April globally was the warmest on record---noaa


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for April 2014 tied with 2010 as the highest on record for the month, at 0.77°C (1.39°F) above the 20th century average of 13.7°C (56.7°F).
The global land surface temperature was 1.35°C (2.43°F) above the 20th century average of 8.1°C (46.5°F), marking the third warmest April on record. For the ocean, the April global sea surface temperature was 0.55°C (0.99°F) above the 20th century average of 16.0°C (60.9°F), also the third highest for April on record.
The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the January–April period (year-to-date) was 0.64°C (1.15°F) above the 20th century average of 12.6°C (54.8°F), the sixth warmest such period on record.
The globally-averaged temperature across land and ocean surfaces tied with 2010 as the highest on record for the month, at 0.77°C (1.39°F) higher than the 20th century average. This also ties with April 2010 as the seventh highest departure from average among all months in the period of record, which dates back to January 1880. The record highest departure is 0.86°C (1.55°F) above average, set in February 1998, a month when El Niño conditions had been present for nearly a year. Neither El Niño nor La Niña have been present in the east central equatorial Pacific Ocean for the past two years; however, according to NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, the chance of El Niño emerging increases for the remainder of 2014, exceeding 65 percent during the Northern Hemisphere summer 2014.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the combined temperature over land and ocean surfaces tied with 2012 for record April warmth. Land surfaces here were 1.54°C (2.77°F) higher than the 20th century average. Part of the warmth can be attributed to record warmth in much of central Siberia, where temperatures across a large region were at least 5°C (9°F) above the 1981–2010 average for the month. Overall, more than half of the Eurasian continent, along with northern Africa and most of Mexico, were much warmer than average, as indicated by the Land & Ocean Percentiles map above. Only parts of central and eastern North America were cooler than average for the month in this hemisphere.

The Southern Hemisphere was fourth warmest across land and ocean surfaces combined. Land surfaces were ninth warmest for April, at 0.82°C (1.48°F) above average. Regions of eastern Australia and part of western Indonesia were record warm. Only part of southern South America was cooler than average in this hemisphere.



For January-April we're now 6th warmest year. But 1998 and 2010 we're competing against both had a cooler second half. Chances are we're going to pick up some ground... .64c so far. I'd expect .65-.66c for the year...Not much of a warm up for the last decade but I expect it to hold what it has done.
If we have had any global warming the past decade...This year should be a shoe in for the record. No question about it.
This is absolute crap.. It's wrong on so many levels. And NOAA is starting to like assholic with these statements..

I looked at the Satellite numbers last night. The anomaly was 0.19degC for April.. That's baseline on the history of the sat record since 1979. Feb/Mar were 0.17degC for comparison.

That puts those 3 months 0.02deg apart and some of lowest of the past 20 years.
The lying and misrepresentation is MONUMENTAL and the ignorance of the believers is ASTONISHING.

Main issue is it SHOULDN'T MATTER WHAT month you compare because GW theory says it doesn't matter. There is no difference between months because of CO2 and GHouse effects. You can smell the desperation..
The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for April 2014 tied with 2010 as the highest on record for the month, at 0.77°C (1.39°F) above the 20th century average of 13.7°C (56.7°F).
The global land surface temperature was 1.35°C (2.43°F) above the 20th century average of 8.1°C (46.5°F), marking the third warmest April on record. For the ocean, the April global sea surface temperature was 0.55°C (0.99°F) above the 20th century average of 16.0°C (60.9°F), also the third highest for April on record.
The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the January–April period (year-to-date) was 0.64°C (1.15°F) above the 20th century average of 12.6°C (54.8°F), the sixth warmest such period on record.
The globally-averaged temperature across land and ocean surfaces tied with 2010 as the highest on record for the month, at 0.77°C (1.39°F) higher than the 20th century average. This also ties with April 2010 as the seventh highest departure from average among all months in the period of record, which dates back to January 1880. The record highest departure is 0.86°C (1.55°F) above average, set in February 1998, a month when El Niño conditions had been present for nearly a year. Neither El Niño nor La Niña have been present in the east central equatorial Pacific Ocean for the past two years; however, according to NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, the chance of El Niño emerging increases for the remainder of 2014, exceeding 65 percent during the Northern Hemisphere summer 2014.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the combined temperature over land and ocean surfaces tied with 2012 for record April warmth. Land surfaces here were 1.54°C (2.77°F) higher than the 20th century average. Part of the warmth can be attributed to record warmth in much of central Siberia, where temperatures across a large region were at least 5°C (9°F) above the 1981–2010 average for the month. Overall, more than half of the Eurasian continent, along with northern Africa and most of Mexico, were much warmer than average, as indicated by the Land & Ocean Percentiles map above. Only parts of central and eastern North America were cooler than average for the month in this hemisphere.

The Southern Hemisphere was fourth warmest across land and ocean surfaces combined. Land surfaces were ninth warmest for April, at 0.82°C (1.48°F) above average. Regions of eastern Australia and part of western Indonesia were record warm. Only part of southern South America was cooler than average in this hemisphere.

Global Analysis - April 2014 | State of the Climate | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)


For January-April we're now 6th warmest year. But 1998 and 2010 we're competing against both had a cooler second half. Chances are we're going to pick up some ground... .64c so far. I'd expect .65-.66c for the year...Not much of a warm up for the last decade but I expect it to hold what it has done.
Do you have the land only data? I don't live over water so I really could give two shts if it was warmer over water. I do care that I lived in a freezer for three months in Chicago, and to tell us that it was warm is just stupid.
Poor flac, so obsessed with remaining ideologically pure by only looking at UAH.

Flac, the fact that you're ignorant of the basics here doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. It just means you're a cult crank.
Poor flac, so obsessed with remaining ideologically pure by only looking at UAH.

Flac, the fact that you're ignorant of the basics here doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. It just means you're a cult crank.

You have a problem with space-age technology you hack?
Check ANY satellite thermometer and show me how much panic and despair is justified.
Poor flac, so obsessed with remaining ideologically pure by only looking at UAH.

Flac, the fact that you're ignorant of the basics here doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. It just means you're a cult crank.
Yeah, there's a conspiracy!
Of course there is.. It's manufactured news.. EVERY month there a selected herring of a statistic.
ALWAYS from the land-based records that are groomed and nudged constantly. Even back into the 1940s. It's a regular propaganda project with these folks to get a headline..

From the satellite record --- the APRIL readings..
2001 4 0.17
2002 4 0.23
2003 4 0.15
2004 4 0.15
2005 4 0.36
2006 4 0.14
2007 4 0.21
2008 4 0.00
2009 4 0.09
2010 4 0.40
2011 4 0.08
2012 4 0.23
2013 4 0.11
2014 4 0.19

The lies are in the 2nd digit to the right of the decimal point..
Flac, it would be reasonable to say "I prefer the UAH data set myself, so I don't consider this the warmest April."

It would be cult kookery to say "You didn't use my favorite data set, so you're a fraud!".

You chose the latter.
Flac, it would be reasonable to say "I prefer the UAH data set myself, so I don't consider this the warmest April."

It would be cult kookery to say "You didn't use my favorite data set, so you're a fraud!".

You chose the latter.

You STILL don't have that quite right.. The SUPERIOR measurement is by satellite AND it doesn't take a large team of analysts to continually revise and muck with the second digit to the right of the decimal point in order to make headlines.

The INVENTED and NURTURED statistics for this phoney news comes FROM fraud...
The fact that they are CONTINUALLY REVISING temperatures from SIXTY YEARS ago -- is a dead give-away..

Go argue with the satellite numbers. Find me something in the Aprils that I posted to whine about..
This is absolute crap.. It's wrong on so many levels. And NOAA is starting to like assholic with these statements.

I'm afraid it is you that is wrong on so many levels. The resources and assets that NOAA/NCDC's brings to this report are orders of magnitude greater than than anything UAH has on hand... and NOAA doesn't have Roy Spencer dragging them down.

I don't know what "NOAA is starting to like assholic" is supposed to mean but I think you owe a bunch of hardworking public servants an apology. I haven't the slightest expectation you'll give one, but I guess that's you for you.

I looked at the Satellite numbers last night.

You looked at the Satellite (sic) numbers last night. That's really... nothing. What numbers from what satellites? Mamooth suggests or assumes that you're speaking of Spencers troposphere numbers from UAH, but I don't know what he's basing that on. Even after several back-and-forths you never identify the source you claim to have referenced. I can't think of a reason why not, but I guess that you for you.

The anomaly was 0.19degC for April..

The anomaly of what temperatures was 0.19C (I assume positive) against what baseline? And since the headline of the lead post's article was the ordinal status of April's temperature, where does that 0.19C anomaly sit in the record of Aprils?

Were any adjustments ever applied to any of Spencer's data? We know there were calibration issues with several weather satellites in NASA's fleet. So when you get your panties in a wad about folks changing data, your outrage seems to be particularly selective. But hey, I guess that's you for you.

That's baseline on the history of the sat record since 1979. Feb/Mar were 0.17degC for comparison.

So earlier in the year was also warm-ish. But, again, we don't know how they RATE. In what place do they fall with respect to other years' anomalies for April??

That puts those 3 months 0.02deg apart and some of lowest of the past 20 years.

What significance do you hold in having a small difference between the anomaly values of these months? To me, it would seem to indicate that it means whatever climate trend is dominating temperatures this year is being consistent: consistently higher than the baseline.

And this statement: "puts those 3 months 0.02deg (sic) apart and some of the lowest of the past 20 years" is unclear. WHAT parameters are "some of the lowest of the past 20 years"? I find it very difficult to believe being 0.19C and 0.17C above baseline would allow them to be "some of the lowest of the past 20 years". I've got to assume you are talking about that 0.02C difference in the monthly anomaly values and I have to ask you why? What bearing do you think that has on the question of whether or not the world is getting warmer? That it should have gotten warmer and remained warmer hardly supports your attempt to say it has not.

The lying and misrepresentation is MONUMENTAL and the ignorance of the believers is ASTONISHING.

These are pretty strong statements for such ill-defined points. What lies? What misrepresentation? What ignorance have us believers shown?

Main issue is it SHOULDN'T MATTER WHAT month you compare because GW theory says it doesn't matter. There is no difference between months because of CO2 and GHouse effects. You can smell the desperation..

I do not understand your point at all. Where does GW theory say that it doesn't matter what months are compared? I realize the hemispheres' seasons are 180 degrees out of phase, but perhaps you need to realize there are significant differences between the physical characteristics of the northern and southern hemispheres, particularly in terms of land area vs water area. The planet's average temperature undergoes an annual cycle. While it is possible to compare global temperatures for different months without involving a large seasonal error, there is most certainly no additional error induced by comparing like months and to call it a misrepresentation and a lie is unsupportable hyperbole.

A global surface temperature record with monthly averages:

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The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for April 2014 tied with 2010 as the highest on record for the month, at 0.77°C (1.39°F) above the 20th century average of 13.7°C (56.7°F).
The global land surface temperature was 1.35°C (2.43°F) above the 20th century average of 8.1°C (46.5°F), marking the third warmest April on record. For the ocean, the April global sea surface temperature was 0.55°C (0.99°F) above the 20th century average of 16.0°C (60.9°F), also the third highest for April on record.
The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the January–April period (year-to-date) was 0.64°C (1.15°F) above the 20th century average of 12.6°C (54.8°F), the sixth warmest such period on record.
The globally-averaged temperature across land and ocean surfaces tied with 2010 as the highest on record for the month, at 0.77°C (1.39°F) higher than the 20th century average. This also ties with April 2010 as the seventh highest departure from average among all months in the period of record, which dates back to January 1880. The record highest departure is 0.86°C (1.55°F) above average, set in February 1998, a month when El Niño conditions had been present for nearly a year. Neither El Niño nor La Niña have been present in the east central equatorial Pacific Ocean for the past two years; however, according to NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, the chance of El Niño emerging increases for the remainder of 2014, exceeding 65 percent during the Northern Hemisphere summer 2014.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the combined temperature over land and ocean surfaces tied with 2012 for record April warmth. Land surfaces here were 1.54°C (2.77°F) higher than the 20th century average. Part of the warmth can be attributed to record warmth in much of central Siberia, where temperatures across a large region were at least 5°C (9°F) above the 1981–2010 average for the month. Overall, more than half of the Eurasian continent, along with northern Africa and most of Mexico, were much warmer than average, as indicated by the Land & Ocean Percentiles map above. Only parts of central and eastern North America were cooler than average for the month in this hemisphere.

The Southern Hemisphere was fourth warmest across land and ocean surfaces combined. Land surfaces were ninth warmest for April, at 0.82°C (1.48°F) above average. Regions of eastern Australia and part of western Indonesia were record warm. Only part of southern South America was cooler than average in this hemisphere.

Global Analysis - April 2014 | State of the Climate | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)


For January-April we're now 6th warmest year. But 1998 and 2010 we're competing against both had a cooler second half. Chances are we're going to pick up some ground... .64c so far. I'd expect .65-.66c for the year...Not much of a warm up for the last decade but I expect it to hold what it has done.
Do you have the land only data? I don't live over water so I really could give two shts if it was warmer over water. I do care that I lived in a freezer for three months in Chicago, and to tell us that it was warm is just stupid.

Well, you do know what a trough is? Right? There was a trough with a pole vortex in the eastern United states. The opposite occurred over the western united states and eastern Russia.

This is absolute crap.. It's wrong on so many levels. And NOAA is starting to like assholic with these statements.

I'm afraid it is you that is wrong on so many levels. The resources and assets that NOAA/NCDC's brings to this report are orders of magnitude greater than than anything UAH has on hand... and NOAA doesn't have Roy Spencer dragging them down.

I don't know what "NOAA is starting to like assholic" is supposed to mean but I think you owe a bunch of hardworking public servants an apology. I haven't the slightest expectation you'll give one, but I guess that's you for you.

I looked at the Satellite numbers last night.

You looked at the Satellite (sic) numbers last night. That's really... nothing. What numbers from what satellites? Mamooth suggests or assumes that you're speaking of Spencers troposphere numbers from UAH, but I don't know what he's basing that on. Even after several back-and-forths you never identify the source you claim to have referenced. I can't think of a reason why not, but I guess that you for you.

The anomaly of what temperatures was 0.19C (I assume positive) against what baseline? And since the headline of the lead post's article was the ordinal status of April's temperature, where does that 0.19C anomaly sit in the record of Aprils.

Were any adjustments ever applied to any of Spencer's data? We know there were calibration issues with several weather satellites in NASA's fleet. So when you get your panties in a wad about folks changing data, your outrage seems to be particularly selective. But hey, I guess that's you for you.

So earlier in the year was also warm-ish. But, again, we don't know how they RATE. In what place do they fall with respect to other years' anomalies for April??

What significance do you hold in having a small difference between the anomaly values off these months? To me, it would seem to indicate that it means whatever climate trend is dominating temperatures this year is being consistent: consistently higher than the baseline.

And this statement: "puts those 3 months 0.02deg (sic) apart and some of the lowest of the past 20 years" is unclear. WHAT parameters are "some of the lowest of the past 20 years"? I find it very difficult to believe being 0.19C and 0.17C above baseline would allow them to be "some of the lowest of the past 20 years". I've got to assume you are talking about that 0.02C difference in the monthly anomaly values and I have to ask you why?

The lying and misrepresentation is MONUMENTAL and the ignorance of the believers is ASTONISHING.

These are pretty strong statements for such ill-defined points. What lies? What misrepresentation? What ignorance have us believers shown?

Main issue is it SHOULDN'T MATTER WHAT month you compare because GW theory says it doesn't matter. There is no difference between months because of CO2 and GHouse effects. You can smell the desperation..

I do not understand your point at all. Where does GW theory say that it doesn't matter what months are compared? I realize the hemispheres' seasons are 180 degrees out of phase, but perhaps you need to realize there are significant differences between the physical characteristics of the northern and southern hemispheres, particularly in terms of land area vs water area. The planet's average temperature undergoes an annual cycle. While it is possible to compare global temperatures for different months without involving a large seasonal error, there is most certainly no additional error induced by comparing like months and to call it a misrepresentation and a lie is unsupportable hyperbole.

A global surface temperature record with monthly averages:


Wow -- that's a lot of questions and misconceptions for someone so sure of their opinion on the topic. For instance, picking Aprils to compare is no more significant than picking all the months that begin with the letter A. But if there is a 0.03 advantage to be GAINED and it will make a headline -- that's actual cherry-picking. There is no evidence in the satellite record that last month was extraordinary in any way for at least the last 10 years and by that record -- it was not even 4th warmest in a decade. Because all of this hype is based on CONVIENIENT 0.03deg variations.

You can see that the Aprils I provided for the past decade don't suggest ANYTHING significant.. They range from 0.00 to 0.40 (IIRC). That's the variance on the data that's ALWAYS been there. And the 0.17 and 0.19 were AS I SAID relatively low-ranking in the past 20 years.

I really am not gonna rehash 15 yrs of discussion on this topic. If you've got a specific beef with anything I say -- pick one. There are HUNDREDS of threads in the forum discussing these issues ad nauseam. And there will be no apology for taking the hit at NASA GISS. Just like the several dozen prominent NASA scientists and engineers took a hit at the side-show that their organization has become. The guys who got us to the moon are disgusted with the political shenanigans that now dominate this govt agency. And it's ironic that they spend so much time and energy at NASA correcting and fiddling with 15,000 thermometers instead of focusing on satellites, but they are TODAY as we speak, revising temperatures from the 1940 so that this type of propaganda will make headlines tomorrow.


That's why I accept only the satellite record.. That's the same data overcooked over about a 10 year span.. They are busy little beavers..
fucked with or not...This year should be at least .7c in the noaa and giss data base! That's if you accept that the warming has slown to .05/decade.

This makes the warmers look bad.
Poor flac, so obsessed with remaining ideologically pure by only looking at UAH.

Flac, the fact that you're ignorant of the basics here doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. It just means you're a cult crank.

You have a problem with space-age technology you hack?
Check ANY satellite thermometer and show me how much panic and despair is justified.

The wackos prefer their thermometers be placed near airport taxiways, air conditioning exhausts, near south facing walls, and perhaps in the wall mart parking lot. Got to keep up appearances of impending climate catastrophe don't you know.
Flac, it would be reasonable to say "I prefer the UAH data set myself, so I don't consider this the warmest April."

It would be cult kookery to say "You didn't use my favorite data set, so you're a fraud!".

You chose the latter.

Why would anyone choose any land based data set other than CRN which is pristinely placed, cutting edge technology which, because of the meticulous placement of the stations requires no adjustment of the data? Oh....oh....oh.....i know. Because it doesn't show any warming and never has.

Why would anyone believe a data set that has been so heavily massaged?
Well, you do know what a trough is? Right? There was a trough with a pole vortex in the eastern United states. The opposite occurred over the western united states and eastern Russia.


Isn't it interesting how invariably, the places with the sparcest cover, requiring the greatest amount of data infilling are invariably the places with the most warming....and so it has been for decades. Look at the warmest places on the globe...those that are producing the anomalies that make the global temp appear to be increasing...What do they all have in common? Answer:...very sparse, questionable coverage.
1) You still haven't identified the source of your data except...

2) We now see that you seem to be attempting to compare US data to global, combined land/sea data and we know you're smart enough to know that ain't valid.

3) NOAA/NCDC were not making any point about April being warmer than March. They were making the point that, globally, this was the warmest April in the record.

4) NOAA/NCDC were making a point about April because they had just finished compiling it's data - it having been the latest month to have gone by (check your calendar, it's true ;-))

5) NOAA/NCDC are not NASA and had nothing to do with putting people on the moon.

6) If you're tired of talking about temperature records, leave the thread for those who still think it bears discussion.
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