Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

Again, you have no way of knowing that. The few dozen people you know well enough to know if they are happy does not constitute a decent percentage for you to make that claim.

I notice you said "Christian principles" and not Christianity. That is telling. People can follow Christian principles and not be Christian.
Not "telling" at all. If you follow Christian principles, you are a Christian in action.
The unjust attacks heaped on this innocent president are reminiscent of what many canonized saints as well as Jesus, Himself had to endure.

You are here condemning premarital sex, and at the same time praising someone who had both premarital sex and extra-marital affairs? Wow. That is some next level hypocrisy.
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top. The Marxist left has lured so many into this trap by their media and social influence. I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills. Such a seemingly simple innocuous act has enormous consequences.

The figure is at least 69%, as reflected on people's view on sex outside marriage, and probably a whole lot more. A 1969 poll reported only 21% saying it was acceptable. How the world has fallen! The Marxists have been very successful in leading people to Hell.

For those who say eternal punishment is unfair, I'll remind you it is your choice.

“Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate. But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road. - Matthew 7: 13-14.
So is Adam in heaven?
How about eve?

Based on Christian descriptions of "God" I can see him being a dick about this.

Ya know, god did Mary.
They weren't married.
ergo, by your logic,
God is in hell.
You are here condemning premarital sex, and at the same time praising someone who had both premarital sex and extra-marital affairs? Wow. That is some next level hypocrisy.
Who amongst us without sin? But something President Trump may have done decades ago when he was a Democrat do not justify the constant leftwing attacks against him.
Fallible humans can and do sin. Repentance is the key. I'm sure this great man has repented from things he did back when he was a Democrat.
He has repented? There is no god above him as he has called himself the "chosen one".
Who amongst us without sin? But something President Trump may have done decades ago when he was a Democrat do not justify the constant leftwing attacks against him.
Each day the orange bloated mofo exhibits all these things, pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Yet you false christians look away.
Leftwing soft racism has prolonged immorality in black culture. They won't call it out. They encourage it in an effort to divide people by race. Just like FF here is doing.
Yes, I am aware of the white nationalist talking points.i am also aware of how your religion and white nationalism are bedfellows, in the US.
So is Adam in heaven?
How about eve?

Based on Christian descriptions of "God" I can see him being a dick about this.

Ya know, god did Mary.
They weren't married.
ergo, by your logic,
God is in hell.
It's like they are blind to the logic.
Who amongst us without sin? But something President Trump may have done decades ago when he was a Democrat do not justify the constant leftwing attacks against him.
They are not attacking they are acknowledging Trump's fuck-ups and sins.
Sex outside marriage indicates devaluation of the person, that they are unworthy of commitment. That encompasses the greed you talk about.

As for you, as I said, you have the choice to go to Hell or not.

I heard Sean Hannity reference this ethic of seduction. Sean Hannity's interpretation is that when you rape a person then you violate their body only, when you seduce a person you violate their body, mind, and heart. It is really a tantalizing argument. However, rape is easier to define than seduction. This line of thinking is in unison with something I read by Huston Smith that said thoughts and feelings exist even though they cannot be proven. Just because it exists doesn't mean it can be used for application as law. When it comes to thought crimes only the individual can impose punishment upon the self. It is impossible to condemn someone of their thoughts because they are 100% unverifiable even if the person admits to having those thoughts. The "thinker" could be lying about their thoughts for a variety of motivations.

So I have to say that your condemnation of those who view sex outside of marriage is irrelevant. You can't prove what people think. You can only condemn yourself for your views on sex outside of marriage. You can't impose that as a law or an ethic. It can only be used as a moral. Morality belongs solely to the individual and cannot be imposed outside of one's own self. So silly billy hilly hilly ha ha he he
Each day the orange bloated mofo exhibits all these things, pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Yet you false christians look away.
And you think the choice of Christians should be a baby-killer who received millions in graft?

I heard Sean Hannity reference this ethic of seduction. Sean Hannity's interpretation is that when you rape a person then you violate their body only, when you seduce a person you violate their body, mind, and heart. It is really a tantalizing argument. However, rape is easier to define than seduction. This line of thinking is in unison with something I read by Huston Smith that said thoughts and feelings exist even though they cannot be proven. Just because it exists doesn't mean it can be used for application as law. When it comes to thought crimes only the individual can impose punishment upon the self. It is impossible to condemn someone of their thoughts because they are 100% unverifiable even if the person admits to having those thoughts. The "thinker" could be lying about their thoughts for a variety of motivations.

So I have to say that your condemnation of those who view sex outside of marriage is irrelevant. You can't prove what people think. You can only condemn yourself for your views on sex outside of marriage. You can't impose that as a law or an ethic. It can only be used as a moral. Morality belongs solely to the individual and cannot be imposed outside of one's own self. So silly billy hilly hilly ha ha he he
People who think morality is subjective are fooling themselves. This is how atheists delude themselves.

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