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Arab Muslim Nazi Collaboration

Roudy -

Please stay on topic.

Do you consider the bombing of the King David hotel to be an act or terror?

Please post honestly, and with substantive comments.

btw. I have provided my handles on 2 Nazi forums. I urge you to search for my posts and decide for yourself what the politics sounds like.
Terror is the intentional targetting and murder of innocent civilians to express a political opinion or further a cause. Something that Muslims do in the name of Islam, and others do not. King David Hotel was the British Military HQ and the zionists had warned the British many times. Just since 9-11, Muslims have engaged in over 16,000 acts of Islamic terrorism alone. And that doesn't even include Muslim on Muslim terrorism. Why is it that when the truth is told about Islam and the actions of its followers you get all upset? Yeah sure.
Lipush -

Thank you for your excellent comments. I am very happy to find someone on these threads who actually both cares about Israel and is well informed.

When I was in Israel Rabby Meir Kahane was in the news every night...I guess you have heard of him. From my point of view a completely insane extremist.

It was really encouraging to find that the Jewish people I lived and worked with felt about him just as I did. Some laughed at him, some wanted to cry...but it did show that also in Israel people will stand up against intolerance and racism also amongst their own people.

I do not understand picking on any group - Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist - and painting them all as murderers or terrorists or evil people.

In all of the countries I spend time in, most people just want to live in peace. It is the handful of extremists on all sides who make that so difficult.
Stone -

Again, you are talking about YOUR interpretation of the bible. You are not God. Yours is not the only interpretation.

The Argentine government clearly have a different interpretation from you, otherwise they would not torture Jews in the name of Christ, right?

Many Christians interpret the bible to mean that one should not hate on the basis of colour or ethnicity. You have another interpretation which justifies your hatred.

Only God knows which interpretation is correct.

Just wanted to say that in connection to that and according to the point you're trying to make, that you're right.

There is no point in saying that in the Jewish community (Let's talk about Israel, not the outside Jews, since they truely are peacefull, God bless them) there is no terror.

Baruch Goldstein, The Amir family, Natan Zadda, they all acted with terror against Jews and non Jews, there is no denying that. Fact that all of them were religious people and thought they pleased God's will while killing innocent people, is twice as wrong and sickening.

They have their supporters, each terrorist who acts in name of religion and ideology has supporters, but most of the Israeli community rejects those kind of people, and reject their view of Judaism.

Hagai Amir, brother of Yigal Amir, was released from prison, and the community he came from rejects him, calling him a killer and says he brings dirt to the place he comes from, Rabbis all over Israel told the religious community all over the state to ignore him, not let him be present in Minyan or any other religious rituals, since he is not "Ben Shel Melech" ("Son of the king", a way of honor to call a believing Jew).

It has a lot to do with how the rest of people see those criminals.
Did anybody say that no Jews or Christians have ever committed ANY terrorism? Timothy mc Veigh was a terrorist. Muslims have millions of Timothy mc Veighs and everyday it gets more, because they don't stop preaching Islamic Koran based hatred and violence instead of condemning it. They justify it with forked tongues like this Saigon snake the grass character does.
Lipush -

Thank you for your excellent comments. I am very happy to find someone on these threads who actually both cares about Israel and is well informed.

When I was in Israel Rabby Meir Kahane was in the news every night...I guess you have heard of him. From my point of view a completely insane extremist.

It was really encouraging to find that the Jewish people I lived and worked with felt about him just as I did. Some laughed at him, some wanted to cry...but it did show that also in Israel people will stand up against intolerance and racism also amongst their own people.

I do not understand picking on any group - Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist - and painting them all as murderers or terrorists or evil people.

In all of the countries I spend time in, most people just want to live in peace. It is the handful of extremists on all sides who make that so difficult.
Kahane did not commit any acts of terror or murder. minor difference, wouldn't you say?
Terror is the intentional targetting and murder of innocent civilians to express a political opinion or further a cause. Something that Muslims do in the name of Islam, and others do not. King David Hotel was the British Military HQ and the zionists had warned the British many times. Just since 9-11, Muslims have engaged in over 16,000 acts of Islamic terrorism alone. And that doesn't even include Muslim on Muslim terrorism. Why is it that when the truth is told about Islam and the actions of its followers you get all upset? Yeah sure.

Ok, fair enough - and thanks for posting something more substantive.

I have never denied that Islam has a serious problem with terror, and that many acts of terror committed in recent years are committed in the name of Islam.

What I deny is that "something Muslims do in the name of Islam, AND OTHERS DO NOT".

I will provide dozens of examples which proves that this is simply not true.

Terror is a global problem, and a global phenomena. Only when you come to see terror in a global context can you understand it.

Let's move to Uganda for example #4....
Eminent Islamic Scholar Bernard Lewis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University..
For most of the fourteen centuries of recorded Muslim history, jihad was most commonly interpreted to mean armed struggle for the defense or advancement of Muslim power. In Muslim tradition, the world is divided into two houses: the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam), in which Muslim governments rule and Muslim law prevails, and the House of War (Dar al-Harb), the rest of the world, still inhabited and, more important, ruled by infidels. The presumption is that the duty of jihad will continue, interrupted only by truces, until all the world either adopts the Muslim faith or submits to Muslim rule."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSUEx1cKUlg]1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler - YouTube[/ame]
I have a question for you Saigon, are these Christian "terrorists" from Argentina or Uganda sending suicide bombers and master bomb makers to other countries thousands of miles away to plan attacks? do these Christian "terrorists" scream "JESUS LOVES YOU" and "HALLEJUAH" before they commit their atrocities?
Terror is the intentional targetting and murder of innocent civilians to express a political opinion or further a cause. Something that Muslims do in the name of Islam, and others do not. King David Hotel was the British Military HQ and the zionists had warned the British many times. Just since 9-11, Muslims have engaged in over 16,000 acts of Islamic terrorism alone. And that doesn't even include Muslim on Muslim terrorism. Why is it that when the truth is told about Islam and the actions of its followers you get all upset? Yeah sure.

Ok, fair enough - and thanks for posting something more substantive.

I have never denied that Islam has a serious problem with terror, and that many acts of terror committed in recent years are committed in the name of Islam.

What I deny is that "something Muslims do in the name of Islam, AND OTHERS DO NOT".

I will provide dozens of examples which proves that this is simply not true.

Terror is a global problem, and a global phenomena. Only when you come to see terror in a global context can you understand it.

Let's move to Uganda for example #4....

Thats the problem, Muslim terrorists usually expand their activities to other countries thousands of miles away, these Ugandan militants stay in Africa, I have not heard Joseph Kony call for the destruction of the US government or the west, and he has not deployed followers to blow up buses and pizza parlors in Tel Aviv and Paris for example.
Kahane did not commit any acts of terror or murder. minor difference, wouldn't you say?

He did advocate the 'final solution' for Palestinian Arabs....I'd consider an act of genocide a fairly clear example of terror.
He advocated the removal of Arab invadors from ancient Hebrew lands, and that it's a waste of time negotiating with people who only and only want the total destruction of the State of Israel. Unlike in Muslim countries, he had the right to express his opinions.
Terror is the intentional targetting and murder of innocent civilians to express a political opinion or further a cause. Something that Muslims do in the name of Islam, and others do not. King David Hotel was the British Military HQ and the zionists had warned the British many times. Just since 9-11, Muslims have engaged in over 16,000 acts of Islamic terrorism alone. And that doesn't even include Muslim on Muslim terrorism. Why is it that when the truth is told about Islam and the actions of its followers you get all upset? Yeah sure.

Ok, fair enough - and thanks for posting something more substantive.

I have never denied that Islam has a serious problem with terror, and that many acts of terror committed in recent years are committed in the name of Islam.

What I deny is that "something Muslims do in the name of Islam, AND OTHERS DO NOT".

I will provide dozens of examples which proves that this is simply not true.

Terror is a global problem, and a global phenomena. Only when you come to see terror in a global context can you understand it.

Let's move to Uganda for example #4....
Today, Islam and Muslim are synonymous with terrorism. While most Muslims are not terrorists, most if not all terrorists are Muslims. As much as you try and wiggle around and bring Christianity or Judaism into this, it just won't jive. We simply do not have cases of Christians, Jews, Buddists, Hindus, Bahaais, strapping a bomb to themselves and walking into a shopping mall or other public venue filled with innocent civilians, and blowing themselves and all those people up. And this is happening on a regular almost everyday basis. Yesterday they tried to blow up yet another US airplane for the hundreth time, this time using an underwear bomb device. When was the last time a non Muslim tried to blow up an airplane?

Can you show me some examples of Christians or people of other faiths, doing these kinds of barbaric savage acts in the name of their religion? Put up or shut up, really.

Turnspeak, is a technique of false propoganda that Nazis used, which was to accuse the other of crimes only you are clearly guilty of. It is no secret that Muslims and Islamoterrorist supporters such as Saigon have picked up on this from the Nazis. Notice how this thread went: when confronted with historical facts of Muslim / Arab collaboration with the Nazis, they accused Jews of collborating with and being Nazis, when confonted with the truth about Islamic intolerance and hatred, they accuse Jews and Christians of the same, when confronted with examples of Islamic barbarism and terrorism, they accuse Christians and Jews of the same.
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Roudy -

As I have said several times, I have dozens of examples, and I will post them item by item. Eventually, you will also come to understand that Christians do commit acts of terror, and commit them in the name of the bible. I'll post these over some weeks, I will also ask you to comment on the acts of terror as we go - already you have admitted that Christian commit acts of violence and oppression, so that is progress.

On the other hand, you refuse to call the bombing of the King David hotel an act terror - so we know you consider some bombings quite acceptal acts of war.

most if not all terrorists are Muslims

Says the person who has never been to a Muslim country.

This really is a silly, silly statement. I've spent years in Muslim countries, have stayed in Muslim homes and spent more hours discussing this topic with Muslims than I can count. In reality, very. very few Muslims accept violence. Most feel sick about the terror attacks. Many are very angry at what people do in their name of their religion. I've met many Syrians who hate Israel, but even they usually say that they don't want to fight a war or see terror attacs.

You speak entirely out of naivety and ignorance here.
I have a question for you Saigon, are these Christian "terrorists" from Argentina or Uganda sending suicide bombers and master bomb makers to other countries thousands of miles away to plan attacks? do these Christian "terrorists" scream "JESUS LOVES YOU" and "HALLEJUAH" before they commit their atrocities?

Yes, I think we could say that basically fits. I'm not sure about screaming "jesus loves you" but otherwise you are right on the money with some of these examples.

I'll post Uganda next - that matches your description perfectly.
Jstone -

You must be hating this thread! I see you've been trying to swamp it with spam for days now, but there are still people here discussibg the topic!
Eminent Islamic Scholar Bernard Lewis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University..
For most of the fourteen centuries of recorded Muslim history, jihad was most commonly interpreted to mean armed struggle for the defense or advancement of Muslim power. In Muslim tradition, the world is divided into two houses: the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam), in which Muslim governments rule and Muslim law prevails, and the House of War (Dar al-Harb), the rest of the world, still inhabited and, more important, ruled by infidels. The presumption is that the duty of jihad will continue, interrupted only by truces, until all the world either adopts the Muslim faith or submits to Muslim rule."
20th Century Islamic Scholar Sheikh Maulana Maududi...
Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the country or the nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a state on the basis of its own ideology and program … the objective of Islamic jihad is to eliminate the rule of an un-Islamic system and establish instead an Islamic system of state rule. Islam does not intend to confine this revolution to a single state or a few countries; the aim of Islam is to bring about a universal revolution.”
Sahih Bukhari Hadith..
Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSUEx1cKUlg]1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler - YouTube[/ame]
Lipush -

Thank you for your excellent comments. I am very happy to find someone on these threads who actually both cares about Israel and is well informed.

When I was in Israel Rabby Meir Kahane was in the news every night...I guess you have heard of him. From my point of view a completely insane extremist.

It was really encouraging to find that the Jewish people I lived and worked with felt about him just as I did. Some laughed at him, some wanted to cry...but it did show that also in Israel people will stand up against intolerance and racism also amongst their own people.

I do not understand picking on any group - Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist - and painting them all as murderers or terrorists or evil people.

In all of the countries I spend time in, most people just want to live in peace. It is the handful of extremists on all sides who make that so difficult.

Well, regarding Meir Kahane, some of his sayings and opinions could have been very true, if it wasn't for the opening point that he was pure Anti-Arab, and his rightists opinions didn't come from the place of looking for the facts, but more to bash and please followers.

But he was no terrorist, since opinions are opinions, we know many crazy people with crazy opinions, but until you act on them, you're just crazy.

And Sadly, people who are crazy in Israel, there are to much. I came to read the piece of his trial, fascinating, by the way, I compared it to the piece of the Jabarin trial, Jabarin was a Palestinian journalist who believed in the same kind of violence, just from the Palestinian side.

I do understand Rabbis who sometimes go extremely to stand by the Jews, yes, even if it is against bashing Arabs. I will not understand a Rabbi that takes that to a place where he tells people to go and fight and kill Arabs. That is totally against Judaism, or the thinking of any believing Jew. but that is what Rabbi Lior said after the Itamar Carnage and the murder of Rabbi Palmer (HY"D). luckily, the wife of Palemer told the people that she doesn't seek for any type of revenge, that she simply grievs for her husband and son, and that there is need to make peace, not war.:eusa_pray:
Stone -

Again, you are talking about YOUR interpretation of the bible. You are not God. Yours is not the only interpretation.

The Argentine government clearly have a different interpretation from you, otherwise they would not torture Jews in the name of Christ, right?

Many Christians interpret the bible to mean that one should not hate on the basis of colour or ethnicity. You have another interpretation which justifies your hatred.

Only God knows which interpretation is correct.

Just wanted to say that in connection to that and according to the point you're trying to make, that you're right.

There is no point in saying that in the Jewish community (Let's talk about Israel, not the outside Jews, since they truely are peacefull, God bless them) there is no terror.

Baruch Goldstein, The Amir family, Natan Zadda, they all acted with terror against Jews and non Jews, there is no denying that. Fact that all of them were religious people and thought they pleased God's will while killing innocent people, is twice as wrong and sickening.

They have their supporters, each terrorist who acts in name of religion and ideology has supporters, but most of the Israeli community rejects those kind of people, and reject their view of Judaism.

Hagai Amir, brother of Yigal Amir, was released from prison, and the community he came from rejects him, calling him a killer and says he brings dirt to the place he comes from, Rabbis all over Israel told the religious community all over the state to ignore him, not let him be present in Minyan or any other religious rituals, since he is not "Ben Shel Melech" ("Son of the king", a way of honor to call a believing Jew).

It has a lot to do with how the rest of people see those criminals.
Did anybody say that no Jews or Christians have ever committed ANY terrorism? Timothy mc Veigh was a terrorist. Muslims have millions of Timothy mc Veighs and everyday it gets more, because they don't stop preaching Islamic Koran based hatred and violence instead of condemning it. They justify it with forked tongues like this Saigon snake the grass character does.

Each groups has what people will call "terrorists". Islam has way to many to count on million hands. Jews and Christians both have them.

I simply think that you cannot critisize any wrong of a group before looking inside yourself and pull out the rotten core in your own community, too.

Natan Zada didn't deserve to die. With all understandment to his pain and anger, I was against the disangagement too, I understand that anger, and for the stupid plan we southerners pay till today, but as much as this anger goes, it is still doesn't justify go up on a bus and start shooting people, simply because they're Arabs.

They do it to our people, we cry and we're furious. so we will justify it when it happens to them? that's just wrong.

The same goes for that scambag Jacob Titel. Now that creep should just be locked up for the rest of his miserable life. eeek.
Roudy -

As I have said several times, I have dozens of examples, and I will post them item by item. Eventually, you will also come to understand that Christians do commit acts of terror, and commit them in the name of the bible. I'll post these over some weeks, I will also ask you to comment on the acts of terror as we go - already you have admitted that Christian commit acts of violence and oppression, so that is progress.

On the other hand, you refuse to call the bombing of the King David hotel an act terror - so we know you consider some bombings quite acceptal acts of war.

most if not all terrorists are Muslims

Says the person who has never been to a Muslim country.

This really is a silly, silly statement. I've spent years in Muslim countries, have stayed in Muslim homes and spent more hours discussing this topic with Muslims than I can count. In reality, very. very few Muslims accept violence. Most feel sick about the terror attacks. Many are very angry at what people do in their name of their religion. I've met many Syrians who hate Israel, but even they usually say that they don't want to fight a war or see terror attacs.

You speak entirely out of naivety and ignorance here.

If that is indeed true, that is not what is showen regarding the Israeli Palestinian conflict. After each terrorist act against Jew, you could see Palestinians going on celebrating in the streets, calling the terrorists heros and justifying their actions as a 'resistence' to the occupation.

If there anything worse then having one of your family butchered, is seeing Barbarian bloodthirsy people celebrating about it.

Hadas Fogel was not a terrorist. Shalhevet Pass was not a terrorists. Anat Aran was not a terrorists. Yet they all got killed simply for being Jewish babies.

All their deaths were celebrated in the PA.

Point me at one Jew that went celebrating after a Palestinian child got killed or shot. You won't find it.
Roudy -

As I have said several times, I have dozens of examples, and I will post them item by item. Eventually, you will also come to understand that Christians do commit acts of terror, and commit them in the name of the bible. I'll post these over some weeks, I will also ask you to comment on the acts of terror as we go - already you have admitted that Christian commit acts of violence and oppression, so that is progress.

On the other hand, you refuse to call the bombing of the King David hotel an act terror - so we know you consider some bombings quite acceptal acts of war.

most if not all terrorists are Muslims

Says the person who has never been to a Muslim country.

This really is a silly, silly statement. I've spent years in Muslim countries, have stayed in Muslim homes and spent more hours discussing this topic with Muslims than I can count. In reality, very. very few Muslims accept violence. Most feel sick about the terror attacks. Many are very angry at what people do in their name of their religion. I've met many Syrians who hate Israel, but even they usually say that they don't want to fight a war or see terror attacs.

You speak entirely out of naivety and ignorance here.

If that is indeed true, that is not what is showen regarding the Israeli Palestinian conflict. After each terrorist act against Jew, you could see Palestinians going on celebrating in the streets, calling the terrorists heros and justifying their actions as a 'resistence' to the occupation.

If there anything worse then having one of your family butchered, is seeing Barbarian bloodthirsy people celebrating about it.

Hadas Fogel was not a terrorist. Shalhevet Pass was not a terrorists. Anat Aran was not a terrorists. Yet they all got killed simply for being Jewish babies.

All their deaths were celebrated in the PA.

Point me at one Jew that went celebrating after a Palestinian child got killed or shot. You won't find it.


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