Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

I really hope you understand that the number of people who have just seriously thought to themselves "I'm gonna burn in hell for all eternity for having sex outside of wedlock because some wingnut on an internet message board told me so and I need to stop it right now" rhymes with "hero".

Not arguing the fact that it's a sin, but it isn't the unforgivable sin and you won't go to Hell for it if you're truly repentant of it. Saying that you will is false preaching.

He has every right to tell you that fornication is WRONG.. has horrific consequences.

That is not forcing a damn thing on you and you know it. You're just repeating lib talking points

all the way to Hell

Its funny, you think gay couples getting married is "forcing homosexuality down your throat".

But him condemning me for not believing the same as him is not? lol

Yes, he has every right to tell me that fornication is wrong.

And I have every right to mock him for it.
Its funny, you think gay couples getting married is "forcing homosexuality down your throat".

But him condemning me for not believing the same as him is not? lol

Yes, he has every right to tell me that fornication is wrong.

And I have every right to mock him for it.
It's not me doing the condemning. It's you. You condemn yourself.
By your religious beliefs that may be true. But not according to my beliefs.
Your beliefs are wrong, because they defy objective morality. It would be the same as your saying the laws of gravity don't apply to you because you don't believe in them.
I really hope you understand that the number of people who have just seriously thought to themselves "I'm gonna burn in hell for all eternity for having sex outside of wedlock because some wingnut on an internet message board told me so and I need to stop it right now" rhymes with "hero".
Thats not how it works

God does not punish us

The act itself punishes us in time
I don't.

I don't have any desire whatsoever to do something that God does not want me to do. There is no spouse or even a significant other in my life but according to liberals, one has to have a sex partner or one is "unnatural"/abnormal

ha ha... as if libs care about nature!

They do NOT

they butcher the unborn... they mutilate their bodies to become a gender that is UN-natural to them

they despise nature and its God
Uh... okay. You realize that asexual people only make up less than 1% of the population ( it is now up to almost 2%, but most of those are just one of the alphabet people claiming to be something)

and the rest... I don't know how that is related to anything I said
Uh... okay. You realize that asexual people only make up less than 1% of the population ( it is now up to almost 2%, but most of those are just one of the alphabet people claiming to be something)
so they are freaks and no one should pay the least attn to them?
so they are freaks and no one should pay the least attn to them?
If that is what you think.
I never said anything of the sort.
You, appear, to be applying a condition of 1% as if it is meaningful when discussing the 99%.
You, being asexual, literally takes you out of that discussion.
I've said birth control should be illegal. But that's not the topic of this thread
It should be illegal because it causes death to an unborn child a lot of the time. The IUD did this and some versions of the Pill. I don't necessarily think condoms should be outlawed, just discouraged.

Why have sex with someone you'd never want to have a child with?

True, married people use condoms, but as a Catholic, I am not in favor of that and think, as the Church has always taught, that using them is a sin
If that is what you think.
I never said anything of the sort.
You, appear, to be applying a condition of 1% as if it is meaningful when discussing the 99%.
You, being asexual, literally takes you out of that discussion.
no, it doesn't

Mr Anti First Amendment

I don't (automatically) exclude anyone from commenting on my posts

If they are on Ignore, it is THEIR fault

Again, I don't respond if someone begins a post with some insult or another. To me, that indicates a very immature, vindictive person

I don't like people like that.

And it takes away from any good points they may have. Don't u want your POINTS to stand out, not your emotions?
I don't (automatically) exclude anyone from commenting on my posts

If they are on Ignore, it is THEIR fault

Again, I don't respond if someone begins a post with some insult or another. To me, that indicates a very immature, vindictive person

I don't like people like that.

And it takes away from any good points they may have. Don't u want your POINTS to stand out, not your emotions?
hmm... yet you called me "Mr. Anti-first amendment" thought I was liberal (now that is funny)
And anti-American.
So you did exactly what you don't like other people to do.
Not to fret a lot, this is an unfortunate human habit.

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