Arabian Animal Palestinians hit Israeli Kindergarten!

When the planes hit the towers on 9/11, all of us (Except for Sunni) called for blood. This is the same thing for me... Israel is my New York.
It was an empty building because Israeli men and women actually love their children and don't use them for political propoganda. We will sacrafice ourselves before our children. Arabs, though, will push their children in the path of a tank or a bullet or an artillery shell to their death so they can prove a political point. These Arabs are animals and they deserve to die. May Hashem give us the will and the stregnth to CRUSH our enemies!


what a fraud you are.
When the planes hit the towers on 9/11, all of us (Except for Sunni) called for blood. This is the same thing for me... Israel is my New York.
while i agree with your defense of Israel, your way of doing it is making YOU look as bad as Hamas
Hashem is a G-d of Justice and will not Bless the satanic secular Zionists or the abomination called Israel.

I have asked you before. Does Allah agree that murdering women and children and civilians is acceptable? You never bother to answer.
This is the same thing for me... Israel is my New York.
This just proves that Zionist Jews can never be trusted to be 100% patriotic Americans.

Israel will always come first in their hearts and minds.
can you really sacrifice yourself ?!!!
i saw what happened to running away zionist soldiars before . :eusa_eh:

you know it is just a lie to get away with such cruelty and inhumanity.
to justify murdering kids, you just say they are putting them in front of fire ..

Where did we get THIS moron from?:cuckoo:
After reading this thread can someone tell me something?

What is the difference between Sunni Man and DavidS? I've had this thought for awhile now, but it's quite obvious they act the same except for different sides. I cannot imagine how they would be on the same side together.
After reading this thread can someone tell me something?

What is the difference between Sunni Man and DavidS? I've had this thought for awhile now, but it's quite obvious they act the same except for different sides. I cannot imagine how they would be on the same side together.

one is more immature than the other? other than that I like them both equally.
After reading this thread can someone tell me something?

What is the difference between Sunni Man and DavidS? I've had this thought for awhile now, but it's quite obvious they act the same except for different sides. I cannot imagine how they would be on the same side together.

Sunni Man is all for the death of innocent Israelis. I am not.
Sunni Man is for the growth and spread of a known terrorist organization, Hamas. I am not.

Sunni Man doesn't want peace between Israel and the "Palestinians." I do. I want peace between Abbas' Fatah and Israel, much like there is today in the West Bank.

I have said, several times, that we need to go in and wipe out and CRUSH every single Islamic terrorist organization in the world including Al Queda and its off shoots, like the people responsible for what happened in India. I believe in order to do that, we need to invade Pakistan. I am also for the complete destruction of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah unless they follow the path of Fatah and lay down their weapons.

Right now my people are engaged in war against Hamas. This war is taking place because Hamas started firing rockets into Israel for over three years now. Israel has tried every single scenario, except war, to stop Hamas. We're now trying war, thankfully.

Israel is intentionally targetting Hamas government and military installations. We do EVERYTHING possible to prevent the death of innocent civilians. That's why the civilian death toll is below 20%.
Hamas is nothing but a blood thirsty terrorist organization that prevents its own people from receiving aid, while Israel is taking care of cancer patients from Gaza and helping treat wounded Gazans from the attack.

Your inability to see Israel as the good guy here leaves me to question your intelligence. If America were attacked for years, have nearly 10,000 rockets sent into its homes and schools and businsses, what would you have America do?

Israel is simply defending itself and removing the ability for Hamas to target Israel again. After this war is over, it is my hope that as much of Hamas as possible has been destroyed. It is also my hope that Fatah takes over the Gaza strip and some kind of peace deal can occur between israel and fatah through the next 4 years or so.
First of all: That is fucking disgusting. Killing even ONE child is monstrous. Shelling a kindergarten is totally unacceptable on every level.

On the other hand, DavidS, where is your thread condeming the Israeli killing a bunch university students? or for that matter any of the other 50+ civilians?

That is why you can't be taken seriously. The fact is that every side that uses violence must be condemned. Any side that kills even ONE civilian must be condemned.

Those who defend the atrocities on either side have no leg to stand on. The difference here is that one side uses home-made rockets, and the other uses top-of-the-line superweapons. One side's average person survives on $1,000 a year, and the other on $20,000 a year. But either side can choose to take the high ground. One side has to say "stop the violence" and really stop the violence. These things aren't happening in a vacuum. There are grievances. There are issues that have to be addressed together. Either side that makes its point through violence is making a moot point.

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