Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

Christian faith depends on believing in something that cannot be observed, measured, or quantified.
The success of Christian teaching can absolutely be observed in the lives of people who practice it vs. those who don't.
Fair enough, I was just making a point that you didn't mention repentance before I pointed it out and then when I said something about it you said that you didn't think that it needed to be said, but to some people it might be because they might not know what they can do to save themselves.
Point taken. Thank you.
The success of Christian teaching can absolutely be observed in the lives of people who practice it vs. those who don't.

And how do you tell whether their lives are better by following the rules or whether God makes their lives better?

And there are plenty of people living happy lives who have different faiths or no religion at all.
And how do you tell whether their lives are better by following the rules or whether God makes their lives better?

And there are plenty of people living happy lives who have different faiths or no religion at all.
Most who follow Christian principles are happy. Most who do not are not.
Most who follow Christian principles are happy. Most who do not are not.

Again, you have no way of knowing that. The few dozen people you know well enough to know if they are happy does not constitute a decent percentage for you to make that claim.

I notice you said "Christian principles" and not Christianity. That is telling. People can follow Christian principles and not be Christian.
Of course I do. You think black kids living in squalor and crime because they didn't have a dad stick around are happy?

We have already established that race makes the difference. Other races have just as much premarital sex.
Why do you underestimate man's ability to control his desires? Is it becomes the atheist/leftwing indoctrination teaches that man is unable to do so? I hear so many parents throw in the towel on their idea that their children can be chaste. It's because they've been taught that. But I know for a fact, desires can be suppressed and healthily so. It's what mature people do.
I gave you a fact - that when a man is fully aroused, his entire frontal lobe is taken from him.
He literally loses his ability to think clearly.
And you come back with nothing that addresses what I said.
Typical of people who insist on the legalistic view of religious dogma.
I gave you a fact - that when a man is fully aroused, his entire frontal lobe is taken from him.
He literally loses his ability to think clearly.
And you come back with nothing that addresses what I said.
Typical of people who insist on the legalistic view of religious dogma.
I addressed it. I said man is capable of suppressing his base urges. Leftwingers deny that capability.
So, about don trump and cheating on all three of his wives. He says that he is the best christian.
Fallible humans can and do sin. Repentance is the key. I'm sure this great man has repented from things he did back when he was a Democrat.
I addressed it. I said man is capable of suppressing his base urges. Leftwingers deny that capability.
Again, you dodge.
Your insisting to stick to dogma clouds your ability to think.
Your brain literally blocks out reason, so you can reinforce a flawed belief.
Again, you dodge.
Your insisting to stick to dogma clouds your ability to think.
Your brain literally blocks out reason, so you can reinforce a flawed belief.
For the third time, man is capable, through faith, of overcoming what you consider insurmountable physical obstacles.

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