April Jobs report looks dismal, March numbers to be revised????

I always do, but CON$ always pretend to be blind deaf and dumb.

And I linked to an AARP study that showed that 54% of Boomers had already retired by age 65. Here it is for the third time for you to ignore.

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or unemployed and looking for work.

There are 88 million in the "not in" category
only 39 million of those are over 65 and retired, baby boomers and all
this is all this man has asked you for days
Monthly Statistical Snapshot, March 2012

BTW there is 6.3 million in the not in category looking for work, not the 6.1 that was claimed
Actually the unadjusted number is 6.041 million, so the other 82 million are not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as CON$ would have us believe.

You where wrong and you know it
With me I will call you out every-time all the time
FOX's report was accurate and you tried to bring harm to there rep
If you see it came from JRK bud, Your better make sure you got it right

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

And your claim of the 82 million not looking
over 60 million of them are getting some sort of Govt funding
What is the other 22 million doing?
My God people
we got people trying to convince us that the available work force number has nothing to do with the not in work force number
MY GOD THE NOT IN WORK FORCE NUMBER GREW 1.6 million in 8 weeks and the available work force number goes down
Yeah, each year you have a million Boomers retire of the over 3 million Boomers who reach retirement in each year. And you know that very well also, so stop deflecting from FOX's obvious lie in the OP!!!!!

So that means that about 100,000 leave the ranks of the unemployed every month to take the place of the retiring Boomers without creating a single NEW job!!!!!

Fox did not lie
the number of people looking for a job is 6.3 million
ot in labor force
85,977 88,322 88,288 85,608 86,503 86,697 87,874 87,564 87,897
Persons who currently want a job
6,250 6,376 6,041 6,500 6,595 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.
Yeah, each year you have a million Boomers retire of the over 3 million Boomers who reach retirement in each year. And you know that very well also, so stop deflecting from FOX's obvious lie in the OP!!!!!

So that means that about 100,000 leave the ranks of the unemployed every month to take the place of the retiring Boomers without creating a single NEW job!!!!!

Fox did not lie
the number of people looking for a job is 6.3 million
ot in labor force
85,977 88,322 88,288 85,608 86,503 86,697 87,874 87,564 87,897
Persons who currently want a job
6,250 6,376 6,041 6,500 6,595 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.

Persons who currently want a job
6,482 6,041 6,328 6,518 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299 6,366
I do not know where you got the currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work.

straight from the BLS site
Last edited:
There are 88 million in the "not in" category
only 39 million of those are over 65 and retired, baby boomers and all
this is all this man has asked you for days
Monthly Statistical Snapshot, March 2012

BTW there is 6.3 million in the not in category looking for work, not the 6.1 that was claimed
Actually the unadjusted number is 6.041 million, so the other 82 million are not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as CON$ would have us believe.

You where wrong and you know it
With me I will call you out every-time all the time
FOX's report was accurate and you tried to bring harm to there rep
If you see it came from JRK bud, Your better make sure you got it right

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

And your claim of the 82 million not looking
over 60 million of them are getting some sort of Govt funding
What is the other 22 million doing?
The FOX report was only accurate if you disregarded everything FOX said in the past that contradicts it.

And if you mean by government funding you mean they are collecting the SS funding they paid into all their lives then you would be correct. The other 22 million are moms staying home and students in school, etc. and not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as dishonest CON$ would have you believe.
Fox did not lie
the number of people looking for a job is 6.3 million
ot in labor force
85,977 88,322 88,288 85,608 86,503 86,697 87,874 87,564 87,897
Persons who currently want a job
6,250 6,376 6,041 6,500 6,595 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.

Persons who currently want a job
6,482 6,041 6,328 6,518 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299 6,366
I do not know where you got the currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work.

straight from the BLS site
Straight from the BLS site including what you leave out, like discouraged workers being under a million!

Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted
[Numbers in thousands]
Category Total Men Women
2011 Apr.
2012 Apr.
2011 Apr.
2012 Apr.
2011 Apr.
Total not in the labor force
86,248 88,879 34,713 35,452 51,535 53,427
Persons who currently want a job
6,482 6,328 3,159 3,141 3,323 3,187
Marginally attached to the labor force(1)
2,466 2,363 1,361 1,311 1,105 1,053
Discouraged workers(2)
989 968 566 611 423 357

(1) Data refer to persons who want a job, have searched for work during the prior 12 months, and were available to take a job during the reference week, but had not looked for work in the past 4 weeks.
(2) Includes those who did not actively look for work in the prior 4 weeks for reasons such as thinks no work available, could not find work, lacks schooling or training, employer thinks too young or old, and other types of discrimination.
If the gain is not more than the lose it is not a gain.

Maybe you aren't lying but just stupid and not understand numbers and their uses.

Can you be honest and not be a troll for at least one thread?

If the gain is not more than the lose it is not a gain?

Yeah, "If"... That's why you are an idiot, because you are predicating it with "If" which it isn't. Se how that works?

If it was true, then you would be right. The problem is that jobs are being gained faster then they are being lost. Not only that, but the net gain is slightly ahead of civilian non-institutionalized population growth.
Fox did not lie
the number of people looking for a job is 6.3 million
ot in labor force
85,977 88,322 88,288 85,608 86,503 86,697 87,874 87,564 87,897
Persons who currently want a job
6,250 6,376 6,041 6,500 6,595 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.

Persons who currently want a job
6,482 6,041 6,328 6,518 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299 6,366
I do not know where you got the currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work.

straight from the BLS site
Unemployed are defined as available and actively looking for work.
Not in the Labor Force are those who are not employed or unemployed (meaning not looking or not available)
Persons who currently want a job is a SUBSET of Not in the Labor Force, which is clear from looking at the table. And even more clear looking at Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted
It's a given that all the Unemployed want a job.

I find it interesting that you try to complain about me saying things you don't see on the BLS site, while you falsely claim "wants a job" means "looking for work."
Last edited:
Actually the unadjusted number is 6.041 million, so the other 82 million are not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as CON$ would have us believe.

You where wrong and you know it
With me I will call you out every-time all the time
FOX's report was accurate and you tried to bring harm to there rep
If you see it came from JRK bud, Your better make sure you got it right

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

And your claim of the 82 million not looking
over 60 million of them are getting some sort of Govt funding
What is the other 22 million doing?
The FOX report was only accurate if you disregarded everything FOX said in the past that contradicts it.

And if you mean by government funding you mean they are collecting the SS funding they paid into all their lives then you would be correct. The other 22 million are moms staying home and students in school, etc. and not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as dishonest CON$ would have you believe.

No what EVERY one is center left all the way to far right is having issue with is adding 1/2 million people in the not-in column in 4.3 weeks
87,897 88,419
The rest of it is spin
That is not
can you explain that? let me help
154,707 154,365, down 250k in 4.3 weeks for the labor force column
This is why the UE rate went down
Maybe you aren't lying but just stupid and not understand numbers and their uses.

Can you be honest and not be a troll for at least one thread?

If the gain is not more than the lose it is not a gain?

Yeah, "If"... That's why you are an idiot, because you are predicating it with "If" which it isn't. Se how that works?

If it was true, then you would be right. The problem is that jobs are being gained faster then they are being lost. Not only that, but the net gain is slightly ahead of civilian non-institutionalized population growth.

OK no if When the gain is less than the loss there is no gain Is that better moron?
You where wrong and you know it
With me I will call you out every-time all the time
FOX's report was accurate and you tried to bring harm to there rep
If you see it came from JRK bud, Your better make sure you got it right

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

And your claim of the 82 million not looking
over 60 million of them are getting some sort of Govt funding
What is the other 22 million doing?
The FOX report was only accurate if you disregarded everything FOX said in the past that contradicts it.

And if you mean by government funding you mean they are collecting the SS funding they paid into all their lives then you would be correct. The other 22 million are moms staying home and students in school, etc. and not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as dishonest CON$ would have you believe.

No what EVERY one is center left all the way to far right is having issue with is adding 1/2 million people in the not-in column in 4.3 weeks
87,897 88,419
The rest of it is spin
That is not
can you explain that? let me help
154,707 154,365, down 250k in 4.3 weeks for the labor force column
This is why the UE rate went down
Not that you care, but here is the complete breakdown 88+ million not in the labor force.

A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex

Do not want a job now(1) 82,551
I always do, but CON$ always pretend to be blind deaf and dumb.

And I linked to an AARP study that showed that 54% of Boomers had already retired by age 65. Here it is for the third time for you to ignore.

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or unemployed and looking for work.

Just reading a small portion of your link it does appear you don't read what you provide as a source

Page 2 next to last paragraph it says that 31% that have worked a full time job and retired from that job are still working which is not what you have tried to sale us that baby boomers retire when it's actually time for them too retire.
As I said that's just a portion of your source. Do you want to continue with that argument that the lose of workers from the work force is due to baby boomers retiring?
Wouldn't that 31% be part of the 46%?!!!!
Why yes, yes it would. So that doesn't change the fact that 54% of Boomers are retired by age 65.

So you have 300,000 Boomers turning 65 every month and 54% of then are retired. So that's over 160,000 Boomers leaving the work force every month. That's more than the people entering the work force every month, which CON$ acknowledged back when they wanted to privatize SS but now deny, so the LPR will continue to decrease as long as the Boomers retire BUT CON$ will not admit it until a Republican becomes president and the LPR continues to decrease. Then suddenly the LPR will be meaningless Liberal spin unless the CON$ want to argue for privatizing SS again. :cuckoo:

So idiot how many baby boomer are there retiring each month? not the 100,000 you first said. hell you still haven't provide a hard number to look at you have given a percentage.
Just reading a small portion of your link it does appear you don't read what you provide as a source

Page 2 next to last paragraph it says that 31% that have worked a full time job and retired from that job are still working which is not what you have tried to sale us that baby boomers retire when it's actually time for them too retire.
As I said that's just a portion of your source. Do you want to continue with that argument that the lose of workers from the work force is due to baby boomers retiring?
Wouldn't that 31% be part of the 46%?!!!!
Why yes, yes it would. So that doesn't change the fact that 54% of Boomers are retired by age 65.

So you have 300,000 Boomers turning 65 every month and 54% of then are retired. So that's over 160,000 Boomers leaving the work force every month. That's more than the people entering the work force every month, which CON$ acknowledged back when they wanted to privatize SS but now deny, so the LPR will continue to decrease as long as the Boomers retire BUT CON$ will not admit it until a Republican becomes president and the LPR continues to decrease. Then suddenly the LPR will be meaningless Liberal spin unless the CON$ want to argue for privatizing SS again. :cuckoo:

So idiot how many baby boomer are there retiring each month? not the 100,000 you first said. hell you still haven't provide a hard number to look at you have given a percentage.

He said there was 100k baby boomers retiring each month?
The not-in number grew 500k last month
That leaves 400,000 any-way
I wonder where they get these numbers?

In one year the not in number grew 2.7 million with over 1 million of those in just a few weeks
Well These libs have some issues with this info because it makes no sense
Wouldn't that 31% be part of the 46%?!!!!
Why yes, yes it would. So that doesn't change the fact that 54% of Boomers are retired by age 65.

So you have 300,000 Boomers turning 65 every month and 54% of then are retired. So that's over 160,000 Boomers leaving the work force every month. That's more than the people entering the work force every month, which CON$ acknowledged back when they wanted to privatize SS but now deny, so the LPR will continue to decrease as long as the Boomers retire BUT CON$ will not admit it until a Republican becomes president and the LPR continues to decrease. Then suddenly the LPR will be meaningless Liberal spin unless the CON$ want to argue for privatizing SS again. :cuckoo:

So idiot how many baby boomer are there retiring each month? not the 100,000 you first said. hell you still haven't provide a hard number to look at you have given a percentage.

He said there was 100k baby boomers retiring each month?
The not-in number grew 500k last month
That leaves 400,000 any-way
I wonder where they get these numbers?

In one year the not in number grew 2.7 million with over 1 million of those in just a few weeks
Well These libs have some issues with this info because it makes no sense
At one time I thought he said 10,000 but last night he whined about me saying that because he said it was 100,000. 10,000 was a much easier number to hit if you ask me but if he wants to say 100,000 let him.:eusa_whistle::lol:
I always do, but CON$ always pretend to be blind deaf and dumb.

And I linked to an AARP study that showed that 54% of Boomers had already retired by age 65. Here it is for the third time for you to ignore.

Our new survey of boomers turning 65 indicates that as the moment of truth arrives and
boomers are faced with the decision about retirement, about half (54%) already consider themselves retired, while 46% are employed full or part time, not in the labor force for other reasons, or unemployed and looking for work.

There are 88 million in the "not in" category
only 39 million of those are over 65 and retired, baby boomers and all
this is all this man has asked you for days
Monthly Statistical Snapshot, March 2012

BTW there is 6.3 million in the not in category looking for work, not the 6.1 that was claimed
Actually the unadjusted number is 6.041 million, so the other 82 million are not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as CON$ would have us believe.

Absolute values, like 6.3 or 6.1 million, are meaningless. Population grows. Just as well, it says nothing about what the natural rate is. For all we know, the natural rate is 4.0 million people, even under the lowest unemployment levels.

Want a job now includes

Total not in the labor force
_Do not want a job now
_Want a job
__Did not search for work in previous year but not in past 4 weeks
__Searched for work in previous year,but not in past 4 weeks
___Not available to work now
___Marginally attached (available to work now)
____Discouraged over job prospects
____Reasons other than discouragement
_____Family responsibilities
_____In school or training
_____Ill health or disability

Alone, Want a Job Now is not very meaningful.

It includes "Not available to work now" and "Reasons other than discouragement", like in school or busy with other stuff, which is a bit not what we are looking for.

It may be that the reason for the categorization in this manner has as much to do with the survey process as it has to do with what needs to be obtained from the data. A properly designed survey gets as much info from people while limiting how many questions need to be asked.

In percentage of civilian non-institutionalized population, it looks like


For a more reasonable number, I'd go with;

"Want a job" minus "Not available to work now" minus "Reasons other than discouragement". We can get what we want out of the data, but we have to do the work rather than having had the people being surveyed doing the work.

But, having not gotten there, here is the levels for WAJN


In this case, the difference that per capita makes is slight. It just tilts the curve a bit.

The lowest level that WAJN has ever achieved, closer to the natural level, is 4 million. So, even including the "Not available to work now" and "Reasons other than discouragement", that puts the excess at 2.3 million.
Yeah, each year you have a million Boomers retire of the over 3 million Boomers who reach retirement in each year. And you know that very well also, so stop deflecting from FOX's obvious lie in the OP!!!!!

So that means that about 100,000 leave the ranks of the unemployed every month to take the place of the retiring Boomers without creating a single NEW job!!!!!

Fox did not lie
the number of people looking for a job is 6.3 million
ot in labor force
85,977 88,322 88,288 85,608 86,503 86,697 87,874 87,564 87,897
Persons who currently want a job
6,250 6,376 6,041 6,500 6,595 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.

so I will ask again- the number ( labor pool) they use as a baseline for the labor force participation rate is those that are able and want to work, not retirees?
There are 88 million in the "not in" category
only 39 million of those are over 65 and retired, baby boomers and all
this is all this man has asked you for days
Monthly Statistical Snapshot, March 2012

BTW there is 6.3 million in the not in category looking for work, not the 6.1 that was claimed
Actually the unadjusted number is 6.041 million, so the other 82 million are not discouraged workers who have given up looking for work as CON$ would have us believe.

Absolute values, like 6.3 or 6.1 million, are meaningless. Population grows. Just as well, it says nothing about what the natural rate is. For all we know, the natural rate is 4.0 million people, even under the lowest unemployment levels.

Want a job now includes

Total not in the labor force
_Do not want a job now
_Want a job
__Did not search for work in previous year but not in past 4 weeks
__Searched for work in previous year,but not in past 4 weeks
___Not available to work now
___Marginally attached (available to work now)
____Discouraged over job prospects
____Reasons other than discouragement
_____Family responsibilities
_____In school or training
_____Ill health or disability

Alone, Want a Job Now is not very meaningful.

It includes "Not available to work now" and "Reasons other than discouragement", like in school or busy with other stuff, which is a bit not what we are looking for.

It may be that the reason for the categorization in this manner has as much to do with the survey process as it has to do with what needs to be obtained from the data. A properly designed survey gets as much info from people while limiting how many questions need to be asked.

In percentage of civilian non-institutionalized population, it looks like


For a more reasonable number, I'd go with;

"Want a job" minus "Not available to work now" minus "Reasons other than discouragement". We can get what we want out of the data, but we have to do the work rather than having had the people being surveyed doing the work.

But, having not gotten there, here is the levels for WAJN


In this case, the difference that per capita makes is slight. It just tilts the curve a bit.

The lowest level that WAJN has ever achieved, closer to the natural level, is 4 million. So, even including the "Not available to work now" and "Reasons other than discouragement", that puts the excess at 2.3 million.

Even CBS dis agrees with you, this stuff is really simple

he drop in the unemployment rate comes with an asterisk: while there was a 278,000 gain in employment, there was a concurrent labor force decline of 315,000 from October. It would be far preferable for the unemployment rate to drop because the economy is creating over 200,000 per month consistently, rather than due to would-be employees leaving the work force, either because they're retiring or they're simply too discouraged to keep looking for a job. If some of those people resume their job searches, we could see the unemployment rate tick up next month.

November Unemployment: Why the big drop? - CBS News

The civilian labor force dropped another 300,000 this month while the not-in force grew 500,000

These numbers have everything to do with the UE rate changing, in fact there having more of an impact than actual job growth is, twice as much latley
If 50% of the numbers had went into the labor force sense November than has we would have had huge swing in UE% rate the wrong way
Changing Demographics cannot explain all if this in my opinion
Fox did not lie
the number of people looking for a job is 6.3 million
ot in labor force
85,977 88,322 88,288 85,608 86,503 86,697 87,874 87,564 87,897
Persons who currently want a job
6,250 6,376 6,041 6,500 6,595 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.

so I will ask again- the number ( labor pool) they use as a baseline for the labor force participation rate is those that are able and want to work, not retirees?

There is no "baseline," and i'm not sure what you mean by labor pool.
the labor force participation rate is: Labor Force as a percent of the population.
The labor force is employed + unemployed
The population is everyone 16 and older not in prison, an institution, or the military.
So the Numerator is everyone willing able and either working or looking for work
The denominator is everyone.
Just reading a small portion of your link it does appear you don't read what you provide as a source

Page 2 next to last paragraph it says that 31% that have worked a full time job and retired from that job are still working which is not what you have tried to sale us that baby boomers retire when it's actually time for them too retire.
As I said that's just a portion of your source. Do you want to continue with that argument that the lose of workers from the work force is due to baby boomers retiring?
Wouldn't that 31% be part of the 46%?!!!!
Why yes, yes it would. So that doesn't change the fact that 54% of Boomers are retired by age 65.

So you have 300,000 Boomers turning 65 every month and 54% of them are retired. So that's over 160,000 Boomers leaving the work force every month. That's more than the people entering the work force every month, which CON$ acknowledged back when they wanted to privatize SS but now deny, so the LPR will continue to decrease as long as the Boomers retire BUT CON$ will not admit it until a Republican becomes president and the LPR continues to decrease. Then suddenly the LPR will be meaningless Liberal spin unless the CON$ want to argue for privatizing SS again. :cuckoo:

So idiot how many baby boomer are there retiring each month? not the 100,000 you first said. hell you still haven't provide a hard number to look at you have given a percentage.
I even did the math for you and you still play dumb!

And I said that conservatively 100,000 workers leave the ranks of the unemployed replacing the retiring Boomers without creating a single NEW job, assuming that not all of the over 160,000 jobs vacated by the retiring Boomers will be filled by replacements. So if 119,000 NEW jobs are created in a month, 219,000 jobs were filled that month.
Get it?????
No, not in the labor force, currently want a job (6.3 million) are people NOT looking for work OR not available for work who say they want to work. Unemployed are those looking for work.

so I will ask again- the number ( labor pool) they use as a baseline for the labor force participation rate is those that are able and want to work, not retirees?

There is no "baseline," and i'm not sure what you mean by labor pool.
the labor force participation rate is: Labor Force as a percent of the population.
The labor force is employed + unemployed
The population is everyone 16 and older not in prison, an institution, or the military.
So the Numerator is everyone willing able and either working or looking for work
The denominator is everyone.
And that everyone in the denominator includes retirees!
so I will ask again- the number ( labor pool) they use as a baseline for the labor force participation rate is those that are able and want to work, not retirees?

There is no "baseline," and i'm not sure what you mean by labor pool.
the labor force participation rate is: Labor Force as a percent of the population.
The labor force is employed + unemployed
The population is everyone 16 and older not in prison, an institution, or the military.
So the Numerator is everyone willing able and either working or looking for work
The denominator is everyone.
And that everyone in the denominator includes retirees!
Yes, and disabled, and students, and housewives, and well every adult not confined or in the military.

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