Arab Spring: A Response to Record High Food Prices.

Most of the world's scientists disagree with you. I guess science is a liberal conspiracy to you people.
"The key issue, of course, is climate change.

"Droughts exacerbated by global warming in key food-basket regions have already led to a 10-20% drop in rice yields over the past decade. Last year, four-fifths of the US experienced a heatwave, there were prolonged droughts in Russia and Africa, a lighter monsoon in India and floods in Pakistan – extreme weather events that were likely linked to climate change afflicting the world's major food basket regions.

The US Department of Agriculture predicts a 3-4% food price rise this year – a warning that is seconded in the UK. Make no mistake: on a business-as-usual scenario, this is the new normal. Overall, global grain consumption has exceeded production in eight of the past 13 years. By mid-century, world crop yields could fall as much as 20-40% because of climate change alone.

Why food riots are likely to become the new normal | Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed | Environment |

Perhaps the Key to the Key Issue was the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine?

"The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was, in the Commission's view, honest, equitable and balanced. The FCC decided to eliminate the Doctrine in 1987, and in August 2011 the FCC formally removed the language that implemented the Doctrine.[1]"

Some conservatives have always felt threatened by science and free debate.

The key issue is climate change.......if you are a sheep hopelessly duped by PC Bullshit.

The whole extreme weather argument as propped up by the warmist k00ks is a tall tale if there ever was one.......

Extreme weather has been around......ummmmm.......forfuckingever.!!! But don't take my word for it..........

Chronology of Extreme Weather

And the whole drought hysteria is total bs too.......... but again, don't take my word for it.......

Here is an example of the ups and downs of snapshot of a period of time about 100 years ago or so. Always been that way s0ns.......

Severe drought comes and goes......always has......always will!!!:eusa_dance::fu::eusa_dance:

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It is simple economics. When we burn massive amounts of our food, the price goes up. When the price goes up, people starve and start killing each other. It isn't rocket science.
What about supply and demand?

"The United States is the largest producer of corn in the world. Averaging 236,041 TMT of production, the U.S. produces more than double the amount of corn that China produces, the world's second largest corn producer.

"The United States is also the largest consumer of corn in the world, with average consumption of 183,119 TMT. Since the U.S. produces more than it needs, imports make up only a small portion of the U.S.'s total supply.

"In fact, average imports are only 322 TMT. On the other hand, the United States has enough excess corn production to have average exports of 49,079 TMT, making the United States the largest corn exporter in the world."

If we're the largest corn producer and consumer and exporter on the planet, how does ethanol production here affect corn prices in Egypt?

It is simple economics. When we burn massive amounts of our food, the price goes up. When the price goes up, people starve and start killing each other. It isn't rocket science.
What about supply and demand?

"The United States is the largest producer of corn in the world. Averaging 236,041 TMT of production, the U.S. produces more than double the amount of corn that China produces, the world's second largest corn producer.

"The United States is also the largest consumer of corn in the world, with average consumption of 183,119 TMT. Since the U.S. produces more than it needs, imports make up only a small portion of the U.S.'s total supply.

"In fact, average imports are only 322 TMT. On the other hand, the United States has enough excess corn production to have average exports of 49,079 TMT, making the United States the largest corn exporter in the world."

If we're the largest corn producer and consumer and exporter on the planet, how does ethanol production here affect corn prices in Egypt?


For the same reason why the production or consumption of oil in the US can affect the price of oil in Egypt. It is a commodity which can be bought, sold, and transported on international markets.
Indeed......George Phillip is, as my late grandfather used to say, "A very impressionable young man!!"

To me though, the dickhead buys ALL the fables!!!

Designing the mind: a fable « Jon Rappoport's Blog
You know skookerasbil, if you actually took time to get to know George Phillip, and read more of his posting and his philosophy, you might find that you agree on many of his ideas. One need not agree on everything a person believes to have a civil conversation. I think that we are only are as good as the information we have access to, or we give credibility to.

Frankly, I myself would never give any credibility to anything that is printed in the Guardian. The Guardian is a corporate owned enterprise, associated with the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Nothing is printed there that doesn't meet with the approval of the crown. It is establishment approved media. I myself abhor MSM.

Frankly, this thread seems rather silly to me. I know that the US PAYS farmers to not produce food, to artificially keep prices high. The problem we have in this world, when it comes to food, is not so much a production problem, but an economic problem. There is enough food, and enough production capacity, there is just not enough will to feed everyone. This is intentional. Starving people are a great way to induce social change. After all, never let a good crisis go to waste. :cool:

The world's elites are monsters. In their hearts, they do not believe that there should be as many people on the planet as there are currently. They also have made all of us believe that we are over populated. If our primary value in life is "materialism," the pursuit and indulgence of a luxurious life style, well then, they are right. Look at them who manipulate the political, historic, and spiritual storyline of humanity. It says everything about us. That is, if you choose to believe it. But I don't. I choose love.

If you are happy with only what you need to survive, family, friends, and a government that isn't paying it's people NOT to produce food. Government isn't supposed to be suppressing energy technologies, using war as a political tool, and keeping the best research and technologies for the military, rather than feeding, clothing, educating and housing it's citizens. Government isn't the solution; it seems as we, it's constituents, become more enlightened, a ruling elite becomes less and less necessary. They are a cancerous parasite using the levers of power to their own advantage. One of those levers of power IS the MSM. One of those levers of power, are those elite foundations, pushing junk science in tandem. Not real science. Real science is suppressed, or it doesn't get funding anymore. Go do a Google search, if you can. Google is linked to the NSA. But you might get some results if you dig deep, especially on Iranian scientists. Some of our scientists and theirs, they have been disappearing and getting killed in the last couple decades. Why? They refused to be a part of the dominant paradigm. They refused to shut up. Look up the Keshe foundation.

But please, don't think natural cyclical climate change isn't occurring, b/c one way or another, it DOES occur. At one point in history, the Viking and the Inuit had both lived and colonized Greenland. It wasn't b/c humans had engaged in heavy industry or driven millions of cars causing the Earth to warm either. It was just a natural part of the Earth's fluctuating warming and cooling cycles that had once allowed humans to live on a spot on the Earth where it is now too frigid to live. If thing keep warming, naturally, chances are, people will once again be able to live there.

Mayans at that time grew large amounts of Corn in Central America. After that climate change, jungles took over because that area of the world probably got too wet. I seriously doubt that the climate change that occurred then was our fault, just like I am sure that the climate change occurring now has to do with cosmic factors. Seriously, we are a very tiny species in a very big system. But to entirely DENY climate change does occur, is to deny the empirical evidence. Go look up picture of Glacier retreat from when photographs were first invented. They are retreating, not growing. That is all the sober, logical person has to know. They only debate is what is causing it. The Earth, the sun, stars, and the galactic cosmic forces, or the tiny, itty bitty surface nuisance?

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
~ Henry Kissinger
It is simple economics. When we burn massive amounts of our food, the price goes up. When the price goes up, people starve and start killing each other. It isn't rocket science.
What about supply and demand?

"The United States is the largest producer of corn in the world. Averaging 236,041 TMT of production, the U.S. produces more than double the amount of corn that China produces, the world's second largest corn producer.

"The United States is also the largest consumer of corn in the world, with average consumption of 183,119 TMT. Since the U.S. produces more than it needs, imports make up only a small portion of the U.S.'s total supply.

"In fact, average imports are only 322 TMT. On the other hand, the United States has enough excess corn production to have average exports of 49,079 TMT, making the United States the largest corn exporter in the world."

If we're the largest corn producer and consumer and exporter on the planet, how does ethanol production here affect corn prices in Egypt?

And we have one hand tied behind our back. We don't even produce as much as we could. If you looked up the top twenty land owners, and who is paid, "not to produce," they would be elites, like Ted Turner and Rockefeller, living in cities, with their productive land fallow.

Why? Because they can get more money from the government, i.e., the taxpayers, to let weeds grow on it, and deer and rabbit nibble away, rather than have lower cereal, pasta, bread, and Mac-n-Cheese prices for us, and food aide to the rest of the world.

Most don't even put two and two together. SNAP payments are through the AGRICULTURAL BILL. The poor may get fed, but it is the Walton's on the retail end who get the money, and the food growers on the whole sale end who benefit from the payments. If Americans starved, prices for commodities would drop like a stone, and the rest of the world could get in on some of that action as well. But the Farm industry wouldn't make half what they are making on their commodities. So the SNAP program benefits the corporate retailers and the agricultural industry as much as the poor. If they did away with SNAP? Food prices in America would drop like a stone as well.

The market is distorted by the AG BILL. WAY DISTORTED. And so. . . . The world starves and riots.

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