April Jobs report looks dismal, March numbers to be revised????

Wouldn't that 31% be part of the 46%?!!!!
Why yes, yes it would. So that doesn't change the fact that 54% of Boomers are retired by age 65.

So you have 300,000 Boomers turning 65 every month and 54% of them are retired. So that's over 160,000 Boomers leaving the work force every month. That's more than the people entering the work force every month, which CON$ acknowledged back when they wanted to privatize SS but now deny, so the LPR will continue to decrease as long as the Boomers retire BUT CON$ will not admit it until a Republican becomes president and the LPR continues to decrease. Then suddenly the LPR will be meaningless Liberal spin unless the CON$ want to argue for privatizing SS again. :cuckoo:

So idiot how many baby boomer are there retiring each month? not the 100,000 you first said. hell you still haven't provide a hard number to look at you have given a percentage.
I even did the math for you and you still play dumb!

And I said that conservatively 100,000 workers leave the ranks of the unemployed replacing the retiring Boomers without creating a single NEW job, assuming that not all of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by the retiring Boomers will be filled by replacements. So if 119,000 NEW jobs are created in a month, 219,000 jobs were filled that month.
Get it?????
Dumb ass I want a source that shows what you said that shows 100,000 baby boomers retiring time for your bitch ass to put up or shut the fuck up.
So idiot how many baby boomer are there retiring each month? not the 100,000 you first said. hell you still haven't provide a hard number to look at you have given a percentage.
I even did the math for you and you still play dumb!

And I said that conservatively 100,000 workers leave the ranks of the unemployed replacing the retiring Boomers without creating a single NEW job, assuming that not all of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by the retiring Boomers will be filled by replacements. So if 119,000 NEW jobs are created in a month, 219,000 jobs were filled that month.
Get it?????
Dumb ass I want a source that shows what you said that shows 100,000 baby boomers retiring time for your bitch ass to put up or shut the fuck up.
I've already posted it 3 times, :asshole: Go fuck yourself!
And I said that easily 100,000 of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by retiring Boomers every month get filled by replacement workers.
The irony of YOU calling anyone a dumb ass is hilarious!!! :rofl::lmao:
I even did the math for you and you still play dumb!

And I said that conservatively 100,000 workers leave the ranks of the unemployed replacing the retiring Boomers without creating a single NEW job, assuming that not all of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by the retiring Boomers will be filled by replacements. So if 119,000 NEW jobs are created in a month, 219,000 jobs were filled that month.
Get it?????
Dumb ass I want a source that shows what you said that shows 100,000 baby boomers retiring time for your bitch ass to put up or shut the fuck up.
I've already posted it 3 times, :asshole: Go fuck yourself!
And I said that easily 100,000 of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by retiring Boomers every month get filled by replacement workers.
The irony of YOU calling anyone a dumb ass is hilarious!!! :rofl::lmao:

You've posted one source that I said you did not read dumb ass. It gave a percentage which is not a number and 31 percent retired but continue to work. Do try again .
Dumb ass I want a source that shows what you said that shows 100,000 baby boomers retiring time for your bitch ass to put up or shut the fuck up.
I've already posted it 3 times, :asshole: Go fuck yourself!
And I said that easily 100,000 of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by retiring Boomers every month get filled by replacement workers.
The irony of YOU calling anyone a dumb ass is hilarious!!! :rofl::lmao:

You've posted one source that I said you did not read dumb ass. It gave a percentage which is not a number and 31 percent retired but continue to work. Do try again .
It said no such thing!

It said 54% of the 10,000 Boomers who reach retirement age every day retired from all work by age 65, and part of the remaining 46% who are not retired are the 31% who work full or part time, and of that 31% working full or part time 1/3 retired from a previous career to work at something else they preferred. That's 1/3 of the 31% or about 10%!!!!! Again those breakdowns are of the 46% not retired, not the 54% who are fully retired.
Learn to read

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves
retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or
unemployed and looking for work. Of the 31% who are employed full or part time, over one-third say
they have retired from a previous career and are still working.
I've already posted it 3 times, :asshole: Go fuck yourself!
And I said that easily 100,000 of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by retiring Boomers every month get filled by replacement workers.
The irony of YOU calling anyone a dumb ass is hilarious!!! :rofl::lmao:

You've posted one source that I said you did not read dumb ass. It gave a percentage which is not a number and 31 percent retired but continue to work. Do try again .
It said no such thing!

It said 54% of the 10,000 Boomers who reach retirement age every day retired from all work by age 65, and part of the remaining 46% who are not retired are the 31% who work full or part time, and of that 31% working full or part time 1/3 retired from a previous career to work at something else they preferred. That's 1/3 of the 31% or about 10%!!!!! Again those breakdowns are of the 46% not retired, not the 54% who are fully retired.
Learn to read

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves
retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or
unemployed and looking for work. Of the 31% who are employed full or part time, over one-third say
they have retired from a previous career and are still working.

Your fucking source said it dumb ass that's why I said you don't read what you use as a source it's on page 2 second to last paragraph. 31% of those retired baby boomers went back too work.
Still waiting on the numbers from you not the percentage and it better say 100,000 a month or you lied and have been lying
You've posted one source that I said you did not read dumb ass. It gave a percentage which is not a number and 31 percent retired but continue to work. Do try again .
It said no such thing!

It said 54% of the 10,000 Boomers who reach retirement age every day retired from all work by age 65, and part of the remaining 46% who are not retired are the 31% who work full or part time, and of that 31% working full or part time 1/3 retired from a previous career to work at something else they preferred. That's 1/3 of the 31% or about 10%!!!!! Again those breakdowns are of the 46% not retired, not the 54% who are fully retired.
Learn to read

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves
retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or
unemployed and looking for work. Of the 31% who are employed full or part time, over one-third say
they have retired from a previous career and are still working.

Your fucking source said it dumb ass that's why I said you don't read what you use as a source it's on page 2 second to last paragraph. 31% of those retired baby boomers went back too work.
Still waiting on the numbers from you not the percentage and it better say 100,000 a month or you lied and have been lying
Like I have shown so many times before, when CON$ervoFascists have their foot in their mouth, they play dumb repeating their lies over again as if they are too stupid to know they are lying.

I even re-quoted the passage above and you still pretend to be too stupid to understand it. First of all, it said that 1/3 of the 31% of Boomers STILL working had retired from another career. It does not say that 31% of retired Boomers went back to work. Admit it!
It said no such thing!

It said 54% of the 10,000 Boomers who reach retirement age every day retired from all work by age 65, and part of the remaining 46% who are not retired are the 31% who work full or part time, and of that 31% working full or part time 1/3 retired from a previous career to work at something else they preferred. That's 1/3 of the 31% or about 10%!!!!! Again those breakdowns are of the 46% not retired, not the 54% who are fully retired.
Learn to read

Your fucking source said it dumb ass that's why I said you don't read what you use as a source it's on page 2 second to last paragraph. 31% of those retired baby boomers went back too work.
Still waiting on the numbers from you not the percentage and it better say 100,000 a month or you lied and have been lying
Like I have shown so many times before, when CON$ervoFascists have their foot in their mouth, they play dumb repeating their lies over again as if they are too stupid to know they are lying.

I even re-quoted the passage above and you still pretend to be too stupid to understand it. First of all, it said that 1/3 of the 31% of Boomers STILL working had retired from another career. It does not say that 31% of retired Boomers went back to work. Admit it!

You haven't shown shit just some percentages no numbers try again dumb ass.
Your fucking source said it dumb ass that's why I said you don't read what you use as a source it's on page 2 second to last paragraph. 31% of those retired baby boomers went back too work.
Still waiting on the numbers from you not the percentage and it better say 100,000 a month or you lied and have been lying
Like I have shown so many times before, when CON$ervoFascists have their foot in their mouth, they play dumb repeating their lies over again as if they are too stupid to know they are lying.

I even re-quoted the passage above and you still pretend to be too stupid to understand it. First of all, it said that 1/3 of the 31% of Boomers STILL working had retired from another career. It does not say that 31% of retired Boomers went back to work. Admit it!

You haven't shown shit just some percentages no numbers try again dumb ass.
I posted the numbers and the percentages and did the simple arithmetic of applying the percentages to the numbers for you. The only thing I didn't do is force your blind eyes to see them.

To recap: 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. 54% of 300,000 is over 160,000 Boopmers retiring every month. I then speculated that conservatively 100,000 of those 160,000 jobs would be filled with replacement workers without creating a single NEW job moving 100,000 workers off the ranks on the unemployed each month over and above the number of new jobs created.
Like I have shown so many times before, when CON$ervoFascists have their foot in their mouth, they play dumb repeating their lies over again as if they are too stupid to know they are lying.

I even re-quoted the passage above and you still pretend to be too stupid to understand it. First of all, it said that 1/3 of the 31% of Boomers STILL working had retired from another career. It does not say that 31% of retired Boomers went back to work. Admit it!

You haven't shown shit just some percentages no numbers try again dumb ass.
I posted the numbers and the percentages and did the simple arithmetic of applying the percentages to the numbers for you. The only thing I didn't do is force your blind eyes to see them.

To recap: 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. 54% of 300,000 is over 160,000 Boopmers retiring every month. I then speculated that conservatively 100,000 of those 160,000 jobs would be filled with replacement workers without creating a single NEW job moving 100,000 workers off the ranks on the unemployed each month over and above the number of new jobs created.

No what you posted was a percentage no numbers does it show the 31% p[ercent is from 500 5000 10,000 or a 100,000 stop dragging your fucking feet show the source that says 100,000 baby boomers are retiring each month NO FUCKING PERCENTAGES JUST THE NUMBERS.
No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.

so I will ask again- the number ( labor pool) they use as a baseline for the labor force participation rate is those that are able and want to work, not retirees?

There is no "baseline," and i'm not sure what you mean by labor pool.
the labor force participation rate is: Labor Force as a percent of the population.
The labor force is employed + unemployed
The population is everyone 16 and older not in prison, an institution, or the military.
So the Numerator is everyone willing able and either working or looking for work
The denominator is everyone.

so how does that square when someone says, that retirees are causing the LFPR to drop? Not 'discouraged workers'?
You haven't shown shit just some percentages no numbers try again dumb ass.
I posted the numbers and the percentages and did the simple arithmetic of applying the percentages to the numbers for you. The only thing I didn't do is force your blind eyes to see them.

To recap: 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. 54% of 300,000 is over 160,000 Boopmers retiring every month. I then speculated that conservatively 100,000 of those 160,000 jobs would be filled with replacement workers without creating a single NEW job moving 100,000 workers off the ranks on the unemployed each month over and above the number of new jobs created.

No what you posted was a percentage no numbers does it show the 31% p[ercent is from 500 5000 10,000 or a 100,000 stop dragging your fucking feet show the source that says 100,000 baby boomers are retiring each month NO FUCKING PERCENTAGES JUST THE NUMBERS.
Just because you can't do simply arithmetic doesn't mean that others can't see how stupid you pretend to be. The people who do the studies assume that you can calculate simple percentages. It's up to you to find someone who dumbs down a study to your level.

And it's not 31%, it's 54% of Boomers retire by age 65.
so I will ask again- the number ( labor pool) they use as a baseline for the labor force participation rate is those that are able and want to work, not retirees?

There is no "baseline," and i'm not sure what you mean by labor pool.
the labor force participation rate is: Labor Force as a percent of the population.
The labor force is employed + unemployed
The population is everyone 16 and older not in prison, an institution, or the military.
So the Numerator is everyone willing able and either working or looking for work
The denominator is everyone.

so how does that square when someone says, that retirees are causing the LFPR to drop? Not 'discouraged workers'?
It's simple math, more retirees makes the denominator bigger making the ratio smaller. Discouraged workers also affects the denominator but the number of discouraged workers went down from 2010 to 2011 and appears to be going down in 2012 as well.

Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
I posted the numbers and the percentages and did the simple arithmetic of applying the percentages to the numbers for you. The only thing I didn't do is force your blind eyes to see them.

To recap: 10,000 Boomers reach retirement age every day, that's 300,000 per month. 54% of 300,000 is over 160,000 Boopmers retiring every month. I then speculated that conservatively 100,000 of those 160,000 jobs would be filled with replacement workers without creating a single NEW job moving 100,000 workers off the ranks on the unemployed each month over and above the number of new jobs created.

No what you posted was a percentage no numbers does it show the 31% p[ercent is from 500 5000 10,000 or a 100,000 stop dragging your fucking feet show the source that says 100,000 baby boomers are retiring each month NO FUCKING PERCENTAGES JUST THE NUMBERS.
Just because you can't do simply arithmetic doesn't mean that others can't see how stupid you pretend to be. The people who do the studies assume that you can calculate simple percentages. It's up to you to find someone who dumbs down a study to your level.

And it's not 31%, it's 54% of Boomers retire by age 65.

WHAT IS THE 54% OF DUMB ASS? 100 10,000

And it's not 31%, it's 54% of Boomers retire by age 65
Stupid page two from your source 31% of retiring baby boomers went back to work they never retired. Thats from your source.
But that percentage does not tell anything about the numbers retiring it could be 1000 but you haven't shown the numbers so we will never know.
No what you posted was a percentage no numbers does it show the 31% p[ercent is from 500 5000 10,000 or a 100,000 stop dragging your fucking feet show the source that says 100,000 baby boomers are retiring each month NO FUCKING PERCENTAGES JUST THE NUMBERS.
Just because you can't do simply arithmetic doesn't mean that others can't see how stupid you pretend to be. The people who do the studies assume that you can calculate simple percentages. It's up to you to find someone who dumbs down a study to your level.

And it's not 31%, it's 54% of Boomers retire by age 65.

WHAT IS THE 54% OF DUMB ASS? 100 10,000

And it's not 31%, it's 54% of Boomers retire by age 65
Stupid page two from your source 31% of retiring baby boomers went back to work they never retired. Thats from your source.
But that percentage does not tell anything about the numbers retiring it could be 1000 but you haven't shown the numbers so we will never know.
The 54% is of the number of Boomers that reach age 65. If you are figuring by day it is 54% of 10,000. If you are figuring by month it is 54% of 300,000. And if you are figuring by year it is 54% of 3.65 million.

And page 2 from my source did not say that 31% of retiring Boomers went back to work. It said 1/3 of 31% of WORKING Boomers age 65 switched careers, retiring from one to start another. I know percents are difficult for you, but 1/3 of 31% is about 10%,

Here is the quote from page 2 for the 5th time. Try actually reading it this time.

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves
retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or
unemployed and looking for work. Of the 31% who are employed full or part time, over one-third say
they have retired from a previous career and are still working
Just because you can't do simply arithmetic doesn't mean that others can't see how stupid you pretend to be. The people who do the studies assume that you can calculate simple percentages. It's up to you to find someone who dumbs down a study to your level.

And it's not 31%, it's 54% of Boomers retire by age 65.

WHAT IS THE 54% OF DUMB ASS? 100 10,000

Stupid page two from your source 31% of retiring baby boomers went back to work they never retired. Thats from your source.
But that percentage does not tell anything about the numbers retiring it could be 1000 but you haven't shown the numbers so we will never know.
The 54% is of the number of Boomers that reach age 65. If you are figuring by day it is 54% of 10,000. If you are figuring by month it is 54% of 300,000. And if you are figuring by year it is 54% of 3.65 million.

And page 2 from my source did not say that 31% of retiring Boomers went back to work. It said 1/3 of 31% of WORKING Boomers age 65 switched careers, retiring from one to start another. I know percents are difficult for you, but 1/3 of 31% is about 10%,

Here is the quote from page 2 for the 5th time. Try actually reading it this time.

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves
retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or
unemployed and looking for work. Of the 31% who are employed full or part time, over one-third say
they have retired from a previous career and are still working

Stupid here is your source

And you still didn't back up your claims, but only out of spite negged me for calling you on your rationalizations.
Thank you for proving my point.

You never do why should anyone do it?

When are you going to show the numbers of retiring baby boomers and not those that are receiving benefits?
I always do, but CON$ always pretend to be blind deaf and dumb.

And I linked to an AARP study that showed that 54% of Boomers had already retired by age 65. Here it is for the third time for you to ignore.

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or unemployed and looking for work.

Page two second too last paragraph.
Right now there are about 10k boomers retiring every day, however they are the oldest of the boomers and they just started hitting 65 last year. They had the time to save and they had the economy booming for most of their lives, with a few glitches. Their children were raised well before the last 5 years.

That's not true for the top of the bell curve of the boomers, not by a long shot. They got hit before they'd moved out of more risky investments, many have kids that have just graduated college, some of their kids are even still in high school today. Jobs are not there and they are still helping out them and their parents. Many have lost their jobs in late 40's and early 50's-not a good combination at all, some will never fully retire.
Right now there are about 10k boomers retiring every day, however they are the oldest of the boomers and they just started hitting 65 last year. They had the time to save and they had the economy booming for most of their lives, with a few glitches. Their children were raised well before the last 5 years.

That's not true for the top of the bell curve of the boomers, not by a long shot. They got hit before they'd moved out of more risky investments, many have kids that have just graduated college, some of their kids are even still in high school today. Jobs are not there and they are still helping out them and their parents. Many have lost their jobs in late 40's and early 50's-not a good combination at all, some will never fully retire.

So now we have 10,000 retiring daily? thats even more than the 100,000 ed trying to push off as truth. Are baby boomers retiring? Yes some are but not as many as we think.
WHAT IS THE 54% OF DUMB ASS? 100 10,000

Stupid page two from your source 31% of retiring baby boomers went back to work they never retired. Thats from your source.
But that percentage does not tell anything about the numbers retiring it could be 1000 but you haven't shown the numbers so we will never know.
The 54% is of the number of Boomers that reach age 65. If you are figuring by day it is 54% of 10,000. If you are figuring by month it is 54% of 300,000. And if you are figuring by year it is 54% of 3.65 million.

And page 2 from my source did not say that 31% of retiring Boomers went back to work. It said 1/3 of 31% of WORKING Boomers age 65 switched careers, retiring from one to start another. I know percents are difficult for you, but 1/3 of 31% is about 10%,

Here is the quote from page 2 for the 5th time. Try actually reading it this time.

Stupid here is your source

You never do why should anyone do it?

When are you going to show the numbers of retiring baby boomers and not those that are receiving benefits?
I always do, but CON$ always pretend to be blind deaf and dumb.

And I linked to an AARP study that showed that 54% of Boomers had already retired by age 65. Here it is for the third time for you to ignore.

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or unemployed and looking for work.

Page two second too last paragraph.
I posted it 5 times already and you have yet to read it once!
Right now there are about 10k boomers retiring every day, however they are the oldest of the boomers and they just started hitting 65 last year. They had the time to save and they had the economy booming for most of their lives, with a few glitches. Their children were raised well before the last 5 years.

That's not true for the top of the bell curve of the boomers, not by a long shot. They got hit before they'd moved out of more risky investments, many have kids that have just graduated college, some of their kids are even still in high school today. Jobs are not there and they are still helping out them and their parents. Many have lost their jobs in late 40's and early 50's-not a good combination at all, some will never fully retire.

So now we have 10,000 retiring daily? thats even more than the 100,000 ed trying to push off as truth. Are baby boomers retiring? Yes some are but not as many as we think.
No, we have 10,000 reaching retirement AGE daily. Only 54% of them are retiring.
Pay attention!
Right now there are about 10k boomers retiring every day, however they are the oldest of the boomers and they just started hitting 65 last year. They had the time to save and they had the economy booming for most of their lives, with a few glitches. Their children were raised well before the last 5 years.

That's not true for the top of the bell curve of the boomers, not by a long shot. They got hit before they'd moved out of more risky investments, many have kids that have just graduated college, some of their kids are even still in high school today. Jobs are not there and they are still helping out them and their parents. Many have lost their jobs in late 40's and early 50's-not a good combination at all, some will never fully retire.

So now we have 10,000 retiring daily? thats even more than the 100,000 ed trying to push off as truth. Are baby boomers retiring? Yes some are but not as many as we think.
No, we have 10,000 reaching retirement AGE daily. Only 54% of them are retiring.
Pay attention!

Take it up with annie dumb ass that's what she said. But you can't show the actual numbers no source nothing from you.
Right now there are about 10k boomers retiring every day

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