Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top. The Marxist left has lured so many into this trap by their media and social influence. I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills. Such a seemingly simple innocuous act has enormous consequences.

The figure is at least 69%, as reflected on people's view on sex outside marriage, and probably a whole lot more. A 1969 poll reported only 21% saying it was acceptable. How the world has fallen! The Marxists have been very successful in leading people to Hell.

For those who say eternal punishment is unfair, I'll remind you it is your choice.

“Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate. But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road. - Matthew 7: 13-14.

I really hope you understand that the number of people who have just seriously thought to themselves "I'm gonna burn in hell for all eternity for having sex outside of wedlock because some wingnut on an internet message board told me so and I need to stop it right now" rhymes with "hero".
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you

There is nothing wrong with sex outside of marriage ... just as long as her husband doesn't find out.

Just for the last few minutes. I messed up, and called her by her sister's name.

I heard that was called Rodeo Sex. Go at it until close to the end, then call her by her sister's name and try to stay on for 8 seconds.
50% of marriages end in divorce. I suspect more would except for extenuating circumstances like children or religious beliefs.

There is no way you can claim to know whether someone values another person by whether they marry them. That is just bullshit.

Thos who practice their faith, instead of just giving it lip service, have a markedly lower divorce rate.

Something you never knew and probably don't care about.
Sex outside of marriage is human.
It is how we are made. If God intended humans to not have sex till they are married, and then never have sex with another human for the rest of their lives - then males wouldn't have the sex drive we do, and that sex drive would stop after having children.
It would be a cruel joke indeed to make a species wholly designed to have strong, indeed irresistible drive to have sex - and then tell them if they do they will burn in an eternal fire forever.

Grow up.
Ands the bathroom at the restaurant, and various hotel rooms and apartments, and in the bushes, and...

Thos who practice their faith, instead of just giving it lip service, have a markedly lower divorce rate.

Something you never knew and probably don't care about.

Actually I did know that. And, for the record, I am not anti-Christian.

Thos who practice their faith, instead of just giving it lip service, have a markedly lower divorce rate.

Something you never knew and probably don't care about.
Those that practice their faith are exceedingly rare. Maybe, at best, 1 out of 200 church goers ACTUALLY and faithfully follow their faith.
Most just do the motions.
It appears more & more younger folks of both genders are dropping physical sexual relationships for the le$$ expen$ive porno that has none of the drawbacks like stress, arguing/fighting, expense$/bill$, debt & general complications from human $exual relationship$, married or not. The younger folks can porno out until they get bored from watching it then go the chemical route to spend an evening with Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, then come back down for another day of employment then repeat the process over & over again. Don't forget the online MPRPG's that are so available 24/7! The only drawback to the before mentioned is the ADDICTION FACTOR & also the separation between physical/spiritual reality & fantasy reality.

As one can see there are a LOT more "doomers" circulating around than just the premarital sex doomer. Gambling addiction, pedophilia addiction, power & control addiction, love of money/greed addiction, god complex addiction, political idolatry & the list goes on & on & on regarding the doomers. I'd bet the farm that not a single person alive today is 100% free of all spiritual, physical & mental corruptions/addictions. As Arnie said long ago; "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."

YIKES!!! Like check out the stats in the link below!!!

NAMI is a tad more than simply diagnosing Jack....~S~
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top.
None of God's laws have the intent of dooming anyone to tell. His love is that extraordinary. God's law on sex and marriage is about steering us away from the pitfalls of sex outside of a committed marriage relationship. And there are pitfalls that have nothing to do with suffering in the afterlife and everything to do with suffering that may descend upon lives in this present. There is a difference between wanting sex and valuing sex. Some are satisfied with satisfying wants--and some want something more from sex.

All this has to do with the best life/best ways of people on this planet, never about a future life in hell.
None of God's laws have the intent of dooming anyone to tell. His love is that extraordinary. God's law on sex and marriage is about steering us away from the pitfalls of sex outside of a committed marriage relationship. And there are pitfalls that have nothing to do with suffering in the afterlife and everything to do with suffering that may descend upon lives in this present. There is a difference between wanting sex and valuing sex. Some are satisfied with satisfying wants--and some want something more from sex.

All this has to do with the best life/best ways of people on this planet, never about a future life in hell.
Obviously following Jesus' teaching leads to a better earthly life, but it is also true not following them can lead to eternal damnation.
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top. The Marxist left has lured so many into this trap by their media and social influence. I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills. Such a seemingly simple innocuous act has enormous consequences.

The figure is at least 69%, as reflected on people's view on sex outside marriage, and probably a whole lot more. A 1969 poll reported only 21% saying it was acceptable. How the world has fallen! The Marxists have been very successful in leading people to Hell.

For those who say eternal punishment is unfair, I'll remind you it is your choice.

“Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate. But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road. - Matthew 7: 13-14.
Trump cheated on every wife he had, he must that "LEFT" you be demeaning...Derpa...
It appears more & more younger folks of both genders are dropping physical sexual relationships for the le$$ expen$ive porno that has none of the drawbacks like stress, arguing/fighting, expense$/bill$, debt & general complications from human $exual relationship$, married or not. The younger folks can porno out until they get bored from watching it then go the chemical route to spend an evening with Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, then come back down for another day of employment then repeat the process over & over again. Don't forget the online MPRPG's that are so available 24/7! The only drawback to the before mentioned is the ADDICTION FACTOR & also the separation between physical/spiritual reality & fantasy reality.

As one can see there are a LOT more "doomers" circulating around than just the premarital sex doomer. Gambling addiction, pedophilia addiction, power & control addiction, love of money/greed addiction, god complex addiction, political idolatry & the list goes on & on & on regarding the doomers. I'd bet the farm that not a single person alive today is 100% free of all spiritual, physical & mental corruptions/addictions. As Arnie said long ago; "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."

YIKES!!! Like check out the stats in the link below!!!

They have the good sense not to ruin their life with a contractual long term relationship...I wish I never had.
Maybe it dooms you, but don't include us sane foks in that ridiculous crap.
I have no idea why some people think they are immune to the immutatable laws of God and suffer no consequences of not following them.

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