Arab journalist: The false apartheid smear against Israel


Gold Member
May 19, 2020
“Among many of South Africa's Apartheid laws, the Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act effectively stripped all Blacks of their South African citizenship and of the right to vote.

Israeli Arabs, however, have full citizenship, including the right to vote and to public demonstration. They are represented in all levels of government, including positions as members of Knesset (parliament), in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as Supreme Court justices. Israeli Arabs hold positions as high-ranking officers in the Israel Defense Forces, including that of major-general in the Central Command.

Israeli Arabs are deans, department heads, scientists, and professors at prestigious universities and hospitals. They are news anchors, journalists, actors, athletes, and are represented in every aspect of Israeli society.”

“The false allegations also come from incorrectly confusing the nearly two million Israeli Arabs -- who make up about 21% of Israel's population and are full citizens of Israel -- with thousands of Arabs whose families left Israel when five Arab counties attacked Israel in 1948. After the Arab armies lost the war they had started, they were surprised to find that they were not welcomed back. They have since settled in other countries – such as Lebanon, Jordan, and the West -- as "Palestinians," but arenot citizens of Israel and therefore, of course, not subject to Israeli laws... If all the Arabs in the area are called "Palestinians," however, it makes it easier to claim grievances, merited or not.”

“Terrorist groups such as Hamas and PIJ are undoubtedly happy to see non-Arabs and non-Muslims -- and even ostensible human rights organizations -- join their effort to falsely depict Israel as an apartheid state.”

The Apartheid Libel to Destroy Israel
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Do you think the Left and Palestinians care? Good news is all these antisemitic campaigns in the US have failed miserably. BDS, Justice in Palestine, etc. have all but been removed banned from our campuses and institutions. How can they continue when Arab countries have officially recognized Israel and are working closely with Israel militarily and economically.

The anti Zionism and antisemitic movement in the US is currently on life support. If not for these holdout Democrat lunatics like the Squad and co. it would be dead by now. Hopefully when Biden is thrown out on his pathetic ass in 2024, the new president will hammer the final nail in the coffin of the so called Palestine movement. :clap2:

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