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Arab Muslim Nazi Collaboration

Roudy -

As I have said several times, I have dozens of examples, and I will post them item by item. Eventually, you will also come to understand that Christians do commit acts of terror, and commit them in the name of the bible. I'll post these over some weeks, I will also ask you to comment on the acts of terror as we go - already you have admitted that Christian commit acts of violence and oppression, so that is progress.

On the other hand, you refuse to call the bombing of the King David hotel an act terror - so we know you consider some bombings quite acceptal acts of war.

Says the person who has never been to a Muslim country.

This really is a silly, silly statement. I've spent years in Muslim countries, have stayed in Muslim homes and spent more hours discussing this topic with Muslims than I can count. In reality, very. very few Muslims accept violence. Most feel sick about the terror attacks. Many are very angry at what people do in their name of their religion. I've met many Syrians who hate Israel, but even they usually say that they don't want to fight a war or see terror attacs.

You speak entirely out of naivety and ignorance here.

If that is indeed true, that is not what is showen regarding the Israeli Palestinian conflict. After each terrorist act against Jew, you could see Palestinians going on celebrating in the streets, calling the terrorists heros and justifying their actions as a 'resistence' to the occupation.

If there anything worse then having one of your family butchered, is seeing Barbarian bloodthirsy people celebrating about it.

Hadas Fogel was not a terrorist. Shalhevet Pass was not a terrorists. Anat Aran was not a terrorists. Yet they all got killed simply for being Jewish babies.

All their deaths were celebrated in the PA.

Point me at one Jew that went celebrating after a Palestinian child got killed or shot. You won't find it.


Roudy -

As I have said several times, I have dozens of examples, and I will post them item by item. Eventually, you will also come to understand that Christians do commit acts of terror, and commit them in the name of the bible. I'll post these over some weeks, I will also ask you to comment on the acts of terror as we go - already you have admitted that Christian commit acts of violence and oppression, so that is progress.

On the other hand, you refuse to call the bombing of the King David hotel an act terror - so we know you consider some bombings quite acceptal acts of war.

most if not all terrorists are Muslims

Says the person who has never been to a Muslim country.

This really is a silly, silly statement. I've spent years in Muslim countries, have stayed in Muslim homes and spent more hours discussing this topic with Muslims than I can count. In reality, very. very few Muslims accept violence. Most feel sick about the terror attacks. Many are very angry at what people do in their name of their religion. I've met many Syrians who hate Israel, but even they usually say that they don't want to fight a war or see terror attacs.

You speak entirely out of naivety and ignorance here.

If that is indeed true, that is not what is showen regarding the Israeli Palestinian conflict. After each terrorist act against Jew, you could see Palestinians going on celebrating in the streets, calling the terrorists heros and justifying their actions as a 'resistence' to the occupation.

If there anything worse then having one of your family butchered, is seeing Barbarian bloodthirsy people celebrating about it.

Hadas Fogel was not a terrorist. Shalhevet Pass was not a terrorists. Anat Aran was not a terrorists. Yet they all got killed simply for being Jewish babies.

All their deaths were celebrated in the PA.

Point me at one Jew that went celebrating after a Palestinian child got killed or shot. You won't find it.

We must always remember that the net benefactor of the past 50 years in this conflict has been Israel. Israel holds the land, the wealth and the support from the western world.

Palestinians are not wealthy people, and although their own leadertship is partially to blame for this, there is no question that Israeli policies of seizing and occupying land have also made Palestinians poor and kept them poor.

Watching the Muslim world on TV, it is easy to think that it is all bombs, killing and madness. I totally understand that people who have not been there think it must be like that. Just as people in Africa sometimes think the US must all look like the set of Miami Vice or Desperate Housewives.

What we see on TV is only what TV news teams consider newsworthy. Funnily enough, countries in which there is peace and stability do not make a lot of news, and the 90% of the Muslim world who have no argument with Israel or the US rarely get TV time.

Likewise, Israel is not the country we see on the news. It is not all blood and violence either. Places like Tzfat and Galilee are so peaceful, so quiet....

To understand the Muslim world, you have to go there and see it for yourself. There is no other way to get anything but a skewed version of the truth.
Each groups has what people will call "terrorists". Islam has way to many to count on million hands. Jews and Christians both have them.

I simply think that you cannot critisize any wrong of a group before looking inside yourself and pull out the rotten core in your own community, too.


This is so very true.

And this is the comment of someone who realy understands the conflict.

It's the people who do not understand the conflict who want only to blame the other side, as if it were some children's game in a sandpit.

I do believe that the war will come to an end, but it will only come to an end when Palestinians start blaming Palestinians for escalating and continuing the conflict; and when Israelis start blaming Israelis for reacting and retaliating.
Roudy -

As I have said several times, I have dozens of examples, and I will post them item by item. Eventually, you will also come to understand that Christians do commit acts of terror, and commit them in the name of the bible. I'll post these over some weeks, I will also ask you to comment on the acts of terror as we go - already you have admitted that Christian commit acts of violence and oppression, so that is progress.

On the other hand, you refuse to call the bombing of the King David hotel an act terror - so we know you consider some bombings quite acceptal acts of war.

Says the person who has never been to a Muslim country.

This really is a silly, silly statement. I've spent years in Muslim countries, have stayed in Muslim homes and spent more hours discussing this topic with Muslims than I can count. In reality, very. very few Muslims accept violence. Most feel sick about the terror attacks. Many are very angry at what people do in their name of their religion. I've met many Syrians who hate Israel, but even they usually say that they don't want to fight a war or see terror attacs.

You speak entirely out of naivety and ignorance here.

If that is indeed true, that is not what is showen regarding the Israeli Palestinian conflict. After each terrorist act against Jew, you could see Palestinians going on celebrating in the streets, calling the terrorists heros and justifying their actions as a 'resistence' to the occupation.

If there anything worse then having one of your family butchered, is seeing Barbarian bloodthirsy people celebrating about it.

Hadas Fogel was not a terrorist. Shalhevet Pass was not a terrorists. Anat Aran was not a terrorists. Yet they all got killed simply for being Jewish babies.

All their deaths were celebrated in the PA.

Point me at one Jew that went celebrating after a Palestinian child got killed or shot. You won't find it.

We must always remember that the net benefactor of the past 50 years in this conflict has been Israel. Israel holds the land, the wealth and the support from the western world.

Palestinians are not wealthy people, and although their own leadertship is partially to blame for this, there is no question that Israeli policies of seizing and occupying land have also made Palestinians poor and kept them poor.

Watching the Muslim world on TV, it is easy to think that it is all bombs, killing and madness. I totally understand that people who have not been there think it must be like that. Just as people in Africa sometimes think the US must all look like the set of Miami Vice or Desperate Housewives.

What we see on TV is only what TV news teams consider newsworthy. Funnily enough, countries in which there is peace and stability do not make a lot of news, and the 90% of the Muslim world who have no argument with Israel or the US rarely get TV time.

Likewise, Israel is not the country we see on the news. It is not all blood and violence either. Places like Tzfat and Galilee are so peaceful, so quiet....

To understand the Muslim world, you have to go there and see it for yourself. There is no other way to get anything but a skewed version of the truth.

I cannot really do that, Since I'm Israeli and will probably get killed if trying to get anywhere besides Jordan or Sinai.:eusa_whistle:
Btw, I am glad you've had good time in Tzfat; My parents lived there in over a year, they really felt like home there, even with them being secular.

But I cannot really see myself living in the north. I am most of the time in Netanya, my college is here, and I feel on some isolated island most of the time:S
I have a question for you Saigon, are these Christian "terrorists" from Argentina or Uganda sending suicide bombers and master bomb makers to other countries thousands of miles away to plan attacks? do these Christian "terrorists" scream "JESUS LOVES YOU" and "HALLEJUAH" before they commit their atrocities?

Yes, I think we could say that basically fits. I'm not sure about screaming "jesus loves you" but otherwise you are right on the money with some of these examples.

I'll post Uganda next - that matches your description perfectly.

How many Ugandans are importing terrorism to other countries?
Each groups has what people will call "terrorists". Islam has way to many to count on million hands. Jews and Christians both have them.

I simply think that you cannot critisize any wrong of a group before looking inside yourself and pull out the rotten core in your own community, too.


This is so very true.

And this is the comment of someone who realy understands the conflict.

It's the people who do not understand the conflict who want only to blame the other side, as if it were some children's game in a sandpit.

I do believe that the war will come to an end, but it will only come to an end when Palestinians start blaming Palestinians for escalating and continuing the conflict; and when Israelis start blaming Israelis for reacting and retaliating.

I don't know about the Palestinians, but I believe that is the other way around when concerning Israelis.

The Palestinians want us all gone. in the sea. They are strong in that opinion, and most of them believe in that and want that. there is no "left" and "right" wing in the Palesitinian community. They do more harm to themselves then any israeli.

But they also have a certain 'gathering' that the Israelis long ago forgot. There are SO many right and left parties, so many opinions, and each one of them think they can solve all the worlds peoblems, when actually it's all bullshit. nothing have changed.

Today in Israel, people forgot what it's like to be Israeli, and it's not the conflicrt, its culture. people don't respect one another anymore, don't listen, act like barbarians, it won't be the Palestinians who will end our lives here, nor it will be Iran. it will be Israelis themselves.

I don't think we should blaim one another, i think we should LISTEN to one another. There was a time when if a Jew got hit in the west, the Jew in the east will crowl in pain. Once we acted like brothers, now those cases are almost not an issue.

Only times when it DOES happen, it's during war. if anyone who is not Jew or Israeli would have been in israel during a war or a major crisis, like what happened last summer in the social protests, would have been amazed when seeing how "together" Israelis were. but I don't know why only in those situations it happens, and not always.
How many Ugandans are importing terrorism to other countries?

Um.....are you sure that is the question you want to ask?

The Lord's Resistance Army are one of the major threats to peace in Africa today, operating in around six African countries, and seeking to impose a state based on the Ten Commandments. Their ideology is Christian Fundamentalism, infused with Acholi nationalism and some other evangelical elements.

The originally formed in the north of Uganda, and operate by travelling town to town, raping women, seizing children and forcing them to fight.

They have recruited more than 50,000 people, and displaced two million people from their homes.

I was in Uganda two years ago, and the devastation caused by this group is everywhere. Thousands of people forced to flee their home, women raped, men killed, homes burnt to the ground. Children are routinely forced to kill their own parents.

The US has now sent 100 soldiers into CAR to help train troops to find Joseph Kony and arrest or kill him. This movement is also the subject of a massive US-based campaign called Stop Kony. Some 180 million people have seen their Youtube campaign video.

I suggest you see it.

I also suggest you seriously consider labeling this 'terror', and seeing LRA as at least a dangerous a group as any Islamic group.
Btw, I am glad you've had good time in Tzfat; My parents lived there in over a year, they really felt like home there, even with them being secular.

But I cannot really see myself living in the north. I am most of the time in Netanya, my college is here, and I feel on some isolated island most of the time:S

Ah, I love Tzfat!!

I used to live in Dan, 8 kms east of Qiryat Shemonah and near Banias. I just love Northern Galilee, and felt so at home there. I like Netanya, but if I return to Israel, it would always be to the north!

I agree with most of your other comments. When I read people like Amos Oz and talk to older Israelis, they always speak of this sense of belonging and togetherness. I think maybe Israel has lost some of that unity, and it needs to get it back. There is so much bitterness and arguing now. I was in Israel for the pull-back from Gaza, and there was so much arguing about that, of course!!

But I have also found many Palestinians who are sick to death of fighting. One told me that he still does not like Israel, but he accepts that Israel won the war, and would always win any way. He said he just wants his kids to forget about Israel and concentrate on work. I think many Palestinians feel that way.

So there is hope. The fighting in Ireland stopped when too many people got too tired of it. The same may happen with Palestinians.
Eminent Islamic Scholar Bernard Lewis, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University..
For most of the fourteen centuries of recorded Muslim history, jihad was most commonly interpreted to mean armed struggle for the defense or advancement of Muslim power. In Muslim tradition, the world is divided into two houses: the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam), in which Muslim governments rule and Muslim law prevails, and the House of War (Dar al-Harb), the rest of the world, still inhabited and, more important, ruled by infidels. The presumption is that the duty of jihad will continue, interrupted only by truces, until all the world either adopts the Muslim faith or submits to Muslim rule."
20th Century Islamic Scholar Sheikh Maulana Maududi...
Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the country or the nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a state on the basis of its own ideology and program … the objective of Islamic jihad is to eliminate the rule of an un-Islamic system and establish instead an Islamic system of state rule. Islam does not intend to confine this revolution to a single state or a few countries; the aim of Islam is to bring about a universal revolution.”
Sahih Bukhari Hadith..
Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSUEx1cKUlg]1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler - YouTube[/ame]
JStone -

Please read back through the past couple of pages in very interesting debate, and feel free to contribute to the discussion if you wish. Lipush makes some very valid comments, and I think they deserve a few minutes of your time to read them.
JStone -

Please read back through the past couple of pages in very interesting debate, and feel free to contribute to the discussion if you wish. Lipush makes some very valid comments, and I think they deserve a few minutes of your time to read them.

I think Lipaz is really working hard
Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda

The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has become a full-time partner in the Israeli government’s efforts to spread its propaganda online and on college campuses around the world.

NUIS has launched a program to pay Israeli university students $2,000 to spread pro-Israel propaganda online for 5 hours per week from the “comfort of home.”
Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda on Facebook | The Electronic Intifada



An exhibition in Berlin that cast light on the Muslim/Nazi collaboration during the holocaust was cancelled for fear of Islam. The publicly funded multicultural center in Berlin, "Werkstatt der Kulturen," is located in a heavily Turkish and Arab neighborhood.

Karl Rössel, the German journalist responsible for the exhibition, "The Third World in the Second World War", wonders "why the people who so one-sidedly regard Israel as the region's main problem never consider how the Mideast conflict would have developed had it not been influenced by fascists, anti-Semites and people who had just returned from their Nazi exile". I can assure Mr. Rössel that it would have turned out exactly the same. Read the Quran. Read Dr. Andrew Bostom's The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism. Muslims were/are not inspired by Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler and the Nazis were inspired by Islam. I have written on this very thing extensively (here).

Muslim leaders have repeatedly made clear their animosity toward Jews and Judaism. For example, on November 23, 1937, Saudi Arabia's King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson: "Our hatred for the Jews dates from God's condemnation of them for their persecution and rejection of Isa (Jesus) and their subsequent rejection of His chosen Prophet." He added "that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty."3

When Hitler introduced the Nuremberg racial laws in 1935, he received telegrams of congratulation from all corners of the Arab world.4 Later, during the war, one of his most ardent supporters was the Mufti of Jerusalem.

Jews were never permitted to live in Jordan. Civil Law No. 6, which governed the Jordanian-occupied West Bank, states explicitly: "Any man will be a Jordanian subject if he is not Jewish."5

The mufti orchestrated the 1920/1921 anti-Jewish riots in Palestine and the 1929 Arab pogroms that destroyed the ancient Jewish community of Hebron. An early admirer of Hitler, Husseini received Nazi funding—as did Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood—for his 1936-1939 Palestinian revolt, during which his thugs killed hundreds of British soldiers, Jews and also Arabs who rejected his Islamo-Nazi agenda. After participating in a failed fascist coup in Iraq, he fled to Berlin in 1941 as Hitler's personal guest. In the service of the Third Reich, the mufti recruited thousands of Muslims to the Waffen SS. He intervened with the Nazis to prevent the escape to Palestine of thousands of European Jews, who were sent instead to the death camps. He also conspired with the Nazis to bring the Holocaust to Palestine. Rommel's defeat in El Alamein spoiled these plans.


Hezbollah terrorists practicing a familiar salute in 2008.


Palestinian leader Haj Amin al Husseini inspecting a Muslim SS parade in 1944.

is this something that is really being disputed? we know that the nazis and sheiks were working together. those who didn't collaborate ended up with countries after the war.
Jos, which one are you?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Vp642ERhM&feature=related]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame][/QUOTE]
Jos, which one are you in the pic?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Vp642ERhM&feature=related]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame][/QUOTE]
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Jos, how is your dog muhammad? :bow3:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Vp642ERhM&feature=related]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
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