of FEAR ) to follow his teachings about the god he made up. GOD has no need of threats , GOD is beyond human emotions..
It wasn't a threat, It is a statement of fact. The warning has been in Gods written word since 96 ce what is coming, mortals have no excuse. Only the wicked fear what is coming. The bible says Gods coming kingdom is good news. And it is-- Gods kingdom rule will be a cure all. Everything will be made back to perfection. Gods love is outstanding.
It wasn't a threat, It is a statement of fact. The warning has been in Gods written word since 96 ce what is coming, mortals have no excuse. Only the wicked fear what is coming. The bible says Gods coming kingdom is good news. And it is-- Gods kingdom rule will be a cure all. Everything will be made back to perfection. Gods love is outstanding.
I love GOD because GOD is life itself , my understanding of that entity is absolute. I have no room for imitations that depend on FEAR to get people to believe in them. Nothing says fake god more than that.
I love GOD because GOD is life itself , my understanding of that entity is absolute. I have no room for imitations that depend on FEAR to get people to believe in them. Nothing says fake god more than that.
You must not have read the bible and studied it carefully. Why? Few on earth know the true God, billions claim to, but Jesus teaches-FEW will find the road that leads off into life. Because the rest are being mislead by false reasonings of mortal man.
You must not have read the bible and studied it carefully. Why?
In my early life I was fully invested in religious indoctrination. I acquired all 7 versions of the Bible ( including Jefferson's ) , plus the Book of Mormon. Read all of them with zeal and missed nothing. It was a very thorough examination of the belief system. It may be of interest to you that the god / gods changed no less than 4 times in the Bible and none of the Old Testament has anything to do with the New Testament or the new god portrayed in it. Very similar to the Greek myths from which some of the story ideas stemmed from. Only a fool wouldn't put two and two together.
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Actually the choice to abort a baby is not in the slightest an atheist one. It is a deeply personal decision, and in our society, like most, it is mediated by laws. Marriage is the same. The state sets up rules — no polygamy, tax rules, divorce rules, and recognizes only certain marriage and divorce contracts. We are free or not to marry or divorce, have sex (not rape), etc — all within the framework of the law. Or we can break the law …

Of course to the theologically obsessed, virtually every decision is either a “Godly” one or “atheistic.” How stupid!
Abortion is a hideous abomination. No, it is not a "deeply personal" decision. That's like saying rape is a deeply personal decision for a man. It's time to stop the deflection, and call abortion what it is, the direct killing of a human being.
Even atheist China has rescinded their one child plan. That was an economic plan not an abortion plan. And as we see in our own country now political movement towards controlling people's lives . That's where your beliefs conflict with what you are saying. It's just as bad , if you hand over procreation rights to the government at some time in the future they will have the right to go in the opposite direction and require abortions like China once did.
No, the leftwing abortion on demand ruling is the one which would more readily morph into mandatory abortion just like leftwing China did. You're exactly backwards in your logic.
Mans use of science and math are flawed to the core. They are in awe of how precise Gods creation works.
Science and math have proven the bible to be a work of fiction based on superstition. They are in awe of how humans can cling to smoke, mirrors, and hokus-pokus.
100% of all established religions (not only Christian) are controlled by superstition & Hokus-Pokus.
Won't you be surprised, no wonder God says there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I suppose you've been commuting between Earth and the celestial heavens
to have first-hand knowledge, eh? Reading through these pages - as well as similar threads - the only "weeping and gnashing of teeth" are you Christian Theists. Did god tell you that you will be going to hell if you don't spew your superstition to those of us who are enlightened to reality? For your information, religion had already been established long, long, long before Christ came out of the virgin vulva so that makes Christianity a CULT of Hokus-Pokus.

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