April globally was the warmest on record---noaa

And yet, the historical record...well the one that Hansen and company haven't screwed with that is, shows the 1930's to be the warmest decade in recorded US history.

Dishonest as usual. Even if it is the warmest decade in the US, that is only about 2% of the Earth's area. And, for the rest of the world, the warmest decade has been since 2000.
And yet, the historical record...well the one that Hansen and company haven't screwed with that is, shows the 1930's to be the warmest decade in recorded US history.

Dishonest as usual. Even if it is the warmest decade in the US, that is only about 2% of the Earth's area. And, for the rest of the world, the warmest decade has been since 2000.

And the rest of the world combined, had fewer weather stations.
So, Westwall, are you going to CONTINUE to claim that the US record somehow refutes the global record? How many times has this fraudulent falsehood been pointed out to you? Is it that you can't hang on to the facts or that you don't care what the facts might be?
as left-wing nutjobs like to point out; there is a difference between climate and weather; and "severe" weather; hot or cold, dry or wet; isnt an indicator of overall anything
in the Northeast people were talking about the neverending winter; there was frost; even snow; well into April in many parts of New England; even southern new england as in Connecticut

but it was the warmer in other areas; so we must believe the alarmists

idiots and hypocrites
Perhaps you should read enough of the thread to follow the conversation in progress before charging in.
So, Westwall, are you going to CONTINUE to claim that the US record somehow refutes the global record? How many times has this fraudulent falsehood been pointed out to you? Is it that you can't hang on to the facts or that you don't care what the facts might be?

Yes, I am. You cultists claim the MWP was regional and yet there are peer reviewed papers from all over the world proving otherwise. I am a scientist thus when evidence such as that pours in I listen to it. You guys clamp hands over your ears and scream lalalalala so you can't here the facts.

That's juvenile and stupid.
Hey.. How come none of you robed warmers can go fetch the previous Aprils from NOAA so that they can be compared to the sat record?? Might learn a thing or two...

Even more interesting would be a comparison of April temps as they stand this year, against what they were two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago, and twenty years ago. I think the more moderate warmers would feel some disquiet over the changes. All in the direction of adding to the warming trend. But then again we all know that humanity wasn't technologically capable of reading thermometers 5, 10 and especially 25 or 50 years ago.
Such certainty that that data do not show what NOAA/NCDC says it shows must be based on evidence. Let's see it.
Such certainty that that data do not show what NOAA/NCDC says it shows must be based on evidence. Let's see it.

I personally have given many many examples of large changes made to the records. You, and most of the other posters here just ignore the subject.
I personally have given many many examples of large changes made to the records. You, and most of the other posters here just ignore the subject.

No, we read it and roll our eyes at the conspiracy theories. Cult of McIntyre stuff just isn't very interesting. "I don't like the change, so it's fraud!" is awful logic.
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You cultists claim the MWP was regional and yet there are peer reviewed papers from all over the world proving otherwise.

No there aren't. Stop making crap up. You've been called out on that bullshit before.

I am a scientist thus when evidence such as that pours in I listen to it.

You mean you cherrypick from the misrepresentations of your kook cult "CO2 Science" website, and then deny cherrypicking.

Actual scientists don't rely exclusively on cherrypicking fallacies as Westwall proudly does. If you want to know how to do good, honest science, simply watch Westwall and do the opposite.
Hey.. How come none of you robed warmers can go fetch the previous Aprils from NOAA so that they can be compared to the sat record?? Might learn a thing or two...

It's already been established UAH has a cool bias, and it's an outlier even among satellite data sets. Cherrypicking the outlier is usually not regarded as good science.

UAH has had to make many corrections over the years, most to fix part of the cool bias. And before each correction, Spencer and Christy would be swearing there was no problem. Those two don't have a good track record.

Oh, it's also odd that someone would ask to compare surface and satellite temps, as that's kind of apples and oranges.
Hey.. How come none of you robed warmers can go fetch the previous Aprils from NOAA so that they can be compared to the sat record?? Might learn a thing or two...

It's already been established UAH has a cool bias, and it's an outlier even among satellite data sets. Cherrypicking the outlier is usually not regarded as good science.

UAH has had to make many corrections over the years, most to fix part of the cool bias. And before each correction, Spencer and Christy would be swearing there was no problem. Those two don't have a good track record.

Oh, it's also odd that someone would ask to compare surface and satellite temps, as that's kind of apples and oranges.

Mamooth doesn't even know that RSS is the lowest dataset right now.
I personally have given many many examples of large changes made to the records. You, and most of the other posters here just ignore the subject.

No, we read it and roll our eyes at the conspiracy theories. Cult of McIntyre stuff just isn't very interesting. "I don't like the change, so it's fraud!" is awful logic.

As I have said before.....anyone who is interested in checking it out for themselves can simply google a temp graph that is a few years old and compare it to today's version. I have found the occasional one with little change but most often there is a large differeve towards warming by either increasing recent numbers or loering the past.

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