Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

Uh huh

Not slavery

Not Jim Crowe

Not segregation

Not racism

Just extramarital sex

Now my brain needs a shower. This place is a white nationalist dumpster fire.
Leftwing soft racism has prolonged immorality in black culture. They won't call it out. They encourage it in an effort to divide people by race. Just like FF here is doing.
See, this is where you atheists miss it. The Christian faith and observable science are one and the same, except one is more obvious than the other.

Christian faith depends on believing in something that cannot be observed, measured, or quantified.

And science does not place value on a gov't issued license to engage in sex.
No. Who said that? Sin brings bad consequences. If you have illicit sex, you will quite likely damage yoru family life.

The overwhelming majority of people today have premarital sex. Are you saying they are all miserable?

I think you just hope they are.
They are laws created by society, to protect the weak. Not even in the same realm as sex between consenting adults.
Sex outside marriage damages relationships and harms children. That's been shown over and over in the black community. Why don't you think blacks should be protected?
Sex outside marriage damages relationships and harms children. That's been shown over and over in the black community. Why don't you think blacks should be protected?

Blacks can protect themselves.

If the same damage is not done in the white, hispanic or asian communities, is it the sex or the race?
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top. The Marxist left has lured so many into this trap by their media and social influence. I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills. Such a seemingly simple innocuous act has enormous consequences.

The figure is at least 69%, as reflected on people's view on sex outside marriage, and probably a whole lot more. A 1969 poll reported only 21% saying it was acceptable. How the world has fallen! The Marxists have been very successful in leading people to Hell.

For those who say eternal punishment is unfair, I'll remind you it is your choice.

“Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate. But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road. - Matthew 7: 13-14.
Karl Marx approved of sex outside of marriage.

Where can I find his writings on this subject?
So Mashmont are you going to answer my question or not? Why would you not want to tell people what Jesus said all the time? I love your political views, but it seems pointless to tell people that they're going to Hell without telling people how they can fix it like Jesus did.
So Mashmont are you going to answer my question or not? Why would you not want to tell people what Jesus said all the time? I love your political views, but it seems pointless to tell people that they're going to Hell without telling people how they can fix it like Jesus did.
In my OP, I said the decision to go Hell or not resides with each person. If I didn't make the notion of repentance clear enough to suit you in my OP, I did it in later posts after your comment. So there is no point in going on about it, right?
In my OP, I said the decision to go Hell or not resides with each person. If I didn't make the notion of repentance clear enough to suit you in my OP, I did it in later posts after your comment. So there is no point in going on about it, right?

Fair enough, I was just making a point that you didn't mention repentance before I pointed it out and then when I said something about it you said that you didn't think that it needed to be said, but to some people it might be because they might not know what they can do to save themselves.

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